Hua Chenyu《孩子》Child "Singer 2018" Episode 5 (REACTION)

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
    Hua Chenyu《孩子》Child "Singer 2018" Episode 5 (REACTION)
    “Child” by Chenyu Hua - "Singer 2018" EP5 - 华晨宇《歌手2018》改编演绎冷门歌曲《孩子》(REACTION)
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    01:00 Reaction Starts
    #HuaChenyu #Child #FableReactions

Комментарии • 213

  • @joymcvey8331
    @joymcvey8331 4 года назад +44

    He said in an interview that he attended music class at University and the teacher didn't approve of his style of singing. His response to her was that if he continued learning his craft in traditional styles of music, he would eventually come to hate music. He quit the courses and took his own path. What we see now in every performance is not "music" but it's Hua Chenyu himself. His art is 100% presentation of his core self with no pretentiousness whatsoever, which is part of what makes him so golden.
    I also learned that the band Muse is one of his favorites - knowing that now, you can most definitely hear Matt Bellamy's influence in his style.

  • @alanmore4904
    @alanmore4904 4 года назад +106

    If Hua and Dimash do a song together, I think the earth will explode 😅

    • @КрючковаТатьяна-ю9ь
      @КрючковаТатьяна-ю9ь 4 года назад +17

      And if Fil reacts to them :-) :-) :-)

    • @sabineluhs8919
      @sabineluhs8919 4 года назад +15

      I think so too!
      This planet couldn’t handle the omnipotence of the two united.

    • @kgem5621
      @kgem5621 4 года назад +14

      My bucket list would be complete.

    • @xiaozim3697
      @xiaozim3697 4 года назад +13

      Haha, that's true.
      The only time I saw these two in the same frame is on the celebration concert Singer 2018. They gave each other a hug.1:48:15видео.html

    • @gloriav05
      @gloriav05 4 года назад +9

      would be wonderful!!!

  • @jabsluna
    @jabsluna 4 года назад +29

    Some things are so beautiful that they cannot be explained, they have to be experienced. Hua's artistry is one of those things. He leaves you with so much to say, yet you find yourself speechless. Great reaction

  • @MartinFransson
    @MartinFransson 4 года назад +66

    I have heard this song about 6000 times and his voice and delivery still bring a tear to my eye 🙂

  • @Wondering236
    @Wondering236 4 года назад +3

    Your reaction makes me tears out, you're touched, indeed. Thanks The sharing

  • @MimiNahIamgood
    @MimiNahIamgood 4 года назад +23

    As I know you're a father, I believe this song touched you on a different level.
    So beautiful, pure and angelic. That's our HuaHua - he will look straight inside your soul and sing to your biggest pain or biggest happiness.
    Loved your reaction!

  • @debdaitai92
    @debdaitai92 4 года назад +8

    To show how much Hua Hua immerses himself in the music, he explained that he did not eat for three days before performing this song, so that he could present it in its purest form. He often fasts as an assistance to the creative process. Enjoy delving into his world.

  • @sisriwahyuni5724
    @sisriwahyuni5724 4 года назад +11

    No matter how many times i listen to this song, i always shed tears. He's really great musician. Seven personality for the next please!!

  • @hst8204
    @hst8204 3 года назад +5

    He is so good that you are speechless. I always thought listening tp his song is like watching a movie...each has their own takeaways

  • @Coby-Fajalobi
    @Coby-Fajalobi 4 года назад +27

    Such a beautiful song that for Hua comes close to himself from his childhood.
    Love it so much

  • @bmwdjj13
    @bmwdjj13 4 года назад +5

    I am so blessed and thankful I discovered Dimash, Hua Chenyu, and KZ and get a front seat to people I like react. I feel like Dorothy when she arrived in Oz.

  • @margheritahooi1266
    @margheritahooi1266 4 года назад +25

    My heart weeps. Fragility. Loneliness. Grace. Gorgeousness. 🤍

  • @opliaoplia716
    @opliaoplia716 4 года назад +35

    I said it before already - put Dimash and Hua together, they both deserves new rating system 🥰🤷‍♀️♥️🥒🥒🥒🥒

  • @pattypetronillemartin2608
    @pattypetronillemartin2608 4 года назад +16

    His most perfect performance! Very much enjoyed your reaction as always, please next 7 Personalities at New Year’s Gala, thanks!

  • @jobydogwhisperer4163
    @jobydogwhisperer4163 4 года назад +58

    He is just so good. Many people have said that about Dimash and Hua Hua. Both came in second in the Singer.????How???
    Hua won the Singer this year.2020. His MARS concerts for 90,00 people sell out in seconds. They are amazing. He is
    the most artistic vocalist He sings and writes all genres. He does his stage productions..

  • @chengcp5002
    @chengcp5002 4 года назад +42

    In terms of voice, Dimash and Hua is gifted. But in terms of talent and versatility, Hua have much more than Dimash...Hua can sing like an angel, rap like eminem and rock like aerosmith...u cant never predict what gonna happen in his song...anyway he do, we still enjoy it...oh, he also got a raggae song call 'mad house'...mind blowing...

  • @cherripaynegraham4638
    @cherripaynegraham4638 2 года назад +1


  • @sarahajzer9247
    @sarahajzer9247 4 года назад +26

    and they know each other, Dimash and Hua Hua.... I’m saying this from the beginning they need to sing a duet.......

  • @xiaozim3697
    @xiaozim3697 4 года назад +7

    You are absolutely right.
    Every time he takes your heart and soul to a journey with him and I always wait to the very end of the video when he comes out of the song himself and gives you the most pure, innocent and sweet smile. It is until then you realized that you are back on earth again.

  • @elenaserra8900
    @elenaserra8900 4 года назад +24

    Hua and Dimash, amazing singers coming from the East.

  • @akita21154
    @akita21154 4 года назад +32

    I agree, he is a brilliant young man.
    His performance is so strong & heartfelt.
    One of my favorite performance.
    Him & Dimash are my favorites, different styles but both are extraordinary beautiful performers in their own right.
    A PROUD 🇺🇸🦌💋

    • @simzianasimzian9116
      @simzianasimzian9116 4 года назад +7

      I am a Dear living on Mars. I love them both so much. Is this possible? Oh, yes!

    • @akita21154
      @akita21154 4 года назад +4

      @@simzianasimzian9116 yes my alien friend & fellow dear it's a true syndrome. LOL
      A PROUD 🇺🇸🦌💋

    • @simzianasimzian9116
      @simzianasimzian9116 4 года назад +2

      @@akita21154 thank you for your friendly words. I listen to them dayly, their music is my dayly cup of coffee. I understand every one who feels the same. Greetings from Germany.

    • @akita21154
      @akita21154 4 года назад +2

      @@simzianasimzian9116 yes girl, Dimash & coffee. No sugar required bc Dimash is all the sweetness I need.LOL
      A PROUD 🇺🇸 🦌💋

  • @carolinepersson1839
    @carolinepersson1839 3 года назад +3

    It would be awesome if Hua and Dimash did a duet together, but I don't think I could handle them both on stage at the same time!! I would totally break down!!!!! It would be tooo much beauty, talent and emotions at once! 😍😍😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @alanmore4904
    @alanmore4904 4 года назад +30

    It is difficult to react to Hua
    And it's difficult to comment.
    But Fil can do it the best way.
    Thank you thank you.

  • @Linda-qw9xn
    @Linda-qw9xn 4 года назад +23

    ARRRR! HUA CHEN YU !! The control of his vocal is everything especially that angelic voice from him😭❤️ love him so much !! Please react more of his!

  • @mimid.9965
    @mimid.9965 4 года назад +9

    Wonderful performance by our HuaHua. You are on my top 5 'Favorite Reactors' I really enjoy your reaction! Cant wait for your next one :)

  • @colinrichardson4490
    @colinrichardson4490 4 года назад +15

    You spoke for all of us, thanks(Hua and Dimash would be the best duet of all time,thanks for your reaction 💯👏👌👏

  • @DahliaKuo
    @DahliaKuo 4 года назад +28

    Your reaction gives me another perspective again! You are so amazing.

    • @mimid.9965
      @mimid.9965 4 года назад +4

      I have the same feeling as Dahlia... :)

    • @chingliu8621
      @chingliu8621 3 года назад +2

      I think so, too!

  • @dorischu8769
    @dorischu8769 4 года назад +4

    Thank you for your reaction (with Lyrics), can understand HIM and HIS SONGS more.

  • @cynthia.q1171
    @cynthia.q1171 4 года назад +18

    Love your reaction! Bullfight next, please!

  • @oliviali2773
    @oliviali2773 4 года назад +4

    One of the most beautiful song in my mind. His ethereal and emotional voice perfectly expressed the artistic conception of the song. The last high note is so intoxicating. He is like an angel right here. Amazing.

  • @dominionspan4174
    @dominionspan4174 4 года назад +3

    Love your reaction to Hua Hua. How he broungt it down in the middle of high note and hold it beautifully for so long is beyond believe. Super amazing!

  • @FionaEcho
    @FionaEcho Год назад +1


  • @Joeysenru
    @Joeysenru 4 года назад +6

    You are just amazing! I was so looking forward to your reaction vids. You are one of the few reactors who noticed the change in tempo from one of fragility to one of hope and strength. Thk u

  • @pamelaaustin2698
    @pamelaaustin2698 4 года назад +24

    This kid is AMAZING!!!!

    • @charnight181
      @charnight181 4 года назад +3

      He's no kid, he's 30!

    • @pattypetronillemartin2608
      @pattypetronillemartin2608 4 года назад +2

      @@charnight181 Hahaha 😆, well 28 at the time, going on to 17 lol

    • @mimid.9965
      @mimid.9965 4 года назад +1

      @@pattypetronillemartin2608 Ha!Ha!Ha! but Amazing... Pamela Austin.. absolutely!!!

    • @pamelaaustin2698
      @pamelaaustin2698 4 года назад +5

      @@charnight181 he’s young enough to be my son.

    • @kgem5621
      @kgem5621 4 года назад +5

      Haha they are all kids till at least the age of 40 imo...j/s

  • @kaburgadolmas2512
    @kaburgadolmas2512 4 года назад +3

    @ friend you should listen to this please,a voice like this you've never heard before believe me
    You should have such an experience once in your life.he is legend

  • @yuanlinyue1108
    @yuanlinyue1108 4 года назад +1

    I love the way you react. You are the only one really notice and understand his incredible lyrics. It's so meaningful.

  • @sabineluhs8919
    @sabineluhs8919 4 года назад +12

    Hua Chenyu is at least as extraordinary as Dimash, I like him.❤️

  • @kathytarver4366
    @kathytarver4366 4 года назад +10

    He is so good. Great reaction!! You should react to It’s A New World from his concert

  • @ruthoncall
    @ruthoncall 4 года назад +1

    He was just so, so good. That's why I couldn't understand why he was Not rated no.1 in that episode of The Singer 2018. Supremely beautiful vocals!

  • @aska0922
    @aska0922 4 года назад +27

    More reactions and you will more love him, He is the King

  • @brittag.pedersen5340
    @brittag.pedersen5340 4 года назад +6

    ♥️Hua Chenyu ia an insane and creative singer!!! He is so versatile, artistic, and original! Love him!!! ♥️

  • @Kay102103
    @Kay102103 4 года назад +8

    Wow..his songs can be quite profound to understand but u actually nailed the elements well..thumbs up

  • @S8Moura
    @S8Moura 4 года назад +5

    Your reaction was the same as mine. Hua is a genius! Hands down.

  • @cndart
    @cndart 4 года назад +40

    Hua Hua’s Child is definitely a fav. Check out “Mountain and Sea”, Felipe. Thanks!

  • @愛燕鄭
    @愛燕鄭 Год назад +1

    👍🔥🎶🎵🎼👶👱😪😭🎤🎶🎧Thanks share 💔

  • @erykpegaz7399
    @erykpegaz7399 4 года назад +37

    You are the only reactor whose stopping I don't mind ;) I always feel touched by this song performed by Hua, cause he was probably singing about his own childhood, which wasn't easy... I wonder how you will react to 'Dad I'm home' - now that's really powerful stuff! You might literally cry or faint ;) Oh - and welcome to the club of Martians and Dears dreaming of collaborations of our two aliens :) They've met a few times but never did anything together... :( Next - check out 'Bullfighting' - and especially the videoversion of the song, as it's a real Hua's masterpiece:видео.html

    • @tracygann8914
      @tracygann8914 4 года назад +4

      yes he needs Dad I'm Home

    • @DQ_Mine
      @DQ_Mine 4 года назад +6

      I can barely contain my heart in my body when they sing on their own. I don't want them to sing together because I would combust. They are so beautiful.
      I would have to pass. ♡♡♡

  • @mellowa2892
    @mellowa2892 4 года назад +6

    “Mountain and Sea” and "Ordinary Path" both are amazing too!!! hope for your more reaction~

  • @sockkiangtan8348
    @sockkiangtan8348 4 года назад +2

    Excellent reaction. I have subscribed yr channel. More on Hua Hua pls!

  • @zzzstl6371
    @zzzstl6371 4 года назад +2

    I think the lyrics are about when you grow up, you finally find what you are looking for is actually what you have already owned. Are you lost? You are already home. "The ones that are waiting and have flown away, are so much alike; the ones that are thinking about and seeking for are so much alike", means you finally find out that when you are lost as you pursue your desire, the most cherished thing is actually your childhood.

  • @kgem5621
    @kgem5621 4 года назад +6

    Everyone waiting in line at Walgreens pick up hears Hua Hua. Yesss. Whether they like it or not.

    • @DQ_Mine
      @DQ_Mine 4 года назад +1

      Where are you that they played it at Walgreens?
      That's cool!

    • @kgem5621
      @kgem5621 4 года назад +3

      @@DQ_Mine I meant the line of cars outside waiting to pick up meds. Music was coming from my car. Windows down, really loud. I have a few of his cd’s.

  • @mafra61
    @mafra61 2 года назад

    Everytime I watch this performance it really destroys me (in a good way). Absolutely fantastic!

  • @ycgoh9215
    @ycgoh9215 4 года назад +5

    You are surely one of the most professional reactor. Great and in-depth analysis of performance, lyrics and vocal.

  • @jukajaku
    @jukajaku 4 года назад +42

    I love your reactions. Please, check 7 Personalities from Hua Chenyu. It's his own song.

  • @SimsWishes
    @SimsWishes 4 года назад +2

    Yay always here for Hua Chenyu 😄. A duet with Hua Chenyu and Dimash would be amazing- @dimash_huachenyu_fans

  • @charnight181
    @charnight181 4 года назад +8

    He'll do it to you over and over, you can't escape now. Try to get used to being without your soul periodically.

  • @wendyraymond1751
    @wendyraymond1751 4 года назад +3

    Really was so incredibly beautiful made me cry ...Incredible beautiful voice ...gorgeous a beautiful reaction thanku so much love and god bless x

  • @energianaturalhealthcoach
    @energianaturalhealthcoach 4 года назад +1

    Love your reactions. From the heart. Love that you feel the music and the lyrics too

  • @slatealan7082
    @slatealan7082 4 года назад +5

    you can also react his "you have to believe " the song is written for current pandemic.

  • @TheExtraterrestrial99
    @TheExtraterrestrial99 4 года назад +21

    That ending part that you love, it is from his own song, "Ashes from Firework"

    • @Wkd183
      @Wkd183 4 года назад +6

      Wow didn't make that connection, I can hear that now. I know he uses few parts of his melodies in his songs. So interesting and makes you want to listen more closely.

    • @TheExtraterrestrial99
      @TheExtraterrestrial99 4 года назад +7

      @@Wkd183 Its is kind of a dedication Hua Chenyu made in the rearrangement because the original singer/writer of the song "Child" is also one of the main person that involved in produced "Ash from Firework"

    • @fienyuni
      @fienyuni 4 года назад +3

      both songs are from the same composer. In one of his mars concert, hua said both songs are connected.

  • @amarati5411
    @amarati5411 Год назад +1

    I still can't believe that he didn't win

  • @chengcheng7930
    @chengcheng7930 3 года назад +1

    Amazing good song.. Thanks share..

  • @katkrist6409
    @katkrist6409 4 года назад +1

    I like your reaction videos. You can understand and appreciate the emotions the music tries to express easily. i think that's a gift from the God.

    • @cheeyaulee3595
      @cheeyaulee3595 4 года назад +1

      You are absolutely right! Hua Chenyu is an extraordinary artist who uses music to convey his thoughts, his philosophy and to bring awareness to issues concerning environment, social behaviour, sickness etc...His lyrics are so deep, full of metaphors. Fil is such an excellent reactor, so perceptive, so insightful and always managed to interpret the deep meanings of the songs. Looking forward to more reactions to Hua Chenyu. Stay safe!💪😊

  • @yangfelix7021
    @yangfelix7021 4 года назад +1

    This is the best reaction for this song for me, you have a heart of poet and musician, thank you so much!!!

  • @MariaFerreira-nn7kq
    @MariaFerreira-nn7kq 4 года назад +13

    Amazing! I discovered Hua Hua this year, on this channel, I didn't let him escape anymore 🤣 So many wonderful interpreters who are not known to the level they deserve⚠️ We have to pay attention to and be in the right places to discover them ... for example, HERE, in this channel🏆

  • @dadamorgado602
    @dadamorgado602 4 года назад +19

    Child and Fake Monk para mim são as duas canções que mais representam a sua infância . Um dueto dele com o Dimash é para mim e muitos mais um sonho que gostávamos de ver acontecer. Há uma entevista do Hua Chenyu mais ao menos dessa altura que a meu ver me faz dizer o que disse ao princípio. Tem cuidado contigo. 💕💕de Portugal

  • @barrichase
    @barrichase 4 года назад +1

    Dude!!! His 2021 NYE show was AMAZING! What a brilliant performer/rockstar he is. All three songs. You have to check it out. I was again reminded of Prince and David Bowie with his presence. I think we are witnessing one of the best rockstars of our generation. You have to check it out. Not necessarily a reaction, just watch it for pure pleasure. HNY and best to you and all of yours. :) B

  • @olgavallejo4507
    @olgavallejo4507 4 года назад +2

    This is my favorite too! Love your reactions! This song transcends us. Please listen to "Light Years Away", a duet of him with the beautiful GEM. The song is the theme of the movie "Passengers" and was written by her, arranged by him for the show. The presentation was at Singer 2018.
    There is also another beautiful duet, this time with Juno So and with excerpts from a musical "Perhaps Love" (beautiful lyrics too!). In this one, in particular, Hua shows us another of his incredible artistic qualities.

  • @ОльгаКоролёва-т1т
    @ОльгаКоролёва-т1т 3 года назад +2

    Водолей - Хуа- - фантастическое явление нашей цивилизации, вступившей в эпоху Водолея.

  • @halina8369
    @halina8369 4 года назад +1

    Amazing song !! 🎼 Hua Chenyu fantastic singer !! 🎶🎼🎤Thanks for the video 🍀☘🌿 Great reaction and interpretation !!

  • @mattf7057
    @mattf7057 Год назад +1

    love the reaction

  • @tolearnenglish3439
    @tolearnenglish3439 3 года назад

    You say everything I'd like to! You represent me listening to Chenyu! As the same to Dimash! :)

  • @user-tj1pq7pg2i
    @user-tj1pq7pg2i 4 года назад +1

    For more of his angelic style check out Arrival from Singer 2020. It's beautiful as well. Your reaction to this song is great, by the way!!

  • @robertgaier1387
    @robertgaier1387 4 года назад +6

    Great reaction! Please, react to Madhouse from him, his masterpiece song, with eng subs!

  • @yukildom5596
    @yukildom5596 3 года назад

    Dimash and hua hua together, 💥👽👽
    70 millions Deartians 's sroke guaranteed

  • @blueeven2218
    @blueeven2218 4 года назад +1

    Thanks for your reaction 🌼🌼❤️❤️

  • @vijandrav.6095
    @vijandrav.6095 4 года назад +14

    Thank you so much. Would be amazing if you could react to some songs of his recent album like 7 Personalities, Bullfighting, Madhouse or New World. The concert performances or New Years gala should be safe. Singer 2020 could be difficult They block a lot in the last time 🤪.

    • @vijandrav.6095
      @vijandrav.6095 4 года назад +2

      Hua Chenyu Bullfighting with Eng subsвидео.html

    • @vijandrav.6095
      @vijandrav.6095 4 года назад +3

      Hua Chenyu 7 Personalities with Eng subs New Years galaвидео.html

    • @vijandrav.6095
      @vijandrav.6095 4 года назад +3

      Hua Chenyu New World with Eng Subs New years galaвидео.html

    • @vijandrav.6095
      @vijandrav.6095 4 года назад +3

      Hua Chenyu Madhouse with Eng subs Mars concert 2019видео.html

  • @arielluzi4548
    @arielluzi4548 4 года назад +1

    💥 THE KING

  • @icyguy82
    @icyguy82 4 года назад +2

    Nice reaction. Next song would be Ordinary Path that will bring your soul to another journey

  • @lindsayt5365
    @lindsayt5365 4 года назад +1

    Thank you for your video! I really enjoy watching your reactions.

  • @acebilbo
    @acebilbo 4 года назад

    Hua Chenyu. Beyond Brilliant. Love your reaction. Love the comments, too. He soothes my soul, regardless of what he is singing, from Child to Fake Monk. So glad I have lived long enough to hear HuaHua and Dimash! I can die happy. Not sick, but just saying. Thank you so very much!!

  • @duoduole6211
    @duoduole6211 4 года назад

    I can see the warm view child and parents after listening the song. , his voice is very nice,wonderful, how can sing like this,amazing

  • @elenamagerova4803
    @elenamagerova4803 4 года назад +2

    You are an amazing reactor. You feel souls, you know music 🎶

  • @margatalaveradelaiglesia9439
    @margatalaveradelaiglesia9439 Год назад +1

    Que espectáculo de hombre!! ❤❤❤

  • @mtcreations4218
    @mtcreations4218 4 года назад +4

    After I first viewed this performance, I played it again along with whale songs at the same time. Try that sometime at your leisure. It sounds like Hua Chenyu is communing with whales.

  • @francissalto6716
    @francissalto6716 3 года назад

    absolutamente maravilloso de sensibilidad exquisita originalte estremece vocalmente otro nivel a esto se le llama arte

  • @TheEstheryiu73
    @TheEstheryiu73 4 года назад

    Omy goodness 🥰 this song is so beautiful 💯, Hua chenyu like an angel, he is really amazing 👏 his voice melt in my heart ❤ so touching, very enjoyed your reaction ❤ thankfully ❤

  • @gloriahui3490
    @gloriahui3490 3 года назад +1

    I am emotionally wrecked 😭

  • @valezavillalobos4414
    @valezavillalobos4414 4 года назад +3

    Hola Fil. Lastima me he perdido varios videos, pues el video no tiene la opción de traducir. y me encanta tus reaccione. Igual los veo , pero me cuesta entender . Un abrazo! .

  • @strawberryliscious
    @strawberryliscious 4 года назад +5

    Have you done Namping Evening Bells yet? You may not be able to endure it 😉

  • @Pauloajm15
    @Pauloajm15 4 года назад

    One of the most beautiful songs I have ever listened to.

  • @hirokiakinaoko6560
    @hirokiakinaoko6560 4 года назад +2


  • @siewhwawo3395
    @siewhwawo3395 4 года назад +2

    So beautiful song😍love it so so so much

  • @manningliu8812
    @manningliu8812 4 года назад

    You should try 'heaven' and 'ordinary path' these songs are the real heaven's voices, there are more this kind of songs from hua hua actually.
    Again, Love your reactions and can't wait to watch more😆

  • @user-sc7lg1fy7i
    @user-sc7lg1fy7i 4 года назад +1

    Haha... you have gone to heaven.. :-))

  • @yamadal7531
    @yamadal7531 4 года назад

    like your reaction so much lol. if you enjoy this piece, i must recommend you react to his 'heaven' in the show 'the next', which you'll definitely enjoy his beautiful high notes, just like him bringing you to the heaven. and also his 'the ordinary path' in 'singer 2018', which is really encouraging and powerful. peace! ✌️

  • @葉憶蘭
    @葉憶蘭 4 года назад

    Your response is exactly the same as my feeling, thank you.

  • @瑤池-z9c
    @瑤池-z9c 4 года назад


  • @bunkerhillct
    @bunkerhillct 4 года назад +2

    My favorite piece of Hua.

  • @stmbtsodapop2513
    @stmbtsodapop2513 4 года назад +4

    Hua Chenyu is a fantastic performer & musician and always surprises us with his creations. Like to bring your attention back to a girl, G.E.M.,, you reacted to several weeks ago. You should listen to her again with her music now. Hua Chenyu asked her to perform with him in Ep 13 of this show. Right now she is the most listened to Chinese female singer on Spotify, only Chinese singer to have 3 MV over 100M views on YT, of which one is the most viewed of all Chinese songs today. Like Hua Chenyu she writes/composes her own music, another great creative artist. Very popular & famous in China, HK, Taiwan.
    G.E.M.______"Long After"видео.html
    "City Zoo"видео.html
    her latest, "Rise"видео.html

  • @seiko5101
    @seiko5101 4 года назад +1
