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Requests Brooke Marks

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Few galleries from back in the day 🎅🎄

Rachelcooknude commented
Absolute legend! Thank you! Feel free to post more of her old stuff if you have any. I wish I would've paid for a month and made a siterip back when her site was still up. A lot on there is probably missing forever, especially the old photo sets 😔
Lewdwebthrowaway commented
do you have the mike wazowski video?
Few good caps from old sets

Merry Xmas everyone 🎅🎄🍻
FlukeHunter1775 commented
Thank you Merry Christmas
jodysex commented
thanks, quality stuff!
jeco62597 commented
bruh, that's some quality VLC snapping great job!
i wish she would release photo sets on her OF but i guess she doesn't because they're too revealing of her age and decline in quality.
Came across my old Brooke folder, some older stuff etc.

luostogi commented
Not having kids goes a long way for this too
Biknboy00 commented
Some of those are from 2010... that's nearly 14 years ago
Tuned commented
I'm assuming no one has seen a preview for a new video yet? I know they usually release at the end of the month.
bobby40 commented
she hasn't said anything in almost 2 weeks. last seen online on O.F. dec 17th. she always disappears (more than her usual disappearing) around the holidays. i wouldn't expect anything till the first or second weekend of the new year. Seems to me more and more that only fans is just a platform to advertise to rich whales willing to pay a bunch of money for the good content. I think the content we see is just the advertisement for the hot stuff. from a business standpoint it makes sense though. why advertise you have a bunch of old unreleased content and then not say anything else about it? These girls make people sign an NDA agreement before selling so that it won't get leaked.
New video is out. I hoped for a second that the middle image was her riding a dildo. Silly me!

mikec1178 commented
Sometimes I wonder if she’s reading all this or maybe her white knights are sending her screencaps
😂😂😂 too funny
loppilloso commented
she has more than a step into the milf world, she has not much time again to show her body
jeco62597 commented
honestly she probably has an OF equivalent of a stop-loss, when her income becomes less than a certain threshold she'll just quit. with how lame her content is she can't be far off it i reckon
Pattyboyy commented
I wish somebody would post the video. I would do it, but I'm saving up for a sex doll.
Can’t possibly be full resolution. Even the text is out of focus.

Biknboy00 commented
neomatt has the higher quality version below
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DarkReid commented
What is this? A video for ants? /s
alberton666 commented
And sadly the last 90 seconds would've been great in HD.
Here is the video in full hd quality

On request :
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mikec1178 commented
I don’t think it doesn’t work at all, she’s loosing members very fast. Whenever she needs cash she slaps together another crappy same old song dance routine video and done. Her white knights buy it anyway and sing songs to her no matter what, regular people moved on or just wait for leaks
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skeemas commented
Hence the name "onlyFANS' and not "onlyCynics" who are unfunny, cause you gotta be a fan to buy this same shit over and over again or comment, oops.....:whistle:
luostogi commented
Buying her vids to share with the homies here is the only valid reason as far as I'm concerned. Thank you to the people who do that.
Here is the new video :

Ttgohan commented
The simps gotta simp bro. Heaven forbid they talk to a real woman. 🤣🤣🤣
luostogi commented
She's still hot as hell. We hold out a fools hope that her content will improve. It's definitely not enough hope to pay for her content up front though.
jeco62597 commented
Ttgohan commented
Beer pong pt. 2

elranae commented

The world would be a better place, maybe even we would achieve world peace if there were more naked videos of Avery pleasuring herself until she came.
detroitdeath commented
new vid tonight. hopefully its not the same old shit. if it drops that is.
Ctro commented
New content is out, says there’s ton of 🐱. Also said she’s wearing all white for her white knights. So cringe, but maybe it’ll be good. Idk $40 bucks 8 1/2 minutes edited 🤷🏻‍♂️
BroncoMan40 commented
Just saw it. Don’t waste your $. Same old stuff. Nothing special.

mikec1178 commented

Exactly…for her it’s just a cash grab
She’s not willing to go any further and it’s her choice but it’s hard to tolerate same content for years so that’s why I said I’m done with following her and it’s time to move on 🤷🏻‍♂️
Luz1636 commented
Yea, I kind of re-discovered her when I found Premium Wins and the vids on there. Sucks that was the end of her putting any effort in.

Anyone have like a timeline of when some of the vids/galleries first were released? She seems so much older now then in the vids I got from there (which was like 5 years ago now), so I'm wondering if I just bought already older vids that were just being re-released at that point.
Biknboy00 commented
She's only re-released one re-edited video from the Phad days so far. The Onlyfans stuff is new, but sporadic and as mikec1178 said not progressing
Enginekid commented
This discussion is as pointless as expecting Brooke to go full hard-core.
Not trying to defend her AT ALL. Though it was brief, it was a ton more kitty than she has shown before. Just saying
Poc1999 commented
Actually im bored for the last 15 years
FlukeHunter1775 commented
Since she's so stingy, does anyone have her old stuff? Possibly the more revealing content?
skeemas commented
barry33 commented
Great thread!

Does anyone have the video she did with Rachel Sexton called wet t-shirt from way back in the day?

wet t shirt
Great thread!

Does anyone have the video she did with Rachel Sexton called wet t-shirt from way back in the day?

barry33 commented
alberton666 Thank You so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I looked over that and I missed it!

Thanks again!!
loppilloso commented
she boring as hell
dudenoway commented
Yeah, I thought maybe someone posted the new video.
hardrider2k2 commented
Same, I imagine it will be trash like the rest of them.
This PPV came out April 22nd and I couldn't find it anywhere here. Figured it was my turn to share.
InRealTime commented
I used to think she had a poor video setup or skills, but, regardless, at this point, I'm pretty sure the end result--at this point in her career-- is what she prefers, so the quality is unlikely to improve.
loppilloso commented
it's so hilarious that last post always appears with the "yesterday" date LOL, poor idiot forum creators who think that way people think any single thread is updated daily lol
Ttgohan commented
Then build your own forum. Or shut the fuck up. The choice is yours. (But we know you’d rather complain, so you won’t)
pashoid commented
that's how 'bump thread' button works, it's updates the last post date to now so thread pops up.
he got his right to complain as well, why not. There's not need to tell others what to do in that manner.
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Deleted member 5726203

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Newbie Getting Addicted I LIKE IT!
Feb 27, 2024
New PPV, not really worth it. Enjoy!

Deleted member 1257174 commented
who forces you to look at it, you harm yourself...
Kermit The Pervert
Kermit The Pervert commented
pashoid commented
mine is turned off (comments), I recommend to do so
Thesmokey1 commented

Ya know, I used to furiously masturbate to the barest glimpse of one of her pencil eraser nipples. But now? I can't even catch wood at the sight of her thumb-sized tits because the last 20 videos of hers have been identical outside of a wardrobe change. So disappointing.