The Satisfying Downfall of Adam22

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • Adam22 has to be one of the most degenerate people to find success on RUclips...
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    In this video we cover the inspiring rise, and tragically degenerate downfall of podcast host/RUclipsr Adam22 who built the No Jumper brand from the ground up only to destroy it in a sequence of greedy and selfish actions. hey Adam22 hi Adam22 bye Adam22
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Комментарии • 4,2 тыс.

  • @InternetAnarchist
    @InternetAnarchist  Год назад +508

    What do you think about Adam22?
    Get an exclusive @Surfshark deal! Enter promo code ANARCHIST for an extra 3 months free at

    • @EndTixe
      @EndTixe Год назад +2

      I think hes stupid

    • @IronIsKing
      @IronIsKing Год назад +3

      I think he’s a cuck and when I’m watching his movies bros belly sticking out a little too much feeling like he’s pregnant and I'm watching a trans movie

    • @deagle2yadome696
      @deagle2yadome696 Год назад +17

      He’s great, hilarious dude. Great channels.

    • @Rownoscc
      @Rownoscc Год назад +25

      Downfall of man

    • @The_Hairy_Hermit
      @The_Hairy_Hermit Год назад +1

      We have had it, "confirmed by a few different sources."
      If that is good enough proof for Adam, then it is good enough proof for me.
      Edit: He said it to the guy he fired in order to fire him. So how is it not good enough proof when it applies to him. All this is to get people to stop seeing/talking about the chomo stuff, wow.

  • @SuperLarrythompson
    @SuperLarrythompson Год назад +1817

    I don't think he was ever "well respected"..... Just cause someone is popular doesn't mean they are respected.

    • @LadyAstarionAncunin
      @LadyAstarionAncunin Год назад +44

      Especially with the people who "respect" him aren't respectable.

    • @tim51512
      @tim51512 Год назад +13

      example is jack doherty

    • @XelnasTV
      @XelnasTV 9 месяцев назад +3

      the video doesnt really cover it but He was absoloutely the biggest thing in BMX during the ComeUp days and had huge guests during the early days of his rap interviews.

    • @phunkdoctaspock
      @phunkdoctaspock 8 месяцев назад +3

      Exactly. That's like saying the Kardashians are respected because they're famous.

    • @robb8246
      @robb8246 2 месяца назад

      Back when he was was putting on underground rappers by giving unheard of artists interview he WAS respected

  • @samuraisoze7816
    @samuraisoze7816 Год назад +7288

    It's crazy to me that people give these people more attention instead of just forgetting them so they can become broke and poor.

    • @SouthBayLA1310
      @SouthBayLA1310 Год назад +118

      They gotta be exposed

    • @samuraisoze7816
      @samuraisoze7816 Год назад

      @@SouthBayLA1310 expose them and forget them it's simple people hyping them more and more for what? Dude a p3do right was exposed what year? Then resurfaced because people that want to "expose" him... again???... doesn't even make sense Hollywood working with Hollywood to keep them as influencers because they are drama starters for idiots. It's mad simple don't talk about them don't mention them don't even give them daylight. That's how you truly cripple them. Exposing them lmao yeah exposing them to more attention to keep their mansion and cars good job with that. We tried it the way you people want it DOESNT WORK. HASN'T FING WORKED NEVER WILL WORK. But guess what, when we try it the way I'm saying where are they? You even remember orison? Where is he now? Yeaaaaaaah. Expose and forget.

    • @samuraisoze7816
      @samuraisoze7816 Год назад

      Tired of being broke and poor and watching these fing p3dos live in luxury and get to live in luxury cause mfs keep watching these degenerates. F them they never were cool never will be cool, not like we can end them either cause we in the wrong for that ish too stupid ahh world with stupid ahh rules

    • @fucksusan.fuckcensorship.874
      @fucksusan.fuckcensorship.874 Год назад +1

      @@SouthBayLA1310 You do realize that exposing these types of people work in their favor right? Like you ain't being a hero by exposing them, youre just giving them another means to clout chase. Shameless people dont care about bad publicity, they just use it to make more money. The fact you fall for their trap is hilarious. The people don't care if the attention is negative or positive, they require any attention at all to make their livelihood so the original comment is facts. The only way they will die out is if we ignore them and give them zero attention.
      People like you think you're a remedy to the problem except you guys are prolonging these people's downfall by giving them more attention lmfao

    • @imjay9084
      @imjay9084 Год назад +129

      @@SouthBayLA1310right but then people go to Adam’s videos to hate and do all that extra

    @DETRACT0RD00M Год назад +11337

    I do have to admit I respect that Adam22 spent his entire career making money off black culture and gave back by letting his wife get slammed out by one.. thanks for giving back bro

  • @Victoria-rd5mx
    @Victoria-rd5mx Год назад +944

    I guess the name Desiree isn’t common in Australia. It made me giggle when he called her desire

    • @darthmeticulous6901
      @darthmeticulous6901 Год назад +58

      “Desiree, Alan. It’s like desire with a “yay!” at the end of it.” ~Charlie Harper

    • @Oi1Suzy
      @Oi1Suzy Год назад

      Give your kid a dumb name, an Aussie will purposely mispronounce it to piss you off

    • @shrub2146
      @shrub2146 11 месяцев назад +30

      It's pretty common, I'm not sure why he incorrectly pronounced it.

    • @EnvisionedBlindness
      @EnvisionedBlindness 11 месяцев назад

      Because its an AI ​@@shrub2146

    • @MrBlipman
      @MrBlipman 10 месяцев назад +7

      Idt its common in general tbh

  • @pk_ninten
    @pk_ninten Год назад +4433

    His actions got him where he is at.

    • @redraven7948
      @redraven7948 Год назад +24

      💯% AGREE!!

    • @bigboicreme
      @bigboicreme Год назад +38

      yeah he's doing great and he's a millionaire

    • @budgetking2591
      @budgetking2591 Год назад


    • @hhxte3185
      @hhxte3185 Год назад

      ​@@bigboicremepp muncher

    • @munch3x6
      @munch3x6 Год назад +157

      @@bigboicreme just cause your rich doesn’t mean your not a terrible embarrassing person, this guy is walking L

  • @Frank-Reynolds
    @Frank-Reynolds Год назад +813

    Hearing Adam talk about holding himself to a higher standard is the best joke I have heard all day.

    • @Chill-mm4pn
      @Chill-mm4pn Год назад +12

      💯. I agree with you! 😂Cheating on his girl then filming another man have sex with her for views and money only to be in his feelings that the guy creampied her. Then getting upset that she enjoyed the sex moreso with the guy and not him. I feel like if you cheat, you deserve that humiliation. Seriously I would never treat my lady like that just to end up exploiting her for views and money literally after you got married to her. That is some me messed up stuff right there.

    • @rachelhall4808
      @rachelhall4808 Год назад

      If that is his high standard…. Then I believe he’d be low enough to be a pedo

  • @TecTitan
    @TecTitan Год назад +3438

    Adam being the first and only example I've ever seen for a learn from example of "why you shouldn't let anyone else pay for your mother's funeral."
    I couldn't fathom someone would do that AND use it against you live for an audience.

    • @Urbsex
      @Urbsex Год назад +53

      Yeah let's totally ignore what Housephone ws doing & make it all Adam🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @chownful
      @chownful Год назад +47

      @@Urbsex he said he got a "little experimental" when he was younger...what was he doing

    • @Urbsex
      @Urbsex Год назад +80

      @@chownful Well You just assumed what I was referring to and it definitely wasn't that. Lmao. Buddy was constantly coked out, late to work, didnt show up to work, constantly arguing with his boss (insubordination in any other job you'll ever have) took advantage of the fact his buddy was his boss and disrespected him on multiple occasions cause he couldn't get his shit together. We can all act mad that Adam uploaded that clip, but ole girl was gonna go on any other podcast to out them details anyways.

    • @Urbsex
      @Urbsex Год назад +3

      Niggas done turnt Adam22 to Trump & everybody gone find they reasons not to fw him. Thats fine, ion fw lotta shit dude does & says either but I'm not gonna act blind to the other side of things😂

    • @amandahugenkiss
      @amandahugenkiss Год назад +122

      He didn't even really rub it in his face. He was making a legitimate point.
      Adam is a piece of shit, but I didn't feel like saying that was the worst thing ever. He just shouldn't have said it on camera. He was being defensive and honestly, I feel like he had a valid rebuttal to Housephone.

  • @FinkDaMushyCat
    @FinkDaMushyCat Год назад +792

    The fact he says that the girl, a minor, had no idea she was doing anything wrong.
    Meaning in which, him being the older person... KNEW WHAT HE WAS DOING.

    • @GorditaSlim
      @GorditaSlim Год назад +24

      Thank you for catching that. He was absolutely right, there was no way for her to understand the magnitude of what they were doing, and he knew it. Gross.

    • @Lolerburger
      @Lolerburger Год назад +12

      I don't really think being 21 and hooking up with a 16 yo is some sort of crazy moral evil. It's gross, it should be stigmatized, but it's not this huge ordeal nor does it make you a literal pedo. Repeated sexual assault of different girls is a big deal though and actually evil.

    • @sadf34tdc-pm8jr
      @sadf34tdc-pm8jr Год назад +5

      @@Lolerburger not sexual assault depending on the state, in mine the AOC is 16, others its 17 or 18

    • @sadf34tdc-pm8jr
      @sadf34tdc-pm8jr Год назад +1

      not a predator depending on the state, in mine the AOC is 16, others its 17 or 18

    • @Lolerburger
      @Lolerburger Год назад +1

      @@sadf34tdc-pm8jr I'm talking about the rape allegations.

  • @DoYaRememberMe
    @DoYaRememberMe Год назад +222

    “If statutory x is wrong, I didn’t want to be right” now what on earth is this heinous quote. Unbelievable.

  • @storm88.
    @storm88. Год назад +859

    The only person to feel sorry for here is their child. What a misery and embarrassment to have parents like this…

    • @Tidybow
      @Tidybow Год назад +48

      They are parents? Poor child 😢

    • @FazeRustyNuts
      @FazeRustyNuts Год назад +5

      That child has rich parents so there's nothing to worry about

    • @Fritz9672
      @Fritz9672 Год назад +1

      @@FazeRustyNuts What an ignorant comment

    • @Taldorin
      @Taldorin Год назад +1

      @@FazeRustyNuts Money makes a poor stand in for shit parents

    • @mariaalejandraestevez3042
      @mariaalejandraestevez3042 Год назад +67

      You know money doesn’t equal a happy life filled with shame & embarrassment. So be real

    @PHARAOHAKHENATEN-zi3hh Год назад +744

    This guy is the worst friend ever. He deserve everything comming his ways.

    • @amandahugenkiss
      @amandahugenkiss Год назад +13

      He is a shitty friend and even shittier boss, but that doesn't mean he's a pedo. I think it takes away from real abusers when they continue to accuse everyone of it.

      @PHARAOHAKHENATEN-zi3hh Год назад +6

      @@amandahugenkiss i don't think he's a pedo tho. Just a shitty friend.

    • @amandahugenkiss
      @amandahugenkiss Год назад +3

      @@PHARAOHAKHENATEN-zi3hh I think you're a real one for not jumping on that bandwagon. They don't realize how much danger they are putting Adam in over that.

      @PHARAOHAKHENATEN-zi3hh Год назад +2

      @@amandahugenkiss i don't know the whole story or have all the facts, so i can't just jump to conclusion.

    • @mauropereira187
      @mauropereira187 Год назад +8

      i honestly think he shouldve slept with the black dude who slep with his wife

  • @Arcanis_07
    @Arcanis_07 Год назад +119

    I know this is the most minor aspect of the story and not at all the point of this video. But can you imagine listening to a podcast and the entire podcast is just one guy saying "you lied to me", and then it's just a back and forth of "nah", "yuh", "nuh", "yah". Content.

    • @lukescott13
      @lukescott13 10 месяцев назад +1

      I stg, a lot of these podcasters are brainrotted beyond repair! 😭😭🤣🤣🧠🧟‍♀️

    • @jakobsnook5480
      @jakobsnook5480 9 месяцев назад +12

      That shit had me dying, bro saying nah was caught😂😂😂

  • @xinx-fn8973
    @xinx-fn8973 Год назад +473

    Adam knows exactly what he’s doing, he knows how to gaslight and avoid confrontation about shit he did

  • @peterruiz6813
    @peterruiz6813 Год назад +1291

    The whole cuck and porn video are just a distraction of the pedo stuff, he's definitely guilty for that shit. No wonder he tells his group not to talk about certain things. He's a bad person deep down, and just shows surface level things that are relatable but once he found out controversy makes him more money and can be used as a shrowd to cover up things he started to run with every little spill of tea to his advantage. From a business point I guess that is good but in real life, he's a piece of crap

    • @amandahugenkiss
      @amandahugenkiss Год назад

      Since when does fucking a 19 year old girl make anyone a pedo?
      You're saying that any guy who has ever been to a strip club is a pedo now.

    • @cheeser3236
      @cheeser3236 Год назад

      @FreePigeonyou did not… bro sixteen is not mentally mature, it is 100% pedo activity what the fuck are you on?

    • @admetussenatorofthesullane7759
      @admetussenatorofthesullane7759 Год назад +36

      ​@FreePigeonhe was talking to her 2 years before he even got with her btw. The b9 website is still up along with his blog documenting the whole thing.

    • @Frosted76667
      @Frosted76667 Год назад +79

      16 is still a child, it's a pretty big power imbalance. And IT IS illegal most parts of the world.

    • @xSaltix_32
      @xSaltix_32 Год назад +15

      this is actually such a good point, this is most definitely just a way of fulling the empty air around his rape allegations

  • @QuoteBlink
    @QuoteBlink Год назад +1010

    "One man's trash is another man's treasure"

    • @MiatasAreCute
      @MiatasAreCute Год назад +160

      One man’s downfall is another man’s RUclips video

    • @funicon3689
      @funicon3689 Год назад +24

      dont talk about Lena like that

    • @Truth-L-knowledge
      @Truth-L-knowledge Год назад +1

      Or just something to have fun with goofy!

    • @AntiTankLover
      @AntiTankLover Год назад +9

      @@MiatasAreCutebro ate that up 😂

    • @bobbywalker2980
      @bobbywalker2980 Год назад +29

      Don't talk about our wife like that 😂

  • @knightdriven4202
    @knightdriven4202 10 месяцев назад +91

    "you lied to me in my own office"
    I never understood this line of logic...if someone's going to lie, it doesn't matter on location

    • @Mikesaynomore
      @Mikesaynomore 7 месяцев назад +5

      If the lie was outside the office it's acceptable. Thems the rules man,

    • @knightdriven4202
      @knightdriven4202 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@Mikesaynomore seems like a bad characteristic to have

    • @Mikesaynomore
      @Mikesaynomore 7 месяцев назад +5

      So does lack of ability to understand a joke or sarcasm

    • @knightdriven4202
      @knightdriven4202 7 месяцев назад

      @@Mikesaynomore I've heard that, why do you mention it?

    • @Mikesaynomore
      @Mikesaynomore 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@knightdriven4202 I thought the joke i made went over your head there. Cuz i was just joking by saying that. If not then I apologize

  • @hellasketch6523
    @hellasketch6523 Год назад +939

    Its kinda just heartwarming when evil disgusting people get whats coming to them

    • @LegendaryTony.
      @LegendaryTony. Год назад +44

      Idk, I think this video's title is false advertisement. The title makes you think Adam ends up in financial ruin and all alone, after all his employees quit and his marriage falls apart. Instead Adam hired new employees and rebranded No Jumper. And intentional or not, the cuck controversy deflected attention away from the grape allegations and made him and his wife millions of dollars in the process. All in all, that's not a satisfying downfall if you ask me.

    • @thedoomslayer2468
      @thedoomslayer2468 Год назад +2’s a horrible way to go on with life and business. He’s reaping what he sows ig

    • @thedoomslayer2468
      @thedoomslayer2468 Год назад +3

      @@LegendaryTony.I see it as a lesson for everyone. No amount of cash is worth your marriage, sanity, and soul

    • @sirnicholibraden86
      @sirnicholibraden86 Год назад +1

      @@thedoomslayer2468But that marriage isn't worth anything anyways.. So maybe they repent, become better people and find good partners. And remain entirely financially secure and wealthy. Karma doesn't exist. It's your choices that put you where you are. They will have easy lives until they die. And maybe even change their ways and find happiness even more. Still disgusting people tho.

    • @thedoomslayer2468
      @thedoomslayer2468 Год назад +3

      @@sirnicholibraden86 Their torment is emotional. No amount of money can repair that. Especially when the pain is due to your partner sleeping with someone else.

  • @carloschuta1398
    @carloschuta1398 Год назад +381

    Social media and this disease called clout has really destroyed society. God damn never heard of this dude but holy shit the desperate desire for fame and money

    • @dillsterscouseofficial
      @dillsterscouseofficial Год назад +5

      Isn't that what all these exposers and everything

    • @joelscb
      @joelscb Год назад +6

      Get off the internet if you think charlatans only exist now

    • @tamarapowell8982
      @tamarapowell8982 Год назад +8

      @@dillsterscouseofficial how about you check your grammar before you try to come for someone 🙄

    • @jordannewman177
      @jordannewman177 Год назад +3

      @@joelscbthey’ve never had the ability to make money, influence millions, and get as much recognition as they do now. The old “people did that before the internet” argument is stupid as fuck. If you can’t comprehend the impact the internet has had, you need to get off of it yourself.

    • @mauropereira187
      @mauropereira187 Год назад +4

      i honestly think he shouldve slept with the black dude who slep with his wife

  • @cmbcoo
    @cmbcoo Год назад +240

    This is a great example for young men of everything you should not do in life. Nobody can tell you who you should be, but I can tell you for sure that you don't want to be anything like this guy.

    • @cmbcoo
      @cmbcoo Год назад +32

      @@businesswalks8301 lol dude has absolutely nothing to be jealous of, don't project

    • @jasonmorgan27
      @jasonmorgan27 Год назад

      100% being a real man is the opposite of this POS.

    • @assassin8636
      @assassin8636 Год назад

      ​@@cmbcoowhat's your point here

    • @parkeynyirenda93
      @parkeynyirenda93 Год назад

      I hope you get the help you need@@businesswalks8301

    • @kurtpunchesthings2411
      @kurtpunchesthings2411 Год назад

      the thing i love about Adam is I'm not a popular guy 24 never had a gf but i look at this mofo and I'm like thank fuck I'm not this dude

  • @811chelseafc
    @811chelseafc 8 месяцев назад +17

    Saying “legends of the hip hop world” and then showing Lil Pump is….interesting.

  • @Tidybow
    @Tidybow Год назад +337

    Narcissistic grifter. A truly revolting person, I’m so sad to hear he and his wife have a daughter, poor kid 😢

    • @geepee1500
      @geepee1500 Год назад +5

      Indeed! So sad.

    • @geepee1500
      @geepee1500 Год назад +13

      And she's gonna have to grow up, and suffer with what her parents have under their belt. I would deny both of them.

    • @Dilley_G45
      @Dilley_G45 Год назад +1

      They deserve each other. Wasn't she a corn actress before? Then they made corn together with other girls for years. Now he's turning from dominant to cuck, like that other couple, where that fat guy used to dominate her, then they were swinging and now she is cucking him 100%. Adam lost his male privilege big time. All the money and yet he still willing to sell his soul for clout and more money

    • @isaboteur2562
      @isaboteur2562 Год назад

      100th like for that gem 💯

    • @LucrativeLarry
      @LucrativeLarry Год назад

      @@isaboteur2562not a gem he’s a bottom feeder just like Adam talking about a man’s kids might get some harm done on you

  • @marcelburnett2328
    @marcelburnett2328 Год назад +319

    He knew what he was doing. He all of a sudden had his wife do another man as soon as his post came up. Everytime he's called out for that 16 year old he has some dramatic way of distracting social media from paying attention to it. He had ran out of friends to throw under the bus and start drama with, so this time his wife was the sacrificial lamb. Like she said, she didn't know she was doing the scene until the day b4.

    • @mauropereira187
      @mauropereira187 Год назад +50

      i honestly think he shouldve slept with the black dude who slep with his wife

    • @marcelburnett2328
      @marcelburnett2328 Год назад +50

      @@mauropereira187 😂😂😂😂
      He's holding that one for the next time a minor comes up (or this one resurfaces).
      I'll bet that gets WAY MORE views😂🤣🤣

    • @CherryKhan13
      @CherryKhan13 Год назад +5


    • @winstonwolfwhiteshoes
      @winstonwolfwhiteshoes Год назад +3

      Facts dude!

    • @marcelburnett2328
      @marcelburnett2328 Год назад +14

      @joeyjhonson5419 🤣🤣 ok, you seem upset that I just watched a video and had an opinion on what was in it. 🤷🏾‍♂️
      Ok didn't u just watch the same video or you only read the comments? Because that would be normal 🤣🤣

  • @TrashComment
    @TrashComment Год назад +172

    I just feel bad for whoever has to explain this to the daughter.

    • @tuukka1827
      @tuukka1827 Год назад +5

      @TrashComment really nailed the name

    • @flarestriker2005
      @flarestriker2005 Год назад +16

      I feel bad for the daughter when she goes to Middle School, the lunch table roasts are just gonna be brutal.

    • @neutchain7838
      @neutchain7838 Год назад +12

      @@flarestriker2005 Not if they stay in California. Half the parents are the same or worse lol

    • @gonzalorocha
      @gonzalorocha Год назад

      ​@@neutchain7838is your pfp intended to make me think there's an eyelash on my screen?

    • @neutchain7838
      @neutchain7838 Год назад

      @@gonzalorocha indeed. Did it work? I'm trying to get people to use the dark theme on YT.

  • @NeverToBeSeenAgain
    @NeverToBeSeenAgain Год назад +27

    Desiree is pronounced "Dez-eh-ray"

  • @slrite
    @slrite Год назад +272

    Boy said "interviewing legends" and a lil pump pops up lol

    • @DerJuzze
      @DerJuzze 10 месяцев назад +1

      Gucci Gang Gucci Gang Gucci Gang

    • @CanMav
      @CanMav 10 месяцев назад +9

      Not one "rapper" he mentioned is even "good" let alone "legendary".

    • @Suisfonia
      @Suisfonia 9 месяцев назад +2

      Sadly some people think that making trash noise makes them "legends." To me, a legend is someone who has contributed something meaningful to society that has resulted in a big *positive* change. ShitHoppers and Garbagers (Rappers) are not "legends", they are people who have no idea how to make real music and instead make noise.

    • @Andrew-kb7yc
      @Andrew-kb7yc 9 месяцев назад

      @ CanMav juice was in there tho

    • @Snuiig
      @Snuiig 9 месяцев назад +7

      @@CanMavcarti, X, Juice r u crazyyy😭

  • @13984980
    @13984980 Год назад +96

    Adam 22 still walking around after screwing a lot of people over still baffles me

  • @michaelr.4878
    @michaelr.4878 Год назад +573

    Adam's obcession with wanting to be 'down with the homies', is what got him where he is. He constantly allows himself to be publically humiliated over and over again just to show that he is cool with 'the homies'. I've known people like this. They have this weird drive to be around black guys who are of the 'thug type.

    • @happycat4838
      @happycat4838 Год назад +58

      Yep, that's definitely a type, and the guys they want to be around so badly usually take them for everything they are worth.

    • @elcapitan6126
      @elcapitan6126 Год назад


    • @jesusiskingofkingss
      @jesusiskingofkingss Год назад +16

      my former favourite ufc fighter is like that, she hates everyone and everything but will desperately try to be accepted by someone the moment she finds out theyre black

    • @sinsgalore5146
      @sinsgalore5146 Год назад

      I call it Chapelle Joke Syndrome, there is a Chapelle joke where he decribes the one white guy in a group of black friends and how that person is the "Most Dangerous" out of the bunch because there is no telling what that one white guy did to earn those black men respect. So you got white men like Adam22 trying to "be that white guy"

    • @NoneAvailable592
      @NoneAvailable592 Год назад +3


  • @TheToekutter
    @TheToekutter 11 месяцев назад +42

    I literally have never heard of a single person in this video. Who's actually watching this stuff?

    • @axelfoley1406
      @axelfoley1406 10 месяцев назад +4

      And that's the problem. These fools have such a following.
      Really shows you how far society has fallen.

    • @Julia3455-r5l
      @Julia3455-r5l 10 месяцев назад +2

      I mean there are not as famous as someone like Tom Cruise...
      But Jason Luv has been on the hub for 7 years and y'all have never heard of him??

    • @folkzombie3248
      @folkzombie3248 9 месяцев назад +1

      Ok boomer

    • @dudetrustme8320
      @dudetrustme8320 7 месяцев назад +3

      I've never heard of jason luv or anyone else shown here

    • @Thealgorithmhassummonedme
      @Thealgorithmhassummonedme 5 месяцев назад

      @@folkzombie3248 Kid go play fortnight. And tell yer mom I said hi son.

  • @samtheaqueductman7410
    @samtheaqueductman7410 Год назад +200

    "your worst enemy could be your best friend. And your best friend: your worst enemy"- Bob Marley
    The people who referred to this dude as a friend found that out

    • @user-a0d9w0ec9wiej
      @user-a0d9w0ec9wiej Год назад +5

      This comment is very relevant in my life actually
      At least the second half

    • @adambonesaw3689
      @adambonesaw3689 Год назад +5

      There's also "go to bed with itchy bum, wake up with stinky finger" - Alfred Nobel

    • @samtheaqueductman7410
      @samtheaqueductman7410 Год назад +13

      @@user-a0d9w0ec9wiej "only your friends know your secrets, so only they could reveal them"- Bob Marley. Not a lot of people know how enlightened he was, not just a smoker

    • @kimjong699
      @kimjong699 Год назад

      Who. Because all the employees that left pretty much were shady gangbangers with past of doing shady things for their benefit. Only one that Adam did bad was house phone

    • @samtheaqueductman7410
      @samtheaqueductman7410 Год назад +1

      @@kimjong699 that's a fair point, I can't really argue that. But in all fairness,these are just what we know as the public. there are still many things that go on behind closed doors

  • @JuliusSeether
    @JuliusSeether Год назад +507

    "Well respected" is a HUGE overstatement, as well as calling any sound lousy cloud rapper "legendary".

    • @mud5377
      @mud5377 Год назад +48

      LMAO, my thoughts exactly. I can't recall a time where anyone respected this guy, I always got the impression he was merely tolerated since he had a platform many could use as a good promo or jumpoff point.

    • @billblaski9523
      @billblaski9523 Год назад +20

      ​@@mud5377lmao called XXXtentacion legendary 😅

    • @doccholo905
      @doccholo905 Год назад +18

      Showed the Gucci gang rapper when "Legendary" was mentioned ,🤣

    • @railroadforest30
      @railroadforest30 Год назад +54

      @@billblaski9523X is legendary

    • @mrmr-qx4jq
      @mrmr-qx4jq Год назад +1

      X is legendary at beating women ... a real hero

  • @zasterheffor
    @zasterheffor Год назад +338

    Adam22's pivot to cuckoldry from underage grooming is an excellent lesson in media literacy, and is a strategy commonly used by corporate media on political topics. When political issues become viral, grow in momentum, and relate to the empowerment or enfranchisement of the average person, the news cycle pivots to something trivial by comparison. This is what is known as "bias by omission."

    • @happycat4838
      @happycat4838 Год назад +30

      The professional version of, "Hey look! A distraction!"

    • @CoolArrow78233
      @CoolArrow78233 Год назад +8

      re dherring

    • @assassin8636
      @assassin8636 Год назад +4

      So what's your point here

    • @zanmaru139
      @zanmaru139 Год назад

      If he were just an outspoken cuck there'd at least be a sort of honesty to it. It's the fact that it's just a calculated distraction that makes it slimey.

    • @LARA-sg4bt
      @LARA-sg4bt Год назад

      Why is he suddenly a cuck for letting his wife sleep with another dude one time but she’s not a cuckquean when she’s been letting him sleep with multiple women for 7 years?!

  • @lynch42o
    @lynch42o Год назад +7

    Respected? By who? People born post 2000? Nobody grown watching that shit.

  • @culturebreath369
    @culturebreath369 Год назад +102

    Closely watch his body language while he's talking. Very little eye contact for someone who interviews lots of famous people..... He's avoiding eye contact because it makes a liar feel vulnerable.
    He's guilty af and probably doesn't feel bad. He just doesn't want to get definitively proven guilty.

    • @darkbit4603
      @darkbit4603 Год назад +7

      That's what always bugged me the most. The way he avoids eye contact 99% at the time.

    • @mrgamingking18
      @mrgamingking18 Год назад

      @@darkbit4603eye contact is a tough one tho people avoid it for many reasons

  • @mason96575
    @mason96575 Год назад +1177

    Saying "I paid for your mom's funeral" is unforgivable

    • @PeterGriffin11
      @PeterGriffin11 Год назад +60

      Why is that an insult?

    • @nobodyworthknowing8707
      @nobodyworthknowing8707 Год назад

      He was disrespecting his "friend", and when called out on it, points out he paid for her funeral, like it's some sort of trump card to play. It's just really gross to bring up as a "flex". @@PeterGriffin11

    • @mason96575
      @mason96575 Год назад +416

      @@PeterGriffin11 a friend of mine paid for my mother's funeral - I wasn't in a financial position to do it on my own - if he ever said anything about doing that, or ever "reminded" me? I'd go ballistic.
      Out of sheer guilt I didn't let him pay for my father's funeral, even though I could barely afford that one.
      It's a very personal and extreme favor. And it eats away at your pride and dignity to allow it.
      Having someone else pay for your own mother's funeral takes you knowing you failed in life.
      No one should ever be reminded if they did that.

    • @PeterGriffin11
      @PeterGriffin11 Год назад +117

      @@mason96575 Thanks for the explanation. I don’t think I’d get angry about someone saying that to me personally it would depend on the context.

    • @youngbtje
      @youngbtje Год назад +162

      ​@@PeterGriffin11 adam only said it to humiliate the other guy
      Edit: just mentioning it one on one would be normal

  • @intergalacticchicano
    @intergalacticchicano Год назад +59

    When people talk about culture vultures Adam22 is a prime example

    • @stingerjohnny9951
      @stingerjohnny9951 Год назад +7

      It seems he literally latched onto the underground hip hop scene out of opportunity…like a tick on my scrotum after walking in the woods.

    • @androogalt
      @androogalt Год назад


    • @stingerjohnny9951
      @stingerjohnny9951 Год назад

      @@androogalt TMI perhaps, but you get the point 😜

  • @Saturn08
    @Saturn08 8 месяцев назад +7

    Adam is the definition of "just becuase flies swarm sh¡t doesnt make it any better" in regards to populiarty

  • @SansBadTime
    @SansBadTime Год назад +494

    Don't use social media, people. All the influencers want is your time transformed into their money.
    How these people have fans at all is beyond me
    Edit: to everyone still commenting, yes, I did understand the dude's point, you don't have to say the same thing over and over again, I already agree that youtube IS social media and have realized how I was wrong in that regard.

    • @Antonio-hb8rd
      @Antonio-hb8rd Год назад +7

      He says on social media.

    • @SansBadTime
      @SansBadTime Год назад +22

      @@Antonio-hb8rd does youtube really count as social media ? depends on what you watch I guess, but the things I watch wouldn't be on other social media

    • @rayray44325
      @rayray44325 Год назад

      i agree, not only is adam a freak, but the guests on there are absolute degenerates....

    • @SansBadTime
      @SansBadTime Год назад

      @@eispog what do you define as social media ?

    • @SansBadTime
      @SansBadTime Год назад +2

      @@eispog fair point, but still, you got my message, right ?

  • @TchSktch
    @TchSktch Год назад +791

    dude thank you for making this video!!! I show people his blog post admitting to the statutory rape situation all the time. This guy is disgusting and I'm honestly ashamed to have supported his podcast for as long as I did since high school

    • @honsen8522
      @honsen8522 Год назад +11

      How is it statutory rape if he met her when she was 19 did you graduate high school?

    • @360Fov
      @360Fov Год назад +7

      You must have found a different blog post

    • @vibes24osrs
      @vibes24osrs Год назад

      imagine thinking a blog post means anything lmaoo until the guy is in court and his told hes guilty this is does nothing it means nothing lmaoo@@360Fov

    • @amandahugenkiss
      @amandahugenkiss Год назад +1

      She was 19 years old when he fucked her. OH NOES!! Get out of your Mom's basement every now and then.

    • @toads5200
      @toads5200 Год назад +9

      I don't think the kid knows what he's talking about it. Go back to class Bret

  • @biz117
    @biz117 Год назад +250

    you're telling me this bearded man is only 16?

    • @ragnarok935
      @ragnarok935 Год назад +28

      Thanks for the chuckle

    • @echidnanatsuki882
      @echidnanatsuki882 Год назад +8

      It's because of those darn Soy Milk smh

    • @niko5008
      @niko5008 Год назад +15

      Woman. She's a beautifully bearded, 16 year old woman so don't try to insult her with these pesky keyboard smashes you just did.

    • @billblaski9523
      @billblaski9523 Год назад +11

      ​@@niko5008just killed the joke🙄

    • @niko5008
      @niko5008 Год назад +4

      @@billblaski9523 my bad, just wanted to play along :(

  • @althealee9375
    @althealee9375 Год назад +5

    The “nah”, “yah” exchange gives the same vibes as bickering siblings doing the “nuh-uh!” “ya-huh!” Thing

  • @norcalbowhunter3264
    @norcalbowhunter3264 Год назад +226

    Sneako: Lol guys I’m a cuck
    Adam22: hold my beer
    Logan Paul: Amateurs

    • @gothambillionaire
      @gothambillionaire Год назад +4


    • @planetbirthday6859
      @planetbirthday6859 Год назад +13

      One after another within such a short time frame

    • @Psychedlia98
      @Psychedlia98 Год назад +10

      As much as I hate Logan, didn’t most of that shit happen before he met her?

    • @Pissbaby991
      @Pissbaby991 Год назад +3

      @@businesswalks8301bruh y u care if his wife got passed around? That’s none of ur business.

    • @jan-mg5ug
      @jan-mg5ug 8 месяцев назад

      @theceechit’s the truth

  • @TheBruheak
    @TheBruheak Год назад +38

    Real talk, I would hate to be a youtuber in the LA scene💀

    • @pewpewTN
      @pewpewTN Год назад +5

      I would hate to be in LA period.

  • @TheEccentricPoet
    @TheEccentricPoet Год назад +140

    What's weird to me is, before I heard any of this, I'd taken what seemed to me to be an irrational intense dislike to him as soon as I first saw him, for what I'd thought was with no reason. Good to see my spidey sense was actually correct though, and there was reason. That's wild

    • @23045678
      @23045678 Год назад +11

      Felt somewhat similar, not dislike, but he looked dead behind the eyes, still does.
      Also he always looks like he's about to snap in anger.

    • @TheEccentricPoet
      @TheEccentricPoet Год назад

      @@23045678 100% agree

    • @ekay4495
      @ekay4495 Год назад

      He looks like a stereotypical crackhead, you shouldn't judge most people by their cover but this guy screams shady

    • @craigime
      @craigime Год назад +1

      lol give me a break

    • @ibabechanel
      @ibabechanel Год назад +1

      @ClaudiaaaaaaxxxHow do you mean ?

  • @lloron6
    @lloron6 Месяц назад +1

    I dont think the situation of his wife doing porn is that big of a deal inherently.
    But him going around promoting it as if it was something to be proud of, thats a new level of being pathetic.

  • @isengarde9490
    @isengarde9490 Год назад +87

    What's scary is the kid is likely going to be a magnified version of both parent's worst traits.
    A completely self-absorbed, jailbait chasing, fake gangster tattooed prick, and a pornstar with a weird combination of yandere syndrome (You belong to me and nobody else) and NTR compulsion (I belong to everybody except you.)
    Good god, they've birthed a new Jake Paul haven't they..

    • @ibabechanel
      @ibabechanel Год назад

      It’s a girl…

    • @isengarde9490
      @isengarde9490 Год назад +6

      @@ibabechanel Imagine female Jake Paul then.

    • @ibabechanel
      @ibabechanel Год назад +10

      @@isengarde9490 …or even worse, Lena the plug jnr. 🤮

    • @jennistone8740
      @jennistone8740 Год назад +4

      Based on my experience as a service worker, children with narcissistic, abusive parents (in my opinion, raising a child and setting it up to be exposed to all of this about her parents is a passive form of abuse) will often develop in the opposite direction. I wouldn’t be surprised if she completely distanced herself from them at some point and especially resents them all throughout her youth and early adulthood.
      I’m usually not one who believes people shouldn’t have kids and I’m sure she is provided for in multiple ways (financially etc.) but they set her up for so much hardship. Sometimes having a kid, just because you have this romantic idea of family, while living a lifestyle that will ultimately only hurt your family, is just plain selfish. I genuinely pray this little girl grows up into someone who is well protected and won’t have her parents cast this massive shadow on her all her life.

    • @LadyAstarionAncunin
      @LadyAstarionAncunin Год назад

      There's no guarantee of that. My parents are respectable, but my mom is an abusive narcissist. Because of her narcissism, I became even more selfLESS than I might have been otherwise, to the point of jeopardizing my mental health. Now, I just guard myself carefully. Not a narcissist. There are no guarantees.

  • @anomalyldn
    @anomalyldn Год назад +22

    I've been somewhat paying attention to the whole 'downfall' but THIS VIDEO PUTS TOGETHER THE PUZZLE PIECES (even if it makes him look terrible as he clearly is)
    The SELF-SERVING, ARROGANT, DISLOYAL SNAKEY BEHAVIOUR that Adam continually exhibits is clearly 'normal' behaviour

  • @HunterBejarano
    @HunterBejarano Год назад +73

    The anger that filled my head when you pronounced Desiree as desire

    • @darthmeticulous6901
      @darthmeticulous6901 Год назад +3

      “Desiree, Alan. It’s like desire with a “yay!” at the end of it.” ~Charlie Harper

    • @Oi1Suzy
      @Oi1Suzy Год назад +8

      Then don't give kids stupid names

    • @HeyitsBri_
      @HeyitsBri_ Год назад +11

      @@Oi1Suzythat’s a completely common name and a victim, if anything you make sure the victim’s name is correct

    • @Infoaddicts91
      @Infoaddicts91 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@Oi1Suzyits one of the most common names smh

    • @sarahr9894
      @sarahr9894 10 месяцев назад +1

      Désirée means "desired" in french so at least there's that 😅😅😅 (no but for real he should have double checked how the name was pronounced)

  • @gtc9966
    @gtc9966 Год назад +5

    15:50 - 16:19 …do adult men talk to each other like this?

  • @docker4671
    @docker4671 Год назад +77

    i'm glad i just learned about this guy by watching the documentary of his downfall

    • @HeyitsBri_
      @HeyitsBri_ Год назад

      It’s like coming in on a happy ending

    • @jmac6653
      @jmac6653 11 месяцев назад

      People call it a downfall when his net worth went from 1 to 10 mill in a few months. Lol if that’s a downfall then count me in.

  • @azndude1122
    @azndude1122 Год назад +255

    Desiree is pronounced as DEZ-ER-RAY not Dee-Sigh-Er haha. But apart from that, phenomenal video man! Thank you for breaking down what's been going on with Adam!

    • @swisserty
      @swisserty Год назад +27

      Yeah that was cringe!!!! Wench me down

    • @pishtosh
      @pishtosh Год назад +31

      A Good amount of RUclipsrs keep saying her name like that and it makes me cringe💀

    • @BigCoagulatedGravyHotDog
      @BigCoagulatedGravyHotDog Год назад +13

      Video would've been better if he didn't censor random words, at random times, but left them uncensored in other instances lol like the word "Rape"

    • @khamdon1134
      @khamdon1134 Год назад +1

      I'm glad someone said it...

    • @shannondidntdoit
      @shannondidntdoit Год назад +3

      Tbf he's British and has never lived in a real hood

  • @trouserarmadillo8616
    @trouserarmadillo8616 Год назад +31

    Adam putting his hands up to stop the drink is the funniest thing to me. I’m not sure why.

  • @Tonyro408
    @Tonyro408 Год назад +2

    16:55 “it feels kinda crazy that all these people would just like try to frame you” coming from him is hilarious

  • @nataliebrown9816
    @nataliebrown9816 Год назад +100

    I feel for their child that will see all of this in the future... kids at school will see it too and how do you think they are going to treat their child? I highly doubt either of them care and that's the saddest part of this!

    • @redcherry8137
      @redcherry8137 Год назад +9

      Hopefully future generations abandon our attachment to phones and petty drama

    • @Bi6M4C
      @Bi6M4C Год назад


    • @assassin8636
      @assassin8636 Год назад

      ​@@redcherry8137was that necessary to say that cause it isn't

    • @redcherry8137
      @redcherry8137 Год назад

      @@assassin8636 lol

    • @ekay4495
      @ekay4495 Год назад

      Lmfao, their born into this addiction now. Kids are using phones from birth@@redcherry8137

  • @Sevenigma777
    @Sevenigma777 Год назад +90

    That whole thing with Adam's wife especially after the allegations with the 16 year old was the last straw for me. It was so weird how much he kept talking about. It's one thing to announce it and her do a shoot with another guy and move on but all he kept doing was talking about it and he made everything so weird and made a lot of people lose the little bit of respect they had for him.

    • @1984wasntreal
      @1984wasntreal Год назад +74

      "My final straw was that he kept talking about being a cuck. Not for being a rapist." Nice.
      By the way, he kept talking about being a cuck because it got everyone to focus on that instead of him being a p3do

    • @iamhereblossom1588
      @iamhereblossom1588 Год назад +1

      It was a successful distraction for a while.

    • @honsen8522
      @honsen8522 Год назад +1

      @@1984wasntrealif he’s such a pedo why is there no victim coming out or was he a pedo in the metaverse

    • @ActuallyHoudini
      @ActuallyHoudini Год назад +39

      so having sex with children is fine but your wife having sex with another man is too far?

    • @iamhereblossom1588
      @iamhereblossom1588 Год назад +23

      @@honsen8522 no victim coming out?did you watch the video?

  • @Steezealways
    @Steezealways Год назад +25

    I actually think he did the cuk stuff to shadow the allegations because that was getting big right before his wife and Jason luv situation it just seemed like people stopped talking about it quickly

  • @maximus13181
    @maximus13181 Год назад +14

    Says legends of the hip hop world and shows Lil pump.

  • @8bitdaydreams
    @8bitdaydreams Год назад +61

    He straight up didn't need to tell that man's business of who he was sleeping with. Like that's not his business to tell. Trans partner or not

    • @arcwiz
      @arcwiz Год назад +12

      Yeah that's just despicable behavior. Especially since it looked like the man wasn't on site to give his side of the story, or his consent to telling that business

    • @ta6sh-the6issilent99
      @ta6sh-the6issilent99 Год назад +1

      I was cringing and shaking my head the entire time that scene played out.. the fact that he *in the moment* acknowledged that he was being a "bad friend" and that he would most likely catch heat for the "exposure" just goes to show that he's well aware of his actions and the consequences associated with his hurtful/bad/betraying behavior/decisions.. and yet, still has absolutely no issues with following through on any of it.
      In exchange, what's the payoff? Money? I don't get it.. He's never going to have close friends that genuinely care about him knowing he's willing to betray anyone he deems a "friend"... What a sad, pathetic and lonely life to live.

  • @acedibiase7038
    @acedibiase7038 Год назад +47

    It's hilarious how cripmac couldn't believe Adam let some dude hit his wife. "Like you was mad. No? You agreed? But you were like disappointed a little?"

    • @Rick-k7m
      @Rick-k7m 9 месяцев назад +1

      Fakest crop kept it real😂

  • @b_740
    @b_740 Год назад +43

    I try to stop myself from preying on most people's downfall..but this **is** satisfying.

  • @theguilloriousmind5832
    @theguilloriousmind5832 Год назад +3

    17:00 i know this is a serious video but seeing those people not know what to do with their face while this awkward, inappropriate confrontation is happening is peak

  • @StayMadNobodycares
    @StayMadNobodycares Год назад +24

    Lets be honest, His fanbase has the exact mentality he has, "R" doesn't phase them, It intrigues them.

    • @murabula2092
      @murabula2092 Год назад

      go through the comment and you will see people are more exerspeated by his cuckold stuff than rape and pedophilia.

    • @jmac6653
      @jmac6653 11 месяцев назад +1

      Damn straight. I’m here for it.

  • @MartinAston00
    @MartinAston00 Год назад +47

    19:08 “ she didn’t even know she was doing something fcked up”. Exposed himself just there! Right as he tried going at PervBuster for trying to expose him🤣👏👏👌

    • @winstonwolfwhiteshoes
      @winstonwolfwhiteshoes Год назад +2


    • @nellyrose392
      @nellyrose392 Год назад +8

      I chuckled when he said they were trying to expose him like he wasn’t presenting all the facts himself😂

  • @thefeckineejit264
    @thefeckineejit264 Год назад +12

    Best quote in this video is when he told the guy he was firing that “we must hold ourselves to a higher standard”………what a POS considering what he has done to his employees and is accused of doing!

  • @StayUpChasingStars
    @StayUpChasingStars 8 месяцев назад +3

    it's wild to me that people are more pressed about the open relationship and dating a porn actress than the pedophilia, like sure making the first one a whole personality is weird but still

  • @satevo462
    @satevo462 Год назад +13

    "I paid for your moms funeral" ain't the flex Adam seemed to think it was. It's a straight up dis, not to mention he's talking the dude dead mother. Yeah, I wouldn't have thrown a drink at him, I'd have dove over god damn the table.

  • @roanaya2598
    @roanaya2598 Год назад +22

    24:14 the fact she says "this was gonna be my debut scene" implies she wants to do A LOT more of that type of content without adam.. she means the "Real" stuff not those childish scenes with hubby just to make him feel wanted

  • @Culled
    @Culled Год назад +85

    You’re the best. Unfortunately garbage is celebrated on sides of the internet that need garbage takes to confirm their bias

  • @sageway03
    @sageway03 8 дней назад +1

    This video did not age well at all a year ago today. Adam remains larger than ever.

  • @maxbanh
    @maxbanh Год назад +12

    His actions led him to do this, guy who cheats and allows cheating, flirting to a minor, so many things wrong.

    @RAYVENFILES Год назад +259

    Dude, it's always such a good uprising for them. I'll be like really happy for them, excited to hear what happens next, then they pull shit like this.

    • @purudhawan8058
      @purudhawan8058 Год назад +11

      I think money and fame brings more out of who you really are. I mean i am saying this cause there are so many of these cases where as you said the uprising is good yet they fall harder

      @RAYVENFILES Год назад +6

      @@purudhawan8058 absolutely. They get a taste of fame and think they're on top of the world

    • @swisserty
      @swisserty Год назад


      @RAYVENFILES Год назад

      @@swisserty ... I'm sorry?

    • @UGLY-MONEY17
      @UGLY-MONEY17 Год назад


  • @MartinAston00
    @MartinAston00 Год назад +25

    I love his rants of reason due to situation.. what she SAID to him.. how nobody can actually know how it was behind closed doors, etc. None of it matters!..AGE MATTERS ! !

  • @Vault_OfWealth
    @Vault_OfWealth Год назад +2

    raped or not. today, famous profiles gets accusations just because they are famous. this struggle is mostly towards men, being accused of rape. these girls seeking money and possibly destroying someone's life, is such a piece of useless space. im not saying men dont rape, but today most allegations towards men are mostly being proved innocent.

  • @gublagubgalub8092
    @gublagubgalub8092 Год назад +63

    The first time I heard of this guy I was a kid in high school and a girl I was a fan of off Instagram who did fashion and music went on his podcast and the whole time he was super misogynistic and sexualized her, telling her she needs to do sex work. My little 16 year old brain was like this guy is a pervert and a freak and I hate him and I was right

    • @itsdabees
      @itsdabees Год назад +1

      Nice fanfic

    • @calebs4755
      @calebs4755 Год назад +2

      Sorry but who was this girl exactly?

    • @makaveli087
      @makaveli087 Год назад +1

      *SEXUALIZING AN INSTAGRAM "MODEL"?! ALERT THE PRESS - THIS IS BIGG!* Jesus Christ. (Your opinion IS Correct though obv.)

  • @sgt.mayhem9737
    @sgt.mayhem9737 Год назад +11

    Before the internet Adam would have been in his own world and no one would have heard of him except his small circle. I hate to admit it but the internet has given these losers a platform.

  • @RA1NBOWC0RN69
    @RA1NBOWC0RN69 Год назад +34

    Adam should've took his own advice and "Held HimSelf To A Higher Standard" -Adam22

  • @aquibmohd
    @aquibmohd Год назад +1

    Do they actually talk in English? They can't speak English properly. Half of their conversation is like, naa paa jaaa caaaa maaa

  • @aaronstone2342
    @aaronstone2342 Год назад +26

    Man she’s a professional pornstar and everyone agreed to it and now they’re making more than they did before so I don’t think they’re that worse off .

    • @johnwhalley8270
      @johnwhalley8270 Год назад +6

      Damn though man in terms of brand status he's never gonna come back. He might keep a close audience like H3 or Idubbbz, but ultimately his entire goose is cooked. And, I think with regards to the pornstar thing, she'd openly spoke about it on their podcast and invited comment from the Luv guy, and he had some really humiliating stuff to say. It isn't really normal for pornstars to go around discussing this crap so

    • @famousmortimer7933
      @famousmortimer7933 Год назад

      Making more=better off? Are zoomers really this dumb?

    • @amandahugenkiss
      @amandahugenkiss Год назад +2

      ​@@johnwhalley8270 Dude, she was a porn star before she even met him. They have made literally hundreds of porn videos together before this. No one in that world cares at all. He's bringing in over a million dollars per month right now.

    • @johnwhalley8270
      @johnwhalley8270 Год назад

      @@amandahugenkiss 🤣 clearly he did you silly boy. He couldn't hack his girlfriend not getting off with him and another girl, face it. He'll be irrelevant as all hell soon, not to mention he's a pedo

    • @giogiolachance4313
      @giogiolachance4313 Год назад +3

      ​@@amandahugenkissthat's the thing. He cares and she did it anyway. That are married ffs and only a month prior to the scene. That's crazy. Even coming from them.

  • @cincinatus90
    @cincinatus90 Год назад +43

    I'm not a fan of Adam22 in any way but he's not going away and will get thru this and continue to make money. Just like Logan Paul. These scumbags always get away with it and keep the cashflow

    • @Patrick-vn4sb
      @Patrick-vn4sb Год назад

      100% spot on, and its sad. Like these people deserve to be under 5 feet

  • @ghost_to_a_ghost
    @ghost_to_a_ghost Год назад +34

    the only person Adam hates more than himself is himself.

  • @Jeep-wi1ms
    @Jeep-wi1ms Год назад +10

    20:51 I’m dying at ma boi C-Mac trynna look out for him “but u was mad right?!? Right?! das yo sitch”

  • @dumbitc11
    @dumbitc11 Год назад +11

    tbh people ALWAYS questioned whether he was a creep or not. rumors have been going around since the very beginning. many people saw through him and his gfs shit. even fans will agree that people really disliked his personality. his hosts and guests are the only thing that kept that podcast alive

  • @kodaz94
    @kodaz94 Год назад +43

    By the way its not "Desire" its said more like "Desiray" but spelled "Desiree"

    • @legit-winz2057
      @legit-winz2057 Год назад +2

      yea i caught that too got a lil chuckle out of it

  • @DarkEntries
    @DarkEntries Год назад +33

    Dude is a predator

    • @oElmer
      @oElmer Год назад

      ultimate skull emoji opportunity

    • @eshaybah5581
      @eshaybah5581 Год назад +1

      i dont get it 16 is legal consent age

    • @oElmer
      @oElmer Год назад +1

      @@eshaybah5581 depends on the country

    • @hellamurder
      @hellamurder Год назад +1

      ​@@eshaybah5581Not everywhere

    • @budgetking2591
      @budgetking2591 Год назад +2

      its 14 where i live@@oElmer

  • @rubylove9
    @rubylove9 3 месяца назад +1

    Holding paying for someone’s funeral over their head is fucking vile work

  • @actualnotanewbie
    @actualnotanewbie Год назад +19

    Just a note, the name "Desiree" is pronounced like "Dez Array", not "Desire"

    • @darthmeticulous6901
      @darthmeticulous6901 Год назад

      “Desiree, Alan. It’s like desire with a “yay!” at the end of it.” ~Charlie Harper

    • @Oi1Suzy
      @Oi1Suzy Год назад

      No. Dumb name. Desire. That's what you get.

  • @Anzner1993
    @Anzner1993 Год назад +24

    This is one of the better breakdowns of this situation ive seen so far. Appreciate the effort on the topics

  • @reeewhydoihavetochangethese
    @reeewhydoihavetochangethese Год назад +15

    The way he goes "I'M THIRTY NIIIINE" while arguing to hold up a lie instead of acting 39 about it

  • @jmac6653
    @jmac6653 11 месяцев назад +2

    Got to give them props. Carved out a unique area in entertainment & they’re killing it. I’m here for it.

  • @lammoth1214
    @lammoth1214 Год назад +23

    That dude was trying to tell adam he is a cuck, but in the nicest way poasible 😂

  • @StefunnyStrange
    @StefunnyStrange Год назад +8

    Adam looks like House/Hugh Laurie sometimes. Is it just me?

  • @casanova419
    @casanova419 Год назад +7

    I feel sorry for their Child. The kid is going to suffer from their parents decision is going to affect his life in a big way.

    @-SANCTIFIED- Год назад +2

    Something happens when a weak man looks around instead of focusing on himself to love and respect himself. This is the result of quite literally selling your soul for clout

  • @intothevoid47
    @intothevoid47 Год назад +12

    19:07 "She didn't even know that she was doing something fckd up"
    Imagine saying that during court in your defense. "Your honor, I didn't do anything wrong because she didn't KNOW it was wrong."

  • @The_Hairy_Hermit
    @The_Hairy_Hermit Год назад +11

    "Remember: If she is being filmed she is an actress and not a wh*re"

    • @KomboEzaliTe
      @KomboEzaliTe Год назад

      Accusing someone of being an act*r is way, way worse than calling them simply a whore.
      I don't know of any whores on the Epstein flight logs.

    • @mystiquesquared
      @mystiquesquared Год назад +3

      "Filmed by a professional!" "And ducked down by one too." Ffs kid. 😅😅😅

  • @ezekiel5687
    @ezekiel5687 Год назад +68

    I was targeted by someones Adams age when I was a kid, and I can tell after hearing people talk and their energy for so long, I can tell what theyre about. I could tell about him about after two episodes. I assumed and kinda knew he likes young girls

    • @aram00001
      @aram00001 Год назад +2


    • @richgreeeat8736
      @richgreeeat8736 Год назад +9

      Who doesnt like young girls?

    • @isaboteur2562
      @isaboteur2562 Год назад +5

      It's one thing to like young's a whole other thing to actually try kickin it to a young girl.

    • @Brown_girl_artist_
      @Brown_girl_artist_ Год назад +3

      @@richgreeeat8736 depends On your age

    • @richgreeeat8736
      @richgreeeat8736 Год назад

      @@Brown_girl_artist_ No it doesn't at all, thats not how age of consent works, if its legal its legal, and if she wants it she can get it. F the public opinion, who are you lot to judge anyway? F ing hypocrites, i bet your the type to say homosexuality is normal yet shame men for liking young girls like thats not normal 😂 we are living in upside down world times lately.

  • @chrissie-boy1964
    @chrissie-boy1964 26 дней назад +1

    Tattoos, hype and no apparent talent = record contract. Ridiculous

  • @avocadobe
    @avocadobe Год назад +4

    "I paid for your mom's funeral!"
    "And imma about to pay for yours."

  • @chudysepter1911
    @chudysepter1911 Год назад +5

    For the record Adam was never well respected. He was just the only outlet giving underground artists a platform for a long while

  • @fengxianzhe
    @fengxianzhe Год назад +37

    The true victim in the life of those both wrapped minded parents is their child. Its horrible that kid is going to grow up to find out how wrapped he's or her's parents are. Its pretty sad :(