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The Gauntlet

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I'm A Changed Man! 5 Points

Pay Off Some Of Your Debts

A New Challenger Approaches 25 Points

Unlock Rune By Clearing Dozer's Debts

Don't Forget: You're Here Forever 100 Points

Unlock Drake By Clearing Rune's Debts

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In the 24th Century the world is no longer controlled by governments and politicians, but by corporations and executives. The nations of old, replaced by vast city states, are controlled by huge conglomerates.

In [NORTH-EURO-3], a metropolis controlled by the ONE MIND company, crimes are punished not with incarceration but fines. Those unable to pay their debts are forced to take part in a deadly reality show known as "THE GAUNTLET"



Run Left: A or Left Arrow or Swipe Left

Run Right: D or Right Arrow or Swipe Right

Jump: W or Up Arrow or Spacebar or Swipe Up

Forward Dash (Dozer Only): Double Tap or Swipe Left/Right









Concept & Programming:


Voice Over:


Intro Artwork:






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How do you reset your score? Didn't realise you had a limited amount of revives and now debt is getting too high to unlock other characters.

blit-blat responds:

I’m afraid you’ll have to clear your local storage to start again! It should be obviously named, BB-gauntlet-web or something similar, so it should be easy enough to delete. That said, drowning in debt is the true Gauntlet experience! It’s how people end up there in the first place!

"Only in app"

blit-blat responds:

Hey man, I’ve got FIVE kids to feed!

Really cool game, but I feel like it should be like i am playing on PC and not a android emulator

blit-blat responds:

Well, the game is also available on Android (and iOS!), play it there and you'll feel more at home! :D

The biggest problem is that after you pay of Dozer's debt, there's no way to farm money anymore - so if you didn't get very many upgrades and only focused on paying down the debt, making any progress as the other characters becomes impossible and you're left hopeless. As far as the mechanics go, I'm not sure if dashing as Dozer is supposed to make him invincible while he's dashing, but I ran through a couple of missles and shockers dashing that should have killed me otherwise, and then also continued to dash just trying to avoid obstacles since you're always moving and have no other option. A nice time waster, but not much more than that.

blit-blat responds:

The dash is meant to make you invincible, with the draw back of being harder to control while/after you're dashing. Use it wisely!

Hmm, for the most part I liked what this game was trying to do! The whole death-gameshow aspect reminds me of something like Smash TV or The Running Man, and I liked trying to react quickly to make it through these randomly-generated deadly obstacle courses while also grabbing any bonus cash that I could, which usually requires taking an extra risk. As frustrating as it was that I could barely make a dent into my debt, I can begrudgingly appreciate that it's probably the point, haha!

That being said, the game didn't keep my attention for long as I started seeing the same room layouts over and over only a short bit into the game, many of them quite sparse and not that exciting, making it all feel rather repetitive. The controls were also rather frustrating with me constantly accidently activating the dash when I didn't want to because I'm trying to move back and forth quickly to stay on a platform, for example.

The worst part of the game for me was the whole metaprogression and daily login stuff: it felt completely unnecessary and threw off the balance of the game. I had no idea that revives were a limited item that you can only recover once every 24 hours, and so I blew all five on my first run, thinking that it would be like any other game where I'd get them back on a new run, and now I need to wait five days just so I can have a fair chance at playing again? Why on earth would you incentivize players to stay away from your game and be so unfair and punishing?

Also a small nitpick: the music in the intro is so loud that it drowns out the voice actor. There could definitely be some audio balancing here and there.

blit-blat responds:

Starting with the revives - it’s to incentive people to download the app, where they can buy more revives. Yes, in-app purchases are scummy, but I’ve got bills to pay! Think I’ve tried to get the balance right, this game is no means pay to win!

There’s 100 rooms (101 if you include the start screen), so you shouldn’t see too many repeats early on. That said there’s no restriction on the rooms, so it possible to see level A, B, A, B, etc back to back, depending on how RNGesus is feeling! Something to look into, along with the Audi balancing.

And yeah, it’s definitely meant to be hard (but still possible!) to pay off your debt! No one escapes the gauntlet!

Credits & Info

3.69 / 5.00

Jun 29, 2024
3:57 AM EDT
  • Godot Engine