- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
In this family vlog episode we greet our first guest for our Podcast, start painting all the bushes we got in the yard, and discover a PRIVATE BEACH here in New Jersey that we enjoy as a family. Join us in this family vlog as we adjust more and more into parenthood! #beach #vlog #family Развлечения
Keep on kicking your feet in the water till you and the flamingo get to shallow water. Don’t worry about your hat even thou you look cool in it. Glad you all are having fun as a family. These are the greatest memories you can have to cherish. Finley is a lucky baby to have such great parents.
Thank you for sharing your precious moments with us 💋
Just love your adventures, and enjoy the everyday life you share! Thank you!
Y'all are awesome 👍😎 and I love watching you guys that's what life is about y'all are killing it 🐱 There's lot's of in your family.. very special.
Awww that was a nice little spot for Finley first day at the beach, so glad you are going to get to spend so much time with her in her first year soak it all in they grow up fast a child is the greatest gift. You keep the family vlogs they will mean more to you later than you will ever no Sammi you are a great mom
The Telephone sign in the back yard brings back memories. Keep up the good work!!!
O wow what a perfect place for your beach trips with baby 👶 princess 👸
Enjoy your family video’s so much. You and Sammie are so great together. Enjoy little Finley and cherish the moments cuz they grow up so fast. God bless your family.
Wow princess Finley magic she is so beautiful, and too see your beautiful family all together and the cats too so cool 😎 looking forward too your next video, another beautiful day in paradise,
Oh! Finley is so precious! Tucker please be more careful, rescuing that raft frightened Me.Good luck with your Pod Cast.
Tuck you are the man. you can do anything. We need more young fathers and Husbands like you in this world.
Also, lol, I just love your family. The sweetest family ever. Great idea Tucker, always show your children your past.
I have a Finley. I call him Finn Finn. My 4 yr old grandson. Such a beautiful name for your beautiful little girlie girl. I enjoy your videos. A lot.
That old man was 😍 manners are a lost art... Keep that in mind. 🤙 I love you guys!!!
Now your mother is real Dutch with them slippers ✌️! Lucky guess with the size tbh haha. I'll be visiting the States soon again, perhaps with New Years! Enjoy the slippers and other goodies, I'll be following ❤! ~ Mark
🐣Thanks for sharing be safe
Finn is in for the most magical times of her life with you 2 as her parents. Love ya and love watching and thanks for sharing.
So wonderful to watch your family grow. Love your videos. Don't stop.
I loved your moms dance
My Son just turned 43 yesterday. It seems like just yesterday. Rime flies so fast. Enjoy your time together before she flies the nest.
The best ever from A to Z….❤️love moms slippers😂Finn looks great and you guys are wonderful
Finn is growing so fast...she's really long...yea your mum and dad are grandparents now...I'm a mum to 3 birth children 4 adopted boys...7 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren...I'm 73yrs young...love your videos....wot a fabulous private beach...I thought you had lost flamingo then I thought you wer going to float off...
58:57 lmao, Sammi! Thank you - I almost bought something similar on Amazon recently. Then I thought, ehhh I'll wait it out a little and see if I come across a nice, vintage one from a thrift store or yard sale. The plastic medium sized one I have for now has served me well so far. That's just too funny though- almost made the same impulse buy this summer.
1:11:01 so sweet. All of that natural vitamin D from the sun, the fresh air, and I just learned; the sound of beach waves actually, psychologically calm our system. So good for baby Finn!
1:14:52 "I might be caught ?! .... actually?"
Haha. Glad you are ok Tucker!!
Tucker and Sammy J ,
really enjoyed seeing your happiness as a family and your guest, who will be on your podcast. Tucker, one thing that resonated with me was, If you have an idea don't be afraid to try it. You both
Put out positive and inspiring dreams.
Anything's possible if believe in yourself.
Thanks. ☮❤🦋🌷🙏👏👏👏👏👏
Enjoy this time with Finley 🤗they grow up so fast my youngest is turning 28 wow, babies are a blessing 😻
My oldest just turned 31 and the youngest will be 30 soon. It's like that song, "Funny how... timeeeee flieseeeeesssss...." It does!
I am enjoying your videos. Finley is so cute ! Bob Page
I ❤ Y'all!
Tucker, towels are made of terry cloth, at least that's what I was always taught growing up.
Never feel bad about your content. It’s still very entertaining to watch and if most of your viewers are like me & older than you guys they’re also eating up the family/baby content. According to me it just got better👍💜💕🐈🐈⬛
Love every minute! Don't wish and wait for the next milestone! It goes so fast. Enjoy her and revel in the beauty of it! It doesn't get any better than these days!
I am literally only one minute in;She is so so so so beautiful like her mama!!!
Thank you 😊
Yes she is!
If you rough up the root ball with a trowel or even a screwdriver before you place the plant in the dirt, the roots have a better chance of establishing themselves. Water from the roots throughly more than spraying the leaves this way the sun won't dry out the plant foliage. I learned all this over the years the hard way ... killed many a plant in my day before I learned this. LOL BTW, don't know if you were kidding, Tucker, but never leave the baby in the car alone, please. Temps in a vehicle get high very quickly.
SammieJ was with Finley Magic.
or ask your mom she is very knowlegable! probably make her feel good to. I agree dont leave the baby in the car.
@@beverlysettle8235 I was referring to a comment T made when Sammi was getting the stroller from the back of the car when they stopped at the yard sale. Sorry for the confusion.
This was a great video. Thank you.
It's a lot of work making content, so we also appreciate that you make entertainment for us that is good clean family content. Love to see little Finley and her journey. God bless you all.
Love watching your videos! You are doing a great job as parents. Keep doing what you like… just with Finley now ❤️
I can't believe you didn't lose that goofy hat on your rescue of the floatie...well done.
Hey there! I’m the gardener! Make sure you fully soak the roots on the trees for them to reap full benefit!
What a fun mix of life events! Tucker, your face when you said “yard sale”! I laughed so hard!
Love the new plant additions to the homestead! The window plants will need water often, the potted ones in back not as much.
Tucker, I have to say… I was nervous watching you rescue “Mingo”… people swim out far like that trying to rescue inner tubes or floaties and drown, NOT holding a GoPro…
Son! Glad you were successful and got ashore safely.
Sammie, you’re such a beautiful Mother, please take time to rest some… and relax some. I know it is “busy” with the new baby!
So many happy feelings you guys convey, and I hope you feel the positive energies we all return as you share the day to day!
Love you three! Kibbies, too!
Awe Finley is growing 💗 and beautiful like y'all. !
I’ve been a fan for years ❤️ it would break my heart…to have this journey (videos) love story, not being shared, Taking breaks, are understandable…ending no…love ya….peace and thank you for sharing with us.
Time for another haircut 🤣. Good content. Love you guys 😉
Yep...I agree about the “Sammie Special Dad” haircut...he looks so different and cool with the cut she gives❣️
This video was full of content. I love your choice of music. Love the beach sceen and little Finley looking so beautiful! Sammie's gift was so fun. A most beautiful vivid orange color for the t shirt. So cute Sammie how you showed it off and looks really beautiful with your tan. I am very happy to see you guys happy and healthy!
Omg Tucker when you speak from the heart, it makes me cry. You are so honest and truthful about your life and how it is. You are truly a good man.
Love the flower pots n im glad finn is growing and healthy she is so precious
Hey, Tucker... don't ever think people don't want to watch your videos after baby Finn came. Before or after...all great! Love your family outings and your stay at home time too.
Funny when you were swimming after the flamingo... you should have called out. "WILSON!!!" Ha
Hahaha FlaBongo’s era . We Trust . Straight ……… U. p. ………………..
Good to you all having a good time out and about. Finn is getting so big can’t believe she is a month old already 💕
Fin Fin is one lucky girl to have you guys as parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ain’t it beautiful sitting at the beach with your two beautiful girls. You’re all so lucky to have each other x
Another great family day at the beach. It's Finley's bedtime and Turner after rescuing the flamingo I'm sure your tired as well. Blessings to your from ours.
Cool video
loosen the roots tuker x the plants will grow better x
Very nice place…. I’d love to see a sunset by drone over there 👍 Nice family 😎
Hi Sammy and Tucker, y’all have a precious gift from God ! Little Finn is so beautiful .Y’all are great parents . Love to watch your shows ! God bless .
I love watching Finn grow and mommy and daddy too.
Claiming Dreams
A thought....we had a spruce bush planted on our waterline and had to bring it down as it got too tall and it's roots were pulling on the line. Keep in mind those bushes grow fast as they tap into the waterline. Only thing I miss is more viewing time watching you two. Like to see more of Paul and your Mom and Dad. Sasquatch is the right name for your Dad, how did that originate, what is the story behind him receiving a great name? More, keep them coming.
She's like a beautiful porcelain doll ,so good to see you at the beach so lucky to find a place like that enjoy these special moments as go too quickly stay safe be happy ..🌻🌻
You learn as you go. I come for the positive vibes and never leave disappointed! Keep pushing!
I love watching you guys😊. Seeing how you adapt to parenting is as enjoyable as your picking /clear out vids. We get to see you three in your natural habitat😂. Keep pushing and know that the future is yours❤️
Lotsa love to you, Sammi, Princess Finn and da furbabies from up here in Maine ❣️
Totally thought of Wilson from the movie Cast away when the Flamingo was going and you were calling it LOL 😂 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Beautiful little girl! Tucker your Mom is in love with her Granddaughter.
I never had luck planting plants in my shadow boxes. They dried out too fast. I think the trick may be to get plants that stay smaller, less roots so they don't dry out quickly. The part with Tucker going after the flamingo scared the daylights out of me but then after he got it, he gave me a good laugh when he said he might actually be gone. I was so happy to see him back on shore. Again, the sweetest family!! Sammie you are looking good, after only one month from having Finn. You all bring some sunshine into my life! Thanks for sharing. Prayers and kisses are sent for Finley Magic!🙏💕🥰
I agree about the window plants, watering them more is hard on the boxes they dryout and pull apart. 🪴 Planting takes a lot of thought and it's good to get a professional opinion first.
When you repot plants you have to break up the root ball a bit otherwise the will become brittle and die. Finley is gorgeous. Much love!
These blogs are just getting better and better .no tv here on the island as I refuse for pay for media crap . Thrifted videos on the tube and my fave daily show And podcast! To comment on all the beauty and interest with be reams, so short and sweet, you have it all and more! Blessing continue for the the health and abundance to your family and friends. K from the sea
❤️ you Sammie Tucker Finn thank you for sharing this video as you went to your private beach for All of you that is awesome happy Labor Day to you all
Sammi!!!! I got you girl!! You just let me know what you need help with in the garden!! I also know all of the best plant nurseries down there if you need them!
I wanted to say thank you very much for the card wallet!! Just wanted you to know that I got it! Finn is growing perfectly!!! She is beautiful! At first I thought she was all a Sammie J Mini Me, but as she gets older, she has both of you in her!!! Such a BLESSING!!! 😇🥰😘 Love the 3 of you!!! ~Nana~
Beautiful Finley, beautiful family sending blessings to you all 💖💚💙👶👫🍼
Loved every minute of the video!
Positive vibes and special blessings to your precious little family ❤
Thank you happy to hear and yes good vibes always!
Much love and blessings to you and your family 🙏🏼 Live the dream.
You two look amazing as parents.. The love you show to each other is so powerful..Keep up the good work..🙏🏻🥰🇵🇷From Boston,MA
Enjoy watching you guys very much the baby and Lee is growing so fast and yes we love your videos and having a baby just made it so much more interesting love watching you guys and being a family that's what it's all about and living your dream I'm living mine I'm 69 and enjoy my time with my grandchildren
Hint. Sammie try take personal time, for yourself even if it a walk around block, Finn will be okay with Tucker. ❤️
Excellent advice!
I don't think mummy Tucker going to do that it is her first baby and also daddy Tucker she is special Princess Finley Magic. Cuteness overload. Yeah she is a great mummy just like mummy Peach mummy Gabriel Virginia and mummy Tennessee they always around all the time with their baby babies.
Wow! The Godfather is looking cool! Nice truck, too!
It’s only been 30 days , Sammie will find her groove. Not everyone is comfortable doing what your hinting at right away. Especially when breast feeding .
The best advice I got before having my miracle baby at 42. Was “ don’t do everything “. One of the worst times was teaching our child to drive. The first person who takes them out, ends up doing it the whole time.😵💫
She is the best baby ever!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
The Plants look really good!!!
Love watching you guys. Finn is growing nicely.
I’m not telling you what to do but I hope you have sun screen on Finn and a hat in her.
When my baby was a new born we went to the Jersey shore every weekend and we did use sunscreen but never a hat and my daughter got sunburn badly on her head that we ended up taking her to the ER. So please protect Finn.
Love you all
Can u patch the swan Turner?
Sammi J I bet you love Turner's daddy smile. The pride when he talks about you girls is just precious
You kept me in suspense about the “Flamingo “ and when you got deep in the water I was getting nervous but I knew you had it !! Good job Tucker ! And good job on parenting Fin Fin 💕💕
Epic!! Respect GGG unit family!!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️😎😎😎😎😎😎
Wow Sammy looks great, and Finn is so sweet
I have been watching you two since you first started dating..That recon mission of the flamingo, was epic. You were wearing a top hat and holding a go pro, and dropped neither one and you caught the flamingo!
i miss my nj.. feel like moving back...i love italy.. but i left my heart in nj.
The shrubs and plants look good. Just lay the hose down on the base of those trees and water them in good...real good. Finley is going to be quite the little shopper and thrifter growing up watching you guys.
wow Finley is getting big, I love watching your videos, and the family videos are great.
God bless you guys beautiful baby I love watching you guys are hilarious
thank you for entertaiing me with your videos, was in a car accident on Saturday so now without my car and still working from home until they finally decide when we can go back. Last I heard was even when we go back it will still be one day a week so I will still be watching, that lasagna looks amazing
Finley is such a beautiful baby. You both are awesome parents!
This was a great video! Finn is growing so fast and so cute. Loved the bay and the flamingo chase. Thank you for sharing your experiences!
Now that was sweet of you Turner! That shirt really put a smile on her face! Good job! ♥️💙
I enjoy all you an Sammy do tucker, my daughter just turned 25 on Saturday 3rd, they grow up so fast an my son will be 22 October 30th.. I miss them being little but I'm a grandma to a wonderful, precious an handsome 2 year old grandson who we love infinity.. thank you for sharing your all!!! Tucker you an Sammy J are so real an honest I just love your videos an the kitty's...
Hubby and I enjoy yr vlogs. Yr such good parents to yr little angel Finley and shes growing so fast.
Love the B&W hat Turner. U both rock🥳 Fondest regards Victoria Richard and Bella the 🐈 xxx
Godfather Paul & Sasquatch EPIC!!
Pure bliss
Very interesting, and entertaining all the way through the whole video!
Your parents are so nice! Your mom is a hoot!!!
Love seeing your princess grow! Love your ways of living!
Great spot ..the guys Oakley glasses were soooo cooool should have offered him some money for them….😂👍🏻🇬🇧🇬🇧.I would have…🤣😂🤣😂🤣