  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Follow me to see when I'm live :) - / pezzzy
    Original Video: • BEING A MORTICIAN IS T...
    Main Channel: ‪@Pezzy‬

Комментарии • 64

  • @sshhrroomm
    @sshhrroomm Год назад +181

    *pezzy getting nice donations*
    pezzy: _WHAT DO YOU WANT?!_

  • @sshhrroomm
    @sshhrroomm Год назад +56

    pezzy: “did you just call this person a capri sun?
    pezzy: “that’s messed up..”

  • @Lord_Facilier
    @Lord_Facilier Год назад +242

    32:10 to 32:46
    Pezzy: “hey, mom made pancakes” 😂
    Demon: “say less” *proceeds to walk towards pezzy*
    Pezzy: *small jumpscare*
    Also Pezzy: *walks to other door*
    Demon: “F**K YOU AND YOUR PANCAKES” *slams door*
    Pezzy: *jumpscared so hard he had to take a walk*🤣

    • @kyrastar8137
      @kyrastar8137 Год назад +10

      DID YOU SEE HUS HAERT RATE IT WENT TO 140😂😂😂😂 Poor Pezzy

    • @Zhongdaegal7
      @Zhongdaegal7 7 месяцев назад

      @@kyrastar8137150 too

  • @Snowprowess
    @Snowprowess Год назад +45

    I love how he keeps asking whether her sanity is okay, but he is losing it because he doesn't remember where the objects all are.

  • @purgatorysan9381
    @purgatorysan9381 Год назад +68

    In fairness Rebecca didn't know she'd be enbalming ghost bodies. Only regular bodies.

  • @alanaanderson7260
    @alanaanderson7260 Год назад +52

    Prezzy's ENTIRE soul left his body, lmao. lol

    • @Error-2156-X
      @Error-2156-X Год назад +5

      It did tho😂
      And so did mine

    • @davecrupel2817
      @davecrupel2817 10 месяцев назад +2

      So did MINE!!!!
      another second or two earlier timestamp would have helped!!! 😂

    • @alanaanderson7260
      @alanaanderson7260 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@davecrupel2817 lmao facts

  • @juulzpod6522
    @juulzpod6522 Год назад +75

    40:50 pezzy saying he cut his hand and the chat immediately coming back with “AGAIN??” 💀

  • @zennesther
    @zennesther Год назад +28

    1:16:42 Rewatching this and kind of like the way Pezzys laugh morfed with the ghosts

  • @a.b_22.
    @a.b_22. Год назад +30

    1:13:20 "my dog dont bite"
    the dog:

  • @jamesd7806
    @jamesd7806 7 месяцев назад +5

    51:53 “Fine, I’ll go down to $40 but thats as far as I’m goin.” Had me dyin lmaooo

  • @ultimateships
    @ultimateships 6 месяцев назад +9

    hilarious how pezzy cutting his hand again wasn't met with care, but was instead- "AGAIN????" LMAO

  • @jacoblukens4301
    @jacoblukens4301 9 месяцев назад +20

    absolutely loved the "Mom made pancakes"

  • @ninja_is_here_peeps
    @ninja_is_here_peeps Год назад +120

    streamer kept his promise LETSGO LUL

    • @Shiije
      @Shiije 3 месяца назад

      Syrax’s cute self

  • @thorgodofthunders9748
    @thorgodofthunders9748 Месяц назад +1

    35:33 pezzy- 'stand still' background ambient 'thunder' amazing timing

  • @Phantom_of_the_Operator
    @Phantom_of_the_Operator Год назад +15

    40:28 “Ayo where my hug at?”

  • @mysticnoobgaming
    @mysticnoobgaming Год назад +40

    Love being able to see the stream recordings since I usually can't watch the streams due to being busy. Keep up the great work, Pezzy.

  • @elizab3th_
    @elizab3th_ Год назад +13

    to make myself feel less alone, i put on those live streams of fish underwater n stuff so i have something happy to look at. LMAOOOOOOOO

  • @Roselandlov3_1
    @Roselandlov3_1 Год назад +13

    I love watching the vods and from time to time look at what chat says its fun :)

  • @Lilly-g9w
    @Lilly-g9w Год назад +25

    Lol his heart rate is crazy upwards like it hit 140-160 crazy and poor pezzy XD

  • @ElyssaHarris-g2c
    @ElyssaHarris-g2c 11 месяцев назад +8

    as a biology major with a chemistry minor, the way he says reagent is so funny lol

  • @femaleredriot6855
    @femaleredriot6855 3 месяца назад +3

    Pezzy: Mom made Pancakes
    Me: Mom, I frew up
    Hotel: Trivago

  • @sshhrroomm
    @sshhrroomm Год назад +14

    23:45 the amount of times pezzy has said this makes me think he’s into that…

  • @dreaminghaven
    @dreaminghaven Год назад +8

    I've never played this game, but it looks terrifying lol. keep up the good work, pezzy!

  • @lesbianfroggo1273
    @lesbianfroggo1273 Год назад +7

    I was watching the stream, it was really funny. You make me laugh a lot, and I'm happy that I started watching you.

  • @NaoP3
    @NaoP3 2 месяца назад

    35:33 literally perfect timing with the thunder

  • @Ghostkittyart
    @Ghostkittyart 3 месяца назад +1

    37:35 dude that was a lot like wow. i can't belive they put that In the game

  • @watchbrandonrogers4430
    @watchbrandonrogers4430 2 месяца назад +2

    51:40 is a from (a horror tv show) reference.

  • @roselynch5222
    @roselynch5222 Год назад +7

    Best chill streamer 👌 but the biggest scary cat lmao

  • @Karlitao.4
    @Karlitao.4 7 месяцев назад +1

    40:28 I jumped with him unfortunately 🤣

    @ROZEPYNK_YT Год назад +9

    5:29 what did the voice say? I thought it said, "I wanna die, please" or "Already died, see?"

    • @derekwood5965
      @derekwood5965 Год назад +3

      I heard "Dont die please"

    • @kalliope8238
      @kalliope8238 9 месяцев назад +2

      Bit late, but I think its “You’ll die here”

  • @summer5413
    @summer5413 Год назад +2

    Yay, I’m glad this is here, I missed the stream again

  • @laisahope4180
    @laisahope4180 Год назад +4

    this stream was crazy

  • @evi6918
    @evi6918 Год назад +5

    i jumped and it made me pause the video and now i hate my self@35:13

  • @lildevil2319
    @lildevil2319 Год назад +8

    This would be terrifying if somehow your voice audio affects what happens around you, Say you are saying the bodys name and you have a chance of hearing a response

  • @ilsehuisinga8068
    @ilsehuisinga8068 Год назад +1

    Not me wanting to do this as job later 😂

  • @Oneeye784
    @Oneeye784 11 месяцев назад


  • @CalebTalavera-t5b
    @CalebTalavera-t5b Год назад +2

    I didn't comment that I wanted to see the vod of this game but least must've heard my wishes

  • @Ryan_phoenix_257
    @Ryan_phoenix_257 15 дней назад

    37:36 40:38 THE FORESHADOWING

  • @Ivory139
    @Ivory139 Год назад +3

    Hey Pezzy I know it's like out of nowhere but there's more chapters to the mimic if it's okay with you can you do more of it ☺️

    @MEMERisSILLY Год назад +5

    I wonder if I can pick pezzy up..

  • @rhmxnezuko
    @rhmxnezuko 8 месяцев назад +1

    Is it only me or is there some blacky being behind the pillar in the hallway? at 1:01:44

  • @Burner-d3n
    @Burner-d3n Год назад

    Cool vod bruh

  • @gamergalaxy_332
    @gamergalaxy_332 Год назад +1

    why is this vods channel so unpopular

  • @Shadousukaru
    @Shadousukaru Год назад

    i got good rng proceeds to get the shit scared out of him 2 times immediatly

  • @jameshellyer6186
    @jameshellyer6186 Год назад

    Anyone know where part 1 is if it’s uploaded anywhere? Can’t seem to find it on vods channel or main

    • @Echobabe_
      @Echobabe_ Год назад +1

      At the start, he says that he's not going to post it,

    • @jameshellyer6186
      @jameshellyer6186 Год назад

      @@Echobabe_ timestamp?

  • @Goykins
    @Goykins 7 месяцев назад

    Bruh morticians make nooo money idk what everyone’s on

  • @DevlinmMcluskie
    @DevlinmMcluskie 11 месяцев назад

    He said she died young cuz the good die young not all the time

  • @parker8629
    @parker8629 Год назад

    What's the heart counter?

    • @Echobabe_
      @Echobabe_ Год назад +2

      Beats per second, the average (for pezz in this stream) should be around 90 but since it's a scary game, his heart beat rose

  • @Rsheep11
    @Rsheep11 3 месяца назад

    Why am i in this game?

  • @beetleguts
    @beetleguts Год назад +2

    First like

  • @waltergeorge2601
    @waltergeorge2601 Год назад

    'Promo sm' 😥