ASMR My favorite books | Page flipping, tapping, whispering
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- In this ASMR video I would like to share with you some of my favorite books. I can talk about books for ages so the video is quite long but I hope you'll enjoy it! I would like to discuss the books from the video and I would be grateful to get some book recommendations from you, guys.
There is a lot of whispering, page flipping, page turning and tapping for you to get tingles and relax...
Subscribe to my channel Storybook ASMR and see you next time!
My Goodreads (let's share our favorite books!): / julia-illi
My Pinterest: www.pinterest....
great video, put me in a positive mood after a negative day
Thank you, it means a lot to me :)
I’ve never seen your videos before. I’m a fan ! Love the quiet voice 🌹🌹
Thank you!
Thank you! That was relaxing😴
Thank you for watching ☺️
Just from the thumbnail I knew this was going to hit. Such a great video!!
Thanks a lot!
Just found your channel and subscribed, keep going! Love book videos ❤️
Thank you!
Julia, my new friend, this is a good work, soothing and relaxing. You are great and very beautiful! A request, please: can you make videos about page flipping (using magazines or catalogues) but visual licking fingers? Thank you, my dear Julia.
Claudia Calvano Hi! Thank you for the nice words :) I’ll try my best to fulfill your request.
@@storybookasmr Thank you so much, my friend, you are very kind! I wait for you soon... ♥♥
anna karenina?
Well, I enjoyed it as a piece of literature, but I didn’t feel compassion to the characters, so it’s not among my favorites by Tolstoy)
@@storybookasmr interesting. from a male perspective, levin was a very relatable character.
@@conantheseptuagenarian3824 I agree, and by the way, this character is a bit autobiographical as I remember. I guess, the negative impression of main characters wiped off Levin relatability from my mind)
@@storybookasmr yes, it was autobiographical. there were definitely some nasty characters. vronsky and anna were very unfeeling. it was a real tragedy. what about dostoevsky or chekov?
@@conantheseptuagenarian3824 Dostoevsky is a master of psychology, for sure, but too dark for me, though I enjoyed reading The Brothers Karamazov a lot, I remember. Chekhov for me is strongly related to Stanislavsky and Russian theatre)
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