This is out of my comfort zone but anyone want to be friends. 15 to 18 I’m a male I like to play video games and I don’t really have any other hobbies.
17 years of life i never heard thoses words in my life ever, and ive been single since i was born i always thought i was useless and worthless to live untill i found your channel, it cures my loneliness and my depression it gets better everytime i listen to you. Youre actually the best Mommy ever that ive could imagined. Thank you for all those words and cure my loneliness. Ilysm Mommy thank you for everyrhing.❤
This actually really helps, Mommy. I've not had a girlfriend in over 5 years and someone actually showed interest in me yesterday. I thought that it might actually work out and that I'd finally get a girlfriend again but someone else just came up and took her before I could, and it left me feeling even lonelier than I normally do. But at least I have this to listen do. Thanks Mommy, love you ❤
@@mo.mmyASMRI felt more loved and special with this audio because I was struggling with Grief because my first girlfriend that used to be my childhood bestfriend died from a heart virus 5 years ago and I still grieve her
@@abiezertorres3008 oh love ): that is so sad truly my heart goes out to you 🫂 its okay to still grieve, you take as much time as you need 💛 sending you so much healing light and love ✨
The Beginning Somewhere in January 2024 I was scrolling on tiktok trying to find something to watch and then i scroll to see a tiktok talking about mommy asmr. After watching that i searched up mommy asmr and i come to find many youtube channels that are about mommy comforting their viewer and i started laughing to myself thinking why would people listen to this. So i clicked one of your videos and i started crying endlessly. I’ve never had someone loved me and comforted me in a while. So i listened to more and more feeling more loved by you and here we are today as of August 17 5:53pm I am still listening to you supporting you every week being so excited for your audios. Thank you for this channel for your love and support to me and others. I felt down lately and I’ve been listening to you to help me feeling happy and loved you’ve made me smile so many times i want that keep happening you’re probably not going to read all of this but at least i said something. Thank you mommy i will keep loving you and keep laying in with my stuffie kissing it and cuddling it thinking it’s you. If you read this far thank you for taking your time to read this i appreciate it. I love you mommy ❤
Things have been pretty rough for me recently. Getting taken advantage of by an adult in ways that no 13 should have to. Being manipulated into thinking that it’s normal and okay. It causing problems in your relationship. Family going through hardship. Grandparents on the cusp of death. Friends fading away into the distance. Not knowing what to do, one moment after the next. And yet, at the end of the day, mommy comes in to make me feel better. I’m so lucky to have this community when I need it most. Thank you. Thank you for giving me hope. I love you mommy. ☺️
I am so terribly sorry those things happened to you, no one deserves that. it makes me sick people could even think of doing horrible things as such. i cant imagine the pain and hurt youre going through. But please know I am so so so proud of how strong and resilient you are. There is so much hope of a good life for you that youre deserving of. Sending you so much love 💛
@@mo.mmyASMR Thank you, truly. It hurts. The things that I’ve been through. But I’m doing my best to work through it. Your audios help, especially when no one else is there. I’m very appreciative of the content you make. I hope it’s not too weird that a kid like me watches your content.
Hey, I get it. We I was your age Some of the same things would happen to me. No one should ever have to go through that. I know it’s hard, I know you might feel like there will never be an end but you got to stay strong. It’s difficult to keep going sometimes but it’s when you decide to keep moving forward that you find true strength. I believe in you. I truly do. Clench that fist of yours and move forward. Working out definitely helped me in some way so I recommend it. You got this! Keep fighting the fight that is life!
thank you for your dedication and hard work and effort you put out of your will for us thank you lots mo!!^^(give pepper a good warm pat for me will ya?😊)
I started listening to your channel and these types of audios maybe 6 months ago, i was so depressed at the time that i was just like “i might as well try this “weird” stuff to see if it makes me feel any better” because basically nothing did at that point. And it did. There were weeks where i felt like i had no reason to wake up anymore, i was so stressed and in fear of being alone forever that it was almost unbearable. And the only times i felt truly loved and ok was when i was listening to these videos before bed. Without exaggeration you taught me to love myself and accept who i am on the inside. I don’t think i will ever be able to thank you enough. And I don’t think i would be here today if i didn’t find your content. And to anyone reading this in the situation i was in, i promise, with time, and a little help, everything will be ok
I absolutely loved this one. This has to be the most heartfelt audio on this entire platform, and I thank you so much for what you do. And to anyone reading this, i second what Mommy says. There are people out there who want to help you and love and care about you. Thankyou Mommy, this was and will always be a very very cherished audio by myself and so many others ❤
Even in the ‘not so good times’ in my life, Mommy is always going above and beyond to soothe all of our struggles. LOVE YOU MOMMY!!!🫡🫡🫡 A true angel in our hearts, and the world!!!
This helped a lot. I’ve almost never been told someone is proud of me. I feel like no one actually cares about me and my accomplishments and being told that someone is proud of me after everything I’ve done really helped
🫂 There are many who are proud of you, i can assure you. so many people out there would be moved to hear your accomplishments. Sending you lots of love 💛
I feel like listening to this you’re supposed to feel your heart warm up and naturally get a smile to grow on your face, but here I was bawling my eyes out with a cold pinch deep in my chest now pretty much convinced by her words that there was one if not many girls out there ready to love me and treat me like what she roleplays in most of her audios but I’m somehow still alone and needing these to fall asleep at night while I cuddle a big pillow cuz it’s only a thing and it has no opinion or feeling so it can’t mind being held or cried on…
things take time my love. if we were handed everything all at once and never had to wait, we wouldnt be able to appreciate the good things. sometimes we arent ready. sometimes its the wrong time. regardless, try to hold onto hope knowing that the people who you are meant to meet, WILL meet you when its time 💛
@@mo.mmyASMR thank you! it truly means a lot that you took the time to reply... and i do and will hold onto the little slivers of hope i can find in life until i either no longer need to hope or until i surrender my last breath, i'll make you proud!
This is so amazing. I am so happy right now. I can't put into words how happy this makes me. This has filled me with happiness. Everyday I will look back at this moment, remembering listening to this video and tears will begin to form in my eyes just remembering the happiness I felt in this moment of pure bliss and joy
Tbh this just makes me feel more lonely cause the fact that there could be someone out there then just makes me sad. But i love the bloopers of the dog that was quiet nice.
Yeah I feel you, listening makes me feel better but as soon as the video finishes or I wake in the morning, the realisation hits harder. But I do hope you find your happiness in someone soon
Thank you mommy, I haven’t cried in maybe 5 years and that was after my parents divorced. I went into a deep depression for my grade 8 to my grade 10 year, it wasn’t till my grade 11 year when I found your channel you literally saved my life. Thank you mommy.❤
After fighting with my parents and they basically said they don’t care about me anymore watching this made it more bearable. I’m going to try and make amends tomorrow since me and them both acted out of line. These audios help me get by day to day honestly. It helps with the loneliness aswell. Keep the videos up and I appreciate you so much for them. Thank you sincerely
Thank you, Mo. This really helps, especially with the 4th wall breaking. The suspicious part of my mind is always skeptical and looking for excuses to say that you're faking it, so it's nice to get some reassurance on that front. I also really liked getting a look at the you behind it all! Pepper's bloopers were funny too 🤣
been listening to asmr creators like you for over a year now probably, got into a relationship in the middle of it and stopped for a while until things got bad. came back to it a little bit ago, you guys never fail to make things a little better when things get terrible. thanks mommy.
God, I love you so much Mommy. I’ve cried so many times today, but I can’t stress enough how much your help means to me. When you say things like “I love you” or “You’re beautiful”, I manage to smile despite the hardships, I’m able to make it to the next day and the next and the one after that too. Even as just one voice amongst many like me, I just wish for you to know how incredibly grateful I am to you, you’re the kindest soul that exists, at least, that’s what you are to me
I think it would be really fun to have a Mo, Mommy ASMR Gaming Channel. Just something that popped up in my mind. Mostly playing innocent games, but sometimes horror games and will comfort the viewers during scary sections.
I feel like it's better not to open up about feeling it always makes things worse, i just feel more empty. I imagine someone there to hug when im sad, then i close my arms and realise im alone. The line "theres some one who wants to love you" it hurts.
I've been struggling with a lot of things this last year. Sometimes, I've felt trapped in a vicious circle of bad thoughts but this videos have been part of the things I have to to get out of there. I found out about ASMR many years ago, and it's kinda funny how I ended here but I'm thankful about it, this videos have helped me many times in different ways. Thank you for doing all of this ❤
You've truly outdone yourself with this one, Mommy, honestly. You can really feel the emotion in your voice at certain points, and I suppose that's a wonderful show of what makes you so special in the ASMR RP corner of RUclips; that you truly really do care about the listeners and do this to uplift others. And that's the mark of not only a great RUclipsr, but a great person :-) In short, this is why you're the goat :-DDDDDD
This love and comfort you give has helped me so so much, Ive have felt mentally better I lost a lot of pounds and have become able to just speak up and talk to strangers, I feel like I have this comfort and love to fall back on and help keep my head up, there have been ups and downs like my Gf leaving me but I wont let that dig into my mind, I and so many others are happier and slowly healing thanks to you, your support is just so impactful thank you
This is embarrassing to admit, but these videos are genuinely a huge highlight of my time. The last time I’ve actually been in a relationship was 6th grade and im a Senior now. It’s been over six years since Ive actually felt appreciated and cared for. I know that sounds stupid but i really just don’t have anyone to share such a connection with. So im very thankful that you post videos like these.
My first audio was after my first relationship ended. Thought it would be funny to listen to this new fangled ASMR genre (Mid 2020, so it was relatively new). Not 5 seconds in, I was in tears, cause I hadn't had that type of affection in a while. While it is embarassing, it's certainly a help, and I'd say there's nothing wrong with it.
I sleep like an absolute baby when listening to you. Hope you're making enough from this that you could quit your day job. You deserve a comfortable life
Besides doing an apretiation coment for mommy, because she gives us a great video every week, i also want to send motivation to any one who feels bad, who feels uselesss. You are all perfect, original and your lifes are worth living. Never give up❤❤❤
Hey Mommy. Maybe you don't see this but today I had some familiar problems and I was really bad, crying during luke two hours but when I heard this I fell asleep and when I woke up I felt better thanks to this. I want to thank you for all these times you comfort me and I hope you continue doing this for a long time, not only for me, but for all of us. Love you Mommy
I've never had a girlfriend as I've been too shy to try and no one really ever showed interest in me but i do hope, one day I can find someone like this. I love these audios as it fills the lonely void that has been ever growing; even for a moment so, thank you ❤
i just wanted to say thank you mommy for making these audios, I can't speak for anyone else but you have genuinely have given me the love and support that i wasn't given and i just wanted to let you know that you make all of those sleepless nights where you're stuck inside your own head much more bearable thank you for all your kindness
Back in late 2020 to mid 2021 I had someone in my life that kinda acted like a motherly figure in my life, eventually we were completely separated. I only have her to thank for liking these kinds of videos, and they kind of remind me of her. I cant thank you enough for these.
Thank you so much for making this I really needed it.i felt so hopeless and felt like giving up so thank you for making this you never fail to cheer me up when the darkness comes back
Been about 2 years since my gf of 4 years cheated on me. About 20 now and touch starved:l. But you’ve helped me more than you could imagine mommy. Thanks to you I’ve recovered from my surgery and stay motivated. Hope you’re doing well on the other side of that screen.
This is genuinely kinda wholesome, I checked the comments and it seems like you actually care about your audience, seeing all the hearts and comments from you is oddly comforting seeing other creators making a video and responding to 1-2 videos, sorry for the paragraph 🥲
Today is the end of my 3 weeks of furlough so I'm leaving my parents and I'm taking the train to travel 500 kilometers away to go back to the place where I work. As always, I feel like I didn't spend enough time with my family, especially with my little brother. I already miss his smile and since I took the first step into the train I started to miss my family and the few friends I have left in the town where I grew up. I have never felt so alone in my whole life than during the past two months because of the distance, and the fact that because of it I rarely see my family and my friends. But your audio awoken a feeling of hope inside me. You made me realise that even if I never got to talk about my feelings to anyone and never got a girlfriend (it's the first reasons why I'm lonely not gonna lie 😂), I still have people that care for me. My dad, mom, brothers, friends... I remember my mother crying when I left home to join the military nearly a year ago, my dad, also sad but proud of me. Now I'm happy and thankful for what I have thanks to you. I'll try to keep what you told us in mind and be hopeful from now on. Thank you for your audio, I really needed it, especially today. I believe you're an amazing person and I love you, I love everyone here and I believe we will all find the way or the person that will help us get out of our lonliness. I wish you the best, mommy, and everyone reading this. Sorry for my bad english
🥹 your english was beautiful my love. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am truly so honored I was able to give you hope 💛🪽 Sending you so much love and praying for your safe travels 💛🙏
it's been a really rough day for me and i haven't felt this emotionally isolated in a long time. thank you for making these videos, i genuinely appreciate them
Why does this help so much it's way out of my comfort zone. I'm not doing too well I keep holding what emotions I have and rarely talk about my problems. Thank you again for this it helps me through these tough times. ❤
Can't lie this made me feel a lot better with everything going on this year, but i hope the best for you and everyone else that watches this and thank you for helping me for almost a year now
I've been suffering from intensive stress and suc1dal thoughts for almost 2 and a half years now..this audio made me cry and i can't believe an asmrist cares more about me than every single one of my friends.. I'm ugly and everything i don't think anyone is gonna accept me..but thank you mo♥️ from the deepest of my heart
We are very loved, we should be kinder to our selfs. Because we all matter🫂 and please never forget how amazing u are! I wish u all the very best. Best mommy in the world! best community on RUclips💛 We got this!! I believe in u!!!
Hey mummy. I talked to a female the other day and I got really scared. I ran away and hid in the bathroom and listen to this. it made me feel really good mummy. Love You 🥰.
Thank you mommy for this audio, it really did touch my heart and I couldn't thank you more. You audio had motivated me to study, get out off bed, and just try my best to survive. Even though I'm just some stranger online, thank you for everything💛
Well, 4th Wall Breaking and Bloopers? What a welcoming addition to all your wonderful, calming audios! Thank you so much for this, Mommy! I love you! 🤗 😘 ❤
Thank you mommy... i cried alot but it truly made me feel better about myself, everythings been a bit poop since many of important people in my life have used or left me, and i have heavy ups and downs of many feelings, so thank you for this
19:50 telling you how i love mommy Most people might think this video is a praise but nah this video for me perfect every word say give hope in life some people think is just content but every word say Carefully selected any person feel lonely must watch this video for me this is best video on this channel thanks mommy for give hope and happiness 🤍
These keep me going, I listen and play video games to any of your videos. Knowing someone cares enough about me, even if I am one of many, helps me through the day. Especially while I go through being in the Navy. Thank you, mommy.
The other audios made me feel warm and fuzzy, but this one did more than that. It not only made me feel that way, but it also made me feel worth something, really did make me feel love. The fact you were speaking to the viewer directly made me feel so happy, it's something I really needed today. And the blooper at the end was a nice little treat~ You have a wonderful day Mommy if you are reading this~ ❤️
I feel so much comfort when i listen to this, i feel like im weird when i listen to this, idk ive been thru a lot and this helps a lo. THANK YOU MRS MOMMY MO
This is out of my comfort zone but anyone want to be friends. 15 to 18 I’m a male I like to play video games and I don’t really have any other hobbies.
Over here
watchu play ?
@@professorkitten48 red dead warthunder and other bits you
Hi, i don't even know what i am doing in this video
“yes mommy” cried the choir, their mantra one of unwavering consistency, their immortal notes forever echoing within the halls of the mind
Absolute cinema🔥
Being able to listen these heavenly audius after a low chance of survival surgery hits soo hard bro 🙏
glad u doin good man
hope you have a fast and easy recovery man
I'm happy for u please be happy
Glad you made it through, hopefully the recovery is quick and smooth!
Yessir! 🔥 Bruthas guardian angel got his reboot card, and now we get to listen to these amazing audios free of charge fr 🙏🙌🙏😌😤
17 years of life i never heard thoses words in my life ever, and ive been single since i was born i always thought i was useless and worthless to live untill i found your channel, it cures my loneliness and my depression it gets better everytime i listen to you. Youre actually the best Mommy ever that ive could imagined. Thank you for all those words and cure my loneliness. Ilysm Mommy thank you for everyrhing.❤
I am honored to help my love 🫂 your life is so valuable 💛
This actually really helps, Mommy. I've not had a girlfriend in over 5 years and someone actually showed interest in me yesterday. I thought that it might actually work out and that I'd finally get a girlfriend again but someone else just came up and took her before I could, and it left me feeling even lonelier than I normally do. But at least I have this to listen do. Thanks Mommy, love you ❤
You'll find the right one eventually, keep your head up
13 single valentines in a row🗣️🗣️🗣️
Im literally 23 y/o never had a girlfriend
I feel extra special with this audio. Thanks a lot, Mommy. This means the world to me and everyone else
and you are extra special, your life is very valuable 💛
@@mo.mmyASMRI felt more loved and special with this audio because I was struggling with Grief because my first girlfriend that used to be my childhood bestfriend died from a heart virus 5 years ago and I still grieve her
@@abiezertorres3008 oh love ): that is so sad truly my heart goes out to you 🫂 its okay to still grieve, you take as much time as you need 💛 sending you so much healing light and love ✨
I am feeling it! Thanks!
20 bucks and this mf ain't even got a heart💀
Dawg this is not the miyagi do way💀🙏🏻
@@l-Darren-l I mean, what do the hearts even give us, anyway?
Literally 4th wall break has been my newly discovered trigger. Def not a common genre of asmr. So thanks a whole bunch for making something like this.
This one genuinely made me cry. Just hearing this made my entire year, I've had a ruff few years, and this just made it all better
🫂 you deserve many good years to come
The Beginning Somewhere in January 2024 I was scrolling on tiktok trying to find something to watch and then i scroll to see a tiktok talking about mommy asmr. After watching that i searched up mommy asmr and i come to find many youtube channels that are about mommy comforting their viewer and i started laughing to myself thinking why would people listen to this. So i clicked one of your videos and i started crying endlessly. I’ve never had someone loved me and comforted me in a while. So i listened to more and more feeling more loved by you and here we are today as of August 17 5:53pm I am still listening to you supporting you every week being so excited for your audios. Thank you for this channel for your love and support to me and others. I felt down lately and I’ve been listening to you to help me feeling happy and loved you’ve made me smile so many times i want that keep happening you’re probably not going to read all of this but at least i said something. Thank you mommy i will keep loving you and keep laying in with my stuffie kissing it and cuddling it thinking it’s you. If you read this far thank you for taking your time to read this i appreciate it. I love you mommy ❤
@XRTRipVanWinkle yep alr u didn’t need to read it plus it wasn’t meant for you
@XRTRipVanWinkle holy moly look if u can’t read it then what a hater hating before gta 6 is crazy
@XRTRipVanWinkle bro your yt bio is crazy 💀
@XRTRipVanWinkle i ain’t the only one
@XRTRipVanWinkle biggest switch up
When Pepper said “RRROOOOOOOOOoOooOooO” I really felt that ❤️
Things have been pretty rough for me recently. Getting taken advantage of by an adult in ways that no 13 should have to. Being manipulated into thinking that it’s normal and okay. It causing problems in your relationship. Family going through hardship. Grandparents on the cusp of death. Friends fading away into the distance. Not knowing what to do, one moment after the next. And yet, at the end of the day, mommy comes in to make me feel better. I’m so lucky to have this community when I need it most. Thank you. Thank you for giving me hope. I love you mommy. ☺️
I am so terribly sorry those things happened to you, no one deserves that. it makes me sick people could even think of doing horrible things as such. i cant imagine the pain and hurt youre going through. But please know I am so so so proud of how strong and resilient you are. There is so much hope of a good life for you that youre deserving of. Sending you so much love 💛
@@mo.mmyASMR Thank you, truly. It hurts. The things that I’ve been through. But I’m doing my best to work through it. Your audios help, especially when no one else is there. I’m very appreciative of the content you make. I hope it’s not too weird that a kid like me watches your content.
Hey, I get it. We I was your age Some of the same things would happen to me. No one should ever have to go through that. I know it’s hard, I know you might feel like there will never be an end but you got to stay strong. It’s difficult to keep going sometimes but it’s when you decide to keep moving forward that you find true strength. I believe in you. I truly do. Clench that fist of yours and move forward. Working out definitely helped me in some way so I recommend it. You got this! Keep fighting the fight that is life!
@@SeiHart Thank you. I mean it.
@@V0X9652 No problem brother 🫂
thank you for your dedication and hard work and effort you put out of your will for us thank you lots mo!!^^(give pepper a good warm pat for me will ya?😊)
Thank you so much for your support love 🥹 I am honored to be here. I will give pepper much love for you 😊💛
This approach of breaking the 4th wall is very interesting! Mommy really knows all the tricks for pleasing us
Glad you liked it! 🥰💛
We forgetting about highscool and college suicidal depression with this one🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥
it's not when u have mommy.
Bro definitely wasnt there in 2016
@@Idontknowwhatthisshouldbe Thats actually insane 🔥🔥🔥🔥
About to hit a diabolical nap with this frfr
I started listening to your channel and these types of audios maybe 6 months ago, i was so depressed at the time that i was just like “i might as well try this “weird” stuff to see if it makes me feel any better” because basically nothing did at that point. And it did. There were weeks where i felt like i had no reason to wake up anymore, i was so stressed and in fear of being alone forever that it was almost unbearable. And the only times i felt truly loved and ok was when i was listening to these videos before bed. Without exaggeration you taught me to love myself and accept who i am on the inside. I don’t think i will ever be able to thank you enough. And I don’t think i would be here today if i didn’t find your content. And to anyone reading this in the situation i was in, i promise, with time, and a little help, everything will be ok
Listening to this at 2:20am really hits when you feel like the world turned on you. I love all of your content, Mommy.
This is by far my favorite Audio you have done, these audios help me so much, thank you Mo. This is the most loved I have ever felt
And I am so grateful I was able to help with that 🥹💛 Knowing you were able to feel loved truly makes me feel so honored 🤗
That's it I'm subscribing. You're not just a voice actor, you're a lovely person. Thank you for genuinely caring.
I absolutely loved this one. This has to be the most heartfelt audio on this entire platform, and I thank you so much for what you do.
And to anyone reading this, i second what Mommy says. There are people out there who want to help you and love and care about you.
Thankyou Mommy, this was and will always be a very very cherished audio by myself and so many others ❤
„And the universe said; I love you”
Even in the ‘not so good times’ in my life, Mommy is always going above and beyond to soothe all of our struggles.
A true angel in our hearts, and the world!!!
i love you all so much, you guys are the real angels 💛🪽
This helped a lot. I’ve almost never been told someone is proud of me. I feel like no one actually cares about me and my accomplishments and being told that someone is proud of me after everything I’ve done really helped
Praying for you
🫂 There are many who are proud of you, i can assure you. so many people out there would be moved to hear your accomplishments. Sending you lots of love 💛
I feel like listening to this you’re supposed to feel your heart warm up and naturally get a smile to grow on your face, but here I was bawling my eyes out with a cold pinch deep in my chest now pretty much convinced by her words that there was one if not many girls out there ready to love me and treat me like what she roleplays in most of her audios but I’m somehow still alone and needing these to fall asleep at night while I cuddle a big pillow cuz it’s only a thing and it has no opinion or feeling so it can’t mind being held or cried on…
things take time my love. if we were handed everything all at once and never had to wait, we wouldnt be able to appreciate the good things. sometimes we arent ready. sometimes its the wrong time. regardless, try to hold onto hope knowing that the people who you are meant to meet, WILL meet you when its time 💛
@@mo.mmyASMR thank you! it truly means a lot that you took the time to reply... and i do and will hold onto the little slivers of hope i can find in life until i either no longer need to hope or until i surrender my last breath, i'll make you proud!
This is so amazing. I am so happy right now. I can't put into words how happy this makes me. This has filled me with happiness. Everyday I will look back at this moment, remembering listening to this video and tears will begin to form in my eyes just remembering the happiness I felt in this moment of pure bliss and joy
That makes me so happy to hear 🥹 you deserve to feel loved and cherished. All i want for you all is to feel joy 💛
Tbh this just makes me feel more lonely cause the fact that there could be someone out there then just makes me sad. But i love the bloopers of the dog that was quiet nice.
Yeah I feel you, listening makes me feel better but as soon as the video finishes or I wake in the morning, the realisation hits harder. But I do hope you find your happiness in someone soon
Thank you mommy, I haven’t cried in maybe 5 years and that was after my parents divorced. I went into a deep depression for my grade 8 to my grade 10 year, it wasn’t till my grade 11 year when I found your channel you literally saved my life. Thank you mommy.❤
and I am so happy youre alive 🥲💛
After fighting with my parents and they basically said they don’t care about me anymore watching this made it more bearable. I’m going to try and make amends tomorrow since me and them both acted out of line. These audios help me get by day to day honestly. It helps with the loneliness aswell. Keep the videos up and I appreciate you so much for them. Thank you sincerely
good luck bro 🫡
Thank you, Mo. This really helps, especially with the 4th wall breaking. The suspicious part of my mind is always skeptical and looking for excuses to say that you're faking it, so it's nice to get some reassurance on that front. I also really liked getting a look at the you behind it all! Pepper's bloopers were funny too 🤣
Glad it was helpful for you honey ☺️ and im also happy you liked pepper ! 🤣💛
been listening to asmr creators like you for over a year now probably, got into a relationship in the middle of it and stopped for a while until things got bad. came back to it a little bit ago, you guys never fail to make things a little better when things get terrible. thanks mommy.
This is why we love mommy and pepper 😊
and we both love you too 🥰💛
I get genuinely excited when I think about how I get to fall asleep to this channel every night. I love you mommy, thank you for everything!
This is the most loved I have ever felt❤️
God, I love you so much Mommy. I’ve cried so many times today, but I can’t stress enough how much your help means to me. When you say things like “I love you” or “You’re beautiful”, I manage to smile despite the hardships, I’m able to make it to the next day and the next and the one after that too. Even as just one voice amongst many like me, I just wish for you to know how incredibly grateful I am to you, you’re the kindest soul that exists, at least, that’s what you are to me
You know, this is my first time ever listening to this and it really touched me. I have never cried this much before.
I think it would be really fun to have a Mo, Mommy ASMR Gaming Channel. Just something that popped up in my mind. Mostly playing innocent games, but sometimes horror games and will comfort the viewers during scary sections.
Thank you so much Mommy for making all lot of people’s day better with you soothing angelic voice
youre too sweet🥰
I feel like it's better not to open up about feeling it always makes things worse, i just feel more empty. I imagine someone there to hug when im sad, then i close my arms and realise im alone. The line "theres some one who wants to love you" it hurts.
I've been struggling with a lot of things this last year. Sometimes, I've felt trapped in a vicious circle of bad thoughts but this videos have been part of the things I have to to get out of there.
I found out about ASMR many years ago, and it's kinda funny how I ended here but I'm thankful about it, this videos have helped me many times in different ways.
Thank you for doing all of this ❤
I am so sorry to hear of your struggle dear, im wishing you the ability to break out of it, i have so much faith in you 💛
You've truly outdone yourself with this one, Mommy, honestly. You can really feel the emotion in your voice at certain points, and I suppose that's a wonderful show of what makes you so special in the ASMR RP corner of RUclips; that you truly really do care about the listeners and do this to uplift others. And that's the mark of not only a great RUclipsr, but a great person :-)
In short, this is why you're the goat :-DDDDDD
This love and comfort you give has helped me so so much, Ive have felt mentally better I lost a lot of pounds and have become able to just speak up and talk to strangers, I feel like I have this comfort and love to fall back on and help keep my head up, there have been ups and downs like my Gf leaving me but I wont let that dig into my mind, I and so many others are happier and slowly healing thanks to you, your support is just so impactful thank you
No idea how much these words were needed at a time like this, truly something I needed to hear
This is embarrassing to admit, but these videos are genuinely a huge highlight of my time. The last time I’ve actually been in a relationship was 6th grade and im a Senior now. It’s been over six years since Ive actually felt appreciated and cared for. I know that sounds stupid but i really just don’t have anyone to share such a connection with. So im very thankful that you post videos like these.
Too real man, too real.
My first audio was after my first relationship ended. Thought it would be funny to listen to this new fangled ASMR genre (Mid 2020, so it was relatively new). Not 5 seconds in, I was in tears, cause I hadn't had that type of affection in a while. While it is embarassing, it's certainly a help, and I'd say there's nothing wrong with it.
These kinds of videos are the ones we needed to hear the most. Thank you Mommy
and I am honored I can provide it to you 💛
You are the only person who actually cares about everyone and my entire well-being. I will always feel cherished by you with every video you make.
We’ve reached peak, she’s *actually* talking to us now
I sleep like an absolute baby when listening to you. Hope you're making enough from this that you could quit your day job. You deserve a comfortable life
Perfect timing for sleep.
Unlike the other audios this one felt like a touch to my soul. Thank you mommy and god bless all of her supporters ❤
Besides doing an apretiation coment for mommy, because she gives us a great video every week, i also want to send motivation to any one who feels bad, who feels uselesss. You are all perfect, original and your lifes are worth living. Never give up❤❤❤
Same to you. Life sucks most of the time but you got this
Hey Mommy. Maybe you don't see this but today I had some familiar problems and I was really bad, crying during luke two hours but when I heard this I fell asleep and when I woke up I felt better thanks to this. I want to thank you for all these times you comfort me and I hope you continue doing this for a long time, not only for me, but for all of us. Love you Mommy
4th wall break hits diff
I've never had a girlfriend as I've been too shy to try and no one really ever showed interest in me but i do hope, one day I can find someone like this. I love these audios as it fills the lonely void that has been ever growing; even for a moment so, thank you ❤
i just wanted to say thank you mommy for making these audios, I can't speak for anyone else but you have genuinely have given me the love and support that i wasn't given and i just wanted to let you know that you make all of those sleepless nights where you're stuck inside your own head much more bearable thank you for all your kindness
🥹 I am so honored I can provide that for you. I am wishing you so many restful/peaceful nights ahead 💛
I honestly don’t mind being single that much anymore. As long as I have you and your videos to listen to I’m happy
She asked how im doing really and i just realized in actually doing good
Keep at it man, your doing a great job
I don't fell like I don't deserved to be love at this point.
This made me fell more lonely then I already am😭
pepper is the MVP of this one thank you pepper for agreeing with the fact i will be loved :)
agreed 🤣💛
Back in late 2020 to mid 2021 I had someone in my life that kinda acted like a motherly figure in my life, eventually we were completely separated. I only have her to thank for liking these kinds of videos, and they kind of remind me of her. I cant thank you enough for these.
Thank you so much for making this I really needed it.i felt so hopeless and felt like giving up so thank you for making this you never fail to cheer me up when the darkness comes back
I am so honored I can help, thats all I want to do 🫂💛
i just got out of a really toxic relationship and these videos are the only thing keeping me going 🩷🩷🩷
so proud of you for making it out 🫂
Been about 2 years since my gf of 4 years cheated on me. About 20 now and touch starved:l. But you’ve helped me more than you could imagine mommy. Thanks to you I’ve recovered from my surgery and stay motivated. Hope you’re doing well on the other side of that screen.
Im happy to hear you recovered from surgery ! so sorry about your past relationship, you deserve to be loved unconditionally
I actually NEEDED this right now. I'm going through a period of really bad depression and feeling like an absolute failure. Thank you SO much, Mommy 💛
spoiler: its very 🤗
This is genuinely kinda wholesome, I checked the comments and it seems like you actually care about your audience, seeing all the hearts and comments from you is oddly comforting seeing other creators making a video and responding to 1-2 videos, sorry for the paragraph 🥲
Today is the end of my 3 weeks of furlough so I'm leaving my parents and I'm taking the train to travel 500 kilometers away to go back to the place where I work.
As always, I feel like I didn't spend enough time with my family, especially with my little brother.
I already miss his smile and since I took the first step into the train I started to miss my family and the few friends I have left in the town where I grew up.
I have never felt so alone in my whole life than during the past two months because of the distance, and the fact that because of it I rarely see my family and my friends.
But your audio awoken a feeling of hope inside me. You made me realise that even if I never got to talk about my feelings to anyone and never got a girlfriend (it's the first reasons why I'm lonely not gonna lie 😂), I still have people that care for me. My dad, mom, brothers, friends... I remember my mother crying when I left home to join the military nearly a year ago, my dad, also sad but proud of me. Now I'm happy and thankful for what I have thanks to you.
I'll try to keep what you told us in mind and be hopeful from now on.
Thank you for your audio, I really needed it, especially today.
I believe you're an amazing person and I love you, I love everyone here and I believe we will all find the way or the person that will help us get out of our lonliness.
I wish you the best, mommy, and everyone reading this. Sorry for my bad english
🥹 your english was beautiful my love. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am truly so honored I was able to give you hope 💛🪽 Sending you so much love and praying for your safe travels 💛🙏
it's been a really rough day for me and i haven't felt this emotionally isolated in a long time. thank you for making these videos, i genuinely appreciate them
Also two things one i cried to this 😢 it was happy tears though for a change. And two i didn't know mommy had a doge 😮 🐶pepper deserves headpats 🥺
Ill dry your tears my love 🫂💛 and yes ! pepper is an angel 🤣
I wish I had someone like this in real life this is literally my ideal girl
pls do this more often it made me feel awesome
you are awesome sauce
It feels nice being able to talk to someone even if it’s through RUclips comment sections. I just want to be cared for and loved.
WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Oh man thank you Mo for all that you do!!!!!!!!! You and your words of encouragement mean the world to me!!!!!!!!!
I’ve never actually had a hug before so this really helps :)
Your videos always make my day!
Lmao the doggo was perfect 😭
Why does this help so much it's way out of my comfort zone. I'm not doing too well I keep holding what emotions I have and rarely talk about my problems. Thank you again for this it helps me through these tough times. ❤
I literally cried after listening this particular asmr of mommy's, i wish i could hug you 🥹👤
🫂 hugs for you honey💛
Can't lie this made me feel a lot better with everything going on this year, but i hope the best for you and everyone else that watches this and thank you for helping me for almost a year now
We're all very lucky to have you Mo, thank you so much!
I am the lucky one 🥹🫂
I've been suffering from intensive stress and suc1dal thoughts for almost 2 and a half years now..this audio made me cry and i can't believe an asmrist cares more about me than every single one of my friends.. I'm ugly and everything i don't think anyone is gonna accept me..but thank you mo♥️ from the deepest of my heart
Oh my dear 🫂 There is so much beauty to you 💛 I promise there are people out there who will match the love and care you give 🫂
We are very loved, we should be kinder to our selfs. Because we all matter🫂 and please never forget how amazing u are! I wish u all the very best. Best mommy in the world! best community on RUclips💛 We got this!! I believe in u!!!
exactly my love 🥰 and thank you so much, youre too sweet 🤗💛
Thank you for making this video. I've been single since my highschool days and I feel so loved, even in my bad days. Love and kisses. Love you mommy.
Hey mummy. I talked to a female the other day and I got really scared. I ran away and hid in the bathroom and listen to this. it made me feel really good mummy. Love You 🥰.
Thank you mommy for this audio, it really did touch my heart and I couldn't thank you more. You audio had motivated me to study, get out off bed, and just try my best to survive. Even though I'm just some stranger online, thank you for everything💛
Well, 4th Wall Breaking and Bloopers? What a welcoming addition to all your wonderful, calming audios! Thank you so much for this, Mommy! I love you! 🤗 😘 ❤
Thank you mommy... i cried alot but it truly made me feel better about myself, everythings been a bit poop since many of important people in my life have used or left me, and i have heavy ups and downs of many feelings, so thank you for this
I CANNOT let the gang know I fw this
Honestly,it hurts,life has become repetitive,and dull even,i need something new and you help me often, thank you
I hope youre able to find that spark again 💛
Man I love your voice. If you end up being an actual Mum your kid is never gonna have trouble sleeping, haha.
haha thank you my love 🤗
This cured my cancer depression crippling loneliness and gambling addiction
not the gambling 😭
19:50 telling you how i love mommy Most people might think this video is a praise but nah this video for me perfect
every word say give hope in life some people think is just content but every word say Carefully selected any person feel lonely must watch this video for me this is best video on this channel thanks mommy for give hope and happiness 🤍
i am so honored I can help🥹💛
These keep me going, I listen and play video games to any of your videos. Knowing someone cares enough about me, even if I am one of many, helps me through the day. Especially while I go through being in the Navy. Thank you, mommy.
I love you mommy ❤ I really do, you’re doing Gods work helping people who people have abandoned, I love you mommy ❤️💕
I just do what I can, you all deserve so much 🫂💛
Bro this remind me of her so much idk what I did to deserve what happen but this is therapy for me
The other audios made me feel warm and fuzzy, but this one did more than that. It not only made me feel that way, but it also made me feel worth something, really did make me feel love. The fact you were speaking to the viewer directly made me feel so happy, it's something I really needed today. And the blooper at the end was a nice little treat~ You have a wonderful day Mommy if you are reading this~ ❤️
Thats because you are worth something bro, keep on and remember you are not alone
@canton7772 Fr bro is worth more than he knows fr 🙏🙌😌
I feel so much comfort when i listen to this, i feel like im weird when i listen to this, idk ive been thru a lot and this helps a lo. THANK YOU MRS MOMMY MO
We are sleeping peacefully with this one🗣️