Heat exhaustion occurs when the body becomes dehydrated and is unable to regulate its internal body temperature.
The condition is not usually considered life-threatening and is treatable with fluids and rest. In this article, we look at the symptoms and treatment of heat exhaustion, as well as how to prevent it.

Heat exhaustion is a type of
Normally, the body gets rid of excess internal heat by pumping blood to the surface of the skin and releasing sweat. Warm, moist air absorbs less sweat from the skin and limits the body’s ability to cool itself by sweating.
However, when the body experiences dehydration, it lacks water and essential salts called electrolytes, which reduces its ability to sweat. If a person is unable to cool down by sweating, they
The symptoms of heat exhaustion can be easy to overlook and are similar to those of many other medical conditions.
Common signs of heat exhaustion include:
- weak, rapid pulse
- excessive sweating
- increased internal body temperature
- muscle weakness or cramps
- nausea or vomiting
- headache
- dizziness
- cold, pale, clammy skin
- fainting
Symptoms of heat exhaustion in children
Generally, the symptoms of heat exhaustion are often very similar in adults and children. However, in addition to the above symptoms, children may also become irritable. It is important to treat a child with heat exhaustion immediately.
Heat exhaustion versus heat stroke
Both heat exhaustion and heat strokes are types of heat-related illnesses. Heat exhaustion, if left untreated, can lead to heatstroke.
Typically, a person may not require medical treatment if they experience heat exhaustion and are able to cool down within 30 minutes. However, if it develops into heatstroke, it becomes a severe medical emergency.
Heat stroke causes similar symptoms to heat exhaustion. However, with heat stroke, a person’s internal body temperature will become
Read on to learn more about the differences between heatstroke and heat exhaustion.
Heat exhaustion often occurs due to a combination of physical exertion and warm weather, which results in excessive sweating.
Additionally, other factors that may increase the risk of heat-related illnesses
- older age
- being less-abled
- living with certain medical conditions, or taking certain medications
- being pregnant
- being an infant or child
- performing outdoor, manual work
- living in sub-par housing conditions, or lacking access to cooling
- those experiencing homelessness
- athletes and attendees of outdoor events
- being in poor physical shape
- using alcohol before exercising
- having a chronic illness
- being unfamiliar with hotter climates
Generally, health experts do not consider heat exhaustion a major health concern if a person is able to quickly cool down. However, if symptoms worsen, last longer than an hour, or a person vomits multiple times, it is advisable to seek immediate medical attention.
If left untreated, a person’s heath exhaustion may lead to heatstroke and further complications. These may include:
- heart damage
- lung problems
- kidney injury
- liver failure
- seizures
- blood clotting problems
If a person suspects heat exhaustion, they should stop doing exercise or physical activity immediately. A person with heat exhaustion should also drink fluids as soon as possible.
Further tips for treating heat exhaustion include:
- seeking out a cool, shaded area or going indoors
- loosening clothing
- lying flat on the back
- taking a lukewarm or cool shower
- placing a cool, wet cloth on the face and chest
- in severe cases, putting ice packs under each armpit and behind the neck
- drinking 1 liter per hour of drinks that contain electrolytes
How to rehydrate
People can make an at-home oral-rehydration solution with the following recipe:
- 4 cups of water
- 2 tablespoons (tsp) of sugar
- ½ teaspoon of table salt
- optionally, people can add flavorings, such as honey, sweeteners, or powered drink mix
Some drinks and foods can also act as oral-rehydrating formulas, including:
- isotonic sport drinks
- chicken broth
- tomato juice
- cranberry juice
- gruel
Recovery time
In most people, symptoms of heat exhaustion will start to improve within 30 minutes. However, if symptoms do not improve after 60 minutes, it is advisable to seek medical attention.
A doctor will treat heat exhaustion with intravenous (IV) fluids and electrolytes. If fluids and rest do not resolve symptoms, a doctor will perform a blood work-up and other clinical tests to rule out other potential causes.
If heat exhaustion is treated promptly, the individual should fully recover within a couple days.
A person can help prevent heat exhaustion by maintaining hydration and staying cool. To help prevent heat exhaustion, a person can:
- drink more cold beverages
- try to limit intense physical activities
- wear light-coloured, loose clothing
- avoid peak sun hours, which are usually between 11am and 3pm
- avoid drinks that dehydrate, such as alcohol or caffeine
- if inside, try to keep cool by closing curtains and turning hot electrical equipment off
- taking frequent breaks when working or exercising outdoors
The symptoms of heat exhaustion are warning signs that the body is overheating.
Heat cramps, the mildest type of heat-related syndromes, usually occur before heat exhaustion. Treating heat cramps as soon as they occur may prevent heat exhaustion from developing.
Symptoms of heat cramps include painful muscle cramps and spasms, usually in legs and abdomen, and heavy sweating. Treatment involves rest and drinking fluids. A person should also seek shade or an air-conditioned building as soon as possible.