LOL.... I'm ignoring you and you are so interested in my opinion.. it is so funny!

I understand you are the professor!

Your posts are always very interesting, but they have the defect of boring--they are soporific... you are a good “draft corrector,” but a poor interpreter of the story meaning about our adventurous couple's
My phrase in the post has been corrected today... you marked
Emma and
she... but the person i was talking about is Anne, infact Anne is the nearest name before "she want know more about Emma"... dear professor you are wrong--- it is not required a super-mind to understand that sentence! (I know you are a bit short in understanding the real sense of the dialogues in this thread and in the game)
I think you have to use a better translator:
But unlike you, I don't have time to waste in quoting all the mistakes you spread about me and my wife Anne
yes I have noticed that the most exact things you say are how to correct grammatical errors (I'm remembering when you correct my dialogue in the scene with my mother-in-law about my fast shower to cut the discussion with her... my wife Anne was a bit jealous of her mom)
We were talking about Ryan's cheating path and this starts in the night of day 62 and is not connected to Martn's cheating path.
The variable faithful or unfaithful isn't asked for Anne before entering a cheating path. Only the relationship score is to determine if she enters on auto or when high enough to keep the decision left for "The Player"
Un-/Faithful gets only triggered and set when entering a cheating path.
MC doesn't own a cheating path in this game. He only gets triggered un-/faithful, but since now it was never asked in this game for an event to start.
As you can see
Day 62 ends Ryan's path, my wife will only cheat on me one night with my friend Ryan if I forbid Anne to continue with Ryan... and this is where you are wrong... after Anne cheating with Ryan, he is out of the story in all path (faithful and cheating) and in low or high love points.. but there will be surprises if I act against the original plan as I well specified in my post... which I have corrected today... do you think thanks to you? ...-- No I always correct my posts .. my posts are full of evidences with game scenes, they requires a lot of time.. but sometime i have no time to correct before posting... and....
Unfortunately, on Saturday my band arrives and my wife and I set out to record music in our recording studio...we finished at 4 am and then had a sexy night (sort of a closing party after the music session) with some of my wife's friends while she was also getting busy (nothing too hardcore, just groping and some kissing while drinking sparkling wine). I often don't have time to proofread these things and today I woke up in the afternoon, but thanks for being my proofreader, you are very good. Thank you! You also only post falsehoods about the true meaning of this story
anyway thanks for being my draft corrector

here is my post after the correction I made but there is stil some error...
but know I have to check on the recording session we made yesterday..... so I will be busy for hours also today.. I will check i my post later... if you want correct my draft I can give you my 2 cents

I have used "my wife" instead "she"... now also you will be able to understand the real meaning of my sentence!
wrong ... this is not in the game yet
Emma does not have any connection with Anne cheating except for the fact my wife wants to know more about Emma and her decision to prefer Martin to me...
Anne cheating path starts with Martin at the beach!
only if she is already in the cheat path she will provably cheat with other guys-- if not ... she remain faithful since the time at least for the player's side
And if she were to get tired of my not honoring the covenant we both agreed on. there could be sudden repercussions
Please Remember that neither of us openly tells the other that the plan to save our marriage should no longer be executed ---- me being THE MC if the player goes against my plan she might find that without ever telling me Anne has in fact already had affairs with others...precisely because is she to follow the the meanwhile the player can only make choices for me.. not for her....
if I always block her from having sex with others she might actually terminate her relationship with me... remember, our relationship at the beginning of the game was going to a bad ending without the plan, as is written very clearly in the prologue
That is why the dev is recommending to play all paths... there will be unexpected surprises in almost all path!
This game is not like sandbox games that usually by just reading the code that can be discovered by installing 'URM and reading what happens with the choices the player find out how the future of he story will become.... this is a VN and making choice reading the code apply only at the current time storyline (this story covers at least 10 years of our relationship)...every choice could have unexpected and unwritten repercussions...
Only the author of the story has the control of the future events .. the code cannot help to undertstand how the story progression will be.
this is a story from an idea that actually happened for real in our lives and in the game we are only around the day 70 of stry that I think will last for more than 180 days ... maybe for years before the endings!
The old version was about 190 days of story
Your plan is a joke as we already revealed your dishonesty torwards us and yourself...who knows maybe you're even dishonest torwards your real wife.
really? Who are you talking about? Who are these “We” who revealed my dishonesty?
I would like to know this point... are you joking about me as the MC or.... there is no "HUMOR" as tag in this thread! and so the plan is not a joke!
I'm always honest with all of you... instead you, for some reason of your own that you keep hidden from us, constantly seem to want to discredit both me and the protagonist of this story...
If my plan was a joke how come Anne never said that it was a joke? I hope you are just as good at reading Anne's words in this scene ... which is just a small example of how satisfied she is... Anne is taking seriously my plan
as you see my wife never says that the plan I proposed to her to save our marriage is just a joke ... the only one who says that is you...
and after this scene with the swinging couple, at home Anne asks me if I would like to insert my big cock into her asshole.
Maybe here.. after the sex her body was covered with my cum.. she will tell me that my plan is just a stupid joke and that she rejects it?
let see...
seems that we are talking about Anne memories of 10 years ago...
It seems to me that you are always the one who is wrong.
as you can read Im asking her about Malcom
in the night of day 62 Anne tells me that she was fucking Malcolm BBC in her asshole before our romance began-or do you think .... is she joking with me?
as you read my plan is real in our game and for my wife as well! I am suggesting that shehas to resume connection with her classmate Malcolm.she said "I Love you"
after this crucial discussion?
I never joke with my wife.. I LOVE HER!!
All this honesty and sincerity only happens because of my plan
Can you post a dialogue where me or my wife talking about that our plan in the prologue was a joke?
The big problem in your path is that saying NO to everything is not a good idea
here is Anne and Nicole at the college before the start of our love relationship
and here there is Malcom with Anne and Nicole
however do you really believe that by choosing the route where you deny all of my and my wife's enjoyment of the sex wife wasn't fucked in the ass by Malcolm while she was in her first-year college?
Do you also believe that nothing ever happened in college before I met my actual wife? you believe that Anne was a virgin when I married her?...this is where your reasoning falls apart... for you and your friends that are playing paths against the couple plan...
our couple has a backstory...I was with Emma and my wife was having fun with Nicole even before she met me.... what sense does it make to believe that the prologue is a total joke?... you are total wrong in this!
And I will continue to post with my honesty...precisely because you believe that the story of the ten-year relationship between my wife and I is just a joke...
you are basically saying that the author of this story is making fun of his protagonist for the second time also in this rework?? if the author had wanted to, he could have changed the prologue as well ... instead it is identical to the old version.
You are the one and you are against the plan and you want to believe like an imbecile that it is all a joke...
..I am the living proof that a story like this is not a joke at all
...well...go ahead and be my draft corrector and I will continue to explain the protagonist's a few years you will realize that I have always been serious about my wife!
I'm the MC and you always forget my plan that is the basis for understanding the story
I mean here is advocating the use of URM so you can cheat the point system and more! I thought the plan was solid?
So yup either a Troll or an absolute genuine idiot with serious delusions. Either way hes definitely not honest
I have corrected the part of the URM also for you (but maybe you are a rockandroll alt account!
This game is not like sandbox games that usually by just reading the code that can be discovered by installing 'URM and reading what happens with the choices the player find out how the future of the story will become.... this is a VN and making choice reading the code apply only at the current time storyline (this story covers at least 10 years of our relationship)...every choice could have unexpected and unwritten repercussions...
Only the author of the story has the control of the future events .. the code cannot help to undertstand how the story progression will be.
this is a story from an idea that actually happened for real in our lives and in the game we are only around the day 70 of stry that I think will last for more than 180 days ... maybe for years before the endings!
The old version was about 190 days of story
I will find my 2 cents also for you
sincerely yours
The MC of this game!
Having fun with sex is the main goal of our Adventurous Couple!