Different profile, same Ego

Poem Info
Love, funny, annoyed, ridiculous, some men, pompous, jerk
200 words
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Hey, do I know you ? You seem really familiar.
(This is my only account, I just joined)
Because you deleted the other one
(who do you think I am?)
someone I cared about.
(Why do you think I’m him?)
Because he was also pompous
I know that you are him
(No Baby, this is my first time here)
but you really seem familiar
(I want to get familiar)
I’m not into sexting
(no worries, but who are you talking to in pm It seems like you’re chatting a lot. You had more time for me yesterday).
He didn’t like me talking to other people either
(hey, let’s exchange pictures of each other )
oh wow, I think I’ve seen those boxers before
(no, they sell these everywhere I’m sure)
your hands look familiar, and I didn’t ask to see your dick
(oops, I’m sorry)
I know who you are
i’m not sending you anthing naked, stop asking
(please, I just want to see your boobs uncovered)
(I sent you something)
you sent me your face
(oh Shit!)
I knew it was you.. how could you!
(I’m really sorry, I just missed you)
(now can I see your boobs)

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Falling4UFalling4U20 days ago

This site is full of broken people

Someone once said to me

It registered inside my head

Refusing for to flee

For those like me who understand

Wear their heart upon their sleeve

It’s easy to fall much too hard

And then you see them leave

It’s hard to explain to anyone

How bad that leaving can feel

When you have never even met

And yet it felt so real

Love at first sight so hard to grasp

So how can we understand

When love at no sight arrives

And takes you by the hand

Leads you to special places

You never thought to attain

Then crashes like a house of cards

Leaving you broken again

Oplot-MOplot-M7 months ago

I don't understand people, and I don't just mean the guy.

Oh well.

Tomnjerry9Tomnjerry98 months ago

Love the satire

SoftkissblelipsSoftkissblelipsabout 1 year ago

Someone pissed you off lol

Hotcoffee123Hotcoffee123about 1 year agoAuthor

Frodov you don’t have to apologize for anyone. There are really wonderful guys out there. This one was comical.

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