Every VR Game On Steam Is A Nightmare - This Is Why - Part 1
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- I am taking on the mammoth task of reviewing every VR game on steam, the goal will be to review them in my " Is A Nightmare - This Is Why" style, which basically means I am critiquing each Steam VR game I play, as this is a much more interesting way to review.
VR games I reviewed with their Steam links (in order):
Sanguo Warriors VR:
VR2: Vacate 2 Rooms:
Jet Island
I plan on making "Every VR Game On Steam Is A Nightmare" a long running series, however I will be kept busy with Fallout 76 before I get to sink my teeth into the Steam VR library properly.
Patreon: / upisnotjump
Twitter: / upisnotjump
Instagram: @UpIsNotJumpofficial
A huge thank you to Sorrow TV (the voice that wasn't me") sure he doesn't usually talk about games, let alone Steam VR games, but there is a first time for everything. His channel:
/ @sorrowtv
So I guess my days of modding are over as it doesn't really fit this VR review style, unless the VR game needs it to properly experience everything it has to offer I won't be much of a mod guy for a while. Игры
I'm making this the staple series from now but Fallout 76 is coming so that will probably be the next big review. Though after that we are hitting Steam VR HARD
If you wanna help continue this series you can support me here:
Sorrow TV, the very American guy you heard, kindly offered to commentate in this video (the voice that wasn't me) his channel is here:
VR games I reviewed with their Steam links (in order):
Sanguo WarriorsVR:
VR2: Vacate 2 Rooms:
Jet Island
UpIsNotJump YES!!!!!
I love this series!
God i love your style and humor,
you are the best !
Thank you for make these videos.
How long do you think this "series" (talking specificly about EVERY VR GAME IS A NIGHTMARE) will be?, I hope it is at least a few parts
Woo, new vid to laugh at.
Now to sit back and collect my royalties
Oh hey, didn't expect to see you here
But do your royalties compensate for the fact you have a small penis?
This is the crossover I never knew I wanted
And here I thought avengers infinity war was the most ambitious crossover ever
VR elevator makes you sick so you close your eyes. After a couple of seconds you feel like it stopped moving so you open your eyes. You are no longer in the elevator. You hear a voice.
"Hey you, you’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush same as us and that thief over there."
And you open your eyes to find yourself going sideways.
Goodbye, breakfast, my only friend.
Rather, you feel that it has stopped and then you realize that you are still in that fucking elevator and it is still moving.
Godd damn it Tod you bamboozled me again.
Correction: "every game on this list except for jet island is a nightmare"
Holy shit this is gonna be godlike
What is this a crossover episode?
Omg you're here too
Oh hey its you
Nick, do you watch every RUclips channel I watch? What the fuck.
Holy shut this IS gonna be godlike
4:42 - I'm done
A genius reference, but still pretty dark lmao. Loved it
your mental health is very entertaining continue please.
lol you spelled yo'ure wrong
CRAZYD4VE87 Jesus Christ if that isn’t a joke then you’re actually stupid
Edited and it's still wrong, smh.
Headless Gorilla yeah.
@@lincolnpervertproject1776 look again fool lol ...jk
Your sketches never fail to make me laugh. Keep it up dude
"Khajiit is disgraced" xD i love this man lol. his videos make me want to continue being alive xD
A hilarious reviewer, with well thought-out content and amazing jokes..in 2018. I just can't believe it. I thought this breed of reviewer was dead.
Another masterpiece!!
huh jag viste inte at du kollade på det här
”You have to shoot me clem, do it”
Jacksepticeye: *AHHHHHHHHHHHH*
@@beetle4799 Then just delete it
I think you're the first person to fill that JonTron sized hole in my heart. Your videos really remind me of his older stuff, where things weren't drawn out and are very boiled down to just the funny bits. I hope you keep it up for years to come, dude! Thanks for the content
That is totally my goal, thank you
Totally agree with this.
And he doesn't even hate black people!
That’s a lot of damage
I literally said this exact same thing to my friend the other day! He has really captured some of the qualities that made Jons old videos so great, without just blatantly impersonating him. This channel feels both fresh and new, while simultaneously reminding me of the things I loved about old school RUclipsrs.
"khajiit is disgraced" I love this
Poar water on him/her
Khajit is a guy
11:18 they tend to make sure that mylar balloons do not float on purpose, because unlike normal balloons, when mylar balloons float into power lines they cause an explosion.
Time to drop some into a power line
The More You Know
That mannequen gave you way more jokes that you would have thought right? :P
he definitely got his moneys worth on that thing
This video can actually revolutionize VR gaming due to your amazing and clear feedback!!!!
Also for investing your money into VR games.
I expected another lazy "VR is dead" kinda video. But man, this reviewer is amazing.
@@zUJ7EjVD Yikes. I wouldn't go for a Rift anyway, because I've gotta have dat big room scale. Although I also have to have analog sticks. WMR just works for me, and my GTX 1050 Ti "just works" as well.
@@zUJ7EjVD If rift always copies vive, then why is vive completely re-inventing their controllers to be almost exactly like rifts? And the oculus rift came out a long long time before vive did. Companies and brands always "copy" each other, and if there are improvements made, and the entire thing is not just ripped off I see no problem. Look at TF2 and Overwatch. PUBG and Fortnite. Games that took ideas and centralised themes and improved upon them to become far more successful games and direct competitors. The rift is a much more affordable version of the vive, and even with the accessories it is still quite a bit cheaper. Right now, the rifts tracking is fine. You are over-exaggerating due to a regret for spending that much money on something. The fact you did not have a good enough graphics card is entirely your fault. Steam provides a free program that allows you to test your machines VR capabilities. This tool told me my 1050 was not going to be able to run most games very well, so I decided to upgrade to a 1070 (not entirely for VR). As of now, oculus' attention is mainly focused on mobile headsets with built in computers, but once they have released their new headset and vive releases their new controllers, oculus will have a reason to innovate. Personally, i'm hoping for some kind of wireless headset you can connect to your PC with no wires, as I believe it is the biggest drawback to VR right now. VR is in no way worth it to 95% of gamers or more. $500-1000 a bit of money for most people, and you can get way more value for simply just buying regular games/making upgrades to your PC.
Footnote: I have tried both the Oculus and the vive, but don't own a vive, and believe the tracking is almost the same. Although Oculus tracking completely dies whenever a sensor is moved a millimetre. Don't know if this happens on the vive but I've never experienced it in my short time with the headset.
*is a teacher*
*has a switch and vr headset*
Something here doesn’t add up
he's a TEACHER????????????????? *starts to reconsidering life*
@@TheDaniRB1 I think he quit being a teacher though
But he lives in the UK. Pretty sure any place pays teachers more than they make in the U.S.
@@nickmann2589 That's correct.
I play dnd with my teacher and we had a smash tourney in the library
Hey man, I love you content. Keep it up. You got me into VR, and introduced me into the best channel on you RUclips!
Best regards.
Sorrow TV right?
Couldn't have said it better
"got me into VR" ??? Are you stuck in there? Do you require assistance?
Please help. Its been 5 days and my virtual food is running out!
You need to start selling a "Damn you sun" shirt.
I would buy the shit out of that. Just sayin'
And "Damn you grass"
bobdude0987654321 "And after you get closer you feel like a forest is about to sprout up infont of you. Oh, don’t like being around be huh, patch of grass? DAMN YOU GRASS!"
The sword game in Wii sports resort is the best melee game but there is no television in your face but its the OG VR melee game
Technically "Legend Quest" would be the "OG" VR melee game as it was an old Virtuality game with 1 to 1 sword controls. While the sword fighting in Wii Sports Resort was pretty good, once you delved into it it's actually really really basic (match the angle of your opponent's sword and swing). Sports Champions' Gladiator game is sorely underrated for a much deeper melee experience as is Red Steel 2. However, Blade and Sorcery appears to have become the current high standard for motion controlled melee games.
This uhh...is a particular area of interest for me.
When you realize you can press the back button to block and intern get an amazing advantage to all the Wii sport spammers \_(-_-)_/ but y do
Really appreciate the amount of effort you put into these, keep it up mate you are the hero youtube needs.
What that guy said
Your editing and comedic style is my absolute favorite on RUclips
I'm super excited for this series!
On a side note: you get a lot of mileage out of that mannequin dontcha
Just a few inches at a time really.
Oh god the next one gonna use the poor things FINGERS?!?!?!
This series=
Your editing is actually amazing. I can't imagine how long it takes to make an 11 minute video, let alone your longer ones. Much respect.
Iron = Fe (Ferrum), Man = Male
Iron Man = Female
What. Why. No way.
Oh my god
Woah, marvels more WOKE than I thought.
This is text. Its little thoughts by people who don't know how to be men.
I can't believe you put grass on fire for a joke
I love it
Helmotz he didn’t actually set it on fire..
(Is this a woosh?)
"Welcome to Enter Game" why is this not a meme
At least we have "YOU'RE WINNER!".
@@GuardianTam That's what it made me think of!
@@GuardianTam Your a lose!
Congratulations on resurrecting the "Putting stuff in consoles" joke and actually making it funny again.
Ahhhh the rule of three gentlemen.
love the fact that you still have that mannequin and use it for jokes.
Edit: omg i have over 100 likes on this comment :D
I'd go with 'concerned'
Why there aren't more VR games like Jet Island is beyond me
Well, now Jet Island is the top selling VR game on steam. Good work my dude.
It's an AMAZING game.
Holy hell, Jet Island looks...I'm buying that tonight O.o
Edit: Now home, purchased and downloading. You sir are a Master Salesman.
How is it?
Yes how is it?
It's an absolute JOY to behold! The grapple is a little looser than I anticipated and I fell into my wall twice and the floor maybe 6 times, but once you get the hang of it...oh man it's a treat
If any of you have seen the Devourer of Gods, the fact is there is one in this game the literal size of a big city, and seeing it in person is one of the most intimidating experiences I have ever had...a video wouldn't do that big boi justice, I HIGHLY recommend.
@@Unclear4 woah!!! That sounds amazing!
Ziptomba You wouldn’t believe how many times I was playing that game, and I had to come to terms to my inevitable demise only to realize I’m of course playing a fucking VR GAME. (I know he said it aswell, but.. it’s true..)
Reporter: What is your favorite gun?
Criminal: 8:03
I'm really getting that Jontron vibe from your videos, and I absolutely love it. Keep on the great videos my dude
'Cept Jon's upload rate is much worse. I'm still praying for his return.
Just way less racism, which definitely helps.
Jon isn't a racist dipshit. So many people have "heard" things and have never actually listened to what he said.
how do u get racist vibes from this the black cat hes treating as sub human?
well, im sold on jet island, i havent vomited in my vive yet and that needs remedying
yes that need sorting for my rift too
I didn't find it nauseating at all. Fallout 4 is much more dizzying, somehow. Jet Island just sort of... works? It's genuinely incredible.
@Archnid 001 naw vrchat hasnt given me any problems
The scary thing is..... Knowing cats....... If you die in your apartment he will actually try gnawing in your Face......
Jet island has quickly become my favorite vr game ever. Ive experienced nothing like it. The scale, the speed. Its just amazing!
A quality puzzle game in a similar vein Is 'Grapple', an underrated steam game with a great physics system to play around with.
It's not VR, but it really gives you that feeling of speed, in a similar way.
The old and unfinished 'Attack on Titan Tribute Game' made great use out of its physics engine in the same way.
These are the only 3 games that I'm aware of that really let your skills and your speed shine, not to disregard Spiderman 2 of course haha.
I love Jet Island so much...it has left a mark on my soul. Especially the boss fight with the big reptile thing...it was like a true classic dungeon -jetting- crawling adventure. The slow, industrial-esque music playing in the background, shattered by the roaring and thumping emanating from deep within the caverns. And then you finally see it..and it's huuuge. The boss fight moved me in such a way that no other game has done in many years. And it came out of nowhere. I thought I was just having a laid back fun time, jetting around a giant skate park! There was no narrative, no story. Just a big freaking monster to take down. A simply INCREDIBLE and unforgettable experience for me.
It's too bad that the game gives me about as much enjoyment as it gives carpal tunnel syndrome. MAPPING THE MENU BUTTON TO LAUNCH GRAPPLE HOOKS?! And the grapple hooks don't automatically retract like in Windlands?! Grr! I spend most of my time holding down every freaking button on my WMR controller at the same time so that I can jet while using the grappling hooks to gain additional velocity..it is painful. But holy crap, I love this game still. Forget my dying fingers.
Oh, and I wish the hoverboard automatically went onto your back when unequipped, rather than attaching to your hand and needlessly blocking your view. It should be like the skateboard in LEGO Island 2; Popping off your back and going under your feet.
Why don't I just make a review already...
You should do a video on virtual virtual reality
a year ago today i watched this and begged my parents for a vr and now i have one
does this mean in a year i will get vr?
@@lun4bun4 no, it means that he lives in a 1st world country
I got a shitty psvr instead of the oculus quest 2
Jet Island looks pretty nice actually
It's an amazing experience. The first time I tried, I had the good luck of having another player with me who was much more experienced, and he was gliding and swinging all over the place effortlessly. I'm much better now!
Bassem Boustany r/reallybitch?
Casper S? Ikr
Reminds me of Quake or UT for some reason.
5:15 (Vacate the room was played by almost all mayor youtubers)
Well to be honest that sounds extraordinarily niche. I don't know that many people that would be interested in city politics.
I didn't know youtubers could be mayors at the same time lol
Jet island gave me flashbacks to when I was younger and slid down a hill my first time skiing. I did not know to stop and did not want to fall so i braced for colliding into wall. Luckily my dads friend caught me. Seeing him on a board bombarding to a wall is terrifying.
I had a chuckle or two until you got to Jet Island where you were about to crash into the wall. The panicked "oh nooo" shake of the hands had me laughing to tears.
Our God has returned
Spooky scary skeletons remake?
6:24 God, indeed
12:00 mins later
Welp there he goes again :/
Sorrow TV is our god?
I started watching this and died of laughter the first two minutes. So I paused my wife's Netflix session and we watched it together on the TV. Hilarious! Excellent work and love your humour!
Quickly this has become one of my favorite channels.
Damn so is Sorrow tv!
Devastator 4403 same, some really quality comedy here!
I want VR JUST so I can get Jet Island because DAMN does that look awesome.
haha thank you :D
U guys should take a look at VRChat, DCS World, IL-2, Onward :b
It is trust me
Since making this game, I've had many dreams where I was in Jet Island. I've spent so much time in this world now it just feels like a real place. First Jet Island was just some simple blocks I put together, some very low poly islands. Over the past 2 years I just kept sculpting it out and adding more detail. I had no idea what it was going to be before I made it. I would just hop online and explore the world with the beta players. After a while the art style was kind of like, what if aliens made Stone Henge, and what if those aliens also create a giant skate park world in space? Flowing hills, giant structures with interesting and flowing shapes. Everything was just kind of designed around what the gameplay needed to take it to its maximum potential. Somehow it evolved into what it is now :)
Well, all I know is that I just found another reason to save up money to get a Vive or Oculus Rift.
As the developer of Jet Island, what VR headset would you recommend Master Indie?
"Combined they have screamed over every game made." Yeah you're not wrong.
I'm the one percent of that one percent
I play god
With permission
@@miletilblight2181 You need permission to play God? Can't be at the top then can you
@@Jay_Bee_Beats ...I was insulating I had permission from god
@@miletilblight2181 insulating? haha. "insinuating" you mean, surely?
@@Jay_Bee_Beats yes I'm an idiot I know how to spell it I just didn't notice something or other
Didn't expect to see sorrowTV here!
heck me neither
Sorrow TV do a lets play channel daddy uwu
Sorrow TV wheres the new my immortal collab honey?
I just followed him round with a mic until he said all this
Great video. Masterly cut, so it was equally crazy and funny. The mistakes and errors in VR games are great content for comedy when done right. And you sir made me laugh, something I much needed after a family member died a few days ago.
Thanks for making me laugh, you got a subscriber:)
It would be a treat to watch you and your exceptional British-ness try playing Borderlands 2 VR.
oh my gawd... i really really hope this happens xD
Borderlands 2 got VR'd?!
@@boiledelephant Only on playstation sadly.
0:18 Honsestly 🤔
Honsestly though, great video, I'm excited for the next one! These videos provide something that no one else does on this platform, clear and concise reviews of VR games, even those that aren't particularly mainstream, and the comedy is the icing on the cake. Keep it up!
"these balloons do not float," still filled with more expensive helium instead of just compressed air...
I hate how he is so underrated, I honestly haven’t laughed so hard until I started watching the vr games are nightmares, which makes me absolutely die. keep it up, upisnotjump!!
Cringy skits and boring commentary.
Agreed, those VR nightmare videos really make me happy to laugh!
@@Krosis_ yep couldn't take more than one minute of this annoying video
UpIsNotJump is the best VR comedian. The community is only going to grow from here. 1 million subs by January. 10mil by 2020. Great videos!
that depends if his humor goes down (it won’t) or not, he’s amazing, and to think he was a science teacher at a school.
0:19 me when i decide to quit school
4:13 The Archer class is really made out of Archers. - Fate S/N reference
Ah another video to watch 50 times
Im on my my 2nd viewing as I speak.
I know right!
Idk i always watch this guy's videos like 100 times theyre so gooood
Why has it taken me so long to find this!? I have needed this for so long!
Keep up the good work. I can't tell you how many times I just watch your videos to make myself laugh and feel better :D
UpIsNotJump, I live in America and I can tell you that our rooms are no bigger than your tea filled rooms. Nice video too, very funny! =)
Ambrose Burnside Our rooms are filled with American flags. Help
all i can see in every direction is rifles.
Mine is filled with Cheeseburgers, pancakes, and of course..... AR-15s
i love the extra mile you take with your skits. keep those mannequin jokes coming man
I was pleasantly surprised by just how fresh and well timed the humour was in this video.
Look at all those games, i have no way of playing.
Same :(
I would if my computer could handle my Oculus ;D
Loved the vid, man. The cat jokes nearly killed me.
UPISNOTJUMP: plays wii music over the Nintendo
Me: wait, that’s illegal
VR?... money?... VR?... money?....
I've been having this debate in my head for the past year and I still haven't decided.
Wait for 2nd gen, then go full VR :b
RTX 2080 Ti?... Money?... RTX 2080 Ti?... Money?... RIP
vr absolutely worth it
Ah, I see Todd Howard is still as hot as ever. What is his exercise routine, I wonder?
Every day, he runs once across the entirety of Skyrim.
Skyrim Hustling
Mocking chess club people and then saying he was in the chess club awkwardly
The souls of those who buy his games.
4:35 I was watching this on a Samsung and a few seconds later my phone alerted that it was on 15% battery. So I started charging it.
Jet island looks like the visuals of Quake, the gameplay of that old shooter where everyone learned a glitch that lets you kind of slide around at light speed (I think it’s called tribes or something like that I can’t remember), and windlands. That’s another game you should look at, it’s really cool
And the bosses are something straight out of shadow of the colossus. It’s great.
The movement is also similar to surfing from counter-strike, which has been a thing all the way back in the old days of 1.6 (probably even before that) and is still one in source and GO. It's also a "glitch" there (probably more of an exploit).
But you had probably way more air-control in CS compared to what I'm seeing here. You didn't needed anything to freely move around
in Air, only a decent amount of velocity.
Windlands, yeah. That's what it reminded me of. Great game!
If you look at MasterIndie's channel (the guy who made jet island), he mentioned the game was supposed to be tribes-like in one of his early Dev logs
More like Unreal
dam your videos just keep getting better and better.
Don't dam your videos! It'll be terrible for the environment!
Love how it says "Honsestly" at 0:18
Guardian 7 same
Notification squad lets go!
Aww, your cat is adorable. Such a beautiful black little creature.
I have been a subscriber for 3 years and I am so happy to see your almost hit a million subs. Love your content.
You are the epitome of my sense of humor.
The walls job: protec hooman from disastur
0:25 Dishwasher? No.
5:08 Dishwasher? _Yes_
It's currently eleven and I'm eating an ice cream cone binge watching these, I am the problem
i played Jet Island and I highly recomend using a swivel chair while playing. and yeah, the style really is reminiscent of 90's cyber-space aesthetics. it's very neat.
i wanted to play that game a shit ton because i've always dreamed of being able to jet, slide, and swing myself around.
When you see a max level boss and you're a level 1, ready to prepare for anything head on immedietly...
4:50 That noise sync is Godly.
Dude your videos are amazing. You're oke of the funniest guys I know and not to mention the quality of your videos, I love every single of them. Cheers brother! All my luck and support to you! Do what you love doing and I'll be always watching!
2:55 cats wag their tail when they are either interested or bored.
Can you review Subnautica VR? It's probably terrifying.
The Mii channel music synch with the...booting ceremony, is very nicely done. GJ.
Can you do a vid all about your cat plz.
yeah he seems chill
Maybe start a new channel just for Sid.
the screen at the bowling place when it looks like a strike but then i miss: 2:22
How have I not found you before? Your one of the few RUclipsrs to actually make me physically laugh out loud
Hi I just loooove your videos, the only problem is that I'm french and .... you speak very quickly .... so since I found your channel I trained my english a lot just to be able to understand you !!! Now I can understand all your jokes ! I promise, if I wasn't laughing before, it is definitivly not because your jokes were bad :Innocent_Look: (:
7:48 I’ll have the wine
Watching you do this ( 4:47 ) to your Switch in 2020, when I had to search a 30 mile radius to find only two of them for sale to get mine... you monster!
5:41 I believe the game you’re looking for may be Myst, look it up. Could also be “you must escape”
H3VR - Hotdogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades.
We need a britbong to experience The American Dream™ in VR!
I just want a vr game where ur a barber that only gives people haircuts that make them nearly bald and slap them on the head and the voice line "I like ya cut g" plays.
"Now, this isn't a problem if you're American and you design your houses based on how many f&&&ing BASKETBALL COURTS YOU CAN FIT INSIDE."
I died. xD
how tf do I subscribe twice
Get a different account
press the subscribe button two times, make sure you don't press it thrice
You are genuinely hilarious man. I'm laughing so hard my eyes are watering. Keep up the good work man
Why is him smacking the Switch so satisfying?
Ben Cosmos
Because of Switch Online