Listen to the Monster in Your Closet | Star Hansen | TEDxTucson

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025

Комментарии • 159

  • @kelleyjernigan7045
    @kelleyjernigan7045 2 года назад +7

    Moment of clarity while watching this video: I’ve built walls of clutter with which to protect myself. Star is truly blessed with a gift💜 I just realized how exposed I would feel without all of this STUFF serving as a barrier around me. I’ve never seen it this way. Here’s to healing for us all.

  • @Parkomatic
    @Parkomatic 5 лет назад +84

    I thought I had seen most of the video's on decluttering until I found this one today almost two years after it was recorded. They all had something to offer but this Star Hansen Ted Talk was a whole other level. You masquerade as a professional organizer but you are a combination of a best friend who brings over a bottle of wine, and an amazing psychologist.
    You are a powerful speaker who found the heart of the matter. Thanks for the wonderful insight. Your talk triggered a range of emotions that I thought were long buried. Better to deal with them. You bring me clarity. Thank you.

  • @prairieN
    @prairieN 3 года назад +17

    My clutter says I have big dreams and I am afraid to really run towards them. It says I love writing, painting, creating, and feel guilty about enjoying it. It says I hold onto things from other people because I am afraid if I let go, I won't have what I need.
    It says I grew up in generations of poverty and food insecurity and I've learned to hide to stay safe

  • @FA-kt3is
    @FA-kt3is 3 года назад +12

    I would never guess that I will be in tears at the end of this speach...

  • @matthewthrush9172
    @matthewthrush9172 7 лет назад +107

    I love the psychology behind this. I've always known that the things people acquire and how they live their lives reveals the truth about them and what's going on in their lives, but it's interesting to take a deeper look into the clutter itself speaking and revealing the hidden truths that we try so desperately to hide.
    Now I'm walking about my house contemplating what each room is revealing about me. haha. Great talk!

  • @chelamcguire
    @chelamcguire 5 лет назад +41

    Every item that I have bought into my house since the passing of my husband has been simply my emotional bandages. Thank you for pointing that out to me Ms Hansen. Your talk has lifted me, inspired me. I watched your presentation through two days ago and since then, I have moved mountains. My 'bandages' have found there way to the local skip and the charity shop. I have only scratched the surface, but Star, I want to thank you for letting me find myself under my emotional clutter. Your presentation has been an enormous help to me. I am indeed 'the monster' in my very own closet.

    • @denisemarie6131
      @denisemarie6131 5 лет назад +4

      Did it hurt? I'm one of those who put off moving my mountains because I don't want to face the pain of grief I will face. Thank you

    • @419ariel47
      @419ariel47 5 лет назад +7

      Chela McGuire I have about same story. Since my little girl passed away and I lost my family too( they deserted me all ) than few years later a house into I was moving and since few months I was preparing it for my new life than suddenly it got on fire and lost everything I had to return to my old “little house on the prairie” a much smaller house. I have all clutter in piles everywhere especially in 1/2 of my bed.
      Thank you for making me understand my monster.
      Started digging up
      What is fun is that I used to have a business which included de-clutter homes. I am voiding to come home and real with the monster since I lost my house

    • @SF-ru3lp
      @SF-ru3lp Год назад

      Every blessing to you Chela. G Ire

  • @poliver12345
    @poliver12345 2 года назад +4

    Thanks again Star Hansen, clutter is external demonstration of our internal storms, we feel we need stuff to makes us feel valued & have things ready to pull out in "emergency situations" as in my case being in a relationship where my spouse and I don't really communicate ..I walk daily and feed cats to feel needed as often spouse & family/friends choose to close their hearts and avoid communication. Like the "Face your monster head on to find out it is simply a dust bunny, a hero, a savior which is true it gives you more free time to do what you love in this journey through planet earth with all its challenges!

  • @Iluveatingramen
    @Iluveatingramen 4 года назад +50

    I don't have a lot of stuff and I love throwing things out, but my constant tossing is a sense of control because I feel like I have no control in my life. Sometimes being a neat freak can reveal something as well

    • @susanalexander7990
      @susanalexander7990 3 года назад +3

      I was thinking exactly the same thing! I started decluttering when the pandemic hit and now I think it was for a feeling of control over something. Also wondering if I really just want to throw out my whole life!

    • @Iluveatingramen
      @Iluveatingramen 3 года назад +1

      @@susanalexander7990 I'm sorry you feel that way, I understand it. I very often feel the same , I wish a lot of my life was veryyy different

  • @alankritakaushal
    @alankritakaushal 5 лет назад +77

    This lady changed my life in 15 minutes. How suddenly I know what I have to quit clinging on!

  • @jennytaylor3324
    @jennytaylor3324 5 лет назад +45

    Fascinating talk. I have always thought think where there's clutter, there's pain. This is wisdom.
    Next time I have a sort out, I'll think of this, and do it differently: with compassion for myself. Thank you.

    • @SF-ru3lp
      @SF-ru3lp Год назад

      Great phrase of yours, Jenny: Where there's clutter, there's pain. I will remember it. G Ire

  • @suzannemeyer4793
    @suzannemeyer4793 5 лет назад +59

    OMG! I need you to council my marriage. The clutter speaks. We haven't... This is the most eye opening Ted talk I have experienced!

  • @peggyclendenon3047
    @peggyclendenon3047 3 года назад +5

    I've been seeing comments on different posts about decluttering the mind before the stuff. Today, Aug. 19, 2021 I stumbled across this video... Oh my stars! I must be sooo messed up. 😢 i just thought I was a slob. I'm not being sarcastic or ridiculing this talk/speaker. I already started clearing space in my house. I don't want the mess to come back yet it always does. I will do some soul searching as I clean. Thank you. I have plenty to think about.

  • @mellissadalby1402
    @mellissadalby1402 4 года назад +14

    Clutter has invaded our minds, no doubt. Having to "multitask" on the job so much these days being able to find enough mental clarity to think effectively is a real challenge. The context switching is far more expensive than upper managers imagine.

  • @legingembrefou5981
    @legingembrefou5981 5 лет назад +11

    So very accurate. I've been hurt too many times by people and my apartment stays a mess...because of this I can never have anyone over, never bring a date home, etc.

  • @poliver12345
    @poliver12345 2 года назад +2

    My closet is sorted with summer/winter clothes in labelled suitcases as well as linen in storage baskets~! I try to go every couple of weeks through my closet/ hooks for convenience every am to grab a t-shirt or winter sweater! Truth is 50% of items are only worn for 2-1/2 months of the year in summer here in Canada near Atlantic Ocean!

  • @asha_vere
    @asha_vere 5 лет назад +13

    When she pointed out the cluttered bed my heart started pounding because my bed is halfway covered with laundry for the same reason...

  • @kerryfranklin1841
    @kerryfranklin1841 2 года назад +2

    Yes! Bless you Star Hansen, for your words here for us .. I will listen to it again

  • @blackspace5342
    @blackspace5342 4 года назад +12

    My clutter: keeping you from having people over, keeping you from having relationships, friends.
    Not anymore. I move cities in 12 days. 😁 everything gets let go.

  • @stilianigreuling5013
    @stilianigreuling5013 2 года назад +4

    Clutter is your invitation to heal!

  • @MichaelBrown-lw5zh
    @MichaelBrown-lw5zh 5 лет назад +14

    I told someone that about my clutter. But I said it comes and goes depending on how many things are stressing me out. When my mind's clear the mess goes

  • @rickbuell8996
    @rickbuell8996 5 лет назад +15

    This Ted talk may have done more for me than several years of counseling!
    Thank you!

  • @movementwithbrad
    @movementwithbrad 3 года назад +2

    I was struck as I listened to this while getting ready to attend the last day of my convention in 'counterstrain'. What I'm really doing in helping, healing others is ultimately some version of what this talk is pointing to. Or at least when I'm successful at all it's something like this ultimately. I really get lost and think it's about clearing their closets, giving them a better body, getting rid of their pain. But boy is that wrong. None of us really heal by getting rid of pain without the insight about what that pain is pointing to, the gift that it is possibly revealing about our hopes, truths, connections to others, life that is connected. The stuckness we experience is mirrored in our clutter or how we don't or do deal with it. That's it. Simple, beautiful

  • @wildxeyes
    @wildxeyes 4 года назад +6

    Criminally underviewed. So insightful.

  • @SF-ru3lp
    @SF-ru3lp Год назад +1

    I always thought that .... from my experience of myself... brilliant talk. Thank you. G Ire

  • @theGhostSteward
    @theGhostSteward 5 лет назад +14

    This was one of most important videos I even seen in my life

  • @LynnRoseWOW
    @LynnRoseWOW 7 лет назад +41

    How perfect to watch right now as my other half is moving out and I'm going thru every nook and cranny to begin again. I'm facing those clutter monsters head-on and filling them with love and letting go. Thank you. GREAT job, girl!

    • @christinebeames2311
      @christinebeames2311 5 лет назад +12

      You said “ your other half “ after he’s gone ,in a while , you will feel a whole person again ,complete , not half of something , when you reach this state , you are ready to love again , but not as a part person , a WHOLE PERSON ,WHO IS FINE ON THEIR OWN

  • @marymccluer1630
    @marymccluer1630 2 года назад +1

    I love this TED talk! It makes so much sense that there is a deeper personal meaning to clutter, one that may be steeped in shame and buried deep within the subconscious of the individual. Star raises and interesting point that getting organized should also involve some self-reflection by asking "Why have I been holding on to this?"

  • @marissamcafee6442
    @marissamcafee6442 5 лет назад +6

    Wow...this was not what I expected at all! I want her to organize my stuff to see what my clutter says about me...that’s be interesting. And she’s a professional organizer with great communication skills!

  • @Dr.EllenContente
    @Dr.EllenContente 5 лет назад +6

    OMG! So awesome! You were my first guest expert on this at Heart Centered Programs radio show! My clutter says I love to read and wear lots of shoes! And ... hate to throw out anything sentimental! Loved your talk! Congrats!!!

  • @nancymetzger1369
    @nancymetzger1369 3 года назад +4

    Thanks so much for these insights! You just explained so much about my life, my late Mom, & so many family members. I'm going to use this to help my family & co-workers with their decisions!

  • @jesselenzrokobauer7042
    @jesselenzrokobauer7042 5 лет назад +9

    This is one of the best speaches I ever heard. Thank you.

  • @D4NC3Rable
    @D4NC3Rable 5 лет назад +9

    Honestly I'm floored by this talk.

  • @hcwbw3
    @hcwbw3 2 года назад +1

    In studding "the philosophy of death" I know people do not like to speak or even think of death, let alone my death but it can be very powerful and life affirming. Among 8 books we used is a letter written 49 AD by Lucius Annaeus Seneca Roman Senator, on time, really on life, because you live in time. He wrote this letter as a decertation of sorts, people wrote in that way back then, think "letters by Paul to the Ephesians". It is a master piece on time and the use or waste of time, life, very through and enlightening, one question remains. The one question is whether Seneca was writing his friend Paulinus (the equivalate of the treasurer of Rome) or himself. Some, myself included think most certainly both, though more himself. Ms. Hansen does not exclude herself from the fray, and we all are swimming in these waters, some with clutter other with alcohol etc. I guess the point is, stop, think, ask, seek help because at any given moment we can not all ways see the forest for the trees. Prospective, and a learned individual, (whatever the source of the wisdom) is and can be very revealing. Thank you for a very revealing look at clutter.

  • @chinookvalley
    @chinookvalley 5 лет назад +81

    Yep. My house and everything in it is a pile of - clutter. My emotions are under every one of those piles. I'm frozen.

    • @globalmuffin2
      @globalmuffin2 5 лет назад

      lmao :)))

    • @yarnpower
      @yarnpower 5 лет назад +8

      I hope you have started small but have found the strength to start to declutter.

    • @EmmaDee
      @EmmaDee 5 лет назад +1

      yarnpower as Im leaving Lowe’s buying plants to kill.

  • @CarmenElRose
    @CarmenElRose 5 лет назад +18

    My clutter is lots of things I'm gonna save and make something out of. I'm trying to fix everything and save others and it shows in my stuff.

  • @sweetsherbet13
    @sweetsherbet13 5 лет назад +6

    Halfway through this video and I'm crying so hard.

  • @lauramiller8332
    @lauramiller8332 3 года назад +18

    My clutter says someday I am going to learn to play piano/research my family tree/make a scrap book/learn a foreign language/sew/garden/read/camp/hike/kayak, etc....

    • @shalenga
      @shalenga 2 года назад +3

      Check out author Barbara Sher. You can do it all!

  • @vickylowe1064
    @vickylowe1064 5 лет назад +4

    I was in tears by the time she was done speaking!

  • @suzannewhang2277
    @suzannewhang2277 7 лет назад +63

    I think I was your first ever client, and you definitely helped me begin to transform my space. This talk is magnificent. I hope it assists you in transforming many more lives, and I can't wait to read your book when it comes out!

    • @josie3674
      @josie3674 5 лет назад +1

      Suzanne Whang but she said she “revisited her client James who’s now been happily married for 8 years after she helped him” clear his bedroom! Hhhmmm... 🤔 (I agree with you though, a terrific talk however long she’s been de-cluttering)

    • @keepingupwiththejoneses746
      @keepingupwiththejoneses746 5 лет назад +5

      @@josie3674 it is entirely possible that this woman was helped more than 8 years ago

  • @denisewalker7235
    @denisewalker7235 5 лет назад +14

    Last year My Mom passed away and I had to move. The clutter I had to deal with was overwhelming but I got through it. The inside stuff not so easy.

  • @kathiewalli8746
    @kathiewalli8746 5 лет назад +9

    This was amazing.......WOW.....When I go into cluttered houses I’m now going to try to figure out the monster

  • @maryjaneharber7193
    @maryjaneharber7193 4 года назад +3

    wowwwwwwwwwww truely,somewhere , some how I know this and She is just so amazing to remind me of these trues, beautiful Kay La Ty Star

  • @paigesherbert
    @paigesherbert 7 лет назад +6

    This is amazing Star! Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insight on what our clutter is trying to tell us.

  • @barbaran.6667
    @barbaran.6667 5 лет назад +5

    Genius view on the topic. thank you!!!

  • @HomemakerDaze
    @HomemakerDaze 5 лет назад +22

    I just realised a job I’d be good at. I love organising lol when I organise a cupboard, I can sit there for an hour in the peace of it

  • @lakshmimuralidharan8294
    @lakshmimuralidharan8294 5 лет назад +8

    Thank you! I bless you with love and light!

  • @carriearlah1775
    @carriearlah1775 7 лет назад +11

    This is beautiful. Thank you sister for shining your light so bright and for helping the rest of us do the same

  • @kristyk4125
    @kristyk4125 5 лет назад +6

    What a beautiful healing modality

  • @jasminehealey9405
    @jasminehealey9405 4 года назад +2

    This was so extremely helpful & I'm very grateful for having the opportunity to hear it

  • @MonicaRicciCoach
    @MonicaRicciCoach 7 лет назад +10

    Great job girl! Super proud of you and love your powerful message! Woot!! In the last 20 years I've experienced all the things you talked about over and over and over again with my clients. That's why I've stopped doing physical organizing and moved into coaching and consulting. Like you, I don't care what someone's home looks like -- I love helping them learn to find their voice, clarify what's important, communicate powerfully and create the life they want. Hope to see you in Chicago next month!

  • @scc3157
    @scc3157 3 года назад +3

    What a great perspective !!!

  • @poonamwankhede9193
    @poonamwankhede9193 4 года назад +4

    So inspiring..

  • @chrisallen1934
    @chrisallen1934 5 лет назад +83

    “The things you own end up owning you.” Tyler Durden, Fight Club.

  • @forbesparkvideos
    @forbesparkvideos 5 лет назад +15

    Star, Thank you for your insight and brilliant presentation. I've tried to declutter again and again, but I get stuck trying to decide which items 'bring me joy'. Most of them do not. They are just representations of emotional monsters, primarily in my closet, that need to be cast out. I get it now.
    I'm giving you a single, astronomical Star (puns intended) because FIVE STARS would just be clutter. ⭐ You're briliant. Thank you! 😘

  • @ViolinViolaMasterclass
    @ViolinViolaMasterclass 5 лет назад +8

    “Clean your room,” Jordan Peterson🥰 Fantastic talk...I was really touched by this. Thank you

    • @Parkomatic
      @Parkomatic 5 лет назад +1

      that was one of Jordans 12 rules wasn't it?

  • @lorenatulian6180
    @lorenatulian6180 5 лет назад +4

    Wonderful talk! I'll listen to what my clatter has to say! Thanks!

  • @FadynichPhotosInfo
    @FadynichPhotosInfo 7 лет назад +10

    Thank you once again for sharing your story on our TEDxTucson stage. I feel a little more organized just clicking on the link, mental clutter is our worst enemy.

  • @jenntruong6023
    @jenntruong6023 5 лет назад +4

    I am glad I am not a hoarder on any level and have always been considered a neat, clean, and organized person. I don't have clutter in my home; If I feel sad or stressed, mess or clutter would make me more sad and more stressed. So therefore, I always clean it up regardless of how I feel. Makes life easier for sure

  • @bojestss
    @bojestss 7 лет назад +6

    Awesome job Star! I am forwarding that to my radio show listener list.

  • @AR-gg2su
    @AR-gg2su 5 лет назад +6

    This is intense. Thank you

  • @SpiritPhoenixRose
    @SpiritPhoenixRose 5 лет назад +6

    1) gorgeous name
    2) on my phone, looks like Monica from Friends
    3) great talk and very timely - I'm looking at my clutter right now and eager to dive in! Right after a snack...

  • @freemindsloveforever
    @freemindsloveforever 5 лет назад +45

    "Clutter is an external demonstration of our internal storm... some exhibit it in other struggles like food...."

    • @TheBarbieazteca
      @TheBarbieazteca 4 года назад +1

      I wish this was in Spanish for my hoarder mom to watch :(,,,,

  • @L.Spencer
    @L.Spencer 5 лет назад +6

    Very insightful.

  • @kristinpowell-kurrle3773
    @kristinpowell-kurrle3773 7 лет назад +5

    YES! I Love You Star!! Such a great job!

  • @incognitoriaanonymousita
    @incognitoriaanonymousita Год назад +1

    Awesome. I wonder if she has a blog. Wish she could read my clutter.

  • @AJGungHO
    @AJGungHO 5 лет назад +51

    Judging by the tears raining onto my desk, I really needed to see this. Now, where to start?

  • @jeneagillespie5893
    @jeneagillespie5893 5 лет назад +4

    I needed this to see I could move thru my past mistakes. Thank you.

  • @amberfryer9709
    @amberfryer9709 2 года назад +1

    I’ve struggled for 37 years to know what to do with my life. Now i think i know. I want to be a home organizer and therapist!

    • @arellatikvah
      @arellatikvah 2 года назад

      Good for you and good luck!!

  • @Henry-n7n8
    @Henry-n7n8 Год назад +1

    Great Ted talk

  • @lilamerican7296
    @lilamerican7296 5 лет назад +4

    Thank you teacup! 😁

  • @yvonnes7874
    @yvonnes7874 5 лет назад +4

    Spot on.

  • @MS-bs8dd
    @MS-bs8dd 5 лет назад +3

    “Because who cares what the outside looks like, what matters is how you feel inside.” 😯🤔😒😔🤨🙃😌😚🧡

  • @jennieperez9402
    @jennieperez9402 5 лет назад +10

    I have been 10 years since I broke up with my husband, figuring out what to do with boxes 📦 of paper, the amount of decorations and clothing 😭😭😭

  • @rachelleensor3147
    @rachelleensor3147 5 лет назад +10

    This video speaks to my heart & i want more. If anyone knows of or has any other videos or info like this to share, i wld really appreciate it!!!

    • @TheDriftwoodlover
      @TheDriftwoodlover 5 лет назад +4

      Rochelle Ensor, Check out Brooks Palmer on RUclips. He has a great mellow approach.

    • @jeannestandley-kinata824
      @jeannestandley-kinata824 4 года назад +4

      Rachelle Enslor. *The Clutter Bug on RUclips. She has a Ted Talk and a video series on RUclips. Very well done and is respectful of different organizational styles. Helps you think through your needs and design a system for your specific organizational style based on your type. She has an easy quiz to take to determine your type. Her videos give examples of step by step how tos and practical application to specific rooms. All very nicely designed yet on a budget.
      * and the Clutter Fairy on RUclips. This lady does a weekly question and answer interview format video show . She dives right into the emotional reasons underneath the clutter. The comments are insightful and encouraging on both RUclips Channels. In both cases the women are professional organizers with practical first hand experience dealing with issues around clutter, organization, hoarding and addiction. I hope this helps. I am sending love and hugs from Washington State, USA, Jeanne of In Loving Hands Counseling and ASMR

    • @rachelleensor3147
      @rachelleensor3147 4 года назад +2

      @@jeannestandley-kinata824 ty so much! I'm from the Seattle area!!!

    • @jeannestandley-kinata824
      @jeannestandley-kinata824 4 года назад +2

      @@rachelleensor3147 , That's great! I was born and raised in Seattle. If you want to text me my number is 1-580-371-7886. I hope you are well and being careful as our COVID-19 numbers are climbing. My favorite RUclipsr is Dr. John Campbell. He is a Professor of Nursing in the UK. He wrote the standard textbooks on anatomy and physiology that are used around the world. And he has an amazing way of explaining complex medical concepts in easy to understand terms. He accurately predicted the World Pandemic in December of 2019. And has been giving daily updates on SARS-CoV-2 since January 2020. He has videos on Caring for a Relative with COVID-19 and Vitamin D3. Watch his latest Vitamin D video and start taking it right away.
      Basically, people who die of COVID-19 have low blood serum levels of vitamin D and we have an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency. Be sure and avoid crowds. If you have to go grocery shopping wear a tight fitting P95 or higher mask and eye protection. Use 70% isopropyl alcohol as hand sanitizer and surface cleaner or wash your hands frequently. Ventilate your home by opening windows to get air flow and dilute potential virus particles to reduce viral lode. If you have to go into public get in and out quickly. Be sure and wear a well fitting mask to filter the air you breathe. Be diligent and don't give in to COVID-19 FATIGUE. Which is when people get so tired of dealing with the Pandemic they get a false sense of security, get overwhelmed and quit taking precautions.
      Please be really careful. 60- 80% of transmission is by asymptomatic carriers who don't even know that they are infected. They don't have symptoms, no headache, no sore throat, no fatigue, no cough, no shortness of breath, no loss of taste or smell, no rash, no dirreaha or gargastic distress. But they are infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus and exhaling the virus particles and unknowingly infecting others. Presymptomatic carriers are people who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus and will come down with symptoms but have not yet. So they are contagious before they show symptoms. And sadly they do not realise that they are sick and infecting others until it is too late.
      Dr. John Campbell's videos are excellent. He uses evidence based research and explains why science works. He has such a gentle way about him but he teaches with authority. I think you will like him. He is a man of integrity. I hope you have a lovely evening. It was good to hear from you. I am sending love and hugs from Washington State, USA, Jeanne of In Loving Hands Counseling and ASMR

  • @PriscilladeCarvalhoNunes
    @PriscilladeCarvalhoNunes 6 лет назад +8

    Beautiful talk! Congratulations!

  • @jessicav677
    @jessicav677 5 лет назад +5

    This is a great video :) Thank you!!

  • @lulyfresa
    @lulyfresa 5 лет назад +4

    Me encantó! Gracias! 🙇🙇🙇

  • @DanielaClapp
    @DanielaClapp 5 лет назад +5

    Wow, this was amazing! LOVED this talk! Sometimes I feel that I have clutter, because I don't have enough money to remodel my home and make everything look beautiful, just the way I like it. But ultimately I am probably just making excuses.
    I need a bigger house...hahaha....

    • @arellatikvah
      @arellatikvah 2 года назад

      The bigger the house the more stuff people put into it. You probably don't need a bigger house, trust me. With each move to a bigger house the clutter got worse for us. There are great bits by George Carlin labeled under "stuff" here on RUclips. Take a listen.

  • @anaborges5857
    @anaborges5857 5 лет назад +3


  • @poesia49
    @poesia49 6 лет назад +5

    Beautiful and inspiring!

  • @theripleyeffect5203
    @theripleyeffect5203 3 года назад +1

    Breakthrough level talk.

  • @denneuenkanalfindestduunte303
    @denneuenkanalfindestduunte303 3 года назад +2

    Wow! What a deep and beautiful and true way to see clutter! And I would love to invite you to a dinner party!! :-D Might just be a little far since I live in Germany ;-)

  • @abhikum1000
    @abhikum1000 7 лет назад +5

    Wow..amazing 🤗🙂👏👏👏 Thanks for the lovely reminder..Clutter Speaks

  • @AlainGuillot
    @AlainGuillot 6 лет назад +6

    Amazing talk. Thank you for sharing. :)

  • @blackspace5342
    @blackspace5342 4 года назад +4

    You're my fairygodmother. T thank you

  • @maileevyne5000
    @maileevyne5000 4 года назад +1

    I put my clutter to the side. Every time I see it when I go into my room, I feel numb to where I should put it. So I leave it. 😬 One good thing is that I'm good about not buying too much stuff. But it is building up slowly.

  • @annieannie1630
    @annieannie1630 5 лет назад +3

    Thank you!

  • @christinaspitznagel3927
    @christinaspitznagel3927 3 года назад +1

    Great perspective!

  • @kellen11000
    @kellen11000 7 лет назад +4

    You rocked it Star!

  • @lisaa6099
    @lisaa6099 5 лет назад +3


  • @lindseymakitalo5538
    @lindseymakitalo5538 6 лет назад +8

    I love this so much! I read the Japanese art of tidying up by Marie kondo a couple years ago and it radically changed my life!

  • @muurrarium9460
    @muurrarium9460 3 года назад +3

    but...I need my clutter, it keeps people from coming over in my house, invading my space, my life.
    Bus also: the clutter makes it so I cannot live my life the way I want to.
    I cannot choose! The moment I have a spare few feet there will be somebody there, demanding attention, to be taken care of, in dire need, planning to stay etc.etc.. so whatever I choose: life will be a constant struggle. Fun eh?
    (At least I can ignore my clutter if I really need to.)

  • @quinter1996
    @quinter1996 6 лет назад +6

    This awesome great job @star

  • @paragibhatt1628
    @paragibhatt1628 5 лет назад +2

    Wow great 👍.

  • @sutats
    @sutats 2 года назад +2

    It's time to let go, now.

  • @blackspace5342
    @blackspace5342 4 года назад +2

    Healer !

  • @FeelGoodWithin
    @FeelGoodWithin 5 лет назад +4

    I also need to declutter more😝😍

  • @beverlyness7954
    @beverlyness7954 3 года назад +3

    I LOVE your message

  • @cloudanimal5209
    @cloudanimal5209 5 лет назад +8

    I’m terrified to soon start college and my desk recently became very cluttered...

    • @keepingupwiththejoneses746
      @keepingupwiththejoneses746 5 лет назад +5

      College is what you make it! I graduated with no real friends and was incredibly antisocial due to depression and over-busying myself. I decided before I started college that things would be different. It was a new chapter of life and I could write it any way I like. I found myself in college. I was very social and learned a lot about friendship- whom to keep around and how to walk away from toxic people. I made a lifelong friend that has been there for me every day since she knew how serious I am about our friendship. I learned how to walk away from something that everyone expects you to stick with because "you're supposed to" and how blind I can be when my heart is all in. College was the best set of educational years I have had. I met me.
      College can be anything you make it. Choose your path, set forth and find yourself. A lovely journey awaits you!

  • @fatmagamal6105
    @fatmagamal6105 5 лет назад +3

    In time 👌