
  • Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
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    ⭐ #陈情令##肖战##王一博#
    《陈情令》是根据墨香铜臭小说《魔道祖师》改编,企鹅影视和新湃传媒联合出品的古装仙侠剧,由郑伟文、陈家霖联合执导,肖战、王一博、宣璐、刘海宽、汪卓成、朱赞锦、于斌 、王皓轩联袂主演。该剧以五大家族为背景,讲述了云梦江氏故人之子魏无羡和姑苏蓝氏含光君蓝忘机重遇,携手探寻往年真相的故事。
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    • 【陈情令The Untamed】❀霸气腹黑老...
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    ✨炮灰王妃逆袭拯救大明星王爷🎸【惹不起的殿下大人(To Get Her)】每日更新~欢迎订阅~
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Комментарии • 53

  • @sharronteng5007
    @sharronteng5007 2 года назад +18


    @STUGUERT 4 года назад +48

    Prostrating themselves three times before their ancestors is part of the Chinese wedding ceremony! In addition, the "union" with the forehead band, plus the chickens that Lan Wangji gave as a gift to Wei Wuxian - these are all items that also refer/are part of the wedding traditions! In short, they are declaring that the two are married in the plot! How did so much symbolism/references escape Chinese censorship? ❤💙

    • @Mrs8thdeadlysin
      @Mrs8thdeadlysin 3 года назад +6

      Idk but I am so happy it did..I watched it d first time n didn't realize they were in love til after he came back if not for those lil thins Idk if we wld ever have realized

  • @xiao4931
    @xiao4931 4 года назад +62


    • @龍天夜
      @龍天夜 4 года назад +32


  • @CindersVale
    @CindersVale 4 года назад +82

    I have thought that part of Jiang Chen's reaction is envy because he no longer has his brother by his side as he had hoped. Instead, Wei Wuxian has a different close brotherhood with Lan Zhan. I think that Jiang feels replaced and that is just one more thing that he blames Wei for.

  • @fes1493
    @fes1493 3 года назад +11

    everytime when lanzhan's mad because of Wei and wants to protect him, he gets hotter! lol

  • @twinflames8600
    @twinflames8600 4 года назад +40

    Can't believe Lan Zhan heard about Wei Ying naughtiness in Gusu. Wonder if that attracted him more😏

  • @李晴惠-w5y
    @李晴惠-w5y 4 года назад +22


  • @cezdany4630
    @cezdany4630 3 года назад +22

    When I just watching the untamed I ask my self, why Jiang Cheng so angry, and why WuXian looks so weak. And I find the actual reason from novel, I can't stop smile, cry and shy in one time. I naturally know how Jiang Cheng feel when he saw his Sixiong fall from tree to be caught by WangJi, also in WuXian minds they prostrates as their 2 wedding prostrates.

  • @roseroserose2667
    @roseroserose2667 4 года назад +27


  • @livieee-lou
    @livieee-lou 3 года назад +7

    super random, but:
    Who else thinks the song *Hearts by Jessie Ware* fits perfectly here? Especially the part that goes
    "Put on a brave face. Act like an earthquake didn't come right in and tear it up..."
    Just the fact that Wei Ying had to turn away from Jiang Cheng to essentially put on a brave face to cover the physical and emotional pain he felt in this episode.

  • @anitayu266
    @anitayu266 4 года назад +35


    • @emilylee9894
      @emilylee9894 3 года назад +3

      If only it were that pure and simple. Jiang Cheng grew up with the mindset imparted to him by his mother , that Wei Wuxian was the son of a slave /servant, lesser than himself. In Madame Yu's and Cheng's minds, Wei was beholden to their family for raising and educating him. The fact that Wei Wuxian was smarter, more skilled and talented that his "foster" siblings, was problematic for them. They considered him to be less than themselves, yet he proved continually that was in fact "better" than them without "trying" to be. Madame Yu knew that average , short tempered son, Cheng, needed Wuxian to help him govern over the clan. How does one insure that someone "better than" you stays by you forever? The answer for many, for centuries, has been to enslave their mind.
      Telling them and treating them that they should be grateful for having been "included" in the family/clan. Constantly
      pointing out their "faults" and shortcomings. Convincing them that they have a lifetime debt owed to the family. Convincing Wei that his personal ambitions, hopes & dreams ought not exist,. Only the ambitions, wants and needs of the clan leader should dominate his time, energy and resource's to...forever. Some might call this a tactic of dehumanization. In other words, it's a "mindfuck" that's been used to enslave people to others for centuries. Within the household, only Wei Wuxcian's relationship with Yangli, his older "sister" was the most pure and consistent. She consistently nurtured him(lotus root rib soup) and stood up to him as her brother in cultivation. He heart and mind was shattered when she was killed. Cheng was motivated more by codependency then familial relations, when he loudly and arrogantly reminded Wei Wuxxian about his promise to stay with Cheng forever. Remember, Madame Yu demanded that Wuxian make that promise when he was an adolescent, because she was fully aware of her biological son's deficiencies, not because she viewed them equally as brothers with power and glory to be shared while leading the clan. I believe that by giving Cheng his own Golden Core, Wei Wuxian was repaying a life long debt & honoring the Jiang clan...all to his detriment.

  • @cibb26
    @cibb26 3 года назад +6


  • @Vea-cd1mr
    @Vea-cd1mr 4 года назад +8

    Wei ying terlalu baik...

  • @renjanahana
    @renjanahana 3 года назад +12

    Jiang Cheng feel replaced right that's why he even dare to offend Lan Zhan. Not like in eps 2.

  • @user-zk7wn7gz1l
    @user-zk7wn7gz1l 4 года назад +10

    Lan Zhan haven't heard such a harsh word it's normal if he stunned.....

  • @ricochen8219
    @ricochen8219 4 года назад +21


    • @hennalam2724
      @hennalam2724 4 года назад +3

      沒事,you are not alone

    • @aisd5022
      @aisd5022 3 года назад +1


  • @吟靜-r6s
    @吟靜-r6s 3 года назад +5


  • @林玉霞-t3j
    @林玉霞-t3j 4 года назад +9


    • @xq6130
      @xq6130 4 года назад +2


  • @Bcnmy0923
    @Bcnmy0923 4 года назад +26


    • @余萬得
      @余萬得 4 года назад +12


    • @chiasl7059
      @chiasl7059 4 года назад +9


    • @carminechen9600
      @carminechen9600 4 года назад +2

      @@chiasl7059 也跟魏嬰有一點點的關係啦,當年江氏滅門(不只是燒,連宗主和他夫人都被殺了)是一個很大契機/觸發點,讓各大家族忍無可忍,聯合起來射日,溫氏便沒有餘力專攻一家族滅門。溫氏「先」去蓮花塢有小部分原因是魏嬰激怒溫晁最厲害。比如說那時候如果是金子軒最惹他恨,蘭陵金氏先被滅了門,一樣能激起反抗,射日之征開始了,蓮花塢可能就不會遭殃了🤔

  • @mowserbedowser5436
    @mowserbedowser5436 4 года назад +13

    I'm still confused about why WWX suddenly lost all his energy and started bleeding?

    • @Haysbrn
      @Haysbrn 4 года назад +14

      because he’s already lost his golden core and too much used his power before, without a golden core he will easily feel weak and started bleeding like that and lost all his energy.
      sorry for bad english explanation 🙏

    • @mowserbedowser5436
      @mowserbedowser5436 4 года назад +2

      @@Haysbrn I thought he was in mo xuanyu's body now, though?
      Your English is good:)

    • @Haysbrn
      @Haysbrn 4 года назад +7

      @@mowserbedowser5436 yes it can be because he was in mo xuanyu’s body too, but it also happen because he’s too tired too much using his power meanwhile he’s already lost his golden core
      haha thank you i’m still learning english btw:)

    • @van-xerzafar2972
      @van-xerzafar2972 4 года назад +11

      the book says he was infuriated to the point he had started bleeding

      @IAMLOKXANIME 3 года назад +4

      He lost his spirital power, golden core and was very week after fighting the dead in the Burial Mounds (Mo Xuan Yu has almost no spiritual power). Also he had been recently seriously stabbed by Jin Ling just a few days before and he was still recovering.

  • @twinflames8600
    @twinflames8600 4 года назад +5

    Maybe she did it because she knew he was going to amount to something one day

  • @julianriosgallegos2370
    @julianriosgallegos2370 3 года назад +3

    A las 6 pm para que se le ha llegado la carga de

  • @msspccps
    @msspccps 4 года назад +9


    • @吟靜-r6s
      @吟靜-r6s 3 года назад +1


  • @iamvk
    @iamvk 4 года назад +6


    • @hennalam2724
      @hennalam2724 4 года назад +13


    • @aisd5022
      @aisd5022 3 года назад +3


    • @cibb26
      @cibb26 3 года назад


  • @Eli-pt7fb
    @Eli-pt7fb 4 года назад +4


  • @julianriosgallegos2370
    @julianriosgallegos2370 3 года назад +2

    A las 6 wey no hay comentarios en

  • @Lawjebat
    @Lawjebat 4 года назад +4

    Where can i find this drama or movie

    • @sarisari2323
      @sarisari2323 4 года назад +1

      It’s on Netflix

    • @ThePrincessCH
      @ThePrincessCH 4 года назад +4

      You can also search "The Untamed" on RUclips.

    • @ThePrincessCH
      @ThePrincessCH 4 года назад +3

      You can also search "The Untamed" on RUclips.

    • @mowserbedowser5436
      @mowserbedowser5436 4 года назад +2

      It is called The Untamed and is in Netflix. The source material is a chinese novel Mo Dao Zu Shi and translations can be found on google searches. It also has an animated and graphic novel adaptation.

    • @riyatisinok90
      @riyatisinok90 4 года назад +2

      On WE tv app,,, u can download on play store,,,