VN - Ren'Py - Blurring the Walls [v0.5.31 v2] [Torimiata]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 0.40.0

    When the game first released I thought it was quite well done. The art is really good, especially for AI and the premise of the story is very sexy.

    Now that I've played 0.40.0, I'm not sure if I can continue playing this game. These are my complaints:

    Too much narrator. I get some people like the "novel" part of "visual novel". I'm not one of them. So when the narrator is constantly describing what I should be seeing, that's no good in my book. I won't penalize the rating based on this, just something I don't like.

    Too much teasing. And I get some people might like a lengthy scene where one character is doing teasing talk the whole time. I'm not one of those people. It's just too drawn out in my opinion. And I'm not saying they should be gang banging right away or anything like that. I'm literally talking about the length of the tease dialogue.

    This is a bad one. The developer over uses the flash transition and honestly, it constantly going off just ruins the fucking scene. This can be saved by disabling transitions in Ren'Py, but not sure if that negatively affects anything else yet.

    The worst offender is the dev's use of $ renpy.pause(delay = 2.0, hard = True). And it's not just the use, he uses it to fucking death. Devs... you should not use hard=true unless there is a very good reason, which is usually never. Use pause 2.0. This is a playability issue and really ruined the experience for me.

    Finally, forced footfag content. I hate feet. And you can't avoid the scene.

    For me, this was a game that showed a lot of promise that honestly had me wishing the update would just end because I was so fucking annoyed.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very hot game with an actual interesting story. Not only I am surprised I have enjoyed it so much being more used to the generic 3D animated VNs, also because I discovered I enjoy a kink I didn't even know existed lol. Girls are super cute and the AI art is quite decent. Looking forward for the next updates!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't see why this VN had such a high score at first; the art was all AI generated which is typically the sign of a lazy developer skipping out on making a curated experience. You'd have thought so, anyway.

    But actually I found the AI art to be really tasteful and not derpy at all. The characters retain their look even through scene changes which was my main concern with AI art. I didn't see a single 7 fingered monster either, which is impressive for AI art.

    The sound design was decent too, nothing revolutionary or crazy but it carried the atmosphere of the scenes better than most VNs I see that get posted here.

    But what really carries this VN is the dialogue, the premise and its pacing. The characterization of the cast is well displayed, you can get a real sense of these characters personalities. All characters are likeable in their own way and play off of one another really well.

    My main 'problem' with the characterization of the cast mainly stems from how open everyone is about sex and sex acts in general - I didn't really get a sense of embarrassment or hesitance from some of the characters when it would be appropriate to display it.

    The premise for a NTR / NTS game is also interesting. A vacation with your roommate and your current GF along with a childhood friend is a pretty unique setup, especially with how the characters interact with one another. As I said everyone is quite open, and so these dynamics are explored without much restraint.

    As for the pacing, I think this is where the VN really shines. So many VNs and games I play on this site have no build up, no character development or progression - they just jump straight into the act. I think that this is where most developers get it wrong. Blurring the walls takes time to create rapport between the MMC & the FMC, establishes boundaries, experiments and give feedback on what they like; and all of these things are developed naturally and realistically.

    My main problem with other games is that the logic or the reasoning for characters and how they act can be so unbelievable and odd that they take me out of the series - Blurred Walls doesn't do this for me at all, I'm always locked in because the characters make sense for the most part. Again my only nitpick is that sometimes the characters are a little too open and lack reservation; beyond that my immersion wasn't broken once which I think to be a great mark of a good writer.

    Although there is room for improvement; I believe that by this sites standards and some of the stuff I see get posted here; that this VN is a clear 5 out of 5 - on an AI VN no less. Mad props to the developer.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game. Great CGs with great story. This is a slow burn game, so be warned 'bout that. The sex senes are very hot and spicy (even that the CGs sex scenes has a slow burn pace); it's like you want to keep following the story and the lines, even in the sex scenes (so, as you an imagine, I like very muccch the CGs).

    So, basicaly, it's a 10/10 for me.

    See ya! <3
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Seeing the high reviews made me want to check it out even though I've fallen into the stigma of almost completely ignoring ai cg at a glance.
    If you're like me, and for some reason still checking the reviews just as I did I'll basically tell you what I would have told past me.

    1. The AI CG is very well done, beyond a couple images where the mouth looks a bit off, you could easily convince yourself this is just an artist's style.
    2. Oh boy is there a lot of dialogue during the sex scenes. I wasn't expecting a half-bout of 20 questions while I'm getting a handjob but I also didn't think I'd find myself looking past point one. As someone who generally clicks fast during such scenes since it's usually just lines of moaning dialogue, I implore you to slow down during them.
    3. Some choices matter, but while there seems to be a scale of how 'open' you are, there really seems like there's 3 stages. You're either super open, normal, or going to get launched back to the title screen. Maybe the latter will get fleshed out at some point?
    4. It's tagging is NTR, but from what I understand it seems to be veering more to NTS. (i.e you're aware and allowing it to happen rather than being discretely cheated on). Honestly I don't really care either way but I know for some people the distinction is basically life or death.

    TLDR if you like the genre, you'll probably like it more than majority of games with its genre on this site, even with the ai cg.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best game of the genre I've played in my life. Its plot unfolds in such a well-paced and engaging manner, it's absolutely captivating. The way the story develops slowly adds a level of depth and intrigue that's rare in games today. Every moment feels meticulously crafted, making the overall experience not just enjoyable but also uniquely immersive. Truly a standout title in its genre.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. Very nice arts, good writing and story build up is exceptional, looking forward to future updates and hope for more thrilling contents. Love every single bits of this game and keep it up.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Sallen 49

    So good story so far, I would caution against going overboard and writing an odyssey. More Renpy games/vn's I play tend to go on and on so be careful to avoid this. I'm increasingly becoming a major fan of Netorase, Sharing, Swinging over Netorare. The whole "broken by a HUUUUUGGE COCK" trope has run it's coarse with me.

    But I do want to see Ayumi gangbanged and her loving every minute of it. Cant a slut just be a slut?

    The Art Style is AAA+++ even the Food has me Salivating. Another caution I would proffer is Torimiata doesn't indulge Patreon votes to steer his story. I am getting quite annoyed that some creators are ceding they're stories to the "community"

    So off to a great start Torimiata keep up the good work (y) (y)(y)(y)(y)
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    WOW ! This game is wonderful! I really enjoyed it so much that I don't know what word to use to describe the pleasure I got.

    The personality of MC's girlfriend is extremely attractive . I fell in love with her. She drives people crazy. She speaks so well. She is so great.

    The story is very interesting, not complicated and boring, based on the relationship.

    MC and MC Friend have very attractive characters
    The art is wonderful.

    Your MC girlfriend's face and body are wonderful.

    The writing is very strong, you won't get tired at all even though it is long!

    The atmosphere is wonderful.

    The story, model and concept are all original.

    The in-game physiologies are great.

    The in-game teasings are fantastic.

    Etc ...

    In general, the most important thing is the enjoyment you get from the game, and I really enjoyed it a lot
    I fully believe that if it goes like this, it will be strongly supported!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It's an awesome start so far. I'm already supporting through Patreon. A pure well written netorase. Atelier Sakura could learn with this one.

    The relationship between the girlfriend and the MC has a lot of building and it doesn't feel shallow. Also, it's possible to feel genuine love from the girl and the best friend is not a jerk (so far).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually great, the art is consistent and nice, the girl is cute and has a cute personality. It's not typical braindead girl stolen but rather a nice start to a wholesome netorase story. The girl doesn't treat the mc like trash like where most games in the genre tend to always do. Also the best friend isn't just there to NTR the mc and treat him like trash but actually feels like a half decent person.

    It is just good all around. I can't wait for more.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1671272

    Good to keep an eye on this, the art is great and the build up to the eventual NTS/NTR is looking good.

    This is also one of the only examples I've seen of incorporating AI art in a dignified way, using it as an accessory rather than solely relying on it.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I officially declare this game the best Netorase game of all time . No Atelier Sakura game can compare with this game in terms of quality and interesting plot . Beautiful characters hot girl hot dialogues and scenes are great for the first release.
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Aw shit boys new wholesome exhibitionism VN dropped? Sign me up yesterday. Blurring the Walls is an exhibitionism focused VN following a girlfriend/boyfriend pair and their public exploration.

    It's quite short at the moment, but it has a lot of promise. There's a little bit of NTS content revolving around a fantasy of the couple being watched by others, but many choices obviously signal the MC's budding interest. It'll be interesting where the Dev heads with it in the future.

    There's not a huge number of images and a lot of them are very slight facial variations on other images. The images are pretty great though, so it's a rather small problem. I can get a certain level of AI CG in the images, but it doesn't feel like a cheap cash grab. If it makes the updates fast, I could get behind this level of AI CG.

    The story can feel a little too long at moments as well. There's a lot of speaking during the sexy times without a lot of progress. A certain amount of slow burn teasing is fine, but it starts to feel a little repetitive at times.

    This genre for this game is directly in my strike zone, so take my five star with a certain grain of salt. Nevertheless, if you're into wholesome exhibitionism you'll have a great time here. I'm looking forward to more.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This new little netorase/voyeur gem has already caught my eye and earned my support.

    So far, the writing is great, and there are only minor grammatical errors. The MC and FMC’s relationship feels well thought out at the moment, and there's little nuggets of detail about the FMC’s personality that leave a comfortable potential for some Femdom content in the future, though, depending on what you consider Femdom, there are already some tones of it in the current content.

    The friend of the MC and FMC is already shaping up to potentially being a big part of future netorase or netorare content, and personally, I feel like he's a trustworthy friend of the two so far, and I can't wait to see how his character develops as more content releases.

    I suggest giving this fairly soft early version a try to see if the voyeurism and netorase fantasies catch your attention and make you want to see more.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game! its a promising start with something that is not so easy to find, healthy netorare sharing, at least atm, the art is beautiful, the writing is really good and its a simple idea that works, hope to see more of this game soon.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Will watch your career with great interest, the game is just an incipit for now but the artwork is astoundish, the plot looks like it's going to skyrocket. I would have loved a tutorial that said what NTS points are and what path leads obtaining them but that's also enjoyable not knowing. Have really big hopes for this one fellas