What it’s like to be a foreign woman in India for 10 years

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025

Комментарии • 1,5 тыс.

  • @pranaykalgutkar8342
    @pranaykalgutkar8342 Год назад +151

    I gotta hit subscribe. Channel got informative content

    • @Bharatiya802
      @Bharatiya802 Год назад

      Yes. India is much much worst for Anti-hindu and anti-India radicals. Offcourse, It's the Land of Sanatan Dharma which don't allow narrow minded colonists pigs. @TheOnlyTruthTalker

    • @Abhishekkumar-yx7je
      @Abhishekkumar-yx7je Год назад +3

      @TheOnlyTruthTalker much much worse ? I can understand your mentality.

    • @thevinayak1866
      @thevinayak1866 Год назад

      @@Owleyes__ it is mixed i follow this channel from long time but not till subscribe because this channel have variety of videos but various are not my taste.

    • @board4164
      @board4164 Год назад +2

      ​@@Owleyes__ you the only ind ian to say the truth

    • @board4164
      @board4164 Год назад

      ​@TheOnlyTruthTalkerof course india is worse and will never progress because it has corrupt people like you .

  • @Varunsp33dCinematics
    @Varunsp33dCinematics Год назад +679

    I like how her accent keeps switching between German and Indian English. And well, she's the kind of person who is absolutely grounded to reality. No sugar coating, no inhibitions. We need people like her to gives us a reality check from time to time. Really liked her no bullsh*t honesty and attitude. Some people may not like to hear it but need to hear it. All the best to her! And good find Max. Great video.

    • @alani3992
      @alani3992 Год назад +14

      Thats why non-English vlogs are honest, unlike English vlogs that pander to Indian audience.
      They tell what they observe without being fake.

    • @jituladhikary2227
      @jituladhikary2227 Год назад +4

      If she sees your mom in saree or salwar, she would try to hire her as a servant. Like you said, we should all be listening to each other.

    • @sotecluxan4221
      @sotecluxan4221 Год назад +3

      Phps I am wrong, but did she mention any occurrnces? Crimes of this kind are in Western European countrys not a novelty, esp. after 2015, e. g. in France, Sweden, Germany, etc.! Not in Poland, because they do not want these crp from known countrys.

    • @mogheanil
      @mogheanil Год назад +5

      grounded to reality u say, agreed with some of her takes that ex- mumbai being more safe than delhi etc but other takes i did not agree with "mumbai isnt spiritual" is she having a laugh. Lived in the city for a decade and didn't see the ganesh chaturthi that is celebrated for 10 days. "Terrible schooling system, rote learning, no thinking, terrible teachers, no freedom" rote learning is required in some topics n subject, not all subjects require critical thinking. whether u r in germany or india getting good teacher depends on luck. no freedom is usually cos of parents pressurizing the kids n not schools. "rich ppl have 6,7 cooks" thats exaggeration dont think anyone is wasting that much money on just cooks. i like how max responded to her by asking do u have help? lol. "crass differences, poor n rich r in every country but like sharing a wall" its good thing that we dont segregate poor from the rich western nations do that, which is why ppl dont assimilate well there. "i like to speak a local language" well mumbais local language is not hindi its marathi n she doesnt speak it. "only south bombay is pretty cos it has colonial buildings" what kind of a stupid thing to say

    • @MrTeslaX
      @MrTeslaX Год назад +4

      Her accent is isn’t German at all. At max it resembles American or Canadian!

  • @kimberlyshah547
    @kimberlyshah547 5 месяцев назад +23

    As a foreign woman who has lived in India alone for over 10 years; Ahmedabad - Mumbai - Delhi… like anywhere, be street smart, learn the language and it will be the most amazing experience ever. It is a home…it’s the best.

  • @shrishnagaonkar356
    @shrishnagaonkar356 Год назад +71

    A Proud Mumbaikar & Maharashtrian...................People from delhi should do something to solve the problem

    • @manisherande4568
      @manisherande4568 4 месяца назад

      They themselves are problems

    • @turdboi420-69
      @turdboi420-69 4 месяца назад

      As long as jhadu is there it won't be safe there tbh. They need a strong cm

    • @TheLargeoldshoe
      @TheLargeoldshoe 2 месяца назад +3

      they stay in delhi, UP and Bihar

    • @shrishnagaonkar356
      @shrishnagaonkar356 2 месяца назад

      @@TheLargeoldshoe LOL

    • @1973sheki
      @1973sheki 2 месяца назад +3

      Delhi is full of people from U.P and Bihar.

  • @sohamdhamnaskar8340
    @sohamdhamnaskar8340 Год назад +83

    12:19 at this point her entire body language and expressions and even the way she was talking is completely Indian 🇮🇳 . 🙌🏻

    • @SR-mv2mf
      @SR-mv2mf 6 месяцев назад

      Ikr 😂

    • @marianarath4024
      @marianarath4024 3 месяца назад +1

      The tilt of the head right? Cutest thing ever

    • @arunkhan4951
      @arunkhan4951 2 месяца назад

      It takes about a couple of months to pick up the body gestures and facial expressions into your own "body language "

  • @andyfaizan
    @andyfaizan Год назад +527

    I'm an Indian living in Germany since 9 years. Thanks for showing me my "opposite". 😂 So interesting to see a German talk about her experiences in India. I'll share this with German friends 😄

    • @Klaudine-u1b
      @Klaudine-u1b Год назад +1

      In a big(ger) city? How are you doing/coping here?

    • @Vitamins152
      @Vitamins152 Год назад

      Read this to know about our past and achievements.
      Ancient India's Achievments:
      1. Brits say they gave us education. But, we already had ancient universities like nalanda, takshashila, vikramshila, and much more over thousands of years ago.
      2.Indians had concepts of calculus before west like infinite series for pi, power series for sine and cosine, inverse tangent series, and much more. These series were made by Madhava, who was a medieval indian mathematician and astronomer.
      2. Aryabhatta invented sine function.
      3. Bhaskara II gave modern definitions of sine and cosine.
      4. Sushruta performed complex surgeries like brain, cataract, rhinoplasty, limb, and much more over 2000 years ago. Surgery was invented in Egypt first, but we made many contributions to it.
      5. Maharishi Kanad, a philosopher, proposed the idea of atoms in 600 BCE.
      6. Brahmagupta invented the formula to determine the area of cyclic quadrilaterals.
      7. Decimal System.
      8. Binary number system by pingala.
      9. Ayurveda.
      10. Bhaskara I stated that at the highest point, the rate of change is zero.
      11. Varahamihira predicted water on Mars thousands of years ago.
      12. Sridharacharya invented the modern-day quadratic formula.
      13. Solutions to quadratics.
      Modern India's Achievements:
      1. Har Gobind Khorana synthesized the first artificial gene and demonstrated the role of nucleotides in protein synthesis. He also artificially synthesized coenzyme A and played a massive role in cracking the genetic code. I reccomend you watch and learn more about him. He shaped modern genetics.
      2. Chandryaan 3 landing on the south pole of moon.
      3. Mars Mission.
      4. Sun Mission (Aditya - L1)
      5. Fiber optics by Narinder Singh Kapany.
      6. Jagdish Chandra Bose was one of the pioneers in wireless communication before Marconi and transmitted signals before him.
      7. Discovery of millimeter waves by Jagdish Chandra Bose.
      8. Discovery of cholera toxin by Dr. Sambhu Nath De.
      9. USB by Ajay Bhatt.
      10. Pentium Chips by Vinod Dham.
      11. S.N. Bose made contributions to quantum mechanics like Bose-Einstein condensate and laid the foundations for Higgs Boson.
      12. Quantum Statistics by S.N. Bose. Also, Boson particles are named after him.
      13. G.N. Ramachandran discovered the triple helical structure of collagen protein and deepened our understanding of sickle cell anemia.
      14. Ramachandran plot, which is a tool used to visualize which angles can amino acids take in proteins.
      15. Venki Ramakrishnan discovered the high resolution atomic structure of ribosomes, which gives us a deeper understanding of how ribosomes manufacture proteins.
      16. First DNA based Covid Vaccine.
      17. Cervical Cerclage was first described by Sirodkhar.
      18. Crescograph.
      19. George Sudarshan was one of the pioneers in quantum optics. (Watch and learn more about him).
      20. Microwave Optics.
      There are many more indian greats you should learn about. Examples: Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, C.V. Raman and Raj Reddy (one of the pioneers in AI along with McCarthy).
      These brits committed horrific atrocities against us and brought artificial famines, which killed 100s of millions of Indians. They also r*ped teenage indian girls and sold them to s*x slavery. They did the same with young women. This caused a spread of nasty stds. They also shot indian children with rifles and flogged them with their whiplash tool or whatever it is. Ps, we had advanced ship building industries and textile industries. They destroyed it. Not only that, Westerners teach you about these inventions, but never tell indian origins. Not only that, these people call us primitive, yet look at our ancient architecture.Many of our inventions were wrongfully attributed to Westerners. Also, I do not know why Greece is considered Western when their culture is nothing close to Western. They did not have a civilization of their own, so they had to appropriate Greek and Roman identity. If Greece and Rome did not exist, they would start calling Egypt, Babylon, and Sumeria as Western 😂😂. Well karma is a b**ch, anglos and other Western countries are on a decline, and I bet they will not even exist in the coming years because of immigration and because of their looted money they can last only so long, I will enjoy their demise.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂, feels soo good. When they die, racism against us will decline becaue they cannot spread venemlus propaganda against India anymore, these bloodsucking leeches.🤣🤣

    • @cluelessfull
      @cluelessfull Год назад +5

      This is so wholesome.

    • @val-schaeffer1117
      @val-schaeffer1117 Год назад

      Germany maybe safe, but Germans are racist AF.

    • @_Unknown04_
      @_Unknown04_ Год назад +4

      Parallel world 😂

  • @aakash.pradhan
    @aakash.pradhan Год назад +325

    Even as a man you would want to avoid Delhi.

    • @kaluludhianvi
      @kaluludhianvi 9 месяцев назад +4

      If you are avoiding Delhi, then you're not much of a man.

    • @aakash.pradhan
      @aakash.pradhan 9 месяцев назад +66

      @@kaluludhianvi You are using the exact language you hear in Delhi. By the way I lived there for over 3 years. And you don’t worry about my manliness. Do something better.

    • @kaluludhianvi
      @kaluludhianvi 9 месяцев назад +1

      @@aakash.pradhan If you've lived there, then what are you complaining about? There is crime in every city of the world with men being victims. Delhi is no exception.

    • @aakash.pradhan
      @aakash.pradhan 9 месяцев назад +27

      @@kaluludhianvi Boss I have traveled across India. There are places far more dangerous than Delhi. But my comment was with respect to a tourist travelling in India. Delhi is not one of the safest places in India. I myself got almost robbed while entering a metro. And someone actually got robbed just standing before me again while entering a metro. These two incidents happened in broad daylight and within a span of 1 and a half years. Crime is common in Delhi. I don’t know much about Gurgaon but Delhi and Noida are not among the safest places. And there are other incidents that I can mention. Unnecessarily fights, road rage, gang-wars etc.

    • @jerrysingh9152
      @jerrysingh9152 9 месяцев назад +1

      Indians need education

  • @_SoundByte_
    @_SoundByte_ Год назад +58

    As an Indian, living in Canada, I found myself transported back to my hometown through her perspective.
    She is so sweet ❣ Wish her a life filled with happiness and joy

    • @aniuser134
      @aniuser134 Месяц назад

      Mumbai nowadays full of other states people which in longer run make it unsafe

  • @emms8
    @emms8 Год назад +230

    gosh! Ditto experience as Michaela! I've lived & worked in both Delhi & Mumbai. Sadly, Delhi was a tough one for me. Felt extremely unsafe and experienced unwanted male harrassement day and/or night, no matter where, just as Michaela described. Mumbai on the other hand was an amazing experience. Felt safe no matter what time of the day or night. Also loved the bohemian vibe of the city and the people there who just let you be. I really appreciated that. Hi Max, thanks heaps for this episode from a female perspective, from one who has lived in indian cities, has had first hand experiences of all kinds. Thanks Michaela!

    • @RR-pc7yv
      @RR-pc7yv Год назад +5

      Apologies 😔🙏

    • @Manish_254
      @Manish_254 Год назад +11

      It's Because people from UP and Bihar mainly Bihar


      ​@@Manish_254son of a b@$ch bihar is not even in top 5

    • @scorpiorules
      @scorpiorules Год назад

      ​There are as many people from UP and Bihar in Mumbai. So what explains your comment about them? ​@@Manish_254

    • @hitmanabhi007
      @hitmanabhi007 Год назад +10

      @NavyaSagittarius My brother has had lived in Delhi for 3+ years and now living in Mumbai for more than 3 years. His opinion is same that Delhi has more rude people with bigger egos while Mumbai has people who usually are so busy, they don't care.
      People start fighting over a small scratch on their cars by another vehicle in Delhi while Mumbaikars do not usually start abusing/fighting over it.

  • @1983simi
    @1983simi 11 месяцев назад +16

    What a great interview. A lot of what Michaela said resonated a lot with me. I'm German too - although from a different part of Germany - who has been living in Mumbai for a total of almost 11 years. My first year I had come for work, fell in love with the city (and my future husband :p), and later came back to marry the love of my life. If it's my choice I will never leave.
    I sadly also have to 100% agree with her on Delhi. Visited three times, never felt safe. The vibes are just off and as a woman you have to be on your guard constantly. You can really only safely live from door to cab from cab to door. It's really sad, because Delhi has so much to offer in culture and sights. Meanwhile, in Mumbai I feel confident to take an auto alone any time of the day, and not only that, I always get to pay by meter. Even when traveling around in India - and there are many many places I love all over the country - still coming back to Mumbai is truly coming home. There are few places I feel more safe, and I've traveled the world a lot.
    I have only two points where I have a different view on things. Despite having lived here for more than a decade now, I am still not willing to take help for my house. I know I should be giving someone employment, but I'm just not used to having someone regularly intrude my privacy. I just don't like it. Btw. my Indian mother inlaw too doesn't have any help for the same reason. So I'm glad everyone in the family has the same attitude on this even if we're probably in an income class where usually it would be 'normal' to have help. I understand though she has a kid, so it makes more sense she'll require some help as a working woman.
    The second thing I disagree on is there not being any spirituality in Mumbai. I agree, you can lose sight of it over the city's noise and bustle, but Mumbai offers as much or as little spirituality as you seek out for yourself and it can take many different forms. One of my first early spiritual moments in India was looking over Powai lake as the sun went down, dying the skies in gentle marmalade colors. Another moment was being enveloped by sudden quiet and serenity when unexpectedly finding Ban Ganga during a day of city exploration on foot. Later I found my regular moments of spirituality in going to the mandir with my mother inlaw, observing her doing the daily pujas at home, or just when I'm on my own taking time to read the Mahabharata slowly but steadily (even if sadly only just in English translation). If you want to you will find such little moments for yourself every day.

  • @siddharthbasu817
    @siddharthbasu817 Год назад +10

    michaela is so refreshing her genuine reflections of the country were lovely, great interview!

  • @utsavgupta5781
    @utsavgupta5781 Год назад +13

    This is one of the most real discussions about India

  • @plazmagaming2182
    @plazmagaming2182 Год назад +132

    As a north indian, south india is way more safe like chennai, bangalore, etc.

    • @AdityaRaj222
      @AdityaRaj222 Год назад +31

      Maybe they're safe but from a North Indian perspective I can guarantee they're hella rude especially in TN when compared to North. Shopkeepers won't allow you to sit in their shops with your sandals on in case you get stuck in the draining sun. They'll treat you like garbage if they come to know you're not a local. They despise Hindi and Hindi speaking people in general. AP/T'gana and Kerala are more relaxed but TN and K'taka are not at all. Talk about safety, you must know all major national media houses are located in NCR and it's way easier and cheaper for them to report incidents from around this region and hence the stereotype. Nobody's going to Chennai to report a molestation case, that won't bring them views especially if it's against the stereotype. You'll only hear news about incidents involving their bull fighting tournaments because that's an acceptable negative stereotype concerning South.

    • @plazmagaming2182
      @plazmagaming2182 Год назад +25

      @@AdityaRaj222 Yeah its definitely not absolutely safe for north indians, but for foreigners id say overall South is more safe. Also, i lived in chennai for a while and most tamils are completely fine with north indians as long as they respect the tamil language and actually speak it, unlike some migrant laborers who come to tamil nadu not knowing a single word and expect the native tamils to speak hindi to them which is completely bullshit. In fact many of my tamil firends praised me for my proficiency as well as some shopkeepers as they are only used to migrant laborers knowing like 5 words in tamil, which is why i think the stigma arised against north indians because it is indeed completely unfair to expect south indians to speak hindi to them in their own state

    • @AdityaRaj222
      @AdityaRaj222 Год назад +1

      @@plazmagaming2182 I get your perspective and that's kind of valid for any region.

    • @whatever1538
      @whatever1538 Год назад +5

      You are Tamil, stop lying and embarrassing yourself.

    • @maddyk92
      @maddyk92 Год назад

      Bangalore ain’t safe either. I was in Bangalore 4 years back for New Year’s eve. I will never forget the scenes of eve teasing and sexual harassment of women done by locals when people were getting out of the bars late night. Only mumbai is safe for women at night.

  • @pamus6242
    @pamus6242 Год назад +105

    She's really ruthlessly brutally brutally honest. Nice find. Sums up India pretty much.

    • @CHAITHANYAkitta
      @CHAITHANYAkitta Год назад +3

      excuse me its NOT india. I know we like to feel good if we get positive feedback and honest ones but it is true for her line of work and in Mumabai not India. Most of these people he interviewed are artists, and living in Mumbai only. Why? because its like berlin, i agree, all other places none of these people have lived or understand.
      Most of south is safe, safer than few western cities like paris or london, I live in west since a decade. Her education is totally shit, indian education is great, dirt I agree. Poverty is what she sees in Mumbai, and poorer north states only.
      Most of the foreigners want to be in north india because they get the feeling of multiculturism and poverty they were promised. Why arent many in south? you will find the answer there. She was wrong on many counts since they were HER opinion in Mumabai only. Anyway sorry for my ranting, i hope all of them have good time in india

    • @Kristal-Gamer
      @Kristal-Gamer 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@CHAITHANYAkittashe was dissing delhi not mumbai

    • @Kristal-Gamer
      @Kristal-Gamer 10 месяцев назад +2

      @@CHAITHANYAkittaand shes not western shes from europe the west is associated w america germany does have good education london aka england is quite questionable and i live in london so ik

    • @CHAITHANYAkitta
      @CHAITHANYAkitta 10 месяцев назад +1

      @@MrDnag88 i live in germany, frankfurt since 9 years i know these people. i know exactly the type of people who travel and live abroad and in places like brazil, india, china etc. You dont know what you are talking about!

    • @desiexplores
      @desiexplores 10 месяцев назад +2

      Well she is German so that was expected

  • @sonamdolma9718
    @sonamdolma9718 Год назад +47

    Really Really liked how her English accent showed a little of Indian accent. She may not stay in India forever, but she would carry a little of India wherever in the world she goes. 🥰😇😍🤩

  • @sunderj4774
    @sunderj4774 Год назад +215

    Her comment on the Safety of Women in Delhi is absolutely correct Very long back there was an incident when a British Nurse came to New Delhi and took a taxi.She was raped and killed.The Scotland yard came from Britain and took over the investigation.They checked every Taxi and found a strand of Hair and nailed the culprit and then he was found guilty leading to his Hanging.This incident should the entire Delhi which happened very long back.

    • @operator_zx5265
      @operator_zx5265 Год назад +5

      *There r exception , but exception are not rules *

    • @smouldering
      @smouldering Год назад +42

      Unsafe because of one incident? Then countries like Japan are also unsafe because of "some" incidents 😏

    • @sunderj4774
      @sunderj4774 Год назад +10

      @@operator_zx5265 Though you state my quote may be exception but the general perspective of Women safety in Delhi and Bombay still stands.

    • @harmandeepsingh8287
      @harmandeepsingh8287 Год назад +40

      Delhi is unsafe, not just for women but anyone who seems even out of place.

    • @vijaynair6161
      @vijaynair6161 Год назад +9

      Gee, Indian police totally no self respect, allowed Scotland Yard to take over the case ? I am shocked and disappointed.

  • @adityasharma2k
    @adityasharma2k Год назад +164

    Delhi people should do something about their city's image.Its high time now😢

    • @100myasharma5
      @100myasharma5 Год назад

      Its filled with migrants dude....less than 20% delhites are here in Delhi...we are helpless, its overcrowded..it was gret till 90s

    • @pankajnaik8012
      @pankajnaik8012 Год назад +12

      Mentality of the people should change..

    • @zoxstar1921
      @zoxstar1921 Год назад

      delhi is not safe because illegal immigrants from bangladesh



    • @nileshkatke7908
      @nileshkatke7908 Год назад +25

      Do yo really think the people who vote for free will do anything for safety.

  • @Boney.M.
    @Boney.M. Год назад +222

    India is not homogeneously uniform in any way. India is as different as European countries combined. It should be taken as continent and not one homogeneous ethnicity. Also, keep in mind it is a developing nation unlike west. Look at the per capita income. People don't have the money and hence some incidents here and there due to lack of education and opportunities. So using Indians as a common term for all itself is wrong just like you don't stereotype Europe for what is happening in Czech. India has a way to go kudos to west supporting china and pak after colonization, imperialism, looting for centuries and offcourse partition. It's far more complex than judging lifestyle.

    • @Bridge_2702
      @Bridge_2702 Год назад

      No point in explaining that to these already paranoid foreigners. These guys calling Mumbai as nOt liKe iNdiA is the most hilarious things ever. All it takes is a mess of a city like Mumbai for them to get impressed. Imagine when these guys will go to 7 sisters or Chandigarh/Shimla, then they're gonna get cardiac arrests because of being impressed

    • @joebloggs396
      @joebloggs396 Год назад +14

      Blaming others for your problems means you'll never improve. The area has been corrupt and subservient for Millennia. Worshiping Modi and lying about your history will not satisfy you because deep down you know it's false pride. You gained an empire because of all the previous empires there. You are not at all superior to others. You have looted yourselves with your caste system for Millennia and still do. But you can't face the truth as it's too embarrassing for you.

    • @hallsofivy128
      @hallsofivy128 Год назад +6

      ​@@joebloggs396 😂😂 laughing on ur incomplete knowledge 😅

    • @hallsofivy128
      @hallsofivy128 Год назад

      ​@quenky1 correct hai 🎉❤

    • @5891irhs
      @5891irhs Год назад +9

      @@joebloggs396 your ignorance and hatred of the subcontinent is showing. You had to bring Modi into the conversation, didn't you?

  • @FunNFury
    @FunNFury Год назад +7

    I admire her honesty, i live in Germany and i can see what she is talking about. India has its own problems but i hope she finds comfort and life that she has hoped for. By the way, India is changing a lot, and yeah, delhi and most northern states are not safe.

  • @paadipanta2607
    @paadipanta2607 Год назад +3

    She embraced Indianness. Look at her, she struggled to find an intern back home but here she started her own business and employed 15 people. Kudos.

    • @LisaLee__
      @LisaLee__ 11 месяцев назад

      Yes but she cannot 1)help teach her help how to read or write?? 2) she can't pay this help much more than average???
      Typical white people.
      Go to a country where life is easier, but instead of helping atleast 1 Indian person to gain a better position in life, they take and take and take.
      She can afford to pay this woman who could be her mother, a woman who has been helper since she was only o years old, she can pay her atleast $400 a month and change the woman's entire life.
      In Germany you think she would get such daily help for just 100 a week? HECK NO. She can afford to change this woman's life.
      I don't like her
      Wonderful for her that she manifests so much magically like she says, but that's not how it is for everyone. Ugh I can't

  • @ksh19
    @ksh19 Год назад +27

    She's so well spoken and I just loved the fact that a foreighner who is actually living in India for a significant time starts to feel the same about everything that an Indian will feel who was born and grew up in India. She faces the same problems here like we do and has started to adapt that, ''it's what it is, we have to do something with this only''

    • @board4164
      @board4164 Год назад

      If what this europ ean says is truth then the europ ean can get out of ind ia and move to europ e . what is this europ ean criticising ind ia for ?
      For all pro wes t ind ians who defend this european criticising ind ia, where were you pro wes t ind ians , when eu & usa are t argetting india for t rading with r ussia?these same europeans,her h ypocrite nation & eu leader ursula is t argetting ind ia with sanctions for t rading with r ussia .where were you pro wes t ind ians when usa and uk have been t argetting ind ia since ind ian independence ? h ypocrite pro wes t ind ians will support wes terners who abuse indians but dont criticise recent racial t argetting of lot of innocent ind ians in usa.
      usa & europe via nato t arget lot of innocent nations via nato for fake democracy but pro wes t ind ians wont criticise colonial nato. these pro wes t ind ians are modern sepoys who want to t arget ind ia but will glorify colonial europe and usa for t argetting ind ia like a h ypocrite. ind ia will never progress if it doesnt reject the hypocrisy of pro wes t ind ians. e uro c olonial h ypocrites like this European & their h ypocrite supporters in india can go to euro pe if they don't like india . Eu and usa is wrongly t argetting ind ia and ind ia doesn't need colonial Europeans or pro colonial modern sepoy ind ians criticising ind ia like a h ypocrite

  • @Bharat-V
    @Bharat-V Год назад +126

    Indians have extra 'sense' to deal with the situation. We already know when to go where, at what time, and what places would be problematic. With huge population, we have limited police force, so right choice is to manage yourself instead of being free all the time. Also it depends whether state gov is willing to push strict laws. Its shocking that delhi the capital is unsafe, while there are thousands of places in india where one can roam free even during night.

    • @skillage90
      @skillage90 Год назад

      Which places can?

    • @Bharat-V
      @Bharat-V Год назад +10

      @@skillage90 Many places in Tamilnadu, Gujarat, Himachal, even in north east. (Must be more, haven't seen entire india). In my opinion small cities are pretty safe, plus big cities like Mumbai, Ahmedabad are mostly worry free even at night time.
      But again there may be shady areas, & also if state gov is willing to uphold the law. You might want to check the previous video of Singaporean living in india (though he has not shared experience of night time, he felt totally safe).

    • @utkarsh144
      @utkarsh144 Год назад +1

      ​@@Bharat-V Definately not Tamil Nadu, know many people who have had bad experience in Vellore, Pondicherry (I know it's a UT) and some other places in TN

    • @itn0687
      @itn0687 Год назад +4

      I lived in TN for 4 years and pleasantly surprised to see many women in the morning hours of 3:30 am traveling, its suoersafe

    • @darkknowledge8243
      @darkknowledge8243 Год назад +10

      Well Delhi local girls go out to clubs till 2 am on weekends, so "feeling safe" is different than "actual safe". Delhi lost the war of perception with just one high profile case that was published all over the world for years, for example NYC and Paris are arguably much more dangerous than Delhi at night but people especially women don't care about that and dream about living there, perception matters for people.

  • @rgnandanshetty2950
    @rgnandanshetty2950 Год назад +211

    This lady has better understanding of India than many indians like safety of cities, inequality in the society, stereotypes all are spot on…great interview👏

    • @Maverick-zo4kc
      @Maverick-zo4kc Год назад +14

      Pakistani Abdul......Come with your real id 😂

    • @darryldash2980
      @darryldash2980 Год назад +8

      ​​​@@Maverick-zo4kc and why are you using a fake I'd with a false name ? Did you get triggered by the person who commented about a fact and used their real name and dp unlike yourself? Now that really amuses me Lmao 🤣🤣🤣

    • @Maverick-zo4kc
      @Maverick-zo4kc Год назад

      @@darryldash2980 Another Pakistani Abdul spotted 😂.....So many beggars from Pakistan masquerading as Indians commenting in the comment section 😂😂

    • @Maverick-zo4kc
      @Maverick-zo4kc Год назад

      @@darryldash2980 The fact is that Islamabad is the rape capital of the world.....Now start begging 😂😂

    • @Maverick-zo4kc
      @Maverick-zo4kc Год назад

      Says a fake id beggar from a country of beggars 🇵🇰 😂😂

  • @elsidrox
    @elsidrox Год назад +5

    I really agree with the universe giving you what you want. Whenever I really crave for a biriyani, the universe finds a way to get it to me.

  • @yogeshmurgude
    @yogeshmurgude Год назад +8

    Mumbai is super safe, because it never sleeps. Locals runs (they are the arteries of the city) for almost 20 hours of the day. At night they have railway police in ladies compartment, so it gives safety even in late hours. Roads (main) are always flowing even in night. You can get cab or auto at anytime of the day easily and mostly it is safe ride. However everyone must take care of the safety. Understand the place before you go to the new place. keep in touch with someone at home, specially for girls I would suggest. This is applicable anywhere.

    • @manisherande4568
      @manisherande4568 4 месяца назад

      Basically Men hear respect women ,,, unlike Delhi who are creepy idiots

  • @ln6593
    @ln6593 Год назад +28

    I lived in a number of cities & visited many of them. They are kind of similar- same shops, same clothes etc. I think that Indian cities for all its plus & minuses are pretty distinct. Its neighbour, Bhutan is more distinct- the people dress in their country’s outfit. There is no Starbucks or MacDonalds- reminds me when I travelled in the 1990s.
    Now most of the world has macdonalised.

    • @clairechloe5294
      @clairechloe5294 7 месяцев назад +1

      Well said 👍💯. And the world does not need McDonalds.

    • @RonBhattacharya
      @RonBhattacharya 3 месяца назад

      I like the term "macdonalised". It's soo sad seeing these many overweight Indian kids roaming around. And you can't say anything (even politely and discretely to the parents) - just then you're just a 'body shamer' according to the 'woke' gentry! 😅

  • @nikj257
    @nikj257 Год назад +8

    I don't how I stumbled on this video. But really it was such a joy to listen to her. Her insights were spot on! Really amazing personality.

  • @shanghaiffgg
    @shanghaiffgg 11 месяцев назад +21

    I am Irish and have lived in China for the past 16 years. The massive wealth inequality is similar here. Seemingly impossible levels of wealth and desperate hopeless poverty but I would agree that these two extremes are not living beside each other the way they are in India. Coming from Ireland with is a far more equal society it certainly takes some getting used to. I have been to India plenty of times and managed a business there for a short while, I struggle with it to be honest, India is difficult. I saw the most horrific rudeness from some of the wealthy towards the poor and it turned me off the country. Michaela is a very engaging lady with an awesome personality and the funniest and most interesting accent.

    • @objectsmedia4523
      @objectsmedia4523 5 месяцев назад

      How many times have you seen a Chinese rich interact with the Chinese poor have you seen that often !

    • @shanghaiffgg
      @shanghaiffgg 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@objectsmedia4523 they not only don’t talk, their lives have virtually zero overlap. But it can be like that in the US also in fairness.

    • @objectsmedia4523
      @objectsmedia4523 5 месяцев назад

      @@shanghaiffgg that's the difference. In India all are at the same place

    • @amartyapal2959
      @amartyapal2959 4 месяца назад

      Hopeless poverty? What do you mean by that? In which places did you observe it in China?

    • @shanghaiffgg
      @shanghaiffgg 4 месяца назад

      @ most places in China outside of tier 1 and two cities

  • @bismayaranjan1154
    @bismayaranjan1154 Год назад +10

    Dharavi(2.39 sq km) is not just a slum.. This is thriving a hub of small industries.. Turnover is over one billion dollar..

    • @Zaheed-ip8mp
      @Zaheed-ip8mp Год назад +1

      Why not turn Dharavi into a bustling industrial area

    • @embeddedprojects2336
      @embeddedprojects2336 Год назад +6

      @@Zaheed-ip8mpthe problem is they don’t want to, when they move to Industrial area they would have to follow rules, regulations, need to have proper license and safety standards which is all missing right now. They work in such a hazardous and unsafe conditions, there earning maybe more but quality of life is poor. I feel rarely a person raised in dharavi would cross 60 age mark

  • @HyperIndian
    @HyperIndian Год назад +13

    I'm always impressed by western women who come and live in India.
    Growing up, as a male (born and raised outside of India), i put up with the negative indian stereotype. It made me annoyed and insecure. For the longest time, i heavily disliked Indians for making others think I'm like that when I'm not.
    That's something people dont realise. Not everyone that's of Indian origin (or from there) stinks, is dirty or is a rapist.
    There are plenty of normal people, who go to work, volunteer in their community and are kind to others. You cannot judge 1.4 billion and other people of Indian heritage from stereotypes. That is wrong. Just like its wrong to judge other races from their stereotypes. Judge only people's behaviour and actions.

    • @Vitamins152
      @Vitamins152 Год назад +1

      Read this to know about our past and achievements.
      Ancient India's Achievments:
      1. Brits say they gave us education. But, we already had ancient universities like nalanda, takshashila, vikramshila, and much more over thousands of years ago.
      2.Indians had concepts of calculus before west like infinite series for pi, power series for sine and cosine, inverse tangent series, and much more. These series were made by Madhava, who was a medieval indian mathematician and astronomer.
      2. Aryabhatta invented sine function.
      3. Bhaskara II gave modern definitions of sine and cosine.
      4. Sushruta performed complex surgeries like brain, cataract, rhinoplasty, limb, and much more over 2000 years ago. Surgery was invented in Egypt first, but we made many contributions to it.
      5. Maharishi Kanad, a philosopher, proposed the idea of atoms in 600 BCE.
      6. Brahmagupta invented the formula to determine the area of cyclic quadrilaterals.
      7. Decimal System.
      8. Binary number system by pingala.
      9. Ayurveda.
      10. Bhaskara I stated that at the highest point, the rate of change is zero.
      11. Varahamihira predicted water on Mars thousands of years ago.
      12. Sridharacharya invented the modern-day quadratic formula.
      13. Solutions to quadratics.
      Modern India's Achievements:
      1. Har Gobind Khorana synthesized the first artificial gene and demonstrated the role of nucleotides in protein synthesis. He also artificially synthesized coenzyme A and played a massive role in cracking the genetic code. I reccomend you watch and learn more about him. He shaped modern genetics.
      2. Chandryaan 3 landing on the south pole of moon.
      3. Mars Mission.
      4. Sun Mission (Aditya - L1)
      5. Fiber optics by Narinder Singh Kapany.
      6. Jagdish Chandra Bose was one of the pioneers in wireless communication before Marconi and transmitted signals before him.
      7. Discovery of millimeter waves by Jagdish Chandra Bose.
      8. Discovery of cholera toxin by Dr. Sambhu Nath De.
      9. USB by Ajay Bhatt.
      10. Pentium Chips by Vinod Dham.
      11. S.N. Bose made contributions to quantum mechanics like Bose-Einstein condensate and laid the foundations for Higgs Boson.
      12. Quantum Statistics by S.N. Bose. Also, Boson particles are named after him.
      13. G.N. Ramachandran discovered the triple helical structure of collagen protein and deepened our understanding of sickle cell anemia.
      14. Ramachandran plot, which is a tool used to visualize which angles can amino acids take in proteins.
      15. Venki Ramakrishnan discovered the high resolution atomic structure of ribosomes, which gives us a deeper understanding of how ribosomes manufacture proteins.
      16. First DNA based Covid Vaccine.
      17. Cervical Cerclage was first described by Sirodkhar.
      18. Crescograph.
      19. George Sudarshan was one of the pioneers in quantum optics. (Watch and learn more about him).
      20. Microwave Optics.
      There are many more indian greats you should learn about. Examples: Srinivasa Ramanujan, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, C.V. Raman and Raj Reddy (one of the pioneers in AI along with McCarthy).
      These brits committed horrific atrocities against us and brought artificial famines, which killed 100s of millions of Indians. They also r*ped teenage indian girls and sold them to s*x slavery. They did the same with young women. This caused a spread of nasty stds. They also shot indian children with rifles and flogged them with their whiplash tool or whatever it is. Ps, we had advanced ship building industries and textile industries. They destroyed it. Not only that, Westerners teach you about these inventions, but never tell indian origins. Not only that, these people call us primitive, yet look at our ancient architecture.Many of our inventions were wrongfully attributed to Westerners. Also, I do not know why Greece is considered Western when their culture is nothing close to Western. They did not have a civilization of their own, so they had to appropriate Greek and Roman identity. If Greece and Rome did not exist, they would start calling Egypt, Babylon, and Sumeria as Western 😂😂. Well karma is a b**ch, anglos and other Western countries are on a decline, and I bet they will not even exist in the coming years because of immigration and because of their looted money they can last only so long, I will enjoy their demise.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @SriWriter
      @SriWriter Год назад

      ​@@Vitamins152 Thank you so much 🙏🙂

  • @srinivasankailasam3736
    @srinivasankailasam3736 Год назад +14

    Many so called slums are a source of great production activities. The turnover of say the dharavi area may have a annual turnover over UD 1 billion. There are amazing people with amazing skills.

    • @jeetlahkar894
      @jeetlahkar894 Год назад +1

      The people are great. Not the system. Nobody likes to live in slums if they would have the choice.

    • @suyashbhardwaj3419
      @suyashbhardwaj3419 Год назад

      People can certainly do wonders without tax being imposed on them

  • @dheeraj4526
    @dheeraj4526 Год назад +13

    Another good interview max. Keep doing the good work

  • @ssamuel6175
    @ssamuel6175 10 месяцев назад +5

    Max in Goa India, there are more than 10,000 foreigner living in Goa permanently, you should make videos over there.

    • @foysollee750
      @foysollee750 4 месяца назад

      OMG lol OH yes like Indians don't promote hate! online misinformation in the caption/ Deliberate fake captions!!! ,l Yes we all know India is the scammers & rape capital of the world!! & Indians are manipulative

  • @andrea2007andrea2007
    @andrea2007andrea2007 8 месяцев назад +4

    Subscribed instantly :) I love how India smoothed her german roughness away, beautiful. Love your guests. Very good job! :)

    • @clairechloe5294
      @clairechloe5294 7 месяцев назад

      Very true👍. I am an Asian living in Germany (for many years) and fluent in German. But I don't like the unfriendly, cold and selfish attitude of the majority of Germans. I am planning to go back to Asia next year. I am not Indian, but look Indian, brown skin. I would like to move to Mumbai alone. I like to get to know a new city and live there to try it out. I would like to get to know some genuine people there. I am glad Michaela managed to achieve her goals outside of her native Germany. I hope I will like Mumbai and the people will be welcoming towards me.

  • @VidhyaGawali
    @VidhyaGawali Год назад +25

    I really don't understand why foreigners always comes to delhi, jaipur, mumbai, and some slumy places of india like india is a huge country we have north east, Himalayas, leh Ladakh, whole south india, different cultures but they will always visit some some crowded places of india and after that they will complain about that how crowded india is they will order Very spicy food and after that they will complain about the indian food is so spicy. Means I didn't understand, I am tourist guide and someone come from west they will visit any part of india literally any part of india but instead of proper tourist place

    • @SSPTravels
      @SSPTravels Год назад +2

      Exactly my point. I comment this everywhere else.

    • @asitkhanda
      @asitkhanda Год назад +1

      Delhi being the capital of India and Mumbai being the financial and film industry of India attracts these foreigners for opportunities. Sure, they must be travelling all over India but for people of those caliber to come and work here, only few cities can offer them that. I am pretty sure the moment other cities across India are able to offer this opportunity, people will gladly come and live there. For example, with the recent IT Boom in Hyderabad and Bengaluru, now we have a lot of foreign engineers and managers are coming up to stay in these two cities.
      Most of the interviews here are with people who have been living and working here in India. Hope you got it now.

    • @VidhyaGawali
      @VidhyaGawali Год назад

      @@asitkhanda Yes you are very right bro but here I am talking about beautiful tourist places of india, Indian slumy areas are not tourist place, whenever you see vlogs of this foreign people they always visit this particular areas like Jaipur, Delhi and Mumbai and after that they think like yes we had explored whole India by visiting only this 3 places but we hidden gems like North east hill station, Himalayas, leh Ladakh, Pyongyang lake but they visit only this places after complaint against that. And yes Delhi is the capital of india and Mumbai is facial capital but these places have beautiful tourist sides but here also they visit some random places instead of some proper tourist place in this 2 cities

  • @STARK50
    @STARK50 Год назад +23

    Hey, I would love to see interviews of foreigners who lives in North-Eastern. That'll be a interesting video to see their perspective of India.

  • @sreejithbhasi1977
    @sreejithbhasi1977 3 месяца назад +1

    I'm from Kerala and I've done an all India trip from Kerala to Manali by car. I realised that North India is not safe for tourists but South Indian states like Kerala, TamilNadu and Goa is safe for tourists🙏🏻.

  • @abhinavbansal9396
    @abhinavbansal9396 Год назад +40

    This video should not reach savlon bhai 💀🙂😶

  • @BrindaSarathy-YT
    @BrindaSarathy-YT 6 месяцев назад +2

    South India is comparatively safer, but solo woman traveller should be extremely careful when travelling anywhere in India

  • @hackerrank9173
    @hackerrank9173 Год назад +32

    Max please don't get upset by some hyper nationalist comments....they are in their own zone....its just they love their country so much that sometimes it irritates them....but in reality they would one of the niciest people....we really want to improve safety of country like other developed countries like Singapore or other European countries....so this honest interviews really helps the individuals and may it reach the government as well.....upreciate your work max.....thanks i hope your videos will push india and force india to improve 😂❤❤❤

    • @msdolly6101981
      @msdolly6101981 Год назад +4

      Comparing India to Singapore is stupid 😅

    • @Maverick-zo4kc
      @Maverick-zo4kc Год назад +5

      Pakistani Abdul.....Come with your real id 😂

    • @Maverick-zo4kc
      @Maverick-zo4kc Год назад

      @@msdolly6101981 says a beggar from a country of beggars 🇵🇰 😂😂

    • @Maverick-zo4kc
      @Maverick-zo4kc Год назад

      @@msdolly6101981 says a fake id beggar from a country of beggars 🇵🇰 😂😂

    • @_UNISTAR_
      @_UNISTAR_ Год назад


  • @SSPTravels
    @SSPTravels Год назад +47

    It's really a good interview. We should take these negatives as constructive feedback rather than criticizing her. 👍

  • @imaaniswki1288
    @imaaniswki1288 4 месяца назад +2

    Honestly, as a very globalized indian expat, who also happens to be a teenager discovring his country bit by bit, the perspectives of a foreigner coming from a far, to my country is very similar to mine in many ways.. since although i am indian too, i haven't lived there ever since i was.. maybe about 7...?
    Watching her, as well as others put their experience into such eloquent words and clearly make out the differences between cultures helped me understand what part of me is indian since... To be frank, i feel like im a mix of everything and can't really find a sense of belonging
    However, watching these videos has helped me really understand my own country better... Even if i somehow knew what they were saying, i belive i now have the words to finally my thoughts and ideas about the indian culture and for that clarity i am very grateful, both to you you and every interviewee you've had so far. Thanks for reading :)

  • @isshiomi6364
    @isshiomi6364 Год назад +19

    She knows India quite well, although not too well... Appreciate her...

  • @Sara-vy4ly
    @Sara-vy4ly Год назад +9

    You find such interesting people to interview, I just bought her ebook, very inspiring :)

  • @100myasharma5
    @100myasharma5 Год назад +20

    Now Delhi has less than 20% of Delhites living in delhi ....Delhi is filled with migrants from round the country...and its a wholesale market area so even illiterates who never been to school comes and get a job here...its overcrowded place...Sadly till 90s Delhi was great with so much cleanliness , no crowds , easy transportation when there wasn't even metro...good times!

    • @pure_n84r99
      @pure_n84r99 Год назад +1

      Who is native of Delhi 🤔....

    • @offred6013
      @offred6013 Год назад

      Those illiterate people work as cheap labour making ur life easy😂😂

    • @Jasmine_Sangma
      @Jasmine_Sangma Год назад +2

      What do you think Mumbai is filled with? With regards to migrants, Delhi is nothing compared to Mumbai.

    • @theavenger5735
      @theavenger5735 Год назад

      As a native Delhiite you are absolutely right 👍🏻

    • @arnab2605
      @arnab2605 Год назад +1

      More migrants come to Mumbai than Delhi. But Mumbai is the safest city for women in India.

  • @AnkhArcRod
    @AnkhArcRod Год назад +2

    Loved the candid interview! I no longer stay in Mumbai. I agree that living in Mumbai can be aggravating at first but once you become a Mumbaikar, you change internally and start loving the city.

  • @krissivamurthy5810
    @krissivamurthy5810 Год назад +7

    She is true about Delhi,I think the administration of Delhi must take measures or it would portray a very bad image of the country

    • @Bridge_2702
      @Bridge_2702 Год назад +2

      When the troublesome elements from UP, Bihar, MP, Jharkhand, Rajasthan overcrowd Delhi, safety issues are bound to arise. It's not Delhi's fault that these ganga states are so overpopulated & underdeveloped.
      The original Delhites have become a minority in their own city & roaming around in some Delhi market is not how you're gonna learn about the real original Delhi culture. What you would get instead is a taste of UP Bihar.

  • @reinhardankenbauer3241
    @reinhardankenbauer3241 Месяц назад +1

    Believe everyone who did time in India (me 3 years scattered over 49 years 😊) will readily confirm: Things fall into place on a regular basis. I don't know why, I don't know how, but it happens. In Delhi (Pahar Ganj) I almost died in 1979 in my shabby hostel room, but two bicycle salesmen from Tamil Nadu in the neighbouring room called my Embassy, the Ambassador came personally to my room and put me to the govt. hospital, visited me, found out I was neglected, and transferred me to one of the most costly private hospitals, guaranteed for the bill (I was pennyless). Good things happen out of bad things in India, often I felt like carried and protected by angels. Also came to entrust my life to Jesus in India, of all places. 😅 I'm now a family father aged 68.

  • @AnalystRK
    @AnalystRK Год назад +19

    Most of violence in Delhi comes from Punjabi and Haryanvi communities. I have often seen a lot of superiority complex in both of them.

    • @xv0007
      @xv0007 Год назад +6

      western U.P people also

    • @goddessvibes08
      @goddessvibes08 Год назад


    • @abhinay4200
      @abhinay4200 11 месяцев назад

      mostly biharis and jatts .most of the brutal rapes are done by biharis

    • @surendrapatel5787
      @surendrapatel5787 8 месяцев назад +2

      Same punjabis had finished pakistan also

  • @DontoMindo
    @DontoMindo 5 месяцев назад +1

    I worked in delhi for about 7 months but never saw a girl/women being harassed in any shape or form. I travelled mostly by metro and not once did I hear any girl screaming for help or anything like that. Nor did I hear about any reports of mistreatment anywhere near my home or workplace. My work required me to rotate shifts where somedays I came home at 30 Minutes past midnight and sometimes went to work at 5 in the morning. I only felt threatened by dogs but no actual person. For me it was as safe as any other city I have been to.

  • @sachinrane2770
    @sachinrane2770 Год назад +4

    british did not bring helps or servant culture.. you don't see that in england .. where as in India not necessarily rich, even the middle class people have helps! I read snippets of a book written by british officers in india that when they go back to england they are going to miss all these services!

  • @gratefulinlove
    @gratefulinlove 7 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for your genuiness. I appreciate that there is no sugar coating whatsoever. Hopefully India does better for the sake of its own people.

  • @carrad123456
    @carrad123456 Год назад +4

    Hi Max, not sure where she lives in Mumbai, it is generally Rs. 1500 or Rs. 2000 per month in areas like Thane or Powai or Chembur if someone works one hour per day.
    15 K to 20K monthly ,
    is generally for 8 hour or 10 hour or 12 hour per day .
    Also something observed in all videos from India, these people first sarcastically talk of helper maid culture, but at end of the day they all employ them!! Just be sure helper is above 18 years.

    • @embeddedprojects2336
      @embeddedprojects2336 Год назад +2

      Yes I feel the same when he asked about salary she was little hesitant or got stuck in thinking. In my society its 2000-2500 for someone working 1hr

  • @sandyahire15
    @sandyahire15 Год назад +2

    Proud of being mumbaikar.
    We respect peoples space and less bothered about what they wear, the skin color, laguage they speak. They just blend in in no time

  • @pradipshinde6598
    @pradipshinde6598 Год назад +5

    Hindi is not Local Language of Maharashtra it's Marathi 😢😢😢

    • @goofston4343
      @goofston4343 Год назад

      She even says "I live here right, I should speak your language". Can't stop laughing at the irony 😂

  • @markgarretson689
    @markgarretson689 7 месяцев назад +1

    Been to Mumbai with my daughter in late 2023. We planned the trip for 17 days. We ended up leaving in 3 days. Frankly, it’s not a place where we would visit again

  • @poojajayamohan9920
    @poojajayamohan9920 Год назад +24

    She is very very intelligent and it shines through.. thanks for such a nice video

    • @Bridge_2702
      @Bridge_2702 Год назад

      She got impressed by Mumbai & basically said that iT'S nOt liKe iNdiA.
      She's definitely not intelligent, if Mumbai is what it took for her to be iMprEsSed.

    • @ashutoshsharma9532
      @ashutoshsharma9532 Год назад

      A genius lady & a rich one who sees her maid as an angel !

  • @ramooh1959
    @ramooh1959 Год назад +9

    I am an Indian and lived in 6 countries including some in the ME so far. I think India is as safe as any other country. Police in most parts of the world are inefficient but more people friendly. Not in the Middle East though. But in India, there is something that is clearly missing in other parts of the world....that is life! I love the hustle bustle in India that you dont have in US, Canada etc. People in India are surely more honest and that is granted to them.

    • @rbflowin_TV
      @rbflowin_TV Год назад +1

      Ive been trying to convey this very similar message since ages and it has proven to be a persistent challenge, especially among individuals in India who lack overseas travel experiences and find it hard to comprehend.

    • @jeetlahkar894
      @jeetlahkar894 Год назад +6

      It depends on the person. Not everybody loves the so called 'hustle bustle'. Some may like to live in more peaceful sleepy towns if they have the choice. Large crowds, the noise and chaos may cause them stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, most people in India have no other option but to adjust to this way of life.

    • @foysollee750
      @foysollee750 4 месяца назад

      Ramaswamy Venkatraman,OMG lol OH yes like Indians don't promote hate! online misinformation in the caption/ Deliberate fake captions!!! ,l Yes we all know India is the scammers & rape capital of the world!! & Indians are manipulative

  • @johnsaley5087
    @johnsaley5087 Год назад +11

    You have forgotten one thing that India is the most populated nation in the world and it surpasses the entire population of Europe. So no use comparing with any small nation of Europe. Its requirements are enormous like infrastructure, schools, colleges, houses, roads, vehicles and everything and one has to see how best India cope up with these requirements.

    • @dicky-duck6632
      @dicky-duck6632 Год назад

      how about comparing to the neighbor..... that neighbor

    • @TheKoyna
      @TheKoyna Год назад

      I agree to your point and its exceptional for us…. But
      nevertheless the economic inequality in India is very substantial.

    • @yerajoker3524
      @yerajoker3524 Год назад +1

      @@TheKoyna Please check the gini inequality indices of countries, India is middle of the pack, and plenty of rich developed countries like the US / China etc are worse off than India. It's just fashionable to say that India has "extreme" inequality.

    • @factshistory3193
      @factshistory3193 Год назад +1

      @@dicky-duck6632 That neighbour is mostly homogenous with Han chinese not a mess like India is in.

    • @AmitRaj-wt1kg
      @AmitRaj-wt1kg Год назад

      ​@@dicky-duck6632they have one party

  • @Rerouting_
    @Rerouting_ 8 месяцев назад +3

    I'm also German living in India and I can relate soooo much to what was Michaela saying. Was nodding the whole episode! Should visit Bombay more often I guess. 😃

    • @clairechloe5294
      @clairechloe5294 7 месяцев назад

      I am Asian, living in Germany currently. But I do not like to live longer here. So I am planning to go back to Asia. I am not Indian, but I would like to try Mumbai. I am 56 years old and I hope I will feel safe happy in Mumbai. Could you please share some information about your experience of living in Mumbai? What made you leave Germany and move to Mumbai? Thanks 🙏

    • @RonBhattacharya
      @RonBhattacharya 3 месяца назад

      You definitely should visit Bombay and also, Kolkata.
      P.S. Hop on a plane and come to Kolkata. Christmas is 'the Best' in Kolkata than any other city in India. And the food is super-diverse.
      And... we have 'real' steak here. So, you won't need to get into an argument with your restaurant after finding out the steak is actually 'buffalo'. 😆 Go to Hondo's at Prince Anwar Shah Road. It's a tiny, but amazing place - open 24x7.

  • @rashmigupta9
    @rashmigupta9 Год назад +10

    Domestic help and staff helps those people get employed and earn a living.

  • @mayankkumartiwari2052
    @mayankkumartiwari2052 Год назад +2

    People had seen USA in movies but guys go and check there you will find the most unsafe places are in USA. It is very unsafe after 6 PM in USA and also you are not safe in Subways.
    But people here in India always think that USA is dream but in reality it is just in movies

    • @pikachuthunderbolt3919
      @pikachuthunderbolt3919 Год назад +1

      She would be comparing things with Germany lol as she is fron there .
      USA is draining due to uncontrolled migration from every part of the world.
      India should compete china or European nation
      As mostly native indians live in india .

  • @nwyliedavid07
    @nwyliedavid07 Год назад +12

    Only staying in India for 12 years she knows everything it's shocking. We Indians staying here from Childhood still don't know India due to its diversity. You westerners speak to soon.

  • @2008Prashantha
    @2008Prashantha Год назад +1

    Don’t judge people in India by their dress. People may look poor by their dress, but they are very rich. Even beggars in the metro city has more cash in their bank account

  • @Vknze
    @Vknze Год назад +4

    4:03 4:22 4:28 4:40 5:40
    14:15 business case study: how unedu people uses tech in india
    16:25 sweden job experience
    16:52 17:30 17:48 school for kids in germany & India
    19:16 working with SRK & other actor

  • @anshul6168
    @anshul6168 Год назад +20

    I went to a slum and I was like "wow" how do I understand this?
    Also when do you have to come to India to see a slum, I'm sure even his country has one.
    Slums of Karachi, Sao PAolo, Manilla are much bigger than those in Mumbai, it's just popularized by Slum Dog Millionaire, that's where the stereotype comes from
    But I would still not understand how is it exciting? Waht's this poverty tourism?

  • @MasterAdwaith
    @MasterAdwaith Год назад +7

    I like the jugad part. sometimes, all we need is to make the best out of the situation and make it work. To save time, money 😊

  • @welingkartr416
    @welingkartr416 Год назад +1

    As a Mumbaikar - though not living there right now - I agree with Michaela. And to let anyone who goes through these comments know - many Indians don't find Delhi and some parts of the North safe - please note I said SOME PARTS not all - lest I be criticised for being biased.
    Of course there can be dangerous places everywhere - even in Mumbai - one has to be aware of the surroundings.
    But then I did not come to comment about that. I was "distressed" to hear Michaela say Mumbai is not spiritual, unlike the rest of the country. That's not true. When I try to figure out why she says that I can only conclude it is because she is working in an industry (Bollywood and cinema) where glitz, glamour and wealth matter. Does not mean everyone there is non-spiritual, just that when you are working with deadlines, and many appear beholden to glamour one feels that way.
    Search within Mumbai and talk to the right people Michaela will discover the spiritual side of Mumbai too.

  • @trajan3413
    @trajan3413 Год назад +4

    You videos are really amazing....I have watched most of your videos.... I love the way you n the person ur documenting reveal all aspects truly!!!!

  • @vetri81082
    @vetri81082 29 дней назад +1

    I’ve noticed a pattern lately - many foreign visitors posting about their experiences in India with a tone of surprise, humor, or outright complaints about infrastructure, crowds, and conditions that seem different from what they are used to back home. While exploring a new country is an exciting adventure, nitpicking and mocking the unfamiliar only reflects a lack of understanding and poor preparation.
    India is not just a country; it's a civilization spanning thousands of years, with a history richer than most can comprehend. From the majestic forts of Rajasthan to the serene backwaters of Kerala, the vibrant markets of Delhi to the spiritual ghats of Varanasi, India offers an unmatched depth of cultural, historical, and natural beauty. Unlike certain countries, whose history is largely built on conquests and exploitation, India’s past is one of innovation, knowledge, and resilience despite centuries of foreign rule.
    Yes, India has stark contrasts - modern skyscrapers stand beside centuries-old temples, bustling metros run alongside chaotic bazaars, and luxury meets poverty in an ever-changing dynamic. But isn’t that what travel is about? Experiencing something new, stepping out of comfort zones, and embracing a culture with an open mind? If all you’re going to do is compare every street, every building, and every system to what you had back home, then perhaps you didn’t travel for the right reasons.
    A simple message to those who visit: Do your research, plan your trip properly, and come with an open mind. If you can’t handle diversity, unpredictability, and the charm of a country that thrives in its contrasts, maybe you should reconsider traveling at all. India welcomes guests warmly, but it also deserves the respect of those who walk its streets. Instead of focusing on what’s "not like home," immerse yourself in the experiences that make India unique - the hospitality, the festivals, the history, the flavors, and the sheer vibrancy of life here.
    And for those who can't do that? Well, stay home. No one invited you to nitpick a land that has existed long before your country did.
    Travel to experience, not to judge.

  • @ChineseKiwi
    @ChineseKiwi Год назад +34

    13:33 - that 'Indian nod' right there - ok, she's lived there a while!

    • @sai600
      @sai600 Год назад +7

      she does it quite a lot!

  • @mattaikay925
    @mattaikay925 Год назад

    How about the south - Begaluru -Karnataka, Trivasndrum-Kochi Kerala, Chennai - Tamil Nadu, and Hyderabad - Andhra Pradesh

  • @muraleedharanpaloran1712
    @muraleedharanpaloran1712 Год назад +4

    That explains why people don't leave Mumbai,.once they get there😊

  • @truepotential206
    @truepotential206 Год назад +1

    No idea why all these foreigners stick to Mumbai where there is a whole world to explore in the country

  • @Dr-qs4oi
    @Dr-qs4oi Год назад +6

    She has an Indian accent now

  • @roydenpereira8123
    @roydenpereira8123 Год назад +19

    She's got the mumbai accent 😜

  • @dr.python
    @dr.python 9 месяцев назад +3

    India is legit working because of _jugaad,_ we can’t imagine where we’d be if never tried it

  • @swiatlofashionandtextilesf6877
    @swiatlofashionandtextilesf6877 8 месяцев назад +1

    Disagree, 36 yo American woman living in delhi here, and while getting stared at sucks (by both men and women, not sure why people love to stare here) I don’t step outside my house and feel like I’m going to get assaulted?? Stay in safe neighborhoods. Don’t go wandering in the old city at night. I truly feel for this individual if she has had a bad experience in Delhi. I am absolutely not saying it doesn’t happen, but I have a wide network of Expat women here in delhi and all of us feel completely safe going to the grocery store in the middle of the day?? We go out for drinks at night, go to movies, live normal lives and I’m not thinking I’ll get assaulted.

  • @madhuri4355
    @madhuri4355 Год назад +9

    As a woman just dont roam in muslim majority areas in delhi, n you'd be safe. lol. dont blame whole delhi. you'd be not safe even in UK or US when u visit muslim majority areas there. in west they have became no go zones for a reason. foreigners have this weird craze to visit old delhi instead of visiting new delhi, old delhi is super chaotic n mostly muslim areas there.

  • @rajenderperindia3957
    @rajenderperindia3957 Год назад +1

    I have spent a number of years abroad, in many countries and can very well say that even big cities in developed countries like the US, Canada, are not safe after 7 PM not only for women but even for men. So it’s not fair to label Delhi as unsafe city for a woman.

  • @alokprasad9092
    @alokprasad9092 Год назад +4

    Very well explained. Both good and bad. No stereotypes.

  • @Chandravadancena
    @Chandravadancena Год назад

    4:26 I am shocked you are saying Mumbai is not spiritual. May be you missed Ganesh Festival in Mumbai, it is the biggest in the country. No comparison hand down. Rest of the festivals are celebrated in a unique way as there's limitations of space

  • @JoeB2825
    @JoeB2825 Год назад +3

    Certain parts of certain cities might be unsafe at nights. But as a women always do your research before going to any new place. South India is pretty much safe same could be told for east and west but North India has some pockets to avoid. As a girl used to work from 5pm-2:30 am shift in my city and never had problem. So the notion India isn’t safe for women isn’t true. There are incidents and stupid psychopaths who have brought shame to India. But most men are very good and super helpful.

  • @rushilsapkal6910
    @rushilsapkal6910 Год назад +2

    Mumbai is Mumbai for a reason. Most open minded and accepting place in the country.

    • @panyaboonc5621
      @panyaboonc5621 Год назад

      This is how safe foreign lady can be in this city? Watch this video.

  • @MonuSangwan07
    @MonuSangwan07 Год назад +8

    Relax guys it's just the bombay shell that she is surrounded by because she works in bollywood even people from our country who have lived their whole lives in Mumbai think Delhi is like a warzone for women .
    But in reality it's as safe as you can be anywhere in the western capitals of the world .
    Ofcourse there are all kinds of people everywhere in the world and just like all other countries different cities have different cultures that doesn't make them good or bad it's just part of the package .
    So all in all India is a very diverse country on how different people would react to different things throughout the nation just learn a little about wherever it is that you are planning to going to .

    • @19683
      @19683 Год назад


    • @foysollee750
      @foysollee750 4 месяца назад

      OMG lol OH yes like Indians don't promote hate! online misinformation in the caption/ Deliberate fake captions!!! ,l Yes we all know India is the scammers & rape capital of the world!! & Indians are manipulative

    • @RonBhattacharya
      @RonBhattacharya 3 месяца назад

      That's not true about Delhi. I've lived there for 15+ years and we even have a house in South Delhi. Delhi 'is' a 'war-zone for women'. Let's swallow that bitter pill. It's high time.

  • @gauravsoni4019
    @gauravsoni4019 8 месяцев назад +2

    Ambala is a city in Haryana where i live. Trust me guys it is the best city woth highest safety for women. It is like mini India in ambala there are every religion people. We stay together and also we have very good tasty food here and also it is very very affordable city! Any foreigner can come over here and sttle after retiring from thier job. I dont wan to leave Ambala my whole life guys. I love Ambala!

    • @LeslieBurke8
      @LeslieBurke8 4 месяца назад

      MC blames heavy rain for waterlogging in Ambala
      Nitish Sharma Tribune News Service Ambala, August 16 Even after spending a huge budget on the works to prevent waterlogging and cleaning of drains, the Ambala City witnessed severe waterlogging due to rain earlier this week, and several areas remained...
      Even after spending a huge budget on the works to prevent waterlogging and cleaning of drains, the Ambala City witnessed severe waterlogging due to rain earlier this week, and several areas remained waterlogged for almost two days.
      Rs 41.9l tender was alloted for drain clean-up
      The corporation had allotted a tender of ~41.9 lakh for cleaning three major drains. The employees of the corporation were engaged for cleaning 89 minor drains, but the rain left the city inundated for two days. ~
      - Mithun Verma, Councillor, Ambala MC
      While residents and opposition leaders were blaming the government and the municipal corporation for lack of preparedness and inadequate cleaning of drains, the corporation and the minister of state and local MLA sighted unexpected heavy rain and geographical conditions of the city for the reason behind the situation.

  • @iam.vineet
    @iam.vineet Год назад +6

    Her resemblance with Millie Brown is just astonishing.

    • @ssssssssssama
      @ssssssssssama Год назад

      yo, I just ctrl+f to search "Millie" just in case I do not make myself redundant.

  • @pankajpathak380
    @pankajpathak380 Год назад +1

    The time she said, "but its working, no?" Was the time I understood, she has become one of us, Indians!😂😂😂

  • @blackman7186
    @blackman7186 Год назад +25

    These experiences can be subjective. Some women have travelled to Delhi alone and nothing happened but some have had bad experiences. Still, in general Delhi is still a but dodgy i mean even some local women feel unsafe at night in some parts of delhi.

    • @pratikking2272
      @pratikking2272 Год назад +5

      Dehli is a Punjabi Bihari dominated area. Most rapey ethnicities in the worls.

    • @Dara_107
      @Dara_107 Год назад

      Agreed. I love Delhi and travel quite freely in the day, people are helpful and it’s very convenient but the nights are definitely dodgy (Or maybe because I never had the guts to travel past 10.30 😅)
      Mumbai is amazing and I loved travelling there but it never felt like home like Delhi for me :)

    • @mogheanil
      @mogheanil Год назад +1

      @@pratikking2272 spot on

    • @mogheanil
      @mogheanil Год назад +1

      @@Dara_107 u r right. i live in delhi but my hometown is mumbai so i can clearly tell +ve things both cities have to offer

    • @Bridge_2702
      @Bridge_2702 Год назад +1

      ​@@pratikking2272Delhi has been overcrowded by UP Biharis Jharkhandis Bengalis MP Rajasthanis.
      The original people of Delhi who were Haryanvis, Punjabis, Northwest UPites are a minority.

  • @XxxRay3
    @XxxRay3 2 месяца назад +2

    Over the year and after so many interviews I come to realize Delhi is a SHAME for India
    And SOUTH is a HEART ♥️
    I'm from North East and faced racism around Delhi a lot

    • @animedesk1397
      @animedesk1397 2 месяца назад +1

      i think from Bengal to Mizoram all these states have more better standards of living and is mostly clean and hygiencic than any south or north despite less development in the east part of india

  • @arch391
    @arch391 Год назад +2

    Delhi is not safe even for a man. But in the day I might not feel unsafe like a women might feel.

  • @amazingsensei4145
    @amazingsensei4145 10 месяцев назад +5

    6:44 the 2 boys you showed are not gay , they are friends😂😂

  • @kelvinth30
    @kelvinth30 Год назад +1

    last time i followed a lady youtuber who was a solo traveller and she Vlog wherever she went . But after a trip in india , she made a video saying she had experienced horror in india and was in tears . After that i think she closed her RUclips channel and disappeared ! She's was a pretty cheerful lady , don't know what exactly happened to her in India ??

  • @amipims8077
    @amipims8077 Год назад +7

    Hi max , another good interview I just saw it , one of the best interview along with Mr Glenn from Australia, she has got it right by whatever experience she has received up till now

  • @choudharyjee1997
    @choudharyjee1997 Год назад +1

    I went to both Delhi and Mumbai with my experience as an Indian Mumbai is far better then Delhi

  • @vedants.vispute77
    @vedants.vispute77 Год назад +16

    Bombay is not like other parts not only coz its so busy, polluted, multilinguistic.. But also no other city in India has 40% people living in slums.. My city Nashik just 150km of Mumbai has barely any slums.. And very relaxed..

    • @mogheanil
      @mogheanil Год назад +3

      i like pune n navi mumbai

    • @JitendraPoochhwale
      @JitendraPoochhwale Год назад +1

      Living in slum doesn't mean they are poor

    • @vedants.vispute77
      @vedants.vispute77 Год назад +2

      @@JitendraPoochhwale Why some of us think like this? Yeah it means that most Indians think getting enough to afford food, some little rare education and shelter, let it be a slum is not being poor.. Reality is that if your monthly family income is less than 50000 Rs, you are poor. In india, 60% families have less than 20000 a month as income. Let alone keep the slums aside, many times people live in pakka houses but the road connection is bad, sewage flows as in open gutters, road is corrupt..

    • @TJSaw
      @TJSaw Год назад

      Those slum dwellers in Mumbai make more in a month than you do in a year in Nashik.

    • @vedants.vispute77
      @vedants.vispute77 Год назад +2

      @@TJSaw congratulations..I didnt knew slum dwellers had gdp per capita of $120,000 .. That would mean the 10 Million slum dwellers in Mumbai alone contribute $1.2 Trillion as GDP to the country.. Damn bro, crazy richness and aroma coming from Mumbai..

  • @edayas
    @edayas 11 месяцев назад +1

    came across to this just two days before i am going to delhi as a solo female traveler. hope i don't have any negative experience over there as she suggested but gotta say, i loved this interview! she is so direct and honest.

    • @mridulkanti1995
      @mridulkanti1995 10 месяцев назад

      As an Indian I would say- Delhi's culture is like the Bollywood culture and its 50-60% Islamic as it is a muslim majority city. In Delhi even Hindus behave like Muslims, its a very corrupted city. You can't expect women sefty there. You can always come to Goa or Bangalore -these cities are safe for women and always try to avoide go through a muslim majority area ,you'll be safe as a women.

    • @Pain-zd5uo
      @Pain-zd5uo 8 месяцев назад +1

      So how was it like there in Delhi?

    • @RonBhattacharya
      @RonBhattacharya 3 месяца назад

      Don't be stupid (like roaming alone in deserted areas - especially in the middle of the night) and keep your fingers crossed. 🤭 Oh, and enjoy the street-food - that's superb there.

    • @RonBhattacharya
      @RonBhattacharya 3 месяца назад +1

      @@Pain-zd5uo I'm thinking the same thing after noticing the date of the comment! Hope she's alive and kicking. 🤞

  • @Gaurav_9339
    @Gaurav_9339 Год назад +9

    Somehow people inside India also have misconceptions that Delhi is not safe for women. I have been living in Gurgaon for past 12 years and I travel to Delhi everyday for college and I see more women outside than men. And I personally haven't witnessed anything which people outside Delhi believe Delhi to be regarding safety issues.

    • @FunkyChild718
      @FunkyChild718 Год назад +9

      lmao you're not a single Western female though.

    • @vishezar2137
      @vishezar2137 Год назад +2

      Delhi is pretty unsafe. The news that we get from Delhi are horrible. Count how many horrible news you heard from Delhi last year and compare it with other Cities. The number is astounding.

    • @mogheanil
      @mogheanil Год назад +1

      @@vishezar2137 compared to other indian cities yes delhi is unsafe but german cities r not that safe either

    • @Mscellany1
      @Mscellany1 Год назад

      You're not a woman...

    • @pikachuthunderbolt3919
      @pikachuthunderbolt3919 Год назад +2

      U are starting bud lol
      U go to college now as u were school kid until now using school busses and parents dropping U everywhere
      Just try to comment same thing after 4 years

  • @rakshittripathi7240
    @rakshittripathi7240 Год назад +1

    Im not defending but rape crime in india is a big thing to understand you need to do a reserch very extensively if you want to compare rape crime in india with other countries i promise you will be shocked

  • @greekysam1288
    @greekysam1288 Год назад +5

    As a dilliwala i can say only she is totally not correct crime happens but it doesn't mean whole city is unsafe

    • @RonBhattacharya
      @RonBhattacharya 3 месяца назад

      Don't lie. I myself lived there for 15+ years (including +2 and college). My cousin-sisters grew up there. So... I know. And that was "South Delhi" itself. Forget the rest.