Broo do you have second channal haix dairy people are donating crazy amount on there 59 euro and all just want to confirm that is do you have second yt channal beacuse u didnt mention anywhere on this channal about your second yt channal
Thank you for your effort, but this video seemed a bit bad to me because I think you chose the worst players among the silvers, only 1 of them plays well. If my friends and I were to start with you 5v5 12-0, we could win really easily
5 streamers vs 5 ohnepixels
2 furiouss, 3 ohnepixels*
5 streamers vs 5 streamers
thats a really cool video concept that i have never seen finally some original content
"dont kill each other guys, protect our economy"
Casually pulls out a m4 in a pistol round
It was 12:0 they got moeny for every round that "happened"
@@oleg-pf2hh mr12?
7:43 insane transition right there
Do a match between a silver team coached by a level 10 against a level 10 team coached by a silver
Now THIS would be funny
fire idea
9:34 мне нравится это "gandoooone"
I'm sorry can we speak about that flawless transition at 7:44 😂😂
I didn't realise I was watching a hiax video until the ad lol
Dima and haix being the two most average baltic country players
my favorite part in the video is 14:00 when the video is over
tf is your point man
@@jrmmngr i just a hater man aint nothing personal
just had to post this right as i finished my pringles can..
3:20 not the 1v1 lose to silver😂😂
Really like the concept of this one. Would love to see more!!
perfect dinner video
perfect lunch video
3:44 Perfect
Took them 12 rounds to finally use the winning tactic of buying 5 auto shotguns on t side office.
The ut99 music was on point lmfao
You guys should have 2 team leaders, and pick teams from 8 viewers 😂 would be a fun series
Артём, погнали с нами говорит, там классно))
I remember when FakeJake did something like this in atchmaking, idk when he last uploaded cs
I would love to see more of this
3:45 nice flashpenguin
Such a cool concept man! Love from Australia :)
tweedy would have made some extremly funny momment in this challenege ngl
Office on Ts with autosnipers and negavs gonna be hard lol
give them on lvl 10 and then silvers so that they can be igl’d
this crew is all my favorite creators
Another day of haix carrying cs content
The quality of the video is insane
my average comp match then
Video name should have been, “can 5 streamers win 48 straight rounds against silvers”
Liquid vs Faze Reanimated 😂😂
Very nice video Mr. HaiX. I like the new editing style.
Only if that docc wannabe was not there... VAC needs to step up here. :D
Haix I think some of the silvers were on the wrong team...
Next up: 5 overconfident streamers vs 5 faceits level 10
Haixx wrong Team (least npc comment)
5v5 but pistols only for non silvers no headstart? 🤔
is furi in silvers team? or why i cant see&hear him?
I love your unique video ides and the effort in your videos
5 streamers vs 5 furiousses
shoulda just taken it to map3 bo3 for the title of best silver
just started my meal, thx for the vid
You guys are funny as hell 😂
broo we had 5s vs 5 20k and we lost 13-1 so it wasnt posted :( the 20k peep were prolly ez 3k elo tho
10:29 bad silver
all 5 of my favorite creators
Rest in Peace Ohne... We will miss u 😢 u have to be dead before CS2 first armory skins update would u....
I exploded to this video
Xm is a sniper not a shotgun fr lol this sht has happened to me so many times 😂
What do you expect from a 3k elo 5 stack against 5 random silvers?
activate 100% of silver brain 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The silver had a m4a1s masterpiece?
Ive got one single question. Tf is peasemaker doin there bruh
what program do you use to cut and edit your videos?
The payday 2 song banger
Just in time for dinner :)
Anyone here thats a og fan
you should to same thing but if someone dies in the good team they have to leave
Broo do you have second channal haix dairy people are donating crazy amount on there 59 euro and all just want to confirm that is do you have second yt channal beacuse u didnt mention anywhere on this channal about your second yt channal
w video from haix
Haix Show Game Show Tv Show
what song is this 9:06 ?
1 ohnepixel vs 1 silver i think the silver would win
Love your videos ❤ algorithm comment blya
Me vs 5 streamers on office where I have 12 wins and I’d win, office ez
Love your videos sm
payday ost spotted
Nice video
didn't haix coach gum in that one video
do 5 streamers vs 30 silvers
Its like 5 500hz vs 5 65 hz
Hi team.
Go win))
Great video russian guy
i think your silvers are broken xD
why no Ren for the Video
no pistol round???
Its like you dont
Thank you for your effort, but this video seemed a bit bad to me because I think you chose the worst players among the silvers, only 1 of them plays well. If my friends and I were to start with you 5v5 12-0, we could win really easily
thats not furi
Furi and gays: 🤮🤮😡👿💩💩💩💩🤢🤢🤢
here from the stream
who won first map?
Haix color settings??
Где можно найти твой конфиг?
@Haix how to get in as a silver in your vids
only through my discord, I post there when I need people for my videos :)
@@HaiXdoes being gold nova count
Anyone here from 2026?
love from ukraine 🤔😊
where's furiouss 😭😭😭
he dodged a recording session to watch a football game
Respectable @@HaiX
In silvers
@@HaiX xd
skin land link is broke
broke i am me
where is Furious?
In silvers of course
@@cosmolupo how dumb of me, of course he is, sorry for dumb question
no renyan,i no watch
Renyan was not available for this video, he will be in the upcoming one :)
@@HaiX I still watched the vid :)
0:36 why was that so cringe lol
For you
I heard russia blocked discord. Good luck
Where Ohnepixel???
in silver's team