You know, I was kind of enjoying this for a bit. Then the scene with Kate. Wow. That went off the deep end real fast. Like holy shit, I feel unclean for having sat through that insanity. Who wrote this? What's with this hatred?
I'll be the first to admit that I could be called an incel, if you want. But the term usually means something different. Something more like the vision espoused by our rapist MC in this game. I'm not attractive, interesting, clever, wealthy, or in any way redeeming and as a result I am of no interest to anyone romantically. I wouldn't date me. And that fact is my fault alone. I alone am morally responsible for what I am. This bizarre idea of blaming all women for your shortcomings is just mad. Yes, I was born like this. No, it's not fair. Too bad, it's still only my fault. I'm not owed love or sex. Neither is the MC.