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The soul switching part was good, the second part about desire unleashed was so so and the fighting amongst them was not interesting and last part about time regress was below stupid. The romance was not there for me because friendship was in the way for me, the word love was thrown around in a pointless way and overused stupidly.The rivalry between Inaba and Iori was below cold and boring. 4/10 no episode 14 i dont trust it.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove
9/10. I really liked the whole concept. Probably the first anime where 'gamemaster' idea was really interesting, not forced and not EMOed.
In the other hand that ending bugs me a lot. She don't know if she loves him? Like WTF.
Iori is my favorite character, but again, wtf.
what's it supposed to mean at the last when iori said "do i really love taichi".
even though i'm inaba X taichi shipper and felt happy, i didn't like it that they put it this way, are they telling that everything iori felt for taichi is nothing but false,o c'mon
liked the children arc but i expected more from it
This was probably the worst part of the show for me, you build up this massive drama, one that has some genuine relatable trauma that makes up the entirety of irori's character, then you resolve it in such a abrupt and dumb way of just making her talk to her mom for like a whopping 1 minute to find out its all the result of some misunderstanding? Like no this trivialises her entire character and a good portion of the show, a part of the show I was honestly pretty invested in. Like did they have to make it so damned laid back and cheery, this show has dealt with freaking sexual assault trauma yet it decides to just cop out when it comes to emotional isolation and domestic abuse? like why.
Immahnoob said: Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,
tokiyashiro said:
Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me
Touka__Kirishima said: No idea why this series is rated so highly, perhaps popularised towards a mostly younger, less mature audience?
Nothing in this series stands out. To be frank, it tackles a whole variety of issues/elements whilst failing to justify any one of them.
Every single side character in the series served little to no purpose; all they did was shallowly convenience the plot. Yui's childhood friend, Nana, Inaba's brother were nothing more than tools blatantly used to support the MCs - introduced at the most coincidental times only to be scrapped after 1 or 2 episodes.
The plot itself was a disappointment onwards from episode 2. What started to be a promising mystery quickly dissolved into a sick social experiment which would only become increasingly ridiculous as it continues. Since when is it a good idea to start each arc with some mysterious supernatural phenomena, only to explain everything in the next episode?
So many questions remained unanswered - why specifically those 5? What was the point of those experiments? Why introduce a second balloon vine, only to kill it off after 2 episodes? Balloon vine 2 swore it would make the age-change permanent yet went back on it's promise after a few minutes? Taichi is threatened to keep a secret that if revealed, would permanently affect his friend's futures - spills the beans after light questioning?
Then we have the shallow character development of the MCs: Boy 1 who is seriously in love with Girl 1, get's rejected. What does he then do? He decides the next day that he's seriously in love with Girl 2. Boy 1 is apparently a wrestling fanatic yet only makes like two references to wrestling in the series.
The ovas seem a tiny bit better but I really do regret watching ep 1-13.
EliseZoghbi34 said: I hate this episode glade that the TV series is over now
Power of friendship just hits again
This anime is trash 3/10
it has 4 ova's that finish the story, they run out of time & had to release unfinished anime so they did 4EP latter
watch the hole thing before saying things like that
Those 4 ovas were the the epitome of cancer. Every single one of my mentioned questions remained unanswered. Thanks for reminding me of this horrible series smh.
its not cancer cause it would have been same way even if they would have finished sooner & released complete story cause u didn't like the pairing doesn't make it a cancer
4 OVA'S were made later cause time was up & they had to release incomplete story, 13EP & OVA'S are EP 14, 15, 16 & 17 & they finish the story, so this are not OVA'S this are continent what was left out due before due time & were released later as OVA'S
EliseZoghbi34 said: I hate this episode glade that the TV series is over now
Power of friendship just hits again
This anime is trash 3/10
watch the 4ovas to then it gets better
JizzyHitler said: This was probably the worst part of the show for me, you build up this massive drama, one that has some genuine relatable trauma that makes up the entirety of irori's character, then you resolve it in such a abrupt and dumb way of just making her talk to her mom for like a whopping 1 minute to find out its all the result of some misunderstanding? Like no this trivialises her entire character and a good portion of the show, a part of the show I was honestly pretty invested in. Like did they have to make it so damned laid back and cheery, this show has dealt with freaking sexual assault trauma yet it decides to just cop out when it comes to emotional isolation and domestic abuse? like why.
u2, watch the ova's Iori's issue isn't resolved at all
what's it supposed to mean at the last when iori said "do i really love taichi".
even though i'm inaba X taichi shipper and felt happy, i didn't like it that they put it this way, are they telling that everything iori felt for taichi is nothing but false,o c'mon
liked the children arc but i expected more from it
well anyway i'm going to watch the specials
well her final words do hint that she mistook admiration for love (& new she started to realize it, but she is still not sure) it happens sometimes & considering what mess she is with her identity crisis its even less surprise
Ending was quite cute. I enjoyed seeing the humanization of the Heartseeds. The first Heartseed, while creepy as hell, is quite benevolent.
I was annoyed to get no resolution to the love tringle, but a cliffhanger ending is better than no ending, since the OVAs exist.
Overall I very much enjoyed this show. I loved seeing how good friends the main characters are and how much effort they put into treating each other well and projecting each other. It makes for a very warm story. I give the series 8/10. I intend to procure the OVA and check out the light novels. :)
Hm, not the best episode (didn't like this arc much I guess) but the ending cliffhanger was just a bomb - after what they had together in the first arc, something like this is very painful. I know Taichi isn't the best character but I simply can't see him with Inaba - they have no chemistry together - and I really hope this isn't sign of thing to come (sadly, knowing the anime, probably is).
Why the best girl have to alway lose?
Anyway, resolution of Iori's story with her mother turned out nothing special and exceptionally weak (the way her mother threw out her ex was nice gesture but one that would create even more problems and potential violent stalker in the future), even Fusen Kazura the Second wasn't explained well and the appearance of the original one just felt like deus ex machina. I'm not saying there weren't good parts in this arc but overall it felt a lot forced and full of writing shortcuts. Just my 2 cents.
I loved two previous arcs though, and I like the characters. Hoping for Michi Random to be awesome again.
Nice cliffhanger. So far I would give this show a 7/10. I had a lot of fun with this and so was the cast. All arcs had an interesting concept and were more or less executed pretty well, it's just missing a bit in order to become great for me. Hope the last 4 episodes can give me that.
FMmatronDec 3, 2018 3:53 PM
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron
This show took a nosedive after the end of the body transfer arc and it never recovered.
Iori remains the best until the very end, but I agree with JazzyHitler's aforementioned criticism about how tactless her primary source of trauma was resolved.
This was looking like a solid 7 or even 7.5 after the end of the first arc, but it ends something more like a 6. oh well, hopefully the OVA-sequel is better.
Well, that sucked. Easily the dumbest episode of the series. Seriously, wtf was that? 4 episodes left, and I'm not super excited about it.
Overall, while it was certainly watchable and the characters were interesting enough, the writing is so piss poor (pacing? there is none) that it's hard to care about anything that happens in a way that is not superficial. I don't mind contrived bullshit as a starting off point in a story like this, (I sort of liked it when Heartseed told them not to worry about the mechanics of the phenomenon) but almost every word spoken, interaction and scene is contrived bullshit.
I think the issue with this anime is that some characters are developed well but others weโre left with basically nothing. Taichi specifically, why is he obsessed with helping people??? The body swap arc was really interesting and looked like it was leading somewhere with some big expositions about some of their pasts but then they were rather easily solved. Following from that point the characters donโt seem to change much and three out of the five weโre given the sort of โoh they donโt have much of an interesting back story- he likes helping people, sheโs lonely, and heโs got a friend he loved but doesnโt anymore etc.โ They are somewhat developed but a lot of this story is blank and this makes the back story mentioned while sad completely side noted. Following the body swap arc I kind of lost hope over the direction of this cause no other reveal seems to be forthcoming and the issues they are now dealing with seem much more trivial with the main problem being communication in a series of angstiness which is just excruciating to watch(while this is somewhat reflective of real life, I think itโs taken a bit too extreme). My verdict is, it had potential which fizzled out, not the worst anime but it was a bit disappointing cause I could see where it could have gone, I liked the characters so much, the art, and the concept too but it didnโt deliver what it seemed to promise. Will probably watch the last few episodes (am on 13/17) but I donโt see much promise.
taichi so fucking stupid. all he had to say to them was "i cant tell you guys or else our situation will get worse" and everything would of been find, but his stupid shit dumbass just told them knowing how worse it can get and now look, so fucking stupid
I honestly don't know where to start with this series, but overall for me it felt like a big disappointment. Not sure if it's my fault for coming onto it with such high expectations, or if it was just meant to be the way it was. When I started watching this show I expected EVERYTHING but this.
I don't understand why this show has such a high score considering how silly, and unintentionally hilarious it was. Every single episode was excessively angst-filled and some of them even came to be plain dumb. Only in anime the lives of a bunch of kids could develop into such melodrama.
The supernatural aspect of it was alright, but I would have liked to know more about Fuzen Kazura. The fact that all we knew about it was that they could posses the teacher's body was a bit unsettling.
Truth to be told I thought all them kids were annoying. Iori kind of reedemed herself in the end when she had that conversation with Inaba. She spoke some sense into her friend and she did it the right way. Also Yui overcame her fears so that's development there. Nonetheless, Inaba was the only character I came to truly like. Aoki was alright but he was dumb and boring, just like Taichi.
You know what would be great? This show with more mature, down-to-earth characters. A Taichi that isn't trying to be everyone's hero and that it's capable of speaking out and making decisions.
Anyways. Dumb show. It had nice potential but didn't make good use of it. Inaba and Taichi deserved more than what it was given to them as characters. Doesn't deserve the score it has. It might be good when you have run out of anime to watch. Nice opening and ending songs though.
Well, that's not how things work in real life. I was expecting more from this show, it had some great ideas but failed miserably to deliver and capitalize on them, much like Hoshiai no Sora.
It was great anime, wanted to give it 10, but it was not perfect for me. Some small things like not knowing what is hearthseed, most of op/ed songs wasn't something that I will remember and want to listen for longer and so on, but the story, characters and things this anime has shown to me/made me realize was really nice.
The best and epic moment was in episode with Iori in hospital ;)
and wow I just noticed that this anime is old from 2012 the art style is great and must have been best in that year :O
thoughts on main anime( first 13 episodes) wall of text ahead
honestly this was a weird watch for me, i fluctuated a lot from finding this anime funny, to super serious then just a mix of both. Story i felt was really good in the first half then just dropped further down, characters were ok but really hard to watch sometimes, animation was good and the humour i don't really know where to fit in.
First arc, the mind swapping problem I give a solid 9/10 from me. It was creative, hooked me pretty easily into this anime, did an amazing job at opening characters up with the said problem and overall was great. How the characters reacted and tried to work around the problem was interesting and seeing them help each other out was good. The introduction to heartseed, the weird spiritual entity that could be seen as a "bad guy" of sorts, who admits to this doing with an almost anonymous reason was well executed. I really enjoyed the first arc, the humour got me at times and when it wanted to be serious, it did it pretty well. The ending was top-notch, heartseed's scheme to trick them under pressure was a good idea and all in all it really tested how far there friendship has come until now, and will see if they had what it took. Heartseeds then "maybe" farewell was a good foreshadowing at future events to unfold, but really them momentum the first arc created is what i wish the rest of the anime could of kept up with.
Second arc, 4.5/10. It felt so...lacklustre, so boring and uncreative. The problem of "inner feelings" being forced out was ok in terms of forcing story progression. The problem with the idea wasn't that it sounded better on paper, but it just felt to...normal. It didn't feel like the same level of "mind swapping" weirdness and just felt like something i could blame on when ever i wanted if i was in the situation "shit, i accidentally ate all the snacks!? Uhhhhhh.... yes! My inner emotions chose that i was hungry, definitely :)" another thing would be it didn't even feel like inner feelings or what ever, just 'taking what ever was happening in the moment, and acting on it' which i felt was more appropriate to describe what they were going through. Story wise, yes it did advance the story with a love triangle and new emotions. True the people that benefited the most out of it would probably be Taichi and Inaba, as it pretty much forced Inaba feelings out until she agreed with them and showed a mirror to Taichi so he could see how much of a self-caring person he actually was. Oh and heartseed? He was most definitely "there" to say, his motives were still yet unknown and his real goal and appearances is still not shown (unless you count "seeing something interesting" as one). I'm sure it'll be revealed soon? Right? :) all in all those were some tough few episodes to get through, felt like the anime tripped on its own momentum and stumbled a bit and i was near to dropping it.
Now the third arc (or what ever you want to call it) or as i like to call it, the "shit we still have 3 episodes left what do we do. Hay i know! Lets throw in a new villain but make sure he's almost the same as the old one but since we already dumped the old one, and make sure his only existence is to be an excuse to make 3 more episodes!" is probably the wackiest, yet effective arc of them both. It feels like a freak love child between the first and second one. In all honestly 7/10, it had the extremlty super natural feel that the first one had, this time with the crew becoming suddenly transforming
into younger version of themselves, but after the drag that was the last arc, i kinda just giggled to myself and said "heh sure why not". Its so random but they pulled it off so well. It was definietly in Aoki and Nagase's favours this time around. Through the problem, Aoki was able to get his feelings straight with Yui and a past lover, and decide if she really loved her because of what she is, or because she looked like a past childhood crush he couldn't admit to asking out. He confronted the problem head on, admited his feelings and pushed through it like a champ, and in my opinion had the most positive result of all the problems that hit them. Nagase, admittedly also had it good for this arc, her wanting Taichi to help her remember what her true self was like when she was younger and building off that was well done. Her conclusion with her talk with her mother about her feelings, what she wanted compared to what her mother wanted was whole heartily wholesome. Both these charaters we really well done for this arc, HOWEVER. Considering this arc was the arc to end it all, and we end with Nagase's story, this felt like such an odd place to end it. So many unanswered questions, it killed me. It felt so weird to me to end the entire anime on a single character. TBH there is no main character (unless you're in Taichi's head), so it would make more sense for the anime to end with the group coming to a final conclusion? AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON HEARTSEED THE SECOND. Wtf is the point of his character, to only appear in 3 episodes, have non of his motives or goals shown, have no reason to even appear in the first place? He's literally an excuse for a character so the anime could continue after the dumped HS the first i swear. All in all ok arc, but seriously this isn't an arc to end on, i mean we literally go told NOTHING about heartseed as a character.
Now talking on the end of the anime as a whole. I didn't like it really. I still have some many question's like, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK REALLY IS HEARTSEED? what are his real motives and goals (and please don't tell me it's just purely "for his interest" cus i will literally cry)? are there any reasons he chose the problems that occurred? This could of all been answered in the anime, but i might my brain might have flat lined and missed it. Honestly i was expecting them to suddenly bombard us with some dark past Taichi had as a child that made him into the into the 'courageous and insisting to help others' person he is today, that he'd forgotten only until he also started turning into a child. To me, it felt like a weird waste to show most of the groups past and a problem they had, then suddenly air Taichi, like his childhood was always sunshine and rainbows. Idk i just would of liked an ending where Heartseed explains why he's doing this, his true form, show us a before and after of their friendship to both remind them and the audience how much their friendship has changed since he first started doing this. Maybe making the ending that more supernatural and reflective, but one can wish.
But. If i was to be honest, this anime does a good job at characters helping each other in times of need, it takes a mature approach with some sensitive topics and goes hard with "the power of friendship", characters learn from each other, help each other, give each other a shoulder to cry on. Really well done on this part, i thought it was well thought out.
Talking characters, they were all different in there own ways in both personality and personal problems. What i really liked, was characters like Inaba and Nagase had really obvious changes to them after some events, inaba was more honest with her emotions and Nagase acted more like her "true self". The change some characters went through were more noticeable then others. In general i liked the main cast, except for maybe Taichi. I really didn't like his character at the beginning, even when he admitted he was a doofus i still didn't like him. He just seemed like basic harem protagonist material. He always acted so self centred, would barge into other people's lives thinking only he alone could fix them and didn't seem to care about how much more damage then good he did, only that the person was "ok" at the end. He seemed to always try to be this "hero" in the scenario, like the type of guy to yell "I'm the protagonist of my own world!" unironically. Idk even after he admitted to being selfless, i didn't really see a change to much in him except he seemed to be able to read peoples emotions better. Heart seeds character, i will forever scratch my head on. I still have so many questions on him. Heartseed 2 is....yeh.
I don't even know where to start with when it comes to the humour. Like there was some pretty ecchi jokes in the first arc maybe one scene at the start of the second, but understandably as the anime went further and further down, and it got more and more serious (subject wise) the humour this anime would try to aim for, would just not fit in well and fall flat. In my opinion, they should of either stuck with it the whole way through, or not done any at all.
Romance was, surprisingly good. I enjoyed it tbh. Taichi's wording of his love for Nagase was sweet, and him admitting his love for her almost made me think he was developing as a character.... Nah but the real ship i ran with was the Inaba and Taichi one. Not at first, but after Inaba's development arc, her feelings of genuine love and emotions towards Taichi was fucking good and i couldn't of asked for more. Yui and Aoki's case is a little weird, i felt like the character belong to one another but had my doubts especially after learning about Yui's dark past, and thinking to myself if Aoki was really the mature type to handle a subject like that. But in the end, after Aoki's arc in the third arc, yep they are a good fit.
All in all. 6/10 anime. I think what really threw me off was the floppy story, the wacky supernatural problems, the plot of how everything links, just doesn't work well with me, especially the end, it left such a bad taste in my mouth. But it does have it's good points, romance, character development, music, animation they were all good.
Yeah it was 'aight, it was 'aight. Definitely thought the body-swapping arc was the peak of this series, found the other arcs to just kind of be mediocre. This last one was kind of boring if you ask me, and the desires one kind of felt vague, all it was was them acting up a little more than they would have. Even though the characters might not be all that special, it's their interactions, their CONNECTions that make this show slightly above mediocre level. And yeah I put inaba in my favorites just for basically having the voice of a grown woman. Can't really criticize this show on any negatives, anything bad I have to say are just personal pet peeves, like it getting kind of boring towards the end. Still quite solid, I'm hoping to enjoy this next arc. 6/10
Well, I've watched this anime yesterday and i want to make some review :)
I think this anime have an charismatic character. It is the girl one who have a birth mark under her lips. She is Iori Nagase. I like that character until the last episode
The best episode i think is the 5th episode. or the last of arc body swapping. that episode provide a love confession and how a man should be what when his girl is "going to somewhere".
at the last, i want to continue to the last part of this anime :)
This episode was just a giant clusterfuck to resolve Iori's arc like that in such an abrupt manner. Well, perfectly represents the quality of the writing in the show, especially after the first arc with the soul switching.
I like Inaba and Miyuki Sawashiro's voice acting for her was so great. Sadly the show itself had some really phony teen angst drama the entire time without much being resolved properly or written naturally without forced elements featured out of nowhere just because. I don't even like the concept of Heartseed existing here, again, just because plot conveniences and twists being convenient ftw.
3/10 overall. Inaba deserved a better series. Still got the OVAs left to go.
I read the description "emotional scars" and i got excited. And all the secrets and things were not looked into that much. They should have added more depth and made them more depressing and darker. Like yui got raped and and Iori got
molested by the father etc. These were extremely underwhelming. I think this could have been perfect if they changed a few things. the drama was great.
I thought we were gonna get a part where they switch bodies and the fucking parent was in the middle or about to beat them.
the entire show was honestly. 7 is generous from me.
I've been meaning to give this series a shot for a while and now that I have, I'm more than satisfied. Expected a better job at the Romance department quite admittedly but the Drama and Psychology aspect was handled pretty well and so this gets a solid 8/10 from me. Execution-wise hence good but leaves a little more to be desired as well.
Inaban was obviously the best character by far but the dynamic between the five as a whole was very endearing and I'd great fun! Aoki takes second spot for me, loved his antics and his serious moments. Kind of got lowkey vibes from the Kyoukai no Kanata circle.
Speaking of Kyoukai no Kanata, I was a little taken aback by the KyoAni-esque I felt from the series at the start, especially in the ED themes (particularly ED 1) there. Not trying to take anything away from Silver Link as they're a fantastic studio themselves though and I'm glad with what they offered through this show in the Animation and Sound Departments.
Appreciated all the themes that the series tried to cover and I'm looking forward to the conclusion next! Here's to hoping we get answers on Heartseed in particular as well.
Started out well, but i was not a big fan of the countless highschool drama, shouting and crying scenes each episode. I felt the show had potential as one of the reviews said tho. 5/10
I originally rated this a 9/10, as an arguable 10/10 for how enjoyable it was in its epic plots, but after rewatching it today, throughout the first half it felt like a 8/10, but I then lowered it to a 7/10 from realizing how the Alien's influence in choosing who's issues are partially to be solved next is somewhat too awkward, while the romance is almost dumb for how covenient it is from how basic these characters are.
OOOOOOHOOH. that was quite the ending. loved the holding hands scene, that was un the op right?
kinda disappointed we didnt get much from taichi. i mean we got to see him in action a lot and how he is how he thinks how he develops but we didn't really see what issues He had to get over with.. unlike the others. yui with her fear over men and herself after that, aoki with his slight confusion of feelings, inaba with her emotions and iori with her identity. taichi..? all we know is that he probably has a siscon lol
i alsl feel like they resolved this a bit too quickly. maybe one more episode could've helped? or something else idk i feel like they really could've done something better than this. like how iori's mom, a victim of domestic abuse was able to tell off the abuser that well ? ??? and the friend's just laughing it off HELLO ๐ญ๐ญ but they wanted to resolve that fast so comedy was the way to go ig ..
that ending thooo DAMN. why'd they leave us with the "do i really love taichi?" shit
For these 13 episodes (without watching the concluding 4 episodes)
-Captivating story.
-You like all 5 main characters. You feel for them.
-The background music is very captivating.
-One of the few animes that can include comedy along with its drama and not feel stupid.
-Even if some moment felt melodramatic, it was still well played.
-I really felt that the romance should have been stronger in this anime just as the dilemmas with Heartseed. Seriously, this anime had a lot of potential to be a great romance, since you really like and feel for all 5 characters. BUT its a shame that just when you thought the romance was gonna pick up after giving us hints and scenes, the romance would disappear for many episodes, or, when the romance showed up again, the romance would just be there for comedic forgettable stuff.
For each arc:
-The first arc was awesome.
-The second arc was good but it overstayed its welcome, but I did not like how they made Inaba be in love with Taichi; to be honest, Inaba's crush for Taichi came out of nowhere for me.
-The third final arc was mostly good, and I liked that it was only 3 episodes long. Although I was barfing at how everyone was salivating over Taichi in the final arc. But I did like how in the final arc how everyone's memory after they got reset back to their normal age from a young age, those past memories were still fresh in their mind in their current age, as if it had just happened and not a distant memory; that was very interesting.
"Oh, I actually let him in coz i felt you wanted to do things differently with that toxic influence."
What a shitty adult. Also couldn't hold a conversation to her daughter about whether the parent was good for her or not.
Plot resolution is crapshit as always. When issues are resolved, everything will be resolved hell yeah? :disgust:
and balloon bitch didnt even observe them till now smh.
worst series.
Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.
I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.
animejas said: This episode was just a giant clusterfuck to resolve Iori's arc like that in such an abrupt manner. Well, perfectly represents the quality of the writing in the show, especially after the first arc with the soul switching.
I like Inaba and Miyuki Sawashiro's voice acting for her was so great. Sadly the show itself had some really phony teen angst drama the entire time without much being resolved properly or written naturally without forced elements featured out of nowhere just because. I don't even like the concept of Heartseed existing here, again, just because plot conveniences and twists being convenient ftw.
3/10 overall. Inaba deserved a better series. Still got the OVAs left to go.
agreed. The plot resolution was cheap af.
Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.
I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.
poor Iori, she and her mom have been through a lot of trouble, even if it was satisfying how it was eventually ended.
not sure if i will look up immediately for the end of the story, but all in all it was decently handled until now. At the beginning i thought the body switching part would have been the entire plot, without the two following arcs, but i'm glad this wasn't the case. i'm aware that this is a very unpopular opinion but Inaba has pretty much always been my least favorite member of the main cast (for general coldness and sort of rude attitude) and Yui the favorite, with some relief when in the second half of the episode the latter gained some screentime back. 7/10
You know i do like this show, but boy do the char do dumb shit in the name of advancing the plot way to often. Like "hey don't tell anyone what you know" then the sec someone ask a char just spills the beans knowing full well shit will happen.
That was a good ride. I really enjoyed this show... i give it a solid 7.5/10. I'm probably going to miss these characters... i need to finish the OVA now :)