more than a mintpicker ❋*˚✧ my baizhu build! | fixing my genshin impact account pt 9

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • our dreamy doctor is here to save the day but not my wallet (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
    in this video, a new team joins the series: team rocket! (*^▽^)/🌊
    i heard that baizhu got a bump in usage rate in the most recent spiral abyss! so... rerun soon, right?? ♡🐍
    next week, the chalk prince returns like it's ver 1.2 and then we'll wISH LIKE CRAZY FOR VARESA AND IANSAAAAAAAAAN IM FOAMING AT THE MOUTH
    ok see you then~
    music by: ‪@koyuchiMusic‬
    #genshinimpact #baizhu #lofi #chill #liyue #genshinbuild #cozy #neuvillette #furina #cozygaming #genshin #genshintips #genshingameplay
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Комментарии • 20

  • @kennithbob
    @kennithbob 2 дня назад +4

    This comment is for people who are building Baizhu
    I'm making this a separate comment so it's not even longer:
    For the Baptist boss, It might be a little late, but for anyone else who is looking to fight this boss, ironically, Baizhu does a great job melting its hydro shield. Just bring someone with high hydro application, such as Furina, Yelan, Xingqiu, or Barbruh (or you'll be there for years trying to get through that pyro shield!!) and someone like Xiangling, Yanfei, Thoma, Klee, Mavuika, or Arlecchino for its cryo shield.
    Also, if you're looking for those mushroom body parts to level him up, you need to avoid using pyro and electro attacks or the mushrooms will drop inactivated fungal nucleuses! The best place I found for farming these (and I'm sure there are many other places) is right under the Jadeplume Terror Shroom (Dendro chicken). There are the electro rocks and flaming flowers which will need to be either removed or avoided. Teleport somewhere else and then back if any mushrooms have been exposed to electro or pyro and then slay them all! I counted 16 mushroom guys (perhaps there are more).
    When farming for violet grass, also remember to equip your seed dispensary (from madam ping for sereneteapot. Requires lv 3 reputation from inazuma) so that you can also grow violet grass and double that production! Use someone like Yanfei or Qiqi to give a more specific location. Alternatively, or in addition to, you can purchase a few flowers from the flower shops and Bubu Pharmacy.
    I love your Team Rocket! The team I like with Baizhu is Raiden, Furina/Yelan, and 'chef's choice' (I often use Kazuha). Then you can actually attack with Baizhu and get that Bloom if you want! For those who don't have these characters, Fischl, Xingqiu (I imagine Candace could sort of work, though not ideal), and Sucrose are some decent budget alternatives. Just don't skimp out on that ER!! Emblem of Severed Fate is your friend!
    GL everyone on your Baizhu building!

  • @bonniegulley300
    @bonniegulley300 Час назад

    Sam uploaded!! It’s a good day 💕

  • @honeybeemilkteagaming
    @honeybeemilkteagaming 3 дня назад +5

    Aaa this video is so cute!!

    • @kennithbob
      @kennithbob 2 дня назад

      Baizhu is really fun to play. I recommend him!

  • @lulufortytwo3884
    @lulufortytwo3884 2 дня назад

    So much violetgrass... O.O I was very impressed with your scambox luck. I don't have any clam pieces and but now I want one for Kokomi. When I'm free from the mora mines I think I should try to get some for her. The Spiral abyss that came out last week is pretty tough, all the enemies are pretty fat. I bring it up because your new Team Rocket was the most used team on the first half. You've gone from Venti+friends to having a full meta team! 🌟Well, maybe Kazuha still needs work, but we take wins were we can get them
    I'm so excited the next patch is almost here. I can't wait to explore the new area and get new furnishings! I'm not a teapot main, but I do like to make it a little cute. I'm pretty happy with my Fontaine one, so I'm ready for the friendship sets for my Natlan characters. Touring teapots might be a future video idea if you want a break from building characters. Teapots can be set up so you can visit without the owner being logged in since it's on different server. I don't know if any people on your friends list want to show off.
    Thanks for another great video :D

  • @okchuuya
    @okchuuya 2 дня назад +1

    omg ur venti is super strong , and now so is your baizhu!! I’m planning on getting venti on his re run, he dodged me since his release 😭

  • @r3verendcrow
    @r3verendcrow 3 дня назад +1

    Nice to see someone actually showing love and building him ^^
    Mandatory Baizhu's #23 fan approves comment

  • @SilverLawrenceGamingg
    @SilverLawrenceGamingg 2 дня назад +1

    Enjoyed the video and your voice its so calming ❤

  • @jinjugarden
    @jinjugarden 3 дня назад

    this was very entertaining!! :3 and your laugh is so cute !

  • @dartrixs753
    @dartrixs753 3 дня назад +1

    Well if u have those elemental sigils just trade them for mora on diamond icon shop in every region and u will get a lot of mora if u have them still🤞

  • @Saratheidklol
    @Saratheidklol 2 дня назад +1

    *cries in no Baizhu*

    • @kennithbob
      @kennithbob 2 дня назад

      We have Baizhu at home starter pack: Yaoyao 😂😭

    • @Saratheidklol
      @Saratheidklol 2 дня назад

      @ LOLLLLL

  • @butterflylibrary4878
    @butterflylibrary4878 3 дня назад +1

    i'm currently grinding freemogems to get the gyatt gladiator before the banner ends. i hope i finally win a 50/50 😢

  • @Enzosilly
    @Enzosilly 2 дня назад +4

    Baizhu sending his adopted daughter to the coal mines(picking flowers lol) is DEVIOUS 😭😭😭
    Edit: im not pulling for anyone on 5.5 cuz im saving for my pookie wanderer

  • @Sarcastic-brainwash
    @Sarcastic-brainwash 2 дня назад

    I need this man in my account 💔💔

  • @lisa7832
    @lisa7832 3 дня назад

    Love you🥰 Thank u for your vids🫶 U r so sweet 🥹

  • @lauramillan6298
    @lauramillan6298 2 дня назад

    I rrly want Iansan for the 5.5 patch but I am saving for Skirk and Ifa and barely have around 110 wishes so I don’t think I’ll pull. Or, in the case I do I will only spend like 40 wishes max to see if am I get an Iansan but past that is a very murky place bc I would win the 50/50 leaving me with close to none wishes and not even a guarantee for skirk or Ifa. Also, do y’all think that Ifa will be release in the 5.7 or 5.6? Ifa gives me 5.6 vibes like Baizhu when he first release. And Skirk feels like the chracter for the expansion area that we would have (Nod Krai probably?)

  • @kennithbob
    @kennithbob 2 дня назад +1

    Hey Sam, thank you for your video! I love your passion for these characters. With all the drama and arguing in the community, it's refreshing to hear from someone who can appreciate the simplicities of the game. You continually help remind me why I enjoy playing Genshin!
    Random Sidenote: I was farming for my man Wriothesley the other day with the Field Generator boss (who BTW really hurts!!) Through this, I've discovered that my visionary Baizhu Plunge team needs more work 🤣🤣🤣 1,000-3,000 damage is just not cutting it!

  • @AditeyaSingh-dj4kh
    @AditeyaSingh-dj4kh 3 дня назад +2

    NICEEEEEEEEEE finally Baizhu videooo...also if you want i'm on America server, so lets play together sometime, my uid is 666066014!! Also you can use hyperbloom for the baptist...Sam btw don't say you're killing it to the doctor who has the oath to not kill peoplee🤣🤣🤣 i'm pulling on
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