[C.C.] Visiting home after a long time, lounging while watching TV. Feeling so happy!

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
    각국어 번역 자막 제작: 컨텐츠 제작의 마무리는 컨텐츠플라이! 글로벌 진출을 위한 최고의 파트너, CONTENTSFLY에서 제작되었습니다
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Комментарии • 156

  • @biana_uni
    @biana_uni Год назад +397

    it's so cute to see a real history of love between a son and his parents, I would like to had something like this in my life, how much Key and them love each other omg it's so beautiful

  • @hannahxx17
    @hannahxx17 Год назад +178

    omg Key sounds EXACTLY like his dad! It's like hes talking to himself.

  • @Emievaline
    @Emievaline Год назад +448

    If anyone is wondering what's written on the letter at 4:20
    His mom is sorry about not being home when he has returned after a long period of time. And telling him to wear warm cloths going out since it's getting colder🥹❤️
    And on the yellow sticky note it's written that
    the side dishes are in the fridge and they are in container to make it easy to shake and eat (since the sauce might drift down and mixing it will be easier if it's in the closed container) and the rice is in rice cooker and letting him know to eat the warm soup in yellow bowl ( IDK know the reason why but maybe it's easier to eat in that bowl)❤ like i am crying 😭 it's so adorable.

    • @titateya
      @titateya Год назад +11

      thank you so much for translating!

    • @Lovejdrama
      @Lovejdrama 3 месяца назад +1

      Ty so much

    • @SosarRelum-h1o
      @SosarRelum-h1o 3 месяца назад +1

      I was searching for this comment 🥺..ty so so much....

  • @hyejin92
    @hyejin92 Год назад +461

    ROUGH translation of letter:
    To our beloved son Kibumah,
    Sorry there is no one to welcome you home and you have to come in alone.
    After we've lived apart, I don't think I was able to make you seaweed soup for your birthday. (Koreans eat this on their birthday.) I've prepared abalone seaweed soup so eat well.
    I prepared some fruit as well so eat well.
    The weather has gotten chilly so dress warmly, and have a good day.
    It's hard for you to get time to come here so sign your album while you're here hehe.
    Thank you. Love you~❤
    On post it: The soup and banchan (side dishes) are in the fridge. For the soup, heat up the portion in the small pot. I thought it would be hard to take out portions of the banchan, so I put them in containers with lids. If you want to eat the soup more warmly, eat it from the yellow bowl.

  • @luluscrooge3891
    @luluscrooge3891 Год назад +15

    Probably the cutest video of ILA I have ever seen so far, with him saying the house smells like mom and dad, his mom leaving a letter and cooking side dishes for him, his dad telling him not to tell mom that said dishes are bland, and the diary his mom kept. And also him having the same voice as his dad. Now I feel emotional lmao.

  • @katrinapineda6873
    @katrinapineda6873 Год назад +233

    It's amazing that Key's parents still work even if their son is a superstar

    • @iviromandoll
      @iviromandoll Год назад +6

      Lo mismo me pregunto debe ser personas adictas al trabajo

    • @lisaanderson6920
      @lisaanderson6920 Год назад +1

      And Key 🔑, Really Enjoying his ( Feast ) ; his Good Food 🍱 and some , Good Fruits . Yummy to the Tummy . And Key 🔑 seems like , he can Cook 👩‍🍳 Real Good 👍 I see him in the Short Videos . Key and O New , looks like they can Cook Really Good 👍 of the SHINee Group . 😀

    • @lizzyoregel5840
      @lizzyoregel5840 Год назад +31

      Eso da a entender que no esperan que su hijo los mantenga, además como siempre han trabajado, no pueden estar sin hacer nada

    • @92391
      @92391 Год назад +20

      they're not dependent which is nice

    • @DragonHeir92
      @DragonHeir92 9 месяцев назад +6

      If they’re like my parents, working is fulfilling for them. They can’t imagine sitting at home all day.

  • @Al-KA1mist
    @Al-KA1mist Год назад +228

    Key's interaction with his parents is so good, it's really incredible. There is always lots of content about bad parenting online, but there should be more of this wholesome family interaction too!

  • @neobongzzz
    @neobongzzz Год назад +94

    key is so sweet and his parents are so loving, they definitely raised him right

  • @sophya3410
    @sophya3410 Год назад +163

    I like the fact that KIBUM can walk in the streets like any other person and be completely normal. Unlike some other celebrities. I didn’t know much about him but his unbelievable female idol dance covers and his incredible dry sense of humour have won me over ❤

    • @proudpotterfan
      @proudpotterfan Год назад +7

      Check out his latest song good and great - it’s so relatable for all workers and the marketing campaign is incredible!

  • @I_am_Lauren
    @I_am_Lauren Год назад +71

    Key and his dad have the SAME inflection and tone of voice! Like twins!

  • @needyverse
    @needyverse Год назад +283

    2:33 of course, mum and dad have all the shinee group and solo albums, shinee is family 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

  • @jujubee82
    @jujubee82 Год назад +144

    Key has always been my favorite. His emotions and reactions are so down to earth, it's like watching an everyday life episode.😊

  • @byGracie
    @byGracie Год назад +59

    The best feeling ever going home doing nothing just eating homemade food

  • @Hope-wd7wx
    @Hope-wd7wx Год назад +28

    What sweet parents. They both worked hard and reared Key well. Blessings to them all.

  • @moonlightbae_
    @moonlightbae_ Год назад +82

    so proud of key😭💎 what an amazing person, he deserves the absolute world. i can’t wait for his new album 💙

  • @vasundhara5758
    @vasundhara5758 Год назад +46

    This is so wholesome! Visiting hometown after long,eating home made food,looking at childhood toys,reading parenting diary,not recalling certain things as it was long back and still being happy etc. The expressions of Kibum at each stage shows how good he felt.
    I understand how much mom took care of things of Kibum since birth till now eventhough she is a busy working woman. I will add that just because mom is not a 'good at cooking' does not make her lesser good as a mom. She is the most perfect doting mom for Kibum and did everything she could! Hats off to hardworking sincere mom who gifted a person like Kibum to us. Look at him and you will know how great the mom is! Thank you so much to Kibum's mom for everything she did!
    P.S. My younger bro is a good cook too and when he comes home from his home after long,he does similar thing especially seasoning the food according to his taste if he feels it is bland. He is living alone and cooking for self for more than a decade,so obviously his taste buds wants mom made food as well as his taste too.

  • @Bamgeutcutiepie
    @Bamgeutcutiepie Год назад +54

    he is just so sweet. i love all these reruns. i will gladly watch every key episode again 😄 prepping for his comeback i see i see 💕💕💕
    our lovely KEY.

  • @yourfilterseven7662
    @yourfilterseven7662 Год назад +56

    I'm a new fan of Key ❤️

    • @proudpotterfan
      @proudpotterfan Год назад

      Check out his new song good & great! It’s so relatable and motivating and the marketing campaign was so intelligent

  • @NickRhodesIsMine
    @NickRhodesIsMine Год назад +17

    Key is very attached to his parents and it's so adorable❤❤❤❤

  • @hcuc115
    @hcuc115 Год назад +143

    사랑받고 자라서… 엄마아빠가 자식에게 의존하지 않고 그저 부모의 정을 주는 바람직한 모습이 너무 좋다.

    • @jimash1672
      @jimash1672 Год назад +3

      True. He was surely brought up with alot of love❤

    • @chaengparklover
      @chaengparklover 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@jimash1672 yes and he is only child ❤

  • @Iexapro
    @Iexapro Год назад +20

    Baby Key is so cute! I’m glad he was able to visit home after a while, going home can be very healing 🥹🩵

  • @deb4908
    @deb4908 Год назад +106

    Clearly an adored son. He sounds like his Dad. Guess what….Mum knows the soup was bland now 😂

  • @poof_yo
    @poof_yo Год назад +16

    Key's dad knows his wife LOLOL SO CUTE 😍

  • @KaylahH
    @KaylahH Год назад +7

    whoa key got his voice from his dad, it sounded like he was talking to himself on the phone! lol

  • @madeinbusanjkjm
    @madeinbusanjkjm Год назад +4

    I love the Shinee shrine at his parents' place 😍

  • @erikad0511
    @erikad0511 Год назад +16

    His parents seem sweet

  • @Harukook15
    @Harukook15 Год назад +3

    That teddy bear with the pink upper is must in every video 😂😂😂

  • @essaytutoring6699
    @essaytutoring6699 Год назад +13

    13:40 It's the era when I started falling in love with Key ❤😂

  • @Teaandlilacs89
    @Teaandlilacs89 Год назад +13

    Thank you for all the KEY content! I have only seen snippets of this, it is so nice to see him relaxing in his family home. This is great to see as we await KEYs new album! 🔑💎🙌✨🥰

  • @92391
    @92391 Год назад +4

    he has a lovely family. maybe thats why he grew up to be a confident person

  • @annbest7453
    @annbest7453 Год назад +7

    Great video as always with Key,... he is so interesting to watch,... he is my favourite home alone celebrity to watch,... but I love them all,...

  • @lesliedentelle7849
    @lesliedentelle7849 Год назад +5

    Key definitely has grew up to be an incredible person, even though he never really had a childhood. Since his parents were never home, and always working, leaving him home alone, like he said. I think that's how he developed to become, good at cooking himself great food. Although his mother isn't a great cook, but she did take the effort to cook him so many things to eat, and ensure he eats well.
    Although his parents are always busy with work, probably trying to make ends meet, but they still took time to connect with Key in the smallest things.

  • @essaytutoring6699
    @essaytutoring6699 Год назад +30

    Hope my son turns out great at cooking like Key 😂 cause I'm bad like his mom 😆

  • @edwinatakasaki2258
    @edwinatakasaki2258 Год назад +7

    I love this kind of idol content! I love seeing Kibum eating to his heart's content in his parents' home, talking with his parents, waiting for them to come home and finding/sharing treasures from his childhood with us. It's so wholesome! I know he's been so busy, especially after promotions and taking that cooking test, traveling abroad, so many things on his schedule. And so many things upcoming as well. This is nice, really nice.

  • @xjy6793
    @xjy6793 Год назад +6

    따뜻한 가족에선 태어났으니 너무나 부러워용 김기범님~~~ 늘건강하고 늘행복하게 사세용

  • @mommyjoy6017
    @mommyjoy6017 Год назад +11

    Beforw im not interested with shinee and dont even know them at all but because of this show and i find key super funny i started to like shinee and their songs especially REPLAY OMG WHY didnt i heard of this song before😂now my spotify keeps replaying Replay😂😅

  • @Xixukukuhuhu
    @Xixukukuhuhu Год назад +8

    Who is also here watching all key’s videos and interviews while waiting for his album to be released ?

  • @Nisaamil
    @Nisaamil 7 месяцев назад +1

    Wow thets what key so kind personality reise well

  • @Peacefullife0000
    @Peacefullife0000 Год назад +13

    He's the only child and has been away from home since his trainee days, but his parents still work hard and adore him. He must have gotten his cooking skills from his grandma, it skipped a generation. 🥰😂🩵

  • @viniandrianitaher5699
    @viniandrianitaher5699 Год назад +6

    he is so warm person

  • @lillianalo6612
    @lillianalo6612 Год назад +2

    Very happy to see him every time! Key is so sweet 💖

  • @Jay-rs4mj
    @Jay-rs4mj Год назад +11

    Eating unseasoned food made his love for cooking 😂😂😂

  • @lizzyoregel5840
    @lizzyoregel5840 Год назад +7

    Por favor suban más vídeos de Key, la espera es una agonía y tardan muy poco, me encanta ver como es fuera de cámaras.
    Además lo conozco cada vez mas y lo mucho que ama y respeta a sus padres, jiji pero desde niño ya su omma no sabia que hacer con un hijo tan difícil, pero diferente, eso lo llevo. Hacer un idols completo y de los 5 mejores. La personalidad de key es única y especial

  • @valerieselau7384
    @valerieselau7384 Год назад +5

    Oh my goodness. It's so nice to see his parents' home which is he came from and it's so beautiful to see. 😊

  • @trixy1823
    @trixy1823 Год назад +13

    🥰It was nice to see that picture of you with your grandma. I think she is near and sending you her love and support. Maybe she kept you from feeling too lonely as a kid. It seems like these “Home Alone” stories give you a little break to reconnect with yourself, friends, and to travel. You all figured out a way to use the entertainment business to your advantage😁👍🏽👏🏼🫶🏽. We all see how the K-pop industry is more controlling than being a religious monk in a monastery/temple. A contract way of living that artists are forced to make as their normal 😣. So glad you have freedom, to create what you want, because your music productions are incredible!🤯. Always pushing the envelope of creativity🥰. I hope you all are living content lives. ❤to our “Home alone” crew. 💋💋💋💋💋.

  • @Jenniferrai01
    @Jenniferrai01 Год назад +4

    He is my Favourite...❤🥰🤩

  • @lajcy7459
    @lajcy7459 Год назад +3

    I love whatchingKey, he is so entertaining. Thank you for the English subtitles!

  • @Nisaamil
    @Nisaamil 7 месяцев назад +1

    Key only 1 child Wow nice home❤

  • @norhayatiendah6882
    @norhayatiendah6882 7 месяцев назад +2

    this kid has a good genes

  • @아이리액트
    @아이리액트 Год назад +1

    I love it when kids are raised in a loving family.

  • @AHatake
    @AHatake Год назад

    Omg. Key and his appa have the exact same voice ! I would love to hear a duet!

  • @aloevera420
    @aloevera420 3 месяца назад +2

    I came looking for this video when people on Twitter said that Key stole his mom’s face and his dad’s voice

  • @NONPOINT420
    @NONPOINT420 Год назад +1

    They're all so cute the way they communicate with each other. Too cute!!

  • @vpalamo78
    @vpalamo78 Год назад +2

    It smells like mum & dad 😭😭 ❤❤

  • @dianagerbino9853
    @dianagerbino9853 10 месяцев назад

    Key's videos are too beautiful!! 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵

  • @hide_o.o
    @hide_o.o Год назад +7

    Me encanta verlo comer 😍como se llena los cachetitos de comida 🐹 y su amplia sonrisa, es hermoso!

  • @moksolees6658
    @moksolees6658 Год назад +10

    I forget in which country that making dishes needs to be a bit bland, and they always serve it with salt and pepper at the table. I was told that it is because some people may find the food bland but to others, the taste may be overwhelming already.

  • @jo7449
    @jo7449 Год назад +1

    It is so beautiful to see Kibum at home

  • @giselacaceres7247
    @giselacaceres7247 Год назад +4

    He is so cute

  • @mariaalmerindareis9496
    @mariaalmerindareis9496 Год назад +1

    Lovely key❤

  • @amruthavarshiniks
    @amruthavarshiniks Год назад +3

    What a lovely video ❤ feels so good to see this...

  • @Oskareds
    @Oskareds Год назад +2

    OMG Key and his Dad sound EXACTLY the same!

  • @ВалерияПалчкова
    @ВалерияПалчкова Год назад +1

    Замечательной маме Кибома нижайший поклон! Спасибо за сына!!, 🙏🙏💝💐💐💐

  • @Losenias
    @Losenias 8 месяцев назад

    So cute calling his mom for snacks while she is at work!! I think we all did this at least once!

  • @abbychoi573
    @abbychoi573 2 месяца назад

    i know ppl have already said this but i was SHOCKED hearing key's dad's voice like its literally IDENTICAL to key's

  • @Arshavim41
    @Arshavim41 Год назад +2

    Haaaaaaaaaaa como amo o key, seh loco!

  • @Swar_Neema
    @Swar_Neema Год назад +2

    When I saw them underlining the sentences on ( 4:17) letter I was like 😳'what about me guys what about me '

  • @mariaalmerindareis9496
    @mariaalmerindareis9496 Год назад +1


  • @adorabledork89
    @adorabledork89 Год назад

    This was so nice :) I love seeing KEY relax at home!

  • @skynanination
    @skynanination 11 месяцев назад

    He is loved ❤

  • @ge-annvennesreyno7289
    @ge-annvennesreyno7289 Год назад +2

    Im a fannnnnn🎉❤

  • @tuulireinsoo5508
    @tuulireinsoo5508 Год назад +6

    this is so real. like my parents they should be retired but they are always at work doing interviews, even when they are home, then they are on the phone, I walk in they Shhh me. but, Key´s parents have his pictures and cds at least. my parents threw all my stuff away.

  • @jessalam8824
    @jessalam8824 Год назад +4

    Key having two girlfriends since he was a kid😅. This reminds me of the interview he was paired with the kid that also had 2 girlfriends and he acted surprised 😂.

  • @mariaalmerindareis9496
    @mariaalmerindareis9496 Год назад


  • @loiiisss
    @loiiisss Год назад

    Watching this makes me feel , i hope someday my mom will cook food for me. 😢

  • @cindy_23
    @cindy_23 Год назад

    ❤Que lindo es ver a Key de vuekta a su ciudad natal y visitar a sus padres.

  • @alejandracortes1815
    @alejandracortes1815 Год назад

    Key has worked a lot, I hope he is in good health

  • @YomaJames
    @YomaJames Год назад

    Key and my youngest have the same scar 😍😍

  • @simplecozylife94
    @simplecozylife94 Год назад

    To see not only Keys solo albums, but the other members as well tells me that the number one Shinee fans are his parents ❤

  • @royjacobson5561
    @royjacobson5561 Год назад +1

    He should tell his team to visit him sometime, so each of them would not be alone. I have been alone for years, even today.

  • @proudpotterfan
    @proudpotterfan Год назад +1

    That feeling when you go back to your parents home 😢😢😢

  • @proudpotterfan
    @proudpotterfan Год назад

    My mum kept the same diary for me ❤

  • @ккє-о6ц
    @ккє-о6ц Год назад

    I love my parents but I wish our home life was like this

  • @ed3245
    @ed3245 11 месяцев назад +1

    Wow his eyebrow is always like that

    • @tokki_bunch
      @tokki_bunch 10 месяцев назад +1

      Yeah, he was playing around with a flower pot of some sort when he was a toddler and it fell and cut his eyebrow - it's been scarred like that since.

  • @soramowarau
    @soramowarau Год назад +3

    that is probably the last time key called his moms food bland xD

  • @Desstory
    @Desstory Год назад

    It's funny how he laugh at himself 😂

  • @marialhijab
    @marialhijab Год назад

    Ngeliat key depan stasiun jadi inget Honsul 😅❤

  • @ShayNee0525
    @ShayNee0525 Год назад +3

    Daegu pride Kim kibum!

  • @bumacsayvonne1819
    @bumacsayvonne1819 Год назад +1


  • @loonas.sapphics
    @loonas.sapphics Год назад +1

    Keys dad voice is just a copy paste of him ♥︎

  • @ayachigeljiaya
    @ayachigeljiaya 9 месяцев назад

    분위기가 많이 달라졌네요.. 하지만 키키범은 전혀 변하지 않았습니다.. 🦊

  • @WaruguruMundia-oz5rx
    @WaruguruMundia-oz5rx Год назад +2

    MBC episodes force me to learn korean😅

  • @apriloviedo3348
    @apriloviedo3348 Год назад +19

    Can someone translate the letter please?!?!?!

    • @blueberrynights_
      @blueberrynights_ Год назад +32

      "dear son, Kibumi,
      I'm sorry that there was no one at home to meet you when you finally arrived after so much time.
      I haven't made you seaweed soup since we started living apart, so I made it with abalone today. I hope you like it." - approximate translation

    • @blueberrynights_
      @blueberrynights_ Год назад +1

      @@Nightsky20240 welcome ^^

  • @neetizen711
    @neetizen711 Год назад

    He sounds 100% like his dad 😂

  • @ningchun4024
    @ningchun4024 Год назад


  • @taeminsadvice
    @taeminsadvice Год назад

    is it just me or does his parents home have a similar look to the dorm shown in shinee’s one fine day?

  • @florgumisad8853
    @florgumisad8853 Год назад +2

    All these years, I thought Key and Taeyeon are siblings😭 I’ve known them for 7 years I think😭

  • @fromnaras
    @fromnaras Год назад +3

    Can you please tag what episode this is???

  • @hellooutsideworld-m2u
    @hellooutsideworld-m2u Год назад

    The toy thing is totally true

  • @poppylovesu2
    @poppylovesu2 Год назад

    My mum wrote a baby diary for me for 10 years!