Testing the most advanced face masks in the world
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Today we use fart spray to test some of the most advanced, and jolly ridiculous, face masks in the world.
Become a Jollybean Member to join see Ollie's exclusive Batman and Robin script read-through:
Buy Josh’s autobiography (written by Ollie) here: geni.us/carrot...
Special thanks to our Jollybean VIPs for supporting us in making this video!
Reilly Willoughby
Gloria Kwon
Michael Zambrano
Victor koh
Shara Talabany
Juneyoung Ryu
Li Winslow
Yun Lim
Bettie Meier
Laura Hipwell
Shanti Xie
Zainab like Rain-ab
Joanne Ngo
heather owen
Julian Leung
Jemma Shannon
Posting this for extra brownie points: you can find out more about my handsome father-in-law’s Medi-Immune mask here! medi-immune.com/protectivair/ 🙌
Thanks to him! I have to ask I just saw some clips of spooky content on Graham Norton show, and I could have sworn I saw you on the couch, Ollie! Were you ever on that show?
@@LindaC616 omg really? What video? Though to be fair, ollie looks like a bunch of random people so..
@@penelop_e I know, but this guy really looked a lot like him. It wasn't a full episode, because it said "spooky clips from the Graham Norton show". So I would have to search who else is on the couch with him and try to find the full episode that way and see who it was. But it looked an awful lot like him
@@penelop_e I've figured it out, lol. It was one of the guys in the band who were the musical guests that day. Strangely enough, his name is also Olly.😅
역시 올리답다😂😂😂👍👍👍👍👍올리는 하는짓마다 엉뚱한데 희한하게 귀엽단말야! 제일 재미있구!!! 나한테만 그렇게 보이는건가? 매력만점!!!!! 잘생겨 보이구😍😍😍😍😍😍😍올리 너무 좋아요. 다시 한국말 해주는 올리 영상 보구싶어요ㅠㅠ
I swear Ollie’s life is much more interesting than the whole internet. His father in law is a leading immunologist now?? Wowza
so.. lizzie and jenny’s dad?
Oh my. Did Ollie just like my comment?! Is this what being starstruck feels like??
Is he actually, I think Ollie was just exaggerating
I mean my father-in-law is a toxicologist, it's something that doesn't always come up in conversation
@@shegolily oooh they're sisters???
I can’t imagine coming home and smelling raging farts throughout the house, and then opening the window for fresh air and getting hit with more farts.
Poor gabie 😫
I feel so bad for their next-door neighbor 😅
😭they better clear the air with like air freshener
@@notkaitlyn_ I don't think that'll be enough
We need a "Chris and Ollie compete for BEST SON IN LAW" video!
I'm on it
Omg! thats a fantastic idea
I swear, whenever Ollie lets loose on the internet it’s the best content
Is that ollie’s face? What? How 😮
@@princessraya596 they have a membership!
when ollie-baba gets activated
And then Josh's look of pure discomfort when Ollie explains the episode
"are you stealing Darth Vader technology?"
"it's entirely confidential"
that is gold 😂
can see how the brownie points are being used now...
*so there is a possibility*
The in-laws love me more Ollie!
Hello chris
Wow. This is Rev Chris official account I literally subscribed just now. 🤣
I want a service where Ollie trawls the internet and buys me random things every month. Like a surprise box but better!
@JOLLY do this call it the "Box of JOLLIES" and make it a subscription-based thingy buy within a price range
And he can really name it Ollie-baba
This is the BEST idea. And I would actually spend my money on this too!
Okay but the “not expecting what the bottom half of their face to look like that” phenomena is so relatable
Seriously!! I still remember
I still love the fact that rev. Chris and Ollie are in-laws they are literally family
How are they in laws, again? Forgot which video it was mentioned in lmao
@@tiddyt6527 Their wives are sisters.
@@tiddyt6527 Lizzie (Ollie's wife) and Jenny (rev Chris's wife) are sisters!
@@emilyking464 I can't believe I never worked this out 😂😂 I just thought they looked similar, but I didn't dare assume
oh my god, I never knew! That's so cool
I'll be honest, when Josh asked Ollie where he got the gas mask, I was half expecting him to go "Oh, Maj. Charles let me borrow it"
Olli-baba will henceforth be my favorite online shopping platform 😂😂😂
for me its just after Varusteleka (pronounced [Where's the liquor?]).
5:30 "are you my mummy?" 😂
Sprinkle in a little Dr who reference :)
I was looking for this comment 😅😂
I was literally just gonna comment that 😂😂
nice, a dr who reference
I’m starting to get concerned about the amount of jokes Ollie has. It’s too much for this world, plus all of these must’ve been expensive 😂
It’s constant!! How does he do it?🤣🤣
That's why they need people to give them $3 a month.
they earn more from youtube still, probably more than the amt he spends on the internet LOL😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@annainspain5176 AHAHA
He's been saving them up and now finally gets to use them
So Ollie Brother in law is a priest and a Royal Army high ranked Officer and his Father-in-law is a british leading immunologist with a confidential patent on a portable air purifier mask? Ollie's life is so interesting!
it makes sense now doesnt it, they are all going their own ways doing their own things, so they are able to deal with ollie :)
And Ollie is.....
Batman! 😆
@@raistormrs so to handle Ollie we need at least a priest, an army, and a scientist. What a combo.
Believe it or not, Rev Chris is his brother-in-law but Major Charles is not. They are related through their wives, which Major Charles is not technically part of. However, I fully believe they still consider each other family.
@@jburditt6028 well in my limited english knowledge i dont know what to call the relationship ollie has with Major Charles but yeah I believe He is a Family.
Ollie's in law says annyeong to Josh is the cutest thing ever ???
HE is the cutest thing ever
Literally had to pause the video to come down to say the same. What a cool guy!
omg at 7:27 I thought the spray stuff was coming back out of Ollie's hair before I realised it was the thing on the wall 😭
Suddenly my favorite days of the week become monday, wednesday and friday
Mine too:)
I look forward to their videos every week
Exactly, like days ain't too bad with their video
@@Lightofthisworld I look forward everyday 😂 even Tuesdays and Thursdays aren't so bad because they're just in between jolly days. But then weekends! That's two days in a row. At least I have four cats to distract me from the internet. Or just rewatch their videos for the hundredth of times.
Yess! Was thinking about this the other day
I did the research so you didn’t have to.
For those who are curious, Dr John Maudsley is an immunologist with a BSc and PhD from University College London. He spent some years in immunology research at Warwick University, within the Virus Group. His focus over many years has been on the development of cancer vaccines.
Josh: Why have you got a sock on the top?
Ollie: *angry screaming inside a water gallon* To filter out the air, Josh!
well... tbh it's more of filtering your exhaled air... but then i ain't gonna be pretty fun in parties ain't I?
I have never *EVER* seen someone spray a fart spray on their face so happily.
Looool… yeah me too 😂 😆 😝 😂 😆 😝
Wait wait a minute there was no way that fart smell didn't stick to Ollie cause he was literally spraying that all over his body like freaking Lynx
Sometimes I think you need to put parental controls on Ollie's online shopping...
AGREED oh my gosh😂
Lizzie takes after her dad. Lol. I’ve always been amazed at the sisters’ difference - Jenny seems so chirpy and energetic whereas Lizzie seems really calm and collected. If Lizzie takes after her dad, I guess Jenny takes after her mum?
Lizzie and Jennie are sisters???!?! Whattttttt
Holy moly, Lizzie looks SO much like her dad 😳😳 What a good-looking family!
Riigh? And Jenny too, even more than Lizzie
It’s the adorable bunny front teeth
I love how Josh always has to brace himself at the beginning of Ollie’s episodes.
at this point i can tell if an episode is josh or oliie's idea just by looking at the thumbnail
Lmao for realz
We really need a compilation of Josh saying "whhhhhaaat?!?"
I was thinking this! Might make it on a day off work 😁
Update: I have not😅
Lolol Josh does sound like bane with that one mask
“Hi, I’m Bane.”
“And I’m Batman.”
“Welcome to... baneman.”
Am I the first one that notice that they repainted the walls again? This time to a beautiful dark red ♥️ It's beautiful btw you guys, it's making the whole room pop.
Literally just submitted my assignments and I’m sleep deprived but Jolly uploaded so I’m risking myself just to be here. Hello, people working on their assignments! All the best!
Me who has finals in two days: Pathetic
Me who never get an assigment : i feel stupid
god i really needed this LMAO
And my deadline is in 6 hours yet I barely finish anything 😆
@@gimbulr.7624 You got this!!!
Ollie let loose on the internet = Best viewing *EVER* this needs to become a permanent segment 😂👏🏼 back to rewatching old Jolly videos that I’ve missed now I will see them all haha
8 in the morning and I’m laughing so hard in bed I’m crying hahahahahahahah Ollie spraying fart spray nonstop into his face is the most hilarious thing ever.. just think of how much their bodies stink now
I find a lot of joy watching Ollie enjoying spraying the fart mist at 7:13 it’s truly joyous
Wow huge respect for Lizzie's dad and all the big brains that will get us trough this crisis! This mask looks and sounds really good
@EWOUT IS DIK Stop spamming every comment. Reported.
Ollie saying "I can't smell anything!" is like a ring in the head for us medical professionals... 😂😂😂
we need an episode of ollie's search history asap
well... it ain't gonna be like the 60% of the rest of the internet... *cough* it's Kosher...
aww you can just see Josh's face drop when he realizes he has to explain to gabby why the house smells like crap.
Did he just say Ollie-baba im crying
That medi mask sounds like it would be an absolute godsend for health care professionals, but also for people with compromised immune systems. Imagine being able to be out in the world for the first time in years!! AMAZING!!
he reminds me of Jake Peralta so muchh 😂😂
Omg British jake peralta
@@squiggles7833 Yes Preciselyyy
I just saw some clips of Graham Norton and there was one where I could have sworn I saw Ollie on the couch! Now I need to know who it is that looks so much like Ollie
yes omg
And this comment has 99 likes...spooky
omg their clothes and hair must’ve stunk so much after 😭😭😭
it was genuinely unbelievable...
Guys! You know what's gonna happen on Monday!
Carrotland: Another Celebration!
wowsers, is it already another year ?!
@@a12i9 It is! I watched the first video a few days ago and was like: Wait, May 11th? It really already has been another year
I’m going to be so disappointed if they didn’t do a Carrotland celebration next week
Jenny and Lizzie's dad's debut on Jolly! Would love to see more of him - he is so cool! :)
The clear panel mask at 3:07 is mostly designed that way so the Deaf and Hard of Hearing people can lipread you without you having to take the mask off... unfortunately condensation is still an issue with these masks :/
Omg thank you for explaining
Imagine an immunologist/scientific researcher having a reverend as a son-in-law, and Ollie as the other son-in-law!! ;P
Can you imagine someone just walking down the road, and just seeing josh and ollie just spraying eachother in the face with these huge gas masks.
7:49 lmao I love how you can tell they made Ollie take a shower before doing the rest of the video
Don't forget that CARROTLAND: A CELEBRATION is on the 9th of May! Get ready everyone!
Which is also my frikin birthday!!!
@@labhra.0 best birthday ever. Advanced happy birthday 🤗🎂
@@penelop_e Thanks 🤗
@@labhra.0 Whoah that's my birthday too! 😊
@@skaiste10020 Happy early birthday then!!!!
Huge respect for Ollie's father-in-law (Dr. John) , that's great work !!
I wish there was a clip of Gabie walking in and being like, "WHAT"
Ikr...I miss Gabie
@@Artnotforthesakeofart same 😔
Followed by a lot of swearing in Korean. 🤣
@@Artnotforthesakeofart i miss her and her cooking videos so badly
7:25 the steam in the background made it so much better
you clearly see, his father in law waited for the opportunity to get in a episode to say goodbye in korean! 😂
i wonder what their neighbour thinks, seeing two guys spray fart spray at each other haahhaa
ㅜㅜ 졸리를 다시 이렇게 자주보니 코로나 전으로 돌아간 기분 요새 넘 햅삐~~~~
"Oh this is one of those episodes."
Ollie's internet-buying prowess really makes me think a google deep-dive jolly episode would be incredible 😂 😂
Just imagine what the neighbors will think when they smell that fart spray...
You know how people always joke about wanted to see someone’s search history? That.
07:27 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ올리 머리에 방구 가스?인줄ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
저도요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
“Brownie points with my in-law” 😂 😂 😂 I would want to know how Ollie’s in-law thinks about Ollie with his Ollie-baba series
father in law is thinking "why did my daughter marry him" jk
From Medi-Immune's website
Director - John Maudsley is an immunologist with a BSc and PhD from University College London. He spent some years in immunology research at Warwick University, within the Virus Group. His focus over many years has been on the development of cancer vaccines.
That last filter machine is seriously cool! Imagine if we all had that a year ago...
My reason to be Jolly today is that I am getting tacos and donuts later
It's insane how their group of friends have extraordinary families. How often do you get twins that work as a priest and the other as a soldier? And that's just the tip of the iceberg. I can't wait for more guests to be introduced through Korean Englishman or Jolly. And I miss every one of their friends that has guested in their channels. Keep up the good work everyone! Sending love from the Philippines!
Just letting everyone know, the Batman and Robin video was totally worth the member fee
(EDIT: To me it was)
im honestly ready to become a member just to watch it 😩 just need the money
The first thing I'll spend after winning the lottery.
Petition to let father-in-law appears in a video in Jolly and Korean Englishman. Ollie and Josh, please hear me (us) out hahaha
항상 한국어 자막 있는거 고맙습니다~
잘 보고 있어요~
About a week ago, I joined Jollybean member and just upgraded to be a Jollybean VIP. There are only a couple of channels that I join or become a member. I don't know what all it means to be a Jollybean VIP, but, what i do know is that I always have a smile on my face when I watch your videos. We live in difficult times. I've been watching your videos for a couple of years and I'm always smiling and happy. I still watch the squirrel video where they were coming through the ceiling. Thank you for creating a channel that puts smiles on peoples faces. I don't know exactly what the perks are with the upgrade. Perks don't matter to me. I'll see what the members perks are. the biggest perk for me is the benefits of smiling and joy. I'm so happy to see you guys are back. YAY...
"Bravo 6, going dark"
Huzzah!! A man of culture
I dont know why, but Ollie wearing a NASA shirt makes it even funnier when he has the water jug on his head
The water container and sock filter is just pure comedy😂😂😂
At 7:33 Ollie looks like a healing Titan😂😂😂
Juno your dad is hilarious
Josh "where did you find this?"
Ollie "the internet"
Lol. The way ollie said it like its not a big deal.
it feels so odd seeing recent videos lmao I thought this was an old one in my recommended and then I saw 9 minutes and got so excited
Ollie sprayed like the entire can of fart spray on himself, he ruined his clothes for life making this video. This was so funny, especially when Josh gagged back to back to back to back, I was dying 😭
you know what's more brownie points?? have him in the crown car and indulge in Korean cuisine...
Stay safe, positive and healthy
Love and support from the Philippines ^_^
Next episode: Jolly test odour-reducing household products in depth, also, marriage counselling: how do you reach forgiveness when a partner has severely messed up the house, I'm serious, have you smelt this, no I won't get used to it, how am I meant to sleep here now?
Seeing ollie regret his decision of spraying that much fart spray made my day XD
I got so excited when I saw the clear mask cause I’m deaf, and it’s much easier to understand what ppl are saying when they’re wearing clear masks bc then I can lip read. And it’s so nice to actually see ppl’s faces!
Ollie is gonna smell like fart spray for a week spraying like that 🤣🤣🤣 Lizzie and Juno will need spray painters mask 😆🤣
I just joined the membership and it feels amazing!!!Btw this video is hilariousLuv it
i needed a good laugh to start my weekend; the moment Ollie took off his mask. oh lord. Also, please tell us you filmed Gabbie's reaction to the smell lol
I feel like the virus has given Ollie more crazy content ideas that he thought when he was a kid, this is awesome 🤣🤣
And Josh weren't there to stop him as much. It figures.
This is a review by Jolly for 2045. When covid is over, but the zombie apocalypse has begun.
Pls don't say that😂
I feel like everything is possible at this point 😂😂
Ollie spraying the ''fart'' smell all over his hair was probably not a good idea , but it was hilarious ...sorry Ollie .
“Ollie-baba” is hilarious! Jack Ma is shaking right now Ollie! 😂
Josh: That looks like a flipping SAS mask!!!
Ollie: *_yea_*
I’m enjoying my life cuz of jolly...
Ollie: *says literally anything*
Josh: *high pitched* WHAT?!
You know its gonna be a fun episode when ollie has been set free on the internet 🤣🤣🤣
Watching this makes me want to kick the door, bust open the windows, break a wall, rip off the roof, just so we can get that room ventilated.
I saw this in recommendations and was like WAIT A SECOND WHEN DID THIS VIDEO COME OUT and then saw it said 1 minute ago
2:27 same, ollie. I just get so surprised how the expectation and actual look of the faces are so different.
When I read the title, I thought you guys are trying cosmetic face masks. I didn't know it would be this extreme 😂😂
aww Jenny and Lizzy's dad is so cute! Your whole circle of friends and family are so heart-warming.
That air purifying mask is genius! Congrats to your father-inlaw and his team.
Sees thumbnail, knows immediately...It's an Ollie episode, mates. Glorious.
Great idea at 10:26! Ollie and Rev Chris competing for brownie points with in-laws, during the pandemic.
Really made my day😂😂😂
Going to save your video for whenever I need an uplift.
Really appreciate the hard work.