Rick rule: Markets Plummeting, What to Buy

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • Rick Rule is known as one of the greatest and most strategic investors in the markets. In this investment idea rich interview with James Connor, he says that while the markets are plunging and he believes the U.S. economy will weaken, it doesn’t matter. He says he is in aggressive mode and lays out the areas - some of them surprising - where he sees steals and big upsides. He also discusses what he thinks are the biggest global risks and what investors should do about them. And of course, the future of gold, silver, and why the Canadian oil and gas sector is going to do just fine, tariffs or not. Plus, what he’s really afraid of.
    9:07 What Rick is Buying
    9:11 Gold is not near it’s top
    9:15 Rick on Silver and other precious metals
    9:22 Rick on Uranium
    9:27 How investors should position themselves
    9:30 Final Thoughts
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Комментарии • 175

  • @gregabytes
    @gregabytes 15 дней назад +19

    After reading comments, now i cannot UNHEAR the squeeky chair. Thanks a lot chat! Great Video Rick, keep up the good work.

    • @garymcmillan6943
      @garymcmillan6943 14 дней назад

      I had to get up and check on my kids... thought it was them...

    • @Wealthion
      @Wealthion  7 дней назад

      @@garymcmillan6943 LOL

  • @VlamirJohnson
    @VlamirJohnson 13 дней назад +6

    Rick Rule is 72? Wow! Looking good my man.

  • @Wealthion
    @Wealthion  7 дней назад +3

    PSA: Rick wasn't in his normal environment. On behalf of the chair, we're checking oil prices this week

  • @deannageorgeson
    @deannageorgeson 13 дней назад +1

    James. Rick always provides original thinking. Thank you for inviting him to share his thoughts.

  • @avocadoarmadillo7031
    @avocadoarmadillo7031 15 дней назад +23

    TSLA would trade at $30 if prices like an auto stock. If you want to treat it like a tech stock with a 25x p/e ratio, buy it at $70. At today's price, you're a fool to buy or hold

    • @carlyndolphin
      @carlyndolphin 15 дней назад +6

      Tesla is going to grow exponentially

    • @Peace-nz3jx
      @Peace-nz3jx 15 дней назад +1

      Stock is completely manuplating that is why wall st must shut down

    • @carlyndolphin
      @carlyndolphin 15 дней назад +1

      @@Peace-nz3jx Just ride the waves.

    • @GNXClone
      @GNXClone 14 дней назад +2

      Who wants a car that's likely to get vandalized because the mere sight of it pisses people off?

    • @carlyndolphin
      @carlyndolphin 14 дней назад

      @@GNXClone I love Tesla. No problem here in the UK.
      My company also supplies components to Tesla, which supports 140 jobs here

  • @bernteinar906
    @bernteinar906 9 дней назад +2

    Love Rick. Thanks from Norway

  • @MrBt1977
    @MrBt1977 15 дней назад +26

    Lol. The market is within 10% of its all time highs. To say it's plunging is maybe a tad hyperbolic. If it truly plunges 30, 40, 50%, then I'm a buyer.

    • @SJ.77
      @SJ.77 15 дней назад +2

      Ahhhhh wise man say......journey of a thousand miles begins with 1 step......

    • @Greektall
      @Greektall 14 дней назад

      If you wait for a 50% crash it may happen but SP could go from 15000 to 7500🎉

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Mr. BT1977....
      Please read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of Middle Class.. by Cohen" We are in the Great Depression 2.0.
      The M2 money supply is the lowest since the Great Depression (look up what M2 means.. its scary.. I just learned!!!)
      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

    • @993C2S
      @993C2S 14 дней назад +1

      @@Greektallnah. 5000 before 15000 sir.

    • @Greektall
      @Greektall 14 дней назад

      @ very possible yes!

  • @charlesjoseph9229
    @charlesjoseph9229 14 дней назад +5

    Rick you are awesome! Let the general market crash, lots of opportunities in commodities.

  • @dannyzuehlsdorf3697
    @dannyzuehlsdorf3697 15 дней назад +3

    Very nice interview, James. Thank you.

  • @myutube8x
    @myutube8x 14 дней назад

    Very good of you both to go over the basic information again.
    Very helpful to people new to theses commodities.
    And always helps reinforce those that have been listening longer.

  • @ryanotis7289
    @ryanotis7289 15 дней назад +5

    Rick rules!

  • @davidthackray3841
    @davidthackray3841 15 дней назад +4

    And thanks James

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @chrish9311
    @chrish9311 14 дней назад +14

    You can go back and watch a 2021 interview with Rick and its identical.

    • @rickrule6947
      @rickrule6947 14 дней назад +9

      yep, facts don't change

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

    • @cosmothewonderdog8602
      @cosmothewonderdog8602 13 дней назад +3

      At least he’s consistent.

  • @beverlyhills7883
    @beverlyhills7883 10 дней назад +2

    No useful info here about specific stocks in his portfolio. Skip. Save your time.

  • @josephokuna9526
    @josephokuna9526 2 дня назад

    Does comex shorts on silver really control the price of silver n gold? How does it stop!

  • @martinback187
    @martinback187 15 дней назад +11

    Is there a mouse squeaking in the background?

    • @voice.of.reason
      @voice.of.reason 15 дней назад +2

      very annoying

    • @Timehasfallenasleep
      @Timehasfallenasleep 14 дней назад +2

      Ancient Chinese proverb say: “Do not despise man with squeaky chair for who is to say what such cheap Chinese products will be worth when China goes goes under.”

  • @moisescastro7237
    @moisescastro7237 13 дней назад

    Thank you for the video, very informative. What would be the high quality silver producers?

    @ILLUMINATOR49 14 дней назад +3

    RR RULES 🙏👍👍

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @993C2S
    @993C2S 14 дней назад +2

    Oh come on. He said "very very very few good silver stocks" and didn't give any names or tickers? Please can we get names?

  • @charleskilpatrick9704
    @charleskilpatrick9704 4 дня назад

    So the tariff strategies foreign countries used to hollow out US industry, won't work to move industry back if applied in reverse?

  • @lemonobrien
    @lemonobrien 15 дней назад +2

    my best advice is to wait til it bottoms out. never puts your nuts on the line, everyone who is red, wants out. an dif you buy, they sell.

    • @fluffhead917
      @fluffhead917 14 дней назад +1

      We will all be ready when you confirm it has “bottomed” out..😂😂🤣. Good luck..🍺

  • @ivancho5854
    @ivancho5854 14 дней назад +3

    Rick is extremely articulate and charming. He exudes an aura of success. He's likeable and a great guest.
    However his advice is often wrong. How does he feel about his Gazprom investment? I will never invest in Russia or China due to them not having rule of law and their high political risk. Some of his fundamental assumptions are correct, others entirely incorrect IMHO:
    Gold. I agree that there will be currency devaluation. Governments have no choice as they have unrecoverable levels of debt. Gold sounds like a good bet, however if there is a large correction then gold will sell off like every other asset except the US dollar and it's proxy US bonds. There will yet be a large correction. Gold will be a buy after that.
    Uranium. Nuclear reactors are highly capital intensive during a time of reduced capital due to the retirement and then passing of the Baby Boomers. Nuclear reactors dont use raw uranium, they use enriched uranium and Russia controls this. Uranium has many hidden risks. It's Green, but our romance with Green will fade. I think that I will pass.
    Oil and Gas. Rick is correct. Oil and gas are the lifeblood of all economies. I'll buy after the correction. US and Canadian exclusively. Also consider coal.
    Just my 2¢.

    • @rickrule6947
      @rickrule6947 14 дней назад +2

      Russia was very good to me, for 22 years, and then very bad. Countries, like commodities have cycles. If I live long enough to invest in Russian resources again, I'll surely do so

    • @ivancho5854
      @ivancho5854 14 дней назад

      @rickrule6947 Best of luck. 👍

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Yes, I agree with you ivancho Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @davidliverman4742
    @davidliverman4742 14 дней назад +1

    Thanks man!

  • @michaelmcdonald4442
    @michaelmcdonald4442 День назад

    50 Silver in January 1980 is 190 Dollar Silver Now. That is still not Enough. KEEP STACKIN.

  • @PhilMo120
    @PhilMo120 15 дней назад +7

    The chair noise!

    • @mindofmark742
      @mindofmark742 15 дней назад +1

      I thought a bird had gotten into my house

  • @billyesomann
    @billyesomann 13 дней назад

    Rich put the money where your mouth is, keeping buying, may God help you

  • @Why_Travel
    @Why_Travel 14 дней назад +5

    Is that a squeaking chair or someone playing with coins? Either way, it's very distracting.

  • @peterwilson9327
    @peterwilson9327 15 дней назад +4

    Rick rules! Very articulate guy. Super smart and a nice guy too. I have high hopes for his BattleBank venture.

    • @RodHanson-q1n
      @RodHanson-q1n 15 дней назад +1

      Do your homework. History of pump and dump.

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад +1

      i AGREE!!! Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @AD-uq6fd
    @AD-uq6fd 13 дней назад

    Is PSLV leasing out their silver ?

  • @Brooklyn-rj3np
    @Brooklyn-rj3np 15 дней назад +1

    The goat

  • @NoyeMetal444
    @NoyeMetal444 10 дней назад

    “Pay less attention to the terrible T’s; the Trumps and Trudeau’s of the world, and pay more attention to your own allocation of capital.”
    I almost choked on my sandwich when he said that🤣. Great advice and hilarious too.

  • @myutube8x
    @myutube8x 14 дней назад

    JAMES ---------->> could you please check your TIME STAMPS.
    Somehow the minutes indicated are discombobulated. Thank you very much.

  • @abedorfman
    @abedorfman 15 дней назад +3

    Rick Rule Rules

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @davidthackray3841
    @davidthackray3841 15 дней назад +2

    Thanks Rick - good analysis

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      I agree with you David!!!
      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @WorksOnMyComputer
    @WorksOnMyComputer 14 дней назад +3

    I know this will never occur to Rick, because he has no vested interest in thinking about it, but perhaps a more fair tax system that recognises just collecting more wealth as a sport in your seventies, isnt as useful as a soldier or a park ranger and paying them for their services and pension. So change the tax structure of the US accordingly. There is nothing wrong with getting ahead, but how much do you really need? Wealth inequality is how the US got into the mess its in today.

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

    • @anthonyperron6741
      @anthonyperron6741 14 дней назад +1

      Savings and wealth accumulation (the basis for all economic improvement) are literally how the equity investor serves his/her critical function to society.
      The more savings a country has, the more income the country generates, the more wealthy the country is, and the more adequately it's inhabitants are provided with the goods and services they have occasion for.
      Rick Rule increasing his wealth without plunder is a good thing, even for the service people.

  • @timothykalamaros2954
    @timothykalamaros2954 15 дней назад +10

    Carney a former BOE guv’nor who lives in NYC is new Canadian leader. 😂

    • @voice.of.reason
      @voice.of.reason 15 дней назад +1

      First he ruins the Canadian economy, then the UKs now he is in charge of the country. Its like something out of communist Venezuela. He should be in jail

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

    • @cicatrace
      @cicatrace 5 дней назад

      not elected. but ya politics is sh!t most Canadians are numb to it

  • @JohnWilliams-wz9vk
    @JohnWilliams-wz9vk 15 дней назад +3

    Plunging is. 20..30..percent .that's on the way

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      You are spot on John Williams!! Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @JM7Blocks
    @JM7Blocks 6 дней назад

    What community banks is he buying?

  • @fabianwurst4645
    @fabianwurst4645 14 дней назад

    When rick listens, i speak

  • @marybusch6182
    @marybusch6182 14 дней назад

    The chapters in the description are inaccurate to say the least.

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @rickfool1452
    @rickfool1452 14 дней назад +3

    at first I thought there was a rat in my room

    • @squishyplums2415
      @squishyplums2415 13 дней назад +1

      Rick's investments tanked so much he cannot afford a new chair

  • @fluffhead917
    @fluffhead917 14 дней назад +2

    I hate the old analogy of comparing buying groceries to stocks. Tuna fish doesn’t fund my retirement.. But we all understand his point..🍺

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @derekjsmith7662
    @derekjsmith7662 12 дней назад

    Great advice and observations from Rick Rule!!

  • @srg6532
    @srg6532 5 дней назад

    Buffet has been successful, due in part, due to the governments consistency to print and devalue the currency over the decades.

  • @junal27
    @junal27 14 дней назад

    "your fortune begins with your health and your daily paycheck"

  • @cjswa6473
    @cjswa6473 15 дней назад +1

    I remember James Connor boosting how great Tesla was...to a guest telling him it's basically overpriced hype..shame on you Jim

  • @docdoc4526
    @docdoc4526 14 дней назад

    Rick 👌🙏

  • @stephaniek2913
    @stephaniek2913 15 дней назад +1

    Try $50-60-$70 per hour on the gardeners in the PNW!!!

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Yes.. Stephanie, I agree!!
      The Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @turbostacking
    @turbostacking 15 дней назад +2

    Rick is mesmerizing

    • @RodHanson-q1n
      @RodHanson-q1n 15 дней назад +2

      Do your homework. History of pump and dump.

    • @turbostacking
      @turbostacking 15 дней назад +2

      @@RodHanson-q1n Ty, I am familiar. I was referring to how he speaks. I appreciate you looking out for me though! God Bless

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      He is, "turbostacking...but he's trying to help us prepare!!
      The Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @jonathanfillion7890
    @jonathanfillion7890 День назад

    Imagine loading up bags of uranium at 10$

  • @kentuckycowboy7660
    @kentuckycowboy7660 14 дней назад

    RUclips title search 🔦 I Was WRONG About Tax Time At My Car Dealership
    -Charlotte NC used care market /auction. Tax season is busy season. NOT so busy this year

  • @asfasfasfadd
    @asfasfasfadd 15 дней назад +23

    Rick please fix the squeeky chair or buy a new one 😂

    • @dsteffler54
      @dsteffler54 15 дней назад +1

      Maybe he can't afford to do that.... just joking.

  • @gcponte
    @gcponte 15 дней назад +3

    A lot of philosophy, little substance

  • @sitzdisko
    @sitzdisko 11 дней назад

    Paradigm shift

  • @marczimmerman747
    @marczimmerman747 15 дней назад

    SEAN MOON = 2nd KING

  • @785625438
    @785625438 12 дней назад

    This video doesn’t touch on the condition of an unstable US government, would such destabilize his confidence?

  • @fruitloops3718
    @fruitloops3718 14 дней назад +1

    The chirping sound in the background is extremely annoying.

  • @bobroberts7935
    @bobroberts7935 14 дней назад

    The Chinese are building a molten Thorium Fluoride salt reactor. A cheaper and safer kind of nuclear reactor that was pioneered by the the United States in 1970. It uses a small amount of U234 and id capable of destroying nuclear waste.

  • @huinyavaina
    @huinyavaina 13 дней назад +2

    Beware: gold's ATH adjusted for (official) inflation goes back to 1980. Those who bought it there are still underwater (or underground) with it 45 years later.

  • @ChrisDennis-dp3md
    @ChrisDennis-dp3md 13 дней назад

    Is Ricks thumbnail from 1978?

  • @george0r510
    @george0r510 14 дней назад

    RICK, Will you sell me a Battle Bank Shirt?? I would love to have one or two.

  • @jamesong4126
    @jamesong4126 14 дней назад

    Bad quality sound. Very squeaky

  • @foodhomedotcom2716
    @foodhomedotcom2716 14 дней назад

    Rick Rule worships James Grant. James Grant worships Louis Rukeyser

  • @mattbopp6006
    @mattbopp6006 14 дней назад

    The squeaky wheel sound in rix audio is very irritating.

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Yes, but listen to what they are saying... they are trying to help us all.
      The Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @Krys-m2c
    @Krys-m2c 15 дней назад

    Gold only

  • @iceman3135
    @iceman3135 13 дней назад

    Sell All Stocks Now and Buy Puts on TSLA

  • @kalosp1
    @kalosp1 13 дней назад

    A new chair /that doesn't squeak/ will be welcome.

  • @1lllllllll1
    @1lllllllll1 15 дней назад +3

    I’m sorry. But how am I supposed to believe the success of someone who is holding his zoom calls in a run off the mill apartment bedroom? That closet, those doors… that’s the type of interior you have when you pay 1500 in rent… should I think that someone who invests in banks for half a century is not able to afford a dedicated office with quality interior fixings?

    • @elitziri
      @elitziri 15 дней назад

      Shut the fcuk up, he has more money than you will ever make even f you lived and resurrected 100x times

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад +1

      I understand ... I'm a single mom trying to make ends meet.
      but the Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

    • @squishyplums2415
      @squishyplums2415 13 дней назад

      Rick Rule's investments tanked so much that he downsized to a ghetto closet studio apartment. 1500 rent is a bit high. Did you hear the squeaky rats in his room?

    • @rickrule6947
      @rickrule6947 13 дней назад

      Air BnB

  • @andreavandekleut6379
    @andreavandekleut6379 14 дней назад

    what Mr Rule is buying is of NO consequence or any help to the average person, he is not in our mind set. he needs to go to New hampshire and preach , perhaps they will invest in his bank?

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Anyone can get silver it's only 35 bucks a gram..
      The dollar is just fiat currency and worthless.
      The Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @ChuckBlank-d4h
    @ChuckBlank-d4h 13 дней назад

    Berkshire hathaway

  • @squishyplums2415
    @squishyplums2415 13 дней назад +2

    Rick Rule was openly bearish on $4K bitcoin in 2019. Gold stocks, silver stocks, and recourse stocks have done nothing. Uranium barely moved. Gold is the only thing that moved. Silver is terrible. Listening to Rick has made no money. Always buy low, buy low... where is the money? Is Rick now living in a bland low-lit ghetto apartment with squeaky rats?

  • @gemstoned33
    @gemstoned33 14 дней назад

    Squeaky sound effects are annoying... out

  • @marctrottier8232
    @marctrottier8232 15 дней назад

    i'm buying uranium stocks ! yes yes yes uranium stocks :"RICK RULE" YES URANIUM STOCKS !!!! LOLOLLOOLL

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Get physical Silver... Uranian "stocks" ...we can't trust metals on paper. Please read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class..." by Cohen..
      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @brianturner7214
    @brianturner7214 15 дней назад

    Rick Rules............

  • @fluffhead917
    @fluffhead917 14 дней назад

    Cool squeak 😂😂

  • @mikesmevog7146
    @mikesmevog7146 14 дней назад

    I don't know how anyone is able to listen to that squeaking or chirping for a half hour.

  • @jamesbelan
    @jamesbelan 15 дней назад +3

    I read Rick Roll 😂

    • @RodHanson-q1n
      @RodHanson-q1n 15 дней назад

      History of pump and dump.

    • @dsteffler54
      @dsteffler54 15 дней назад

      @@RodHanson-q1n Specifics please.

  • @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc
    @AnthonyTolhurst-dw1nc 13 дней назад

    Bullshit. Market is not plummeting; just a correction here

  • @Bruz8
    @Bruz8 14 дней назад

    Is that a hamster wheel in the background? Or a squeaky chair?

  • @jagprototype8003
    @jagprototype8003 14 дней назад

    Rick with BITCOIN Battle Bank , 😂

  • @kenmacphee7400
    @kenmacphee7400 14 дней назад +1

    lol! look at all the scammers piling on in the comment section like flies on shit.

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

  • @Joe-ly3si
    @Joe-ly3si 15 дней назад +2

    What the hell is that annoying noise? This is not watchable!

    • @Cspotrun78
      @Cspotrun78 15 дней назад +1

      Needs to invest in some WD-40 for that chair... lol

    • @SJ.77
      @SJ.77 15 дней назад

      Im no expert but it sounds like a parakeet reciting the opening Act of Hamlet - pretty sure I heard "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark."

  • @prolific1518
    @prolific1518 14 дней назад +1


  • @WillHpowers95
    @WillHpowers95 12 дней назад

    bro is supposed to be successful but can't afford a non-squeaking chair?

  • @bpb5541
    @bpb5541 15 дней назад +4

    I know what I am buying.... NOTHING.

    • @FrankODB86
      @FrankODB86 15 дней назад +2

      Then you are buying your national currency

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад

      It's okay to get Silver. It's still cheap.. less than $35/ounce. It's being used in AI.. a fast growing industry..
      Stock Market READY TO TOTALLY CRASH! WE ARE IN GREAT DEPRESSION 2.0. Protect your family... get physical (not on paper) SILVER. IT has utility and it's being used in AI..A GROWING INDUSTRY. You can get a safe deposit box cheap only 50 dollars or so a year... read "America's Soul Under Siege: The Implosion of the Middle Class and .. " The evil ones are 1 percent. we are the 99 percent. The Federal Reserve is a private banking cartel and usurping freedoms of "We the People". Trump must crash them (the US dollar, inflation is stealing our money , our hard earned money) Get that book.. it explains all "America's Soul Under Siege" by Lawrence A Cohen .. Amazon and other places sell it. Easy reading and you will be instructed on how to prepare and NOT BE SCARED. GOD BLESS

    • @MLuchero777
      @MLuchero777 14 дней назад +1


  • @Brooklyn-rj3np
    @Brooklyn-rj3np 15 дней назад

    They need to gut military pension. Its insane

    • @Lav-z9c
      @Lav-z9c 14 дней назад

      Ok gut the veterans pension and then try and get citizens to enlist and protect your sorry arse…..cut the useless govt jobs and their pensions first

    • @Lav-z9c
      @Lav-z9c 14 дней назад

      And yes I served 22 years

    • @DrewDoesit-s8e
      @DrewDoesit-s8e 13 дней назад

      That’s a pretty one sided view… not very well thought out. How can you even type that. You should throw that mindset of getting rid of pensions for veterans away. You have made a terrible judgement based on your own envy and lack of respect and discipline. Society takes a village and people who serve in the military are as important as anyone else within that village…. Think about it and don’t be such a pot stirring troll! You need help

    • @DrewDoesit-s8e
      @DrewDoesit-s8e 13 дней назад

      Thanks for your service Lav-z9c - some people have currently lost their minds in this world. Don’t let Brooklyn get to you , there heads stuck between their cheeks and they don’t know which end is up. God bless all Americans and thanks for serving all of us… even some of those dipsh1ts like Brooklyn

  • @timgibson3754
    @timgibson3754 11 дней назад


  • @stephencuskley5251
    @stephencuskley5251 15 дней назад

    Bought SQQQ a week ago.

  • @theguitar2605
    @theguitar2605 15 дней назад +2

    People still listen to him!?

  • @JonStasevich
    @JonStasevich 15 дней назад +1

    Only personal property, community property and public property should exist. We must end private property and concentrated ownership. If humanity doesn’t move beyond capitalism which is a crime against humanity peace and healthy civilization can not arise. Stop blaming individuals when the root cause of ALL global and social dysfunction, instability, insecurity and destruction are a consequence of capitalism and religious mysticism. A working class organized and united in our collective interests is the only answer. Only elected and empower independents and end the political tribalism.

    • @gizzydillespie9695
      @gizzydillespie9695 15 дней назад +5

      The maximum number of bristles that should be allowed on a toothbrush is 973.

    • @johndibert5509
      @johndibert5509 12 дней назад

      Dude what planet are you coming from because what you are saying only exist in another world

    • @JonStasevich
      @JonStasevich 12 дней назад

      @@johndibert5509 hard to imagine a world of people over profit? 😊