Luxury Mid-Flight Sleep Specialist Attendant ✈️ASMR✈️
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- "Oh, we keep him here."
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I hope you enjoy tonight's #ASMR video!
FRED 🙌🏻 Развлечения
I always feel so at peace knowing Rude Fred will protect me from poor "people"
What's that supposes to mean😢
@@Yttempestoso It's mean that someone ironic bone broken;)
@@Yttempestosonothing to concern your little poor brain with, I’m sure.
nice subtle touch with the quotation mark placed on the word "people" :D
Fred, you are the definition of an “ASMRtist” - your sound is so immersive and enveloping, with great acting and characters to boot! Thank you for so many years of amazing videos.
“I don’t care if you’re lost: BEGONE” an excellent line
Someone got vanished to the shadow realm with that "BEGONE"
@@OrdanKarris 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😱
The relaxing turbulence at 21:45, oh my lmfao
Most relaxing part 🙂
Bro bounced from wall to wall 💀
Your meticulous attention to detail and the seamless execution of small gestures are truly remarkable, transforming an ordinary flight into an extraordinary and soothing experience. It's fascinating how the integration of thoughtful triggers, soothing whispers, and a touch of luxury can create a serene and rejuvenating ambiance in the cabin. This is a masterpiece.
Aight Jordan Peterson, chill.
@@weLiveInSocietyLmao let her cook, I think it's nice to see people write nicely.
And I thought I'm not that bad with english
Initially weirded me out listening to male asmr but truth be told Fred’s asmr is about the most consistent creative and effective asmr that consistently relaxes me or outright sends me off to sleep!
Thanks Fred
I feel the same way with female asmr except I still haven't listened to female asmr lmao
Over the years, I have discovered dozens of ASMR channels from, both, male and female ASMRtists, and I honestly couldn’t even decide whether I have a preference for one over the other. It really All depends on what I’m in the mood for, at any given moment in time.
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own personal preferences, and I would never argue otherwise. But your comment just inspired me to think about it for a second. 👍
Fred please don’t stop doing airplane roleplays love the pov with headphones man it’s awesome
When your tired but cant fall asleep is the perfect time of when you have a perfect grasp on the kinds of sounds that work perfect for asmr
I've watched this twice.
I'm not sure why, new mic, new settings? This video is giving me more tingles currently than your previous videos and other ASMR artists.
This coming from someone who's been watching you on and off for 9 years
We gotta help Fred save up enough money to actually record asmr on an airplane
Get him a flight in a private jet
i don’t sleep to this video, but I keep coming back to listen to this when I’m working from home lol it’s so good and relaxing
“I don’t care if you’re lost! Begone!!”
this video was hilarious but also super relaxing i loved it
Oh my god the box of foamy things are wonderful and make me feel a really odd ticklish sensation in my nerves and chest lol. I love it, it's very oddly satisfying.
Thank you for making these videos so regularly for so long. My favorite one is still that rude night train conductor that lost your luggage 😂
Im using this video to put me to sleeo so that I get enough rest for my flight tomorrow 😂
Your voice just is so amazing. I was about to fall asleep until I heard my baby brother scream.😂❤
You should get some noise canceling headphones to help with that!
Or duct tape
@jesper8836 🤣
Ik I’m sorry 😭😭😭
my favourite fred character is definitely the flight attendant fred, always coming back to this video right here 🙌🏻
Epic! "Smells like rich people in here!!! "
They smell delicious 😋
The way he said "economy class" cracked me up. May as well have said "ew, poor people". Except then it wouldn't have been as classy 😆
Is it just me who wants Fred to do an Alfred role play like calming Batman after a long night.
I love the airplane Roleplays.❤
why your asmr is so best❤Always healthy for you and your family🔥
I keep coming back to this video ,thanks fred you're a lifesaver
Didn't know Thor did asmr
Nah that’s Arthur Morgan
He is not thor
@@MosesLuk-r9h 🤓👆
@user-bl8mc1kr3f or maybe that's exactly what he wants you to think...🤔
@@YazinEditzyo fax
Thank you almighty Fred for releasing another video helps me sleep at night
The whispering sound is so charming! Thank you for uploading a nice video! I will visit often!!
(I thought it was Thunder God Thor ASMR..)
You’ve excelled yourself with this one Fred, my word!
Loved this airplane setting, was so relaxing. What kind of glasses are those you use? Seem very interesting and love the sound of rain that you used with them
Rude Fred cracks me up. Like I want to watch his character interacting with people IRL.
After retiring as the god of thunder, thor has now chosen to relax people with asmr
Chris Hemsworth's brother still being an amazing person and wonderful ASMRist lovely video Fred
"Ahhhh~ It smells just like rich people in here" is the most aristocratic thing I've ever heard... and I love it!! XD
I don't normally repeat new videos a lot right when they come out but I haven't got bored of this one yet :D
Freds isn't rude you miss the point that he is roleplaying these sort of PPL in society he just shows the truth of society 👍🏻
I wish these existed i need them everyday 😂
Can't wait to fall asleep to this tonight! Cheers, Fred!
Yes!! Another flight ASMR
Fred worked so hard not to laugh when he said "and I am going to give it to you" ~4 minutes
Thank you Thor
gee i dont know why his voice is so soothing….. who agrees with me?
I’ve been watching your channel for about half a year now and I would just like to say this is probably my favorite video of yours
Fred is so rude in the nicest way possible
Ooooh, more of the heavenly tingle-mazing sea sponges!
you can just tell this man does this for the joy of it not for the money.
Im sooo love your videos, and they all soo good
Fred never misses! 👏🏼👏🏼
I love the way he says Luxurious
What amazing to see Thor being Fligh Attendant! 😍
Fred helps the rich sleep, and he puts the poor to sleep.
It's always Fred 🫡
As yes Thor's mighty sleep ritual
Fantastic video, Fred! Looking fly in that suit
I had to Properly sit up and then just stand since I almost fell asleep - didn’t mean to! - three odd times..damn this is effective 5/5 can recommend.
Its 2am rn, ty for uploading this
Your credit card declines:
34:20 -> Reassuring sleep mask of eternal sleep.
One of the best role players in the asmr world fr
Can you make another one of these next year? 🤔🛬💺
You should do a thing inspired by Roshan, Sam’s Tailor. Not like a parody necessarily I just think his affectation is so interesting and I’d like to see your take. Kind of rude kind of mean but not necessarily disdaining. And he’s definitely like pampering the customers and being friendly but definitely cross some boundaries. It’s such an interesting unintentional asmr.
Eu não entendi nada oque você disse aí mesmo traduzindo para o inglês, mas seu comentário e recente então eu deixei um like
@@Teodor_games_PROthank you. If someone knows how please give this kind person a translation of the tldr.
Thanks for putting me to sleep 🫶
I love this videos! ✈️
amazing fred 💤🙌
3:05 - Does anyone know what Fred said here? "land of not/naught"? Not sure what he meant there.
Land of Nod. It means to go to sleep/be sleeping.
Very Relaxing asmr😊
I need more of whatever sound those glasses where making
I love it when I’m not the one he’s being rude to
Fred the absolute goat
I've always love ủ video fred
Excellent attention to the fligt I took 😃👌🏼💯✈️🧑✈️🎧😊
Didn't expect the "relaxing turbulence" lmao
No wonder the security guy doesn't perform a good work at avoiding mid class people to invade rich worthy class people, Fred does a so great work he sleeps alongside the client 😂
But even tho i hated the packing peanuts i enjoyed the overall video the concept is good the production is a+ your voice sounds great it feels like the kinda voice you might invision a story telling to be
This was clever. Great job, fred. Thank you.. 😊
fred you are cut from the most regal of fine elite artist with the smooth and cultured delivery....every movement is like the hands of a precision jewel quartz ...
youd probably suck this man off given the chance 😐 calm down there
Stop making English so hard for yourself
@@ashleyr6809 get lost
definitely an interesting audio. i need those glasses.
Love your Flight series. Could you do a luxury perfume consultant on flight RP ? Greetings from germany
"Relaxing turbulence" Bro the whole plane just blew apart lol. Love the video though!
Because of Fred's rude asmr videos I think I developed a thing for rudeness. I just love it for some reason to be treated in the most rude way with the most respectful manner possible
So, you might be a masochist? But in a classy way.
“Hey pilot, the sleep specialist you have aboard is really great!”
*”what sleep specialist?…”*
It is just perfect😮
God I love these flight ones so much
“Hardcore sleep stuff”
What a great phrase
Hey Fred! It's time to revisit the medium fast / medium slow series to vary!
When we land Thelonius had better have arranged my carriage home from Duloc Airport. ✈️ 🐴 🏰
This was great should have more likes
I mentioned on his last upload how it was surprising to see him do a Luxury ASMR video in which he wasn't rude or condescending.
😂 seems someone took it as a challenge
Fly us Fred ✈
Relaxing Sound
wait, that woman who was lost, she was my wiiii....Nevermind :-)
You should do a Lord farquaad goes to the movies role play!
Perfection at its finest
Smethels from Titanic: Adventure out of Time
Awesome as always, Fred🎉❤
I’m at a college animation camp thing, and my dorm mate is doing…”something”. Hoping This video helps me fall asleep cause he no doubt thinks I already am
Edit: it worked
Wow. That is something
U asleep yet? Is he still doing it?
Never forget when Thor was a fligth attendant
Can't wait for New lightspeed asmr from you
Fred I'm going on a 10 hour flight sunday, is there any chance this gets on apple music by then, pleaseee
Mükemmelsin be reis 🇹🇷❤️
I love flight ASMR...