I found this game recently and I must say that it is quite unique and impressive so far.
Love the aspect of a MC with the knowledge of future aspect that happened in his old timeline but does not need to happen in this "new" timeline.
Currently your game have some humorous content. I wouldn't say no to even more funny/silly side content here and there.
Viktoria is my favorite and I am quite impatient to discover the event that took MC and Viktoria apart and of course how MC will "solve" this on each paths.
By the way... are there only 100% corruption and 100% seduction routes or does the content of a girl change if we try a mixed choice? I think at some point in the game we need to choose to be on a fixed path or?
I have another question, because there is a scene from you that got me:
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Are you planning to make this a possible content or does is just stand as a dream?
(Side note: Choosing to grope her breast or not doing it currently doesn't give a corruption or seduction point, but I think that is intended for future content)
I'm a BE fan and the possibly to make her breast even bigger than in the normal timeline, even if we will never know her "true" size, is very appealing. So far your game have quite some possible ways to include this into your game:
1. Emily is jealous of other girls because of their big breasts. So even on both paths MC can influence Emily and convince her to make the "daily massage" a daily routine?
2. Are time jumps possible? So for example on a solo path with Emily that after a certain point the game will move some years forward until a time where Emily is older (Alyvias age or older).
3. There's a "strange" potion shop nearby, maybe the old shopkeeper have some potion or cream that could help?
(e.g. BE cream or an "age progression" potion (triggering early puberty or something like that, if time jumps are not an option but still transform Emily into a similar body like Alyvas)
That's all for now. I am curious how you will develop this game further and what content you will add. Keep it up!