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Feb 7, 7:07 AM

Nov 2011
Goku arguing with Vegeta is pure comedy.

We got a fight between Goku and Majin Duu. As strange as the fight turned out to be, I kinda enjoyed it. It had cartoony moments although the fight itself is serious. Always cool to also see Goku go Super Saiyan. Everyone put their effort into the fight this episode and imo, this is one of the better ones of the season.
Feb 7, 7:48 AM

Aug 2015
So is this trailer for the next episode? the "fanservice" is super saiyan 3 goku? lol, or is it for current episode, cause i didn't watch yet
ElfezenFeb 7, 11:18 AM
Feb 7, 7:55 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to Elfezen
So is this trailer for the next episode? the "fanservice" is super saiyan 3 goku? lol, or is it for current episode, cause i didn't watch yet
The name of the trailer says "“Dragon Ball DAIMA” Climax Trailer", so I'm guessing that series is coming to the end now probably by the end of March?! But I'm dunno cause I stopped watching series after 3 episodes and saving up huge chunk of episodes to watch at once, plus it didn't draw me in with those 3 episodes almost at all, so!
Feb 7, 7:58 AM

Aug 2015
Reply to SViper
The name of the trailer says "“Dragon Ball DAIMA” Climax Trailer", so I'm guessing that series is coming to the end now probably by the end of March?! But I'm dunno cause I stopped watching series after 3 episodes and saving up huge chunk of episodes to watch at once, plus it didn't draw me in with those 3 episodes almost at all, so!
@SViper it was already known it ends around episode 20, its just that there was supposed to be some huge fanservice at episode 18, but if that trailer is about episode 18 and the fanservice is just ssj3 goku that would be big disappointment
Feb 7, 8:01 AM

Jul 2013
Reply to Elfezen
@SViper it was already known it ends around episode 20, its just that there was supposed to be some huge fanservice at episode 18, but if that trailer is about episode 18 and the fanservice is just ssj3 goku that would be big disappointment
@Elfezen never thought they planned to make these series into short ones aka just around 2 seasons long, interesting to know. Then I will wait till they release whole series soon and then will watch from begging in My Language's (Lithuanian) Fan Dub instead from where I stopped with ENG Sub! xD
SViperFeb 7, 8:08 AM
Feb 7, 8:42 AM

Aug 2015
Reply to Elfezen
So is this trailer for the next episode? the "fanservice" is super saiyan 3 goku? lol, or is it for current episode, cause i didn't watch yet
@Elfezen nevermind this was actually all in the current episode 17 with super saiyan 3 goku
Feb 7, 8:50 AM

Feb 2019
Goku and Vegeta arguing like kids is so funny. They’re really just big ass kids who love to push each other to be stronger.

"Where’s your belt?" "Who cares about that" LMAOOOOOO he ain't wanna tell Bulma he gave the most powerful item in the demon realm to the enemy for a damn hat.

Gomah went from a joke to completely broken overnight holy shit. Oh my goodness that last 5 minutes was some of the best Dragon Ball has ever looked holy shit. I thought this was gonna be a standard set up fight for the big climax but they COOKED. They were in their DB super Broly bag

Super Saiyan 3 Goku 🔥 so it definitely seems like we’re reaching the climax of Daima and it’ll be over in a few weeks. This final battle should be insane if what the staff have done thus far is any indication. Cannot wait!!
Marinate1016Feb 7, 10:21 AM
Feb 7, 9:02 AM

Dec 2021
Fuck me man, this was actually such an insane episode near the end. Plot holes and all aside, the animation went batshit crazy at the end there fuck.

Hearing the whole "episode 18 will be the most special episode" makes me so fucking pumped for the next. I'm expecting Broly levels of animation, and I bet they will deliver tenfold.

Feb 7, 9:37 AM

Aug 2020
epic, this was epic

people were waiting for that and yes, no time to catch a breath during this ep!!!
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Feb 7, 9:38 AM

Jul 2011
Thank you, Bulma, for pointing out about the Third Eye.

Goku looking at the Ki of Gouma and just going "Share is care". Arisu continuing being smart. But the best was Neva signalling the Tamagami to go fight.

I thought the episode would end with a fusion.
Feb 7, 9:41 AM

Jan 2018
Goku and Majin Duu had a pretty decent fight until Gomah interrupted them. I still find it ridiculous that his face is still the same but his body became extremely large and buff due to the third eye. Speaking of which, Gomah became extremely powerful just with that one item and can already overwhelm a tamagami AND multiple other strong fighters. If that thing is so powerful how come none of the previous demon kings use it to fight the tamagamis and get the Dragon Balls? I guess that's a plothole.

Anyway, everyone teaming up just to take out one really strong enemy is pretty hype. There are rumors that episode 18 will be a great episode so I can't wait to see what kind of crazy shit actually happens. I hope it'll have some surprises like the Super Broly movie did.
0451Feb 7, 9:46 AM
Feb 7, 9:41 AM
May 2021
Ssj3 Goku is back!! Goes hard 🔥🔥
Feb 7, 9:44 AM

Aug 2014
Great episode. The animation was wild in some scenes. I'm really looking forward to the fight coming up. Maybe we'll see Dragon Fist being made canon.

I'm very curious how this will all wrap up in 3 episodes though. So many characters seemed to have had their own agendas going on yet now they're all fighting Gomah together. So while I'm sure the climax will be amazing I'm a little worried that the ending itself will be rushed with many loose ends not being tied up. Oh well, let's worry about that when we get there and just enjoy what we have now.
Feb 7, 10:16 AM

Feb 2020
Feb 7, 10:27 AM
Jan 2009
first there is ginyu force 2.0

now there is jiren 2.0 with gomah

the last 5 minutes has many cool camera movements and angles

and here it is ssj3 goku
Feb 7, 10:32 AM
Sep 2015
This episode minimizes the story so that it can maximize the visual.
Feb 7, 10:33 AM
Mar 2018
finally goku has used ssj3
Feb 7, 10:35 AM

Dec 2013
Hybis is no dummy lol, and neither is Bulma love their interactions, and the old man looks and the Tamagami, I thought it was pretty funny.
Feb 7, 10:39 AM
Nirai Kanai

Dec 2012
Enjoyed the interactions within this episode. Hybis' response to Bulma actually made me chuckle lol as the sweat runs down his face.

Also felt pretty cool seeing Kuu and Duu allowed to get involved. I figured at some point one of them would aid the main cast but cool to see it done this way.

The World Suffused with Sound.
Feb 7, 10:59 AM
Mar 2021
SSJ3 has returned once more to kick ass again. I can't wait for the next episode
Feb 7, 11:09 AM
Feb 2021
Always a pleasure seeing SSJ3 Goku kicking ass
Feb 7, 11:15 AM

May 2015
Goku VS Duu was boooooooring

The fight against Gohma saved a little bit the ep. Maybe a hope for a good end ?
Feb 7, 11:15 AM
Feb 2021
Crazy ep!🔥
Always feels so good to see Goku Ssj3, cannot wait for next one
Feb 7, 11:46 AM

Apr 2014
damn good ep not to mention it looks like these last few eps will be action packed with fighting

also will say if anything about Daima i am loving the amount of ssj3 being used
"one step at a time"
Feb 7, 12:04 PM
Oct 2023
I guess people didn't like the spaceship constantly breaking down..
let's show SSJ3 again so the episode will be great.

yeah masterpiece 12491471947190471074510471045710239/146509123969013467390167027724574257425724
Feb 7, 12:08 PM
Jul 2024
i liked this episode, but to me the problems of the show are shown fully in this episode. why? because they wasted so much of our time on nothing that when they reached the climex we only have 4 episodes left and they have to rush it. this is the problem

if they dident waste our time with those ginyu force knockoffs and other stuff then we could have gotten a real true long fight between goku and majin duu/kuu before gomeh arrived. it feels rushed, here we have majin duu against goku,it could have been a nice battle. then immidiatly gomeha arrive and with no dialouge whatsoever everyone team up against him.

this whole production was handles horribly. it was a time waster all along, with very slow pacing and long moments where nothing happend or long exposition or pointless unfunny comedy.

and now that they have to start things going they dont have enough time to do it anymore.

btw that gomeh design is horrible. his face havent changed and hes just bigger. his face dosent match his body.

without pointless scene and episodes we could have gotten here in episode 15 and have more satisfying battles
Feb 7, 1:36 PM
Aug 2024

What can I say about this episode, it's pure hype and Gomah's enterance was COLD! Also the raid boss style fight is something extremely rare for Dragon Ball, glad to see them actually use their brains for once.

All I can really include is some thing I want for the next episodes:
1. The new fusion. I expect it to be in the next episode or the one after that, hopefully not the last one because on that one I want to see
2. An adult fight (we need to see adult SSJ3 Vegeta)
3. A fight where we can see Majin Duu's limits, we still don't know if he is stronger than a SSJ3
4. GOHAN REVEAL! Even if he is an adult, we need to see him at least as a cameo... It's not like the voice actress isn't right there...
Feb 7, 1:38 PM
Aug 2024
Reply to Nerdason
@Nerdason I also made that face when I saw it
Feb 7, 2:31 PM

Apr 2010
That was a good episode. Interested to see what's gonna happen with them fusion bugs.

I thought it was just gonna be Duu and Kuu that were gonna use em but probably not.
Feb 7, 3:10 PM

Mar 2019
The Goku vs Duu fight was whack.

Gomah as the main villian to fight against is whack.

The animation was nice but this whole story has been so underwhelming. I can't really enjoy the fights like I want to.
Feb 7, 5:40 PM

Nov 2009
This is just so bad.
Feb 7, 7:56 PM
Mar 2023
This shit is so ass.
Feb 8, 1:08 AM

Nov 2020
Bruh, I've seen this somewhere before xD the badass moments of this Jiren fake are so undeserved..

Feb 8, 1:19 AM
Jan 2025
absolutely peak 10/10 episode and animation
Feb 8, 1:50 AM
Jul 2020
Crazy good animation, alot of stuff unpacked, and not in a boring way. Gomah kinda looks abit goofy with the big head on the new form, but hopefully we get an evolution or something wild. cant wait for ep 18
Feb 8, 2:39 AM
May 2019
I really loved how dynamic the fight against Gomah was and how everyone even the Kaioshin joined in. My theory would be that Goku and Vegeta will use the fusion bugs and become a fusion form with SSJ3.
Feb 8, 6:19 AM

Apr 2024
Arinsu's boobs!! 😍

Feb 8, 6:35 AM

Aug 2016
Absolutely speechless. Masterpiece of an episode. If i dare say, best episode of the whole winter anime season so far? Chills throughout the whole episode. Gomah's last boss aura. Goku's SSJ3 entrance, at the episode finale. The animation & throughout the whole episode, of the characters' expressions, of the beams & rays. What more is there to say except oh my $%&#ing god? Thought the 3rd eye was something that's just gonna give a bit of power, seriously, thought it was a troll, oh boy was i wrong by a mile, it gave us such a masterpiece of an episode. Gomah got telekinesis moving terrain around like it's nothing to prepare a ring in a few seconds, reminded me of when Cell was preparing the ring for the Z Fighters back in the cell saga, the nostalgia. As we know, SSJ3 consumes A LOT of stamina, will they beat him first, or will he endure it? It's only a matter of time, but this time we got our prince Vegeta who just joined the club recently. Dare i say we might be getting an outrageous assumption of a SSJ3 Gogeta/Vegito? Find out, in the next episode, of DRAGON BALL ZEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Feb 8, 10:19 AM

May 2015
All hail ssj3 kakarotto!
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Feb 8, 11:25 AM
Apr 2020
Elfezen said:
@SViper it was already known it ends around episode 20, its just that there was supposed to be some huge fanservice at episode 18, but if that trailer is about episode 18 and the fanservice is just ssj3 goku that would be big disappointment

my bet is that we're probably gonna get Dragon Fist next episode
Feb 8, 4:18 PM
Mar 2018
I don't understand how people can say epic or amazing or whatever... I get it to each their own but still.
Since the beginning it's very slow, the plot was never moving but now we are finally towards the end. I didn't find this episode funny, it was mostly battle and some time grinding. Nothing really happened and nothing was really epic. We got a fight between Majin Guu and Goku interrupted by Goma. Then everyone fought him for a while with no evolution...
Feb 8, 7:23 PM
Feb 2014
this show is trash. should have focused on super
Feb 8, 7:27 PM
Feb 2014
all I see is npc bot posts. typical dragon ball gooner posts. makes sense when the show is not good. all it has going for it is an animation budget. worst major anime of the season. such a shame
Feb 8, 8:55 PM
May 2021
Nerdason said:

Hehe. That's pure gem.
Feb 8, 9:08 PM
Feb 2020
Who will actually end up using the fusion bug? There's 8 fighters imagine if the bug was split into 8 and they all fused to fight super Gohma
Feb 8, 10:35 PM

Oct 2010
Reply to ttiel
Nerdason said:

Hehe. That's pure gem.
@ttiel Yeah honestly was best part of the entire episode.

Generally feels more like a parody of Dragonball.
SexyjutsuFeb 10, 7:23 PM
Feb 8, 10:35 PM

Oct 2010
Reply to Elysett
Arinsu's boobs!! 😍

@Elysett Honestly the second best part of the entire episode.
Feb 8, 10:40 PM

Oct 2010
Reply to Ghost5299
this show is trash. should have focused on super
@Ghost5299 Yeah, Only things I like in this are Shin and Arinsu. Throw the rest in the bin.
Feb 8, 11:13 PM

Jun 2017
I hope they realize soon that to stop Gomah, they need to break that eye. I'm not sure if they are even aware!

She got him back. If you understand the characters well enough, you'd know she did!
Feb 9, 12:02 AM

Apr 2016
Gomah, amazing transformation adn cool power!!!
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