Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012

Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012 is the sixth season of Nuestra Belleza Latina, and the season finale aired on Univision on May 20, 2012.[1]

Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012
Season 6
The twelve official candidates for 2012
Presented byGiselle Blondet
WinnerVanessa De Roide
Runner-upSetareh Khatibi
No. of episodes12
Original networkUnivision
Original releaseMarch 4 (2011-03-04) –
May 20, 2011 (2011-05-20)
Season chronology

The auditions were shown Sundays, prior to the final 12 being revealed. Auditions were held from December 2011 to February 1, 2012 in six major US cities (Miami, Chicago, New York City, Fort Worth, Houston, Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Morongo) Auditions were also held in San Juan, Puerto Rico.[2] During the audition process, 54 young women were given passes to the semi-finals in Miami. Two additional contestants were chosen from online auditions, with the help of public votes.

The winner of the contest will be awarded a contract to be one of the new faces on many of Univision's programs and award shows, along with a chance to win more than $250,000 in cash and prizes. She will also become a correspondent for one of Univision's top shows and reign as Nuestra Belleza Latina for a year. As an added bonus, the winner will appear on the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine.

The winner of the competition was Vanessa De Roide, who represented the island of Puerto Rico.

2012 Judges

Judges Occupation Judging Years
Osmel Sousa President of the Miss Venezuela Organization 2007–Present
Lupita Jones Former Miss Universe 1991 and President of Nuestra Belleza México 2008–Present
Julian Gil Argentine-Born Puerto Rican-raised Actor and Model 2008 & 2010–Present


Final Results Contestant
  •   Mexico – Setareh Khatibi
3rd Place
4th Place
5th place
6th place
7th Place
  •   Mexico – Ivana Rodríguez
8th place
9th Place
10th place
  •   Cuba – Elizabeth Robaina
11th Place
12th Place
  •   Mexico – Ligia De Uriarte
Top 24


Challenges Won Contestant Finalist
Gala 04
Gala 05
Gala 06
Gala 07
Gala 08
Gala 09
Gala 10
Live challenges Won Contestant
Gala 05
Gala 06
Galas 07
Gala 08
Gala 09
Gala 10

Elimination table

Place Country Contestant Week
(Ep. 2)
(Ep. 3)
(Ep. 4)
(Ep. 5)
(Ep. 6)
(Ep. 7)
(Ep. 8)
(Ep. 9)
(Ep. 10)
2     Setareh Khatibi GRP1 SAFE WIN SAFE BTM4 BTM3 BTM3 BTM3 SAFE BTM2 1st runner-up
3   Karol Scott GRP1 SAFE BTM2 WIN SAFE BTM2 SAFE WIN BTM2 SAFE 2nd runner-up
4   Nataliz Jimenez GRP1 WIN WIN WIN BTM3 WIN SAFE SAFE SAFE SAFE 3rd runner-up
9   Naomi Marroquin GRP1 SAFE WIN SAFE SAFE ELIM
10   Elizabeth Robaina GRP1 SAFE WIN BTM3 ELIM
11   Tatiana Ares GRP2 SAFE SAFE ELIM
12   Ligia De Uriarte GRP2 WIN ELIM
  The contestant was part of the semi-finalists from group 1.
  The contestant was part of the semi-finalists from group 2.
  The contestant won the week's reward challenge.
  The contestant was in the bottom three, but was saved by the other contestants.
  The contestant won the week's reward challenge and was in the bottom two.
  The contestant was eliminated.
  The contestant was in the bottom four.
  The contestant was in the bottom two.
  The contestant won the week's reward challenge and was eliminated.
  The contestant was a finalist, but did not win.
  The contestant was the runner-up.
  The contestant won Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012.

Countries Being Represented

CPW Country Position
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SF 9 Finale
 Y Y   Puerto Rico 4th 1st 6th 1st 1st 4th 2nd 4th 2nd Winner
 Y Y   Mexico 5th 6th 2nd 2nd 2nd 1st 4th 2nd 4th 2nd
  Venezuela 6th 5th 1st 4th 4th 2nd 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd
  Dominican Republic 1st 2nd 3rd 5th 3rd 3rd 1st 1st 1st 4th
  Guatemala 3rd 3rd 4th 3rd 5th
 Y   Cuba 2nd 4th 5th 6th
  • Eliminated
  • First Place
  • Winner
  • Runner-Up
  •  Y: Countries Previously won

2012 auditions

Audition Date
Miami December 1, 2011
San Juan, Puerto Rico December 7, 2011
Chicago January 11, 2012
New York City January 18, 2012
Fort Worth, Texas January 22, 2012
Houston January 25, 2012
Phoenix, Arizona January 28, 2012
Los Angeles January 31, 2012
Cabazon, California February 1, 2012
Online Audition Dec. 1, 2011 – Feb. 3, 2012

Online Castings

Rank Contestant Age Country Representing
1 Anais Rios 24   Mexico
2 Angelica Cruz 23   Colombia
3 Angie Morales 23   Peru
4 Blanca Contreras 25   Mexico
5 Carolina Salazar 27   Mexico
6 Lucia Galeano 26   Paraguay
7 Ruth Feliciano 25   Puerto Rico
8 Olivia Mendoza 22   Mexico
9 Tatiana Romo 25   Mexico
10 Vanessa Alvares 20   Venezuela

Note: On March 11, it was announced who the two candidates are to travel to Miami, to compete with the rest of the candidates selected.

Rank Contestant Age Country Representing
1 Vanessa Alvares 20   Venezuela
2 Lucia Galeano 26   Paraguay



Episode 1


The 54 candidates traveling to Miami for a chance to enter the Mansion and win the crown are:

Rank Contestant Years Country Representing Auditions
1 Ixchel Cardenas   Mexico California
2 Gretchen Serrao   Venezuela California
3 Flerida Besso 22   Mexico California
4 Geisy Hernadendez   Cuba California
5 Karen Garrido 22   Mexico California
6 Viviana Granillo   Mexico California
7 Setareh Khatibi 25   Mexico/  Iran California
8 Naomi Marroquin 21   Guatemala California
9 Cindy Arevalo   El Salvador California
10 Thalia Lara   Mexico California
11 Chanty Vargas 24   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
12 Vanessa De Roide 24   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
13 Ashley Ruiz 23   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
14 Dimmary Castro 26   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
15 Ester Rivera 21   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
16 Luz Diaz 23   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
17 Juliana Rodriguez 25   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
18 Nicole Marquez   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
19 Shalimar Rivera 26   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
20 Tatiana Ares 22   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
21 Yara Rivera 20   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
22 Nayeli Valles   Mexico Phoenix
23 Karla Marquez 26   Mexico Phoenix
24 Ashley Garner 18   Mexico Phoenix
25 Raquel Huerta   Mexico Phoenix
26 Priscila González 23   Colombia New York
27 Rosalinda Silver 27   Dominican Republic New York
28 Stephanie Castellanos   Dominican Republic New York
29 Nataliz Jiménez 22   Dominican Republic New York
30 Karol Scott 24   Venezuela New York
31 Laurem Payano   Dominican Republic New York
32 Patricia Cardona 27   Colombia Miami
33 Mayela Caldera 26   Venezuela Miami
34 Lisbeth Cañizales 22   Cuba Miami
35 Karina Encarnación 23   Dominican Republic Miami
36 Yaritza Medina 26   Puerto Rico Miami
37 Ivanna Rodriguez 20   Mexico Miami
38 Ximena Castro   Peru Miami
39 Saidee Collado   Cuba Miami
40 Lidislay González   Cuba Miami
41 Elizabeth Robaina 23   Cuba Miami
42 Adrializ Gutiérrez 19   Cuba Miami
43 Adriana Bermudez   Venezuela Texas
44 Angelika Rodriguez   Puerto Rico Texas
45 Fanny Vargas 24   Mexico Texas
46 Ligia de Uriarte 20   Mexico Texas
47 Cinthia Guerrero 19   Mexico Texas
48 Sarahi Pineda 20   Mexico Texas
49 Andrea Castañeda   Mexico Texas
50 Ambar Garcia   Dominican Republic Texas
51 Diana Rojas   Colombia Texas
52 Alma Lopez   Mexico Chicago
53 Yesenia Beltran   Puerto Rico Chicago
54 Paola Rodriguez 21   Puerto Rico Chicago
55 Ciara Jiménez   Venezuela Chicago
56 Vanessa Alvares   Venezuela Casting Virtual
57 Lucia Galeano   Paraguay Casting Virtual
Color Description
  Group 1
  Group 2

Episode 2 {March 11, 2012} (Group 1, 28 participants, 12 selected)


Group 1:

Rank Contestant Years Country Representing Auditions
1 Flerida Besso 22   Mexico California
2 Karen Garrido 22   Mexico California
3 Setareh Khatibi 25   Mexico/  Iran California
4 Naomi Marroquin 21   Guatemala California
5 Chanty Vargas 24   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
6 Vanessa De Roide 24   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
7 Ashley Ruiz 23   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
8 Dimmary Castro 26   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
9 Ester Rivera 21   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
10 Luz Diaz 23   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
11 Juliana Rodriguez 25   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
12 Yara Rivera 20   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
13 Karla Marquez 26   Mexico Phoenix
14 Ashley Garner 18   Mexico Phoenix
15 Priscilla Gonzalez 23   Colombia New York
16 Rosalinda Silver 27   Dominican Republic New York
17 Nataliz Jiménez 22   Dominican Republic New York
18 Karol Scott 24   Venezuela New York
19 Patricia Cardona 27   Colombia Miami
20 Mayela Caldera 26   Venezuela Miami
21 Lisbeth Cañizales 22   Cuba Miami
22 Karina Encarnacion 23   Dominican Republic Miami
23 Yaritza Medina 26   Puerto Rico Miami
24 Ivanna Rodriguez 20   Mexico Miami
25 Elizabeth Robaina 23   Cuba Miami
26 Cinthia Guerrero 19   Mexico Texas
27 Sarani Pineda 20   Mexico Texas
28 Paola Rodriguez 21   Puerto Rico Chicago

12 Chosen:

# Contestant Age Country of Origin Audition Place
1 Vanessa De Roide 24   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
2 Nataliz Jimenez 22   Dominican Republic New York
3 Karol Scott 24   Venezuela New York-
4 Flerida Besso 22   Mexico California
5 Chanty Vargas 24   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
6 Essined Aponte 20   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
7 Patricia Cardona 27   Colombia Miami
8 Elizabeth Robaina 23   Cuba Miami
9 Ivanna Rodriguez 20   Mexico Miami
10 Karla Marquez 26   Mexico Phoenix
11 Setareh Khatibi 25   Mexico/  Iran California
12 Naomi Marroquin 21   Guatemala California
  • Eliminated: Karen Garrido, Ashley Garner, Priscilla González, Mayela Caldera, Lisbeth Cañizales, Karina Encarnación, Yaritza Medina, Cinthia Guerrero, Sarani Pineda, Paola Rodríguez, Dimmary Castro, Ester Rivera, Luz Díaz, Juliana Rodríguez, Yara Rivera, and Rosalinda Silver.

Episode 3 {March 18, 2012} (Group 2, 28 participants, 12 selected)


Group 2:

Rank Contestant Country Representing Auditions
1 Ixchel Cardenas   Mexico California
2 Gretchen Serrao   Venezuela California
3 Geisy Hernadendez   Cuba California
4 Viviana Granillo   Mexico California
5 Cindy Arevalo   El Salvador California
6 Thalia Lara   Mexico California
7 Nicole Marquez   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
8 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
9 Tatiana Ares   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
10 Nayeli Valles   Mexico Phoenix
11 Raquel Huerta   Mexico Phoenix
12 Stephanie Castellanos   Dominican Republic New York
13 Laurem Payano   Dominican Republic New York
14 Ximena Castro   Peru Miami
15 Saidee Collado   Cuba Miami
16 Lidislay Gonzalez   Cuba Miami
17 Adriana Bermudez   Venezuela Texas
18 Angelika Rodriguez   Puerto Rico Texas
19 Fanny Vargas   Mexico Texas
20 Ligia de Uriarte   Mexico Texas
21 Andrea Castañeda   Mexico Texas
22 Ambar Garcia   Dominican Republic Texas
23 Diana Rojas   Colombia Texas
24 Alma Lopez   Mexico Chicago
25 Yesenia Beltran   Puerto Rico Chicago
26 Ciara Jimenez   Venezuela Chicago
27 Vanessa Alvares   Venezuela Casting Virtual
28 Lucia Galeano   Paraguay Casting Virtual

12 Chosen:

Rank Contestant Country Representing Auditions
1 Gretchen Serrao   Venezuela California
2 Cindy Arevalo   El Salvador California
3 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
4 Tatiana Ares   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
5 Stephanie Castellanos   Dominican Republic New York
6 Ximena Castro   Peru/  Chile Miami
7 Lidislay Gonzalez   Cuba Miami
8 Adriana Bermudez   Venezuela Texas
9 Angelika Rodriguez   Puerto Rico Texas
10 Fanny Vargas   Mexico Texas
11 Ligia de Uriarte   Mexico Texas
12 Yesenia Beltran   Puerto Rico Chicago

Eliminated: Ixchel Cardenas, Geisy Hernadendez, Viviana Granillo, Thalia Lara, Nicole Marquez, Nayeli Valles, Raquel Huerta, Lauren Payao, Saidee Collado, Andrea Castañeda, Ambar Garcia, Diana Rojas, Alma Lopez, Ciara Jimenez, Vanessa Alvares, and Lucia Galeano.

Episode 4 {March 25, 2012} (Selected top 12 finalists to compete in Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012)


In the third show of Nuestra Belleza Latina, 24 semi-finalists opened the show dancing the theme of Rihanna "We Found Love" with super sexy silver dresses. Twelve of them were to receive the news that would enter the house of beauty to compete for a contract with Univision and $250,000. This night was a gala full of nerves and emotions. Giselle Blondet informed us that the Venezuelan Gretchen Serrao left the competition due to personal problems. Last week the girls had their first challenge, quinceañera dress and reflect the sweetness of the time to go out in the May issue of Seventeen magazine, the winners were Nataliz Jimenez, Ligia de Uriarte and Vanessa de Roide. Julian assumed that among the winners two were of his team, Nataliz of Dominican Republic and Ligia of Mexico.

The time to reveal the result reached by the public for two weeks to vote for their favorites. Cindy, Ligia, Ximena and Adriana were the first who took the stage for your future in Nuestra Belleza Latina, Cindy but was saved by the votes of the public did not survive the second round.

They have not yet entered the mansion and the girls begun to have conflicts, Giselle showed us the video. Patricia Cardona criticized Karla Marquez for her dance and Essined Aponte criticized Vanessa de Roide, her compatriot. De Roide stated that it upsets her. Elizabeth said Lidislay did not do well in the recording of this talent.

The first bed in the mansion was to Nataliz Jimenez and the second for the Cuban Elizabeth Robaina, the girls met Julian Group 47 percent of the votes from the public. Will Cuba take another crown? Greydis Gil of Cuba obtained the crown in 2009. Nataliz showed his talent of heroin and Elizabeth imitated Osmel Sousa.

Osmel Girls took the stage, the first runner up was Naomi Marroquin of Guatemala, who confessed she did not think being elected by her Spanish. She showed her talent in martial arts. The second chosen by the audience was Shalimar Rivera of Puerto Rico, she sang a song of India.

Lupita Jones' group, Fanny Vargas was the first choice and of course she could not hold back her tears. Osmel did not make the way easy for her, but Lupita supported and is confident that will fight for the crown. Ivanna Rodriguez was the second choice, she showed her talent for acting.

The singer Pablo Montero arrived with his mariachi to sing "Serenata Huasteca" and the girls go crazy. The Mexican pleased a fan with a kiss and Giselle had the pleasure of pinching.

The girls were taught Marcelo Crudele boxing, boxing coach Dale heartily.

Julian elected two more girls Ligia de Uriarte of Mexico, who auditioned in Houston, and Chanty Vargas of Puerto Rico. Lupita elected the Puerto Ricans Vanessa de Roide and Tatiana Ares.

Osmel Sousa explained that it seeks diversity but a real queen with elegance and class. Karol Scott, Venezuelan, was his choice and she showed us her talent for dancing samba. And the last room in the mansion was for the Mexican/Iranian Setareh Khatibi.

  • Guest Artist: Pablo Montero
  • Challenge of the week: Posing as a 15-year-old teenager. The top 3 winners are...
Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week
# Contestant Country of Origin Audition Place
1 Patricia Cardona   Colombia Miami
2 Elizabeth Robaina   Cuba Miami
3 Lidislay Gonzalez   Cuba Miami
4 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic New York
5 Stephanie Castellanos   Dominican Republic New York
6 Cindy Arevalo   El Salvador California
7 Naomi Marroquín   Guatemala California
8 Flerida Besso   Mexico California
9 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico Miami
10 Karla Marquez   Mexico Phoenix
11 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico/  Iran California
12 Essined Aponte   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
13 Fanny Vargas   Mexico Texas
14 Ligia de Uriarte   Mexico Texas
15 Ximena Castro   Peru/  Chile Miami
16 Tatiana Ares   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
17 Vanessa De Roide   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
18 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
19 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
20 Angelika Rodriguez   Puerto Rico Texas
21 Yesenia Beltran   Puerto Rico Chicago
22 Adriana Bermudez   Venezuela Texas
23 Gretchen Serrao   Venezuela California
24 Karol Scott   Venezuela New York

12 Chosen:

Rank Contestant Country Representing Auditions
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic New York
2 Elizabeth Robaina   Cuba Miami
3 Naomi Marroquín   Guatemala California
4 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
5 Fanny Vargas   Mexico Texas
6 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico Miami
7 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
8 Ligia de Uriarte   Mexico Texas
9 Vanessa De Roide   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
10 Tatiana Ares   Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
11 Karol Scott   Venezuela New York
12 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico/  Iran California
  • Eliminated: Patricia Cardona, Lidslay Gonzalez, Stephanie Castellanos, Cindy Arevalo, Flerida Besso, Karla Marqez, Essined Aponte, Ximena Castro, Angelika Rodriguez, Yesenia Beltran, Adriana Bermudez, and Gretchen Serrao.

Episode 5 {April 1, 2012} (Eliminations, Twelve candidates, only Eleven Remain)

  • Guest Artist: Juan Magan
  • Challenge of the week: the challenge of the week is divided into two groups and the strong winner roup...
Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week: Agility and Speed
The winner of the live challenge: The Gateway of Tibet
Rank Contestant Country Representing Punctuation of Live challenge
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic 21 Points
2 Elizabeth Robaina   Cuba 17 Points
3 Naomi Marroquín   Guatemala 12 Points
4 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico 20 Points
5 Fanny Vargas   Mexico 27 Points
6 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico 22 Points
7 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico 19 Points
8 Ligia de Uriarte   Mexico 18 Points
9 Vanessa De Roide   Puerto Rico 07 Points
10 Tatiana Ares   Puerto Rico 23 Points
11 Karol Scott   Venezuela 18 Points
12 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico/  Iran 20 Points
  • Live challenge: the gateway of Tibet: consisted of the candidates modeling and walking on a runway showing beauty and poise. The best in this challenge was Fanny Vargas the three candidates who did worse in this competition was Vanessa de Roide, Naomi Marroquín, and Elizabeth Robaina.
  • all three were threatened ...
Rank Contestant Country Representing state by the public status of the girls state by the jury
#1 Ligia de Uriarte   Mexico threatened removed
#2 Vanessa de Roide   Puerto Rico safe safe
#3 Karol Scott   Venezuela safe threatened safe
  • Elimination: Host Giselle Blondet revealed the name of the three girls who were threatened and they were: Ligia de Uriarte from Mexico, Vanessa de Roide of Puerto Rico and Venezuelan Karol Scott.... Giselle then revealed that Ligia de Uriarte of Mexico had the lowest number of votes from the public. Vanessa de Roide of Puerto Rico and Venezuelan Karol Scott received votes from the other girls in the competition to see who would go up to see the judges. They decided to threaten Karol Scott, Karol and Ligia went to the judges and the judges decided to save Karol. Ligia was eliminated from the competition getting 12th place.
  • Eliminated:   Mexico - Ligia de Uriarte

Episode 6 {April 8, 2012} (Eliminations: eleven candidates only ten remain in the mansion of beauty)

  • Guest Artist: Prince Royce
  • Challenge of the week: The challenge was that the candidate with the highest physical strength and Agility in soccer would win $10,000 and the winner was: ...
Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week: soccer competition
The winner of the live challenge: Flying Beauties
Rank Contestant Country Representing Gender Punctuation of Live challenge
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic Tango 21 Points
2 Elizabeth Robaina   Cuba Rock 16 Points
3 Naomi Marroquín   Guatemala Geisha & Ninja 17 Points
4 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico Caribbean Music 14 Points
5 Fanny Vargas   Mexico Black Swan 24 Points
6 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico Witch 17 Points
7 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico Catwoman 20 Points
8 Vanessa de Roide   Puerto Rico Bell 21 Points
9 Tatiana Ares   Puerto Rico Cabernicola 13 Points
10 Karol Scott   Venezuela Arabic Music 25 Points
11 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico/  Iran Clown 25 Points
  • Live challenge:Flying beauties: the challenge is that the candidates should this tied to a cable that fly in the air formaque realizadon different activities in the air of different musical genres.
  • all three were threatened ...
Rank Contestant Country Representy state by the public status of the girls state by the jury
#1 Tatiana Ares   Puerto Rico threatened Removed
#2 Elizabeth Robaina   Cuba safe safe
#3 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico safe threatened safe
  • Elimination: Giselle Blondet reported early on which girls were the three threatened with the lowest percentage of votes from the public and they were: Chanty Vargas, Tatiana Ares, and Elizabeth Robaina. To avoid elimination these three girls had to receive high scores in the live challenge. Finally the three girls with the lowest scores between the live challenge and the votes of the audience were: Shalimar Rivera, Tatiana Ares, and Elizabeth Robaina. Later Tatiana received the news that she had the lowest audience votes and was threatened. Shalimar and Elizabeth received votes from the other girls and they saved Elizabeth. Tatiana Ares and Shalimar Rivera both from Puerto Rico faced the judges and since there was a tie, the decision to save one of them was in the hands of Julian Gil. In the end Julian saved Shalimar. Tatiana Ares was eliminated and received 11th place.
  • Eliminated:   Puerto RicoTatiana ares

Episode 7 {April 15, 2012} (Eliminations, only ten of eleven candidates in the competition continue our latin beauty)

Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week: People en Español
The winner of the live challenge: Mermaids
Rank Contestant Country Representing Punctuation of Live challenge
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic 08 Points
2 Elizabeth Robaina   Cuba 14 Points
3 Naomi Marroquín   Guatemala 11 Points
4 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico 19 Points
5 Fanny Vargas   Mexico 20 Points
6 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico 13 Points
7 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico 17 Points
8 Vanessa De Roide   Puerto Rico 21 Points
09 Karol Scott   Venezuela 28 Points
10 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico 23 Points
  • Live challenge:
  • all three were threatened ...
Rank Contestant Country Representy state by the public status of the girls state by the jury
#1 Elizabeth Robaina   Cuba threatened removed
#2 Ivanna Rodriguez   Mexico safe threatened safe
#3 Nataliz Jimenez   Dominican Republic safe safe
  • Eliminated:   CubaElizabeth Robaina

Episode 8 {April 22, 2012} (Eliminations: eight of nine candidates in the competition continue our latin beauty)

  • Challenge of the week:
Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week: Carrera NASCAR
The winner of the live challenge: Reporters in Danger
Rank Contestant Country Representing Punctuation of Live challenge
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic 23 points
2 Naomi Marroquín   Guatemala 04 points
3 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico 16 points
4 Fanny Vargas   Mexico 16 points
5 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico 15 points
6 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico 25 points
7 Vanessa De Roide   Puerto Rico 19 points
8 Karol Scott   Venezuela 12 points
9 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico 06 points
  • Live challenge:
  • all three were threatened ...
Rank Contestant Country Representy state by the public status of the girls state by the jury
#1 Karol Scott   Venezuela threatened safe
#2 Naomi Marroquín   Guatemala safe threatened removed
#3 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico/  Iran safe safe
  • Eliminated:   GuatemalaNaomi Marroquín

Episode 9 {April 29, 2012} (Eliminations: eight candidates, only seven in the competition continue our latin beauty)

  • Guest Artist:
  • Challenge of the week:
Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week: Maybeline New York
The winner of the live challenge: Beauties in Novelas
Rank Contestant Country Representing Punctuation of Live challenge
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic 25 points
2 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico 16 points
3 Fanny Vargas   Mexico 30 points
4 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico 15 points
5 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico 19 points
6 Vanessa de Roide   Puerto Rico 23 points
7 Karol Scott   Venezuela 09 points
8 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico 12 points
  • Live challenge:
  • all three were threatened ...
Rank Contestant Country Representy state by the public status of the girls state by the jury
#1 Chanty Vargas   Puerto Rico threatened removed
#2 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico safe threatened safe
#3 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico/  Iran Safe Safe

Episode 10 {May 06, 2012} (Eliminations: seven candidates remain only six in the competition continue our latin beauty)

  • Guest Artist:
  • Challenge of the week:
Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week: Colgate
The winner of the live challenge: Beauties in the Dark
Rank Contestant Country Representing Punctuation of Live challenge
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic 22 points
2 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico 24 points
3 Fanny Vargas   Mexico 19 points
4 Ivanna Rodríguez   Mexico 16 points
5 Vanessa De Roide   Puerto Rico 27 points
6 Karol Scott   Venezuela 27 points
7 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico/  Iran 25 points
  • Live challenge:
  • all three were threatened ...
Rank Contestant Country Representy state by the public status of the girls state by the jury
#1 Fanny Vargas   Mexico threatened safe
#2 Ivanna Rodriguez   Mexico safe threatened removed
#3 Setareh Kathibi   Mexico safe safe
  • Eliminated:   MexicoIvanna Rodriguez

Episode 11 {May 13, 2012} (Eliminations: Semifinal )

Award Contestant
Won the challenge of the week:
Rank Contestant Country Representing State
1 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic Safe
2 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico Eliminated
3 Fanny Vargas   Mexico Eliminated
4 Vanessa De Roide   Puerto Rico safe
5 Karol Scott   Venezuela Safe
6 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico Safe

both are threatened by the public .....

Rank Contestant Country Representy State
#1 Shalimar Rivera   Puerto Rico Removed
#2 Karol Scott   Venezuela Safe

both are threatened by the jury .....

Rank Contestant Country Represented State
#1 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico Safe
#2 Fanny Vargas   Mexico Removed

Episode 12 {May 20, 2012} (The Finale: Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012 is crowned)

Rank Contestant Country Represented Final Results
1 Vanessa de Roide   Puerto Rico Winner
2 Setareh Khatibi   Mexico 2nd place
3 Karol Scott   Venezuela 3rd place
4 Nataliz Jiménez   Dominican Republic 4th place

Final Catwalk Order

Voting Phone Numbers and Final Catwalk Order
Order Episodes
Top 24 Final 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Semi-Final) 8 (Finale)
1 Vanessa Nataliz Tatiana Karol Shalimar Shalimar Vanessa Setareh Nataliz Nataliz Vanessa
2 Nataliz Elizabeth Setareh Ivanna Fanny Fanny Fanny Nataliz Fanny Vanessa Setareh
3 Karol Naomi Nataliz Chanty Vanessa Nataliz Karol Shalimar Setareh Karol Karol
4 Flerida Shalimar Fanny Setareh Naomi Setareh Ivanna Fanny Vanessa Setareh Nataliz
5 Chanty Fanny Chanty Vanessa Karol Chanty Nataliz Vanessa Karol Fanny
6 Patricia Ivanna Naomi Fanny Chanty Ivanna Setareh Karol Shalimar
7 Essined Chanty Elizabeth Nataliz Setareh Vanessa Shalimar Ivanna
8 Elizabeth Ligia Vanessa Naomi Nataliz Karol Chanty
9 Naomi Vanessa Ivanna Elizabeth Ivanna Naomi
10 Ivanna Tatiana Shalimar Shalimar Elizabeth
11 Karla Karol Karol Tatiana
12 Setareh Setareh Ligia
13 Tatiana Yesenia
14 Lidislay Lidislay
15 Ligia Patricia
16 Adriana Cyndy
17 Shalimar Flerida
18 Ximena Stephanie
19 Cyndy Essined
20 Yesenia Angelika
21 Gretchen Karla
22 Stephanie Ximena
23 Angelika Adriana
24 Fanny Gretchen
Color Description Used
  The contestant won the competition Top 2
  The contestant became runner-up Top 2
  The contestant was saved by the public vote Week 7
  The contestant was saved by the judges Week 1-Week 7
  The contestant was saved by fellow contestants Week 1-Week 6
  The contestant was in the bottom 4 Week 2-Week 5
  The contestant was eliminated Week 1
  The contestant quit the competition Final 12
  The contestant was in the Top 12 of Group 1 Top 24
  The contestant was in the Top 12 of Group 2 Top 24

Order of elimination

Rank Contestant Country Represented Results
Gala 01 Gala 02 Gala 03 Gala 04 Gala 05 Gala 06 Gala 07 Gala 08
1 Vanessa   Puerto Rico 08 points2 21 points 21 points 19 points 23 points 27 points Safe 2nd Winner
2 Setareh   México 20 points 25 points 23 points1 06 points2 12 points2 25 points Safe Risk 1st Runner-up
3 Karol   Venezuela 18 points 25 points 28 points 12 points 09 points 27 points Risk 3rd 2nd Runner-up
4 Nataliz   Dominican Republic 21 points 21 points 08 points2 23 points 25 points 22 points Safe 1st 3rd Runner-up
5 Fanny   México 27 points 24 points 20 points 16 points1 30 points1 19 points Safe 5th place3
6 Shalimar   Puerto Rico 20 points 14 points2 19 points 16 points 16 points 24 points 6th place3
7 Ivanna   México 22 points 17 points 13 points 15 points 15 points 16 points
8 Chanty   Puerto Rico 19 points 20 points1 17 points 25 points1 19 points
9 Naomi   Guatemala 12 points 17 points 11 points 04 points2
10 Elizabeth   Cuba 17 points 16 points 14 points
11 Tatiana   Puerto Rico 23 points 13 points
12 Ligia   México 18 points


1 – This contestant was initially going to be in danger of elimination, but the results of the live challenge saved her from elimination.
2 – This contestant was initially safe from elimination, but the results of the live challenge caused her to be in danger of elimination.
3 – During gala 07, there was no live challenge, and only the two girls in danger faced the risk of elimination. The rest of the contestants were put through simultaneously during the first elimination, and individually during the second elimination.
  • Each judge may give the contestant a score that ranges from 1-10. There are three judges, meaning that the greatest possible score is 30 points.
  • Elimination and weekly ranks are determined by the public vote. The three contestants with the fewest votes from the public each week, are within danger of elimination. Contestants may escape the danger zone if they receive a high score from the judges for their performance at the live challenge, and if their added scores are high enough. In contrast, contestants that were initially safe, may have to face the risk of elimination if they receive a low score from the judges, and fall below the line of safety.


Color Description
  This contestant belongs to Lupita's group.
  This contestant belongs to Julian's group.
  This contestant belongs to Osmel's group.


Color Description
  The contestant did not lose or win the challenge.
  This contestant won the challenge of the week.
  This contestant won the live challenge during judging.
  This contestant was in danger of elimination, but was saved by her fellow contestants.
  This contestant was in danger of elimination, but she was saved by the judges.
  This contestant was in danger of elimination, but she was saved by the public vote.
  This contestant was in danger of elimination and was eliminated from the competition because she was not saved by her judges, or by her fellow contestants.
  This contestant won both the live challenge, and challenge of the week.
  This contestant won the challenge of the week and was in danger of elimination, but was eliminated from the competition because she was not saved by her judges, or by her fellow contestants.
  This contestant won the competition

Contestant Notes



Preceded by Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012
Vanessa De Roide
Succeeded by

