Agent Pt. 04

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The agent is shown despicable details.
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Part 4 of the 11 part series

Updated 10/28/2024
Created 09/01/2024
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Thank you for reading my story, I hope that you enjoy it. Love Mica xx, Yorkshire England.

All comments good or bad welcomed. I will try and reply to each and every one but please note that all anonymous comments will be deleted immediately and will not be read.

This story follows on from Agent part 1 -3 although they should be read first, this story will stand alone if you don't.

At just after nine my door went, it was Alice, she quickly stepped in and embraced me.

"Liz," she gasped, "I was dreaming about you all night."

"Oh, Alice, I have to go out in just over twenty minutes."

She looked crestfallen. But I had no time, not for me, not for her.

"Quick," I said, "my front room, get your knickers off."

"I'm not wearing any," she said.

"Perfect, sit on the settee and let me at you."

She sat and lifted her dress and parted her thighs. I threw a cushion down to kneel on, and leant forward and blew up and down her crease.

"Oh Jesus," she gasped.

I followed my blowing her crease with a slide up and down with my tongue between her lips and then a suck of her clitoris, she was gasping quite heavily. I gently pushed two fingers into her fanny and wiggled them back and forth, Alice was panting and gasping.

I sucked her clitoris hard into my mouth and Alice gasped and a small orgasm rippled through her, my fingers squeezed tight by her fanny.

I eased away and stood, "I really have to go," I said, "we'll have more of an opportunity at another time."

She stood and brushed her dress down and kissed me before leaving. I quickly washed my face and went round and knocked on Ali's door.

"Good," he said, "on time. Let's go."

I went and stood by the front passenger door of his car, and Ali called, "No, in the back, we have a driver."

I moved and stood by the back. Another man came from Ali's house and beeped the car unlocked. I opened the door and got in, Ali got in the other side, next to me, and then the driver got in and we were off.

The driver and Ali conversed in Arabic, I gave no indication that I understood. We were going to somewhere called 'Jamal' first. I leant back and looked at the buildings and houses as we drove, Ali rested his hand on my thigh, high up as before. After about ten minutes we pulled into what looked like an old factory or mill and parked up.

We got out, the driver stayed with the car. I followed Ali to a side door and we went in. It was quite dim inside, and I could hear the sound of moaning.

"Say nothing," Ali instructed as we entered a room. There was a naked man sat on a stool in the centre of the room, as my eyes adjusted I could see he was bound to the legs of the stool and seemed covered in blood.

"This is Jamal," Ali said. "He was trusted with some product, but Jamal thought we wouldn't notice if he took a little from every package."

Ali picked up a piece of wood and hit the man across his back, the man whimpered.

"We have calculated what he took at a total of two point five kilograms. He now has to supply us with that missing two point five kilograms, either with product or from his own body weight."

The man moaned and I heard him say in Arabic, "please no sir, please no, I will do anything sir."

I stood motionless. "Perhaps a foot," Ali said and then we can weigh it and see if we need more. He went over to a table and picked up an electric saw and buzzed the blade, the man on the stool wet himself, a puddle growing around the stool.

Ali put the saw down and ushered me from the room. "I will not show you that, but it will happen, I cannot be cheated by people I put trust in."

"I understand. The men in Birmingham had a similar approach, a pound for a pound. It is from Shakespeare I believe."

"Indeed. The Merchant of Venice. I assume your ex husband would have faced a similar dilemma."

"He may, but that was not my concern, I made my settlement and left. I do not know what happened to him."

"It would be difficult for an accountant if he, or she, were to lose their hands or eyes, would it not."

"Yes. I am not so stupid."

"I hope so."

He paused and then said, "The product was white powder, similar to cocaine, one that we had manufactured to our specification by a chemist in Leeds. It was he who alerted us to Jamal's light fingers. The Chemist is untouched and unharmed, he was honest with me."

"As I was in Birmingham."

"Indeed. The white powder returned us five hundred percent, but we could not offset the costs to the chemist, nor could we declare profits on the powder."

"Well, no, but there are legitimate ways to process those profits. A bank abroad would be of benefit. Do you have one?"


"Is it in a jurisdiction that is less caring of where payments in come from?"


"Can you travel there, or one of your people, in a way that allows money to be carried without being seen by customs?"


"Well a lot of your funds could go there, and be used to, for example, purchase property in the UK, which could be then sold on or used as a business premise, and thus legitimise the money."

"I see, we were simply storing the funds, we had not thought to invest back in the UK."

"It is an option to explore."


"If, for example, one of those properties were to provide a business that dealt only in cash, even if you had no paying customers, you could declare that you had and legitimise the money that way, a Barbers shop, for example, that requires little in the way of consumables, just a man that cuts hair."


"But you would need a lot of barbers shops."

"It could work, I could set up Barbers on many streets, in many cities."

"Yes, but don't link them in a public way, they must all appear independent, you don't want nosy reporters putting things together."


He took me into another room. On a table there were several piles of bank notes, mostly Sterling, but some Euro, some rupee and some dirham that I recognised.

"What can I do with this?"

"Have you considered betting shops? They are a great way to legitimise money, there is no way for authorities to validate how many customers you have and how much they have gambled."


"Well, I would look into that if I were you. Where does this money come from?"

"Various sources."

"Okay, I don't need to know."

"This money that you have abroad could buy houses and let them out, perhaps room by room. The rents could be paid in cash. There need not be a person for each room that pays rent, if you see what I mean. You would have to notionally check that each person who rents is legitimate, but, well a small number of valid ID people could rent a number of rooms across a number of towns, if you see what I mean."

"Yes. Now, I need something else, put your hands on the table and lean forward."

I guessed what was coming next. He was a man that liked to exercise control. I leant forward and he pushed my dress up over my back, pulled my knickers to one side and pushed two fingers inside me, it hurt as I wasn't aroused. He moved his fingers back and forth and then I heard the rustle of his shalwar kameez being lifted and then his dick pressed between my cheeks and he pushed inside me, roughly filling me.

A shag meant nothing to me, it was a tool in my arsenal, I didn't mind using it, but I would prefer a little participation, and pleasure, not being simply used as a receptacle for his ejaculate. He pressed hard and deep and his tempo increased as he shagged. I could feel his glans as it slid in and out, scraping the inside of my fanny with its passage.

I simply stood there, legs apart as he shagged me, and waited until I felt the inevitable spurts inside me, and then he pulled back. I adjusted my knickers, glad that I had worn the more absorbent cotton ones and stood up and faced him.

The rest of the morning was more touring of premises. One was a large house where women, some only girls, worked out of each room. "I just rent them a room," he said.

"I am sure that you get more of a return on that though, and be careful, they will come down hard on you if they discover under age girls."

"No they won't. There is no age limit in my culture. And the police turn a blind eye as they do not wish to offend the community."

"Just be careful, the political tide may turn and they may not turn a blind eye anymore."

"We will know in advance."

"I suggest that you set up a number of foreign based companies and let them own these properties, the rents can all go abroad then, and if the authorities decide to clamp down, your foreign company can transfer ownership to another company and then become bankrupt, end of trail."

"I shall look into it."

He had a lot of diverse interests, he imported foods from the sub continent and middle east, he had fabrics imported and clothes made abroad for pennies and sold here for tens of pounds. But nothing I could see that would link to the suspected funding of terrorism directly. Yes, he probably did with the oceans of surplus cash, but it would be difficult to prove.

His driver dropped me back at home and I dived into the shower, keen to douche and clean myself. The knickers, sodden, went direct into the laundry. I put my robe on, I wasn't planning on going anywhere else today, and went downstairs and put the kettle on. The doorbell rang. Oh bother.

I went to the door and opened it, it was Alan from next door.

"Hello Liz, just thought I would pop round and say Hi. Alice has gone to her mum's. Oh sorry," he said noticing my robe, "have I come at an inconvenient moment? Sorry, Look, I will leave you to it."

"Oh don't be silly Alan, it's fine, I have just boiled the kettle, come in and have a cuppa."

I stepped to one side and he came in, stepping out of his sliders. So considerate of my flooring. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed an extra mug and made two teas.

"Let's go sit in the conservatory," I said passing him a tea.

I sat in the single chair, leaving Alan the sofa opposite me.

"How are you settling in Liz?" He asked.

I sat back, and my robe opened a little across my legs. I mentally shrugged and ignored it.

"Oh fine Alan, yes, Alice has been most welcoming, as are you; this seems like a nice estate, I think I could enjoy my time here. My knees parted a little more as I sank into the chair. I could almost feel my fanny blush. Alan's attention was definitely now between my knees, or perhaps a little further up.

"And how are the forensic investigations going?" I asked him. "Anything juicy that you see?" Innuendo from me there as my knees parted a little more.

"Oh I do like to get my hands on juicy things, oh yes." He said laughing. I think he knew the game.

I took a sip of my tea. I knew that the way my robe was laying and my knees parted that he would have a full view of my fanny. Would he be bold enough I wondered. I wouldn't say no, especially after the brute Ali and his insertion technique of 'wham bam' without a 'thank you ma'am'.

"I wondered," Alan said, his eyes very focused between my legs, "if you realised that you were exposed."

An honest man, could I corrupt him? Of course I could.

"Oh Alan, am I, I hope I haven't offended you," I said, parting my knees a little more. Brazen.

"Intrigued," he answered, his tongue sliding between his lips, "and appreciative."

"Would you like a better look or shall I put her away Alan?"

"You know I said that I liked juicy things, it is of course your call, but don't hide her away on my account."

I undid the belt of my robe and pulled it fully apart, revealing not only my fanny to him, but also my boobs. I took a finger of my right hand and slid it down my valley, my lips parting as it went. I pulled my finger to my face and examined it.

"Oh now Alan, that seems very juicy to me."

"Oh? May I examine?"

"Of course you may Alan. Shall we go upstairs?"

I stood up and led the way, taking my robe completely off as we went up, he would have enjoyed a good view as I ascended. In my bedroom I pulled the quilt back and lay in the centre of the bed as Alan was removing his undershorts. Oh my goodness, he was certainly hiding that. Alan had a very big dick, very long and very thick and it had a vein prominent down the side. His balls were well proportioned and seemed to hang heavy and low.

He knelt on the bed and then down between my thighs, his tongue stabbing at my lips, licking and tasting them before he ventured between into my inner hot and wet. I lay back and closed my eyes, in honesty I could care less about what he was doing, I had no feelings about sex either way these days, my rapist had seen to that, but having something over people was useful, in this case Alan. Where Ali was concerned my fanny was just a tool, with Alan it was going to be the same, but different.

His tongue moved up and down my valley, dipping into my entrance, and then my pee hole before sliding my clitoris from its hood, which caused me to gasp with pleasure. He certainly knew what he was doing. I felt a finger edge my entrance and then slide back along the crease of my arse, lubricating and then slightly pressing my crinkle. Not entering, simply pressing, adding to my sensations. That finger stayed there and another two slid past my entrance, through my opening and deep within me. I gasped loudly, my pleasures were growing.

He was a skilled lover, working three separate areas, my clitoris with his tongue, my fanny with two fingers, and my arse with a third. Each seemed to be non-synchronous, they were not moving together, I wondered if he could play the drums as my pressures grew and a warmth began to flow from my groin. A hand reached and cupped my left breast, my nipple tweaked, and my breast massaged. My electrics were fizzing, and I was approaching my climax and then I screamed, loudly and high pitched as my orgasm exploded inside, pain and pleasures erupting through my body.

My back arched and left the bed and my fingers clutched ineffectively at my sheet as the pulses coursed through me. I lay back gasping, my chest heaving as I came back down from orbit. That had been a massive one. Why the hell was Alice coming round here to me when she had that at home. And that was only round one.

"Lay down Alan," I managed when my breath had recovered. It was time for me to face the beast. I leant forward and licked the end of his dick, his dick pulsed as my tongue touched it. I slowly sucked him into my mouth, his dick really filling me and as I pushed down I realised he wouldn't go down my throat easily. I bobbed up and down, shagging his dick with my mouth, licking his glans with my tongue.

He began gasping the way I had done when he was going down on me, I held his balls in my hand and rolled his testes from side to side within his sac, squeezing gently as I did, he groaned, with pain or pleasure, the dividing line was fine at this point. I pulled back and eased up. He sighed and opened his eyes. I moved up and crouched over him, lowering myself onto his dick, easing it into my body, gosh he was a stretch. I settled down onto him, his dick filling me and my fanny complaining at the intrusion.

He looked at me, and as I settled myself to rock back and forth, he reached up and flipped me onto my back, his dick still buried within me. He pushed deeper inside me than I thought possible. It didn't exactly hurt, but it was for sure, uncomfortable. He started to shag and my breath started to hold. As he drove in, air left me, but I could not seem to drag in more, all I could do was gasp.

Harder he went, he drove into my depth, he filled me, I could not take more of him, yet still he pounded me, his stomach slapping against my mons, my gasps synchronised, my hands splayed out, I was under his control, he was shagging me almost unceremoniously.

The sound of gasps and slaps echoed around my bedroom, escaping through my open window to anyone who cared to listen as they passed. I didn't care if anyone listened, it meant nothing to me, I am an adult and can shag who ever I want. I was beginning to struggle. My pleasure were once more reaching a peak, my pressures near a crescendo, still I gasped, still he pounded, I knew I was close. My fingers found his back and I dug them in and squeezed, he groaned and then he dove in as deep as ever and held it and I felt his spurts, so powerful as they sprayed my insides.

I screamed again, my orgasm releasing and erupting through my body, I panted loudly and my body pushed up as he pushed down, and I collapsed onto the bed, my strength gone, my resistance, such as it was, collapsed and ceded. I had been well and truly shagged. My Lord.

After he had gone I was sore, so sore from his pounding, and I sat drinking tea, wearing just my robe. I was still exhausted and my doorbell rang. I sighed and went to answer it.

Ali stepped inside my door and handed me a wedge of money.

"You can invoice me if you want, or not. Your advice today was invaluable. Here is payment."

"There is no need," I said, "but thank you."

"I assume that you have a suitable account that you can pay it into, if not let me know, I can arrange something."

"Er, yes, I have, thank you."

He turned and left. I thanked God he didn't want his usual, I don't think I had gone down from Alan's pounding. After Ali had gone, I looked at the money, £5000. Crumbs. What the hell to do with it? I hid it under my bedroom chest of drawers for now. The office would have to advise me. He was clever, £5000 and under did not require the bank to advise the treasury. He knew more than he was letting on. I wondered if this was a pay off, or a real payment and more advice would be sought. I hoped more would come my way, I didn't have enough on him to help the agency yet.

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