Asura's Wrath - Asura vs Chakravartin Final Boss Fight (4K Remaster) @ 4K 60ᶠᵖˢ ✔
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
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Asura's Warth - Asura vs Chakravartin, The Creator Final Boss Fight, captured on RPCS3 @ Native 4K 60fps!
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NVidia GeForce RTX 3090 24GB
Intel Core i9-10900K
32GB Corsair Vengeance RGB Pro 3200MHz
Seagate 1TB FireCuda 520 NVMe
You were once the most feared god ever, one of the most powerful beings alive - until you were stripped of all of your powers, betrayed by your godly bretheren.
You want revenge and will take all who betrayed you down with the power of your deadly wrath as you take on a vast array of enemies and even bosses the size of entire planets! Using ranged and melee attacks you will fill Asura’s Burst Gauge enabling you to fully unleash your rage - delivering devastatingly destructive blows to your foes!
Blurring the lines between anime and video games, Azura looks to give you a totally new gaming experienced, keeping the story flowing with combat and storytelling elements, giving you a greater level of control, allowing you to directly affect the story and the gameplay.
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If the final form of the final boss is "normal sized dude" you know you're about to get your shit rocked.
Normal unassuming looking man, or really old dude. Shits about to go down.
Normal sized dude is less intimidating than a giant fucker lol
Reminds me of the Garou fight
@@ComnderCody1 Gehrman from Bloodborne in a nutshell lol
Vergil in DMC5.
Asura:so anyways I started blasting
The power of father
@@Deki_88 lmao
Mithra: *_Cries_*
Asura: So anway, I started slaughtering literally anything with a pulse within a 100 kilometer radius of Mithra's location at that time.
Danny Devito would fuck up Asura
I just love how Chakravatin have his own button, it's just such a creative idea that make the player "holy, he is something else"
I think this is the only game where cpus play quick time events too
@@Yurihyuga766 can he even lose tho?
@@imadeanaccountjustforthisc9987all his imputs are scripted, so he only lose the ones at the end of the battle
@@imadeanaccountjustforthisc9987 I imagine it is to show that Chakravartin has been slowly losing his overwhelming advantage over the course of the battle, either because he grows weaker or Asura grows stronger; the fact that you now see his "inputs" is showing that they are now roughly on the same level, and when he starts to "miss" the inputs is when Asura weakens him enough so that he gets the advantage.
Asura's Wrath game is the definition of "Man's too angry to die"
Plus god of war 1-3
What about DOOM?
This is more of a God of War with a different religion. Still, both are amazing games!!
Guts: Try someone a little more down-to-earth.
@@Dryas3 auras wrath pretty much sums up all 8 God of War games into one game.
I always found it hilarious when Chakravartin became angry enough to where he just threw away his staffs and started using his fists.
Because he is a preacher of the mantra,not the creator of it. He bends it to his will whenever he wants it,but we all know that mantra is the power of the universe,which no one should use/abuse or steal,otherwise it will backfire as something far worse than karma.
@@attilakovacs5040 So true
Man really said “fuck these staffs, you better catch these hands”
"This staff isn't enough, take these 17/18 hands."
something else is that he has even more hands than asura so like chakravartin was saying
"i dont need this shit i have more hands than you"
The mantra wasn’t lost . It’s doing what it was always meant to do . Bring life .Asura liberated the universe. No more dictation. No monsters or power hungry gods . Just life . In its simplest complicated, and perfect imperfect way . A life well lived
Holy shit what a great quote
@@Whopparhombus indeed
Asura is the realest foreal creation/destroyers is basic of life 👁☝🏾
True. Now the power they used to rival gods, have become life itself. And in that realization, to live to the fullest is enough to be god
@@yaboigamerdouji7573 What a dumb sentence lol. Living life to the fullest has nothing to do with god, nor do you become god. Just laughable at these armchair philosophers who make incoherent "philosophies".
I bet even under all that rage, he was probably thinking "Holy fuck I'm fighting the creator of the universe"
Nah, he's probably thinking "Sonovabitch kidnapped my Daughter!"
Rambo style lol
After kidnapping his daughter I'm pretty sure under all that rage is....... more rage..
@@XxNoMinDxX true
If you get mad enough there is nothing in front of you.
Imagine being such an absolute chad lad of a dad that you punch god himself for making your kiddo upset.
asura is also a god tho
@@somethinghandlesomething a demigod*
@@ely9597 i see
@@ely9597 A God
Kratos: I can relate to that
"My wrath is finally... gone."
The backstory reveals that Asura has had this inexplicable anger burning inside him for his _entire life,_ and until now he never knew what was the true cause. On some level, he always just _knew_ there was something wrong with the world, that there was a source to the suffering and injustice he saw everywhere, that there was some will pulling the strings behind the scenes. Something he couldn't see, something he felt on an instinctive level, and it pissed him off that he couldn't punch it until it died.
Imagine carrying that sort of anger inside your entire existence, and not even death can quench that burning, sickening feeling. It makes you afraid to hold your own child for fear of harming it by accident. It won't go away even when it seems you've destroyed the ones causing it.
Now, imagine suddenly being free of that anger, having finally killed the root cause of it. You can see the relief and peace in his eyes.
For some of us, we CAN imagine that anger. We live with it every day.
No replies will be seen.
It puts the Golden Spider taunting Asura to keep climbing in a _much_ darker light.
Maybe Asura is the Karma that Chakravartin can't avoid from creating the Gohma and endless suffering from endless world, the rage of the past soul haunts
@@truthboomHe was literally empowered by all the souls of the entire universe to enact justice against Chakravartin for all the suffering he caused everyone.
@@mywifesboyfriend5558 fr
Holy shit, you could hear the absolute rage in Liam's voice as Asura. Mr. O'Brien deserves an award for this!
All dialogue in the game
Especially the one when he screams in anguish and angery when the moment that one girl lookalike Mithra was dead.
I never realized he was voiced by Liam. Haha. Wonderful.
@@rainbowalex12akanhatduyvu95 He was coughing blood and went to the hospital after that bit
@@christianalbanito3062 I do know that. Hope his voice didn't messed up so bad after that incident.
I just thought of this. When Asura said “wait for me,” while meditating in a waterfall, he was talking to his wife, Durga. He knew what would happen when he kills Chakravartin the Creator, and accepted his fate, if only it meant he would free Mithra and himself from their suffering. What he did wasn’t reckless, as Mithra first thought. He put actual thought into this final battle. It really drove the point home when he said “Durga, I’ll be home, soon” as he faded before his daughters eyes.
Now that was the greatest Finale I have ever seen. On a side note, what Chakravartin did not know, or may have forgotten, is that being all seeing does not mean you can predict the actual consequences of your actions. Sure, you can see the possibilities, but Chakravartin could not comprehend the fact that Asura could be the Incarnation of Wrath, without his blessing. Get a man angry enough, he will stop at nothing to end his pain, by ending the one who created it. His own hubris led to his downfall.
Not everything can be orchestrated perfectly. For no plan survives contact with the enemy.
Damn well said
nah, after the 1st defeat, Asura cant be sure of anything, he just simply didnt give up.
How can u be so sure u can win someone just so easily defeat u in the 1st match? This is not sport, it's kill.
@@AaABbB-sg5cr because after Yasha faded, Asura decided to meditate under a waterfall, and after an unknown time of meditation, he made his plan. He knew that since Chakravartin had been behind the manipulation of Mantra, and if you take into account what Chakravartin said to Mithra in the stills after the first fight with Asura, or after Yasha sacrificed himself, Asura did figure out that his death would happen. And he knew that defeating the spinner of mantra would be his last moments. Plus this was all my philosophical standpoint for this entire section. And what’s more, Asura had a reason to fight, a resolve that is terrifying to those who witness such ferocity.
A simple minded man who forget how to give up.
In extreme cases, shooting everything in front of you while running to your goal is the only way.
Is this taken from Hindu mythology cuz Durga is a god .
I'm so impressed of how famous this game became along the years. Seeing that when i was younger and played this the game was still an underground masterpiece, hidden from many people eyes.
needs remake because too much quick time events is outdated as i had concerned. unlike other myth-themed games. this game took a twist of fictional deities and future cyborgs.
Oh shuttup lmao
@@guillermoc.corleone3820 Delete
@@guillermoc.corleone3820 Delete.
I remember when people used to hate on this game in 2012 lol
I just love Chakravartin's last transformation, at 24:50 just as he lands everything changes, the space where they're fighting and the song that plays gives me a sense of hopelessness. how Chakravartin just blocks asuras punch with just one finger added to that feeling. Amazing.
like jiren vs ssj god goku lol
His defeat can only be called "Hyper-Dash/Script" XD
Some Evangelion sh*t here
Now this is an ultimate boss vibe!
Possibly the best boss fight experience in history.
Asura's Wrath its literally a love-letter of a father doing everything for his children.
10/10 storyline wish i could play it.
Game needs a remake
Me too
@@heyyeshyouI'd take a sequel instead.
@@ZER0O9 What's there to fight after a universal creator?
29:03 I always loved how in this scene, Chakravartin is like "Yeah, I don't feel anything!!", and how at
29:22 when he realizes he is actually getting a ton of damage he then goes like "Ie ie ie ie, this hurts, time out, time out" and even tries to push Asura away.
that's stand up comedy, well said bro
I personally interpret it as Chakravartin going
29:03- *Fool. Your cannot possibly-*
29:22- *Oh Me, you're actually doing it?!*
@@christopherbravo1813 "oh me" 💀
29:22 is probably the first time Chakravartin ever felt pain in a long LONG time, maybe even it was the first time ever.
it's just such a great moment where you see him realize "oh shit...I actually felt that, i'm actually feeling pain"
30:17 love when he yells IMPOSSIBLE also 31:53 when he punches Asura his hand hurts
that transition to chakravartin's true dark form was so freakin' cool. That's how you properly introduce the creator of the universe as a god of death.
bro Chakravartin is a parasite not a god.
So true!
He changed an entire dimension with just a touch of his feet, that's a lot of overpower
I would send a like but 666 likes is no coincidence for this statement... Dam, life is not so simple as it looks
Man have two fantasies
1: Defeat a powerful Cosmic creatures with only hands
2: Have a Family.
You Words are True.
As a man myself, this is 100% true 🗿
Lmao so true
Avg anime kid
Just the way everyone who died watching Asura blast off to his final battle:
- Yasha and Durga having the utmost faith that he'll save Mithra
- Augus secretly proud of how far his pupil has come since they first met
- Kalrow silently re-thinking about how he underestimated Asura's strength
- Sergei taking in the beauty of the idea of the Destroyer vs the Creator
- Wyzen humbled that a foe he once thought was weak is now the strongest and the only one to fight Chakravartin
- Olga happy not just because she's with Deus again but now the person who orchestrated all their demise is about to face his own doom
- Deus silent because the peace he believed he could achieve is finally in reach and it didn't need to require the sacrifice of every human on Gaea
The other dieties was impressed overall they thinked asura is a madlad and the one who will destroy earth but instead from the very moment earth is about to be destroyed he was the one who step foot and protected it and thats why there satisfied
@@AvarageGamingGamer Right, he actually did what they only claimed to do, protect the world and its people.
34:20 - 34:31 - I love this moment. It's probably the best moment in the game.
Just imagine this. Asura is at the peak of his wrath and is flying at full speed to destroy Chakravartin. But the moment Mithra had appeared right in front of him he instantly stopped... That moment showed us that even being fully enraged Asura still had full control over everything he's doing. He didn't just become a senseless monster.
he did what he had to
Ngl, this scene makes me tear up.
Even in the most monstrous and seemingly mindless version of his wrath after he destroyed Olga's fleet, he never once brandished his fists against the innocent.
@@Fukei_Mono Why cause harm to those who never harmed you or antagonised you in the first place?
Normally, peeps just write these kinds of angry-arse characters as indiscriminate destroyers towards everything they came across most of the time. Not Asura, though.
Chakravartin isnt the source of mantra, he is the spinner of mantra, an originally ordinary individual who attained nirvana and ascended fully comprehending the principle of the universe and bend reality on his whim.
well duh, this is a buddhisavvta
where did you get that from
Please elaborate
Someone who attained Nirvana doesn't act like this(angry and afraid). He's just a faker.
In that case nirvana really must make you stupid.
Asura's wrath actually only have 2 chapter:
Chapter 1: God Made my daughter cry
Chapter 2: KILL GOD
Chapter 1.5 "yo teach we going for a 1v1 on the moon or what"
Anybody else get the impression Asura used the last of his power to send Mithra home? Would explain why he vanished immediately instead of needing a little while to exhaust the remaining mantra.
sort of
Yeah man I saw it too those white particles right kind of suggest he is finally at peace too without any wrath left💪🥺
A wise man once said, "Asura's Wrath is a 6/10 game that should be a Game of the Year."
"You are a fool!"
asuras wrath is the best decent piece of media i’ve ever seen in my life
@@rexhasta one of
I'm sorry, but no wise man once said this or thought this. This is a 11/10 game lol
@Naoto both are good games?
Clive Rosfield:
"I learned from the best in terms of punching out a creator god in the face."
"The only fantasy here is YOURS!!"
32:06 This is one of my favourite speeches in fiction. It’s not very long, or complicated, but it hits HARD. You can just FEEL the utter contempt he feels for the gods in this moment. Liam O’Brien acted this FLAWLESSLY.
ngl, while the whole fight is badass, the one part I find the most entertaining is when Chakravartin gets so pissed that he throws away his two staves and just uses his fists XD
I guess he can't handle being punched in the face.
Like alright fine. Let’s throw hands like 2 angry drunk dudes.
Yeah man I almost ripped my guts out by laughing I think he uses his thrishuls more as an accessory I mean Fighting after he throws his weapons he held like for an eternity I pity those poor weapons 😹😹😹
Chakravartin: Argh!... So you want fight this way?... YOU WISH!!!
And when he tumbles away he kinda just rolls into a ball of hands lolol
I love his attitude more than any of those zealot's devotion, and i hope one day they can understand what is free will. Asura's character is an perfect advocation for free will, his life and actions are so beautiful it makes me cry each time i re-watch this ending.
Liberation through reincarnation.
@@amanofnoreputation2164 they already in nirvana, the implied heaven IRL. Why would they need to reincarnate?
@@amanofnoreputation2164 For a second I thought this read libertarian through reincarnation LOL the true path to enlightenment
@@jacksongabbard6059 lmao I'm dead 😂😂😂
In my opinion, free will is a two edged sword, the same power to create has also the power to destroy. In the mind of a person who cherish in making people suffer, inflict pain, free will is a dangerous thing.
Never knew how much I needed to see this game at high Res 60fps. The animation on display is something else.
This fight is going to go down as one of the most cinematic boss fights ever. You literally break space-time and punch God several times in the face.
When Asura said his Warth is finally gone that was the best ending for him.😓
Asura "The world is not yours to control"
Chakravartin "Nigga i created it"
A “bold words for a fucker that made my daughter cry”
this like a Yahweh battle in SHin MEgami
Asura: *chuckles* yeah right
Asura is the heroic, selfless, and likeable version of Kratos
You mean Kratos is not likeable ?
@@cubedinamite3840 he is now but i mean The Greek Era Kratos
@@darthuchiha1418 Greek era kratos lost everything due to selfish acts of “gods” and the countless chances he gave them to just let kratos be at peace they completely betrayed him and constantly fucked him over until he had nothing to lose, the gods took everything from him and expected him to just be okay with it. Kratos is likeable because he wants to be at peace, he knew what he did and he just wanted to be forgiven and not tortured by the things ares had done. Ares wanted kratos to kill Zeus so ares could rule Olympus, it was all a game that kratos didn’t want to be apart of, yet was dragged into.
@@GrimHC that is completely true even Mimir who normally is kind and empathetic felt like they deserved it but Kratos was most of the time unlikeable. he was blatantly and reprehensibly horrific, cruel, petulant, callous, barbaric, heartless,spiteful, ruthless, impenitent, destructive, reckless, and violent. He had no empathy or compunction for anyone or anything. he was the kind of guy who would save someone just to kill them himself or later if they’re useful and have the audacity to murder someone just for defying/resisting him or telling him something he doesn’t want to hear (sometimes the facts) just to spite them. he was pretty hypocritical too he hated how selfish and petty the gods were and how they kept refusing to accept responsibility for what they have done to him but he’s all of those things too. he indulged in terrorizing, hurting and killing innocent people even before Ares betrayed him and in 3 he knew he was destroying the world piece by piece and killing mankind through his actions but he didn’t care as long as he gets his vengeance on the gods (especially Zeus) and it satisfies his anger. by the time he realized how wrong he was it was already too late he was both tragic and deplorable
@@darthuchiha1418 i mean those people in Greek still holding on to their belief with those Gods even though the Gods are actually assholes. There's one criminal that still belief to Ares even though he's already dead
It doesn't matter how many times I watch the ending of this game, I always feel it like the first time.
I love how even the enemy has QuickTime events. This is an element that I need to see in more games.
That's why this game is one of a kind, unique at it's own way, god i miss playing this game
Something similar happened in the final boss battle of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The main antagonist, Ganondorf, is able to use the signature move of the hero, Link. It really threw me off, when I dodged his attack and rushed at him, only for Ganondorf to rush my flurry rush!
That same boss in one of his phases subverts expectations, I think after defeating the first phase. The boss bar recovers to full but it doesn't stop there, it continues until it reaches the end of the screen! I absolutely love when games incorporate these kinds of things.
@@DivineDefect Agreed, because I beat tears of the Kingdom three days after I got it. I did get it three days after it came out, but let me not glaze myself here. When he did that the first time I played the game, I paused the screen and had to have a something I’d like to call the “pogging section.” The pogging section is a moment in the game I’m playing when the enemy does something really cool I would pause my game and point it out as well as rant about it for a solid 30 minutes.
I don’t do this as often with most of my games because it doesn’t really have a unique gimmick that I would have one over. However, if some portion of the game lets me interact beyond the borders of the screen, like how MegaMan rock n roll did, then I’d jump out my seat and rant about it. I actually streamed me playing a game that had the type of unique experience as this piece of Asura’s wrath DLC or fighting Ganondorf and I’m pretty sure chat called me out for yapping.
In conclusion, I highly agree with your comparison and once again, I do wish that there were more games that had something like that.
@@Not_MissHina I had it on my Xbox one but I really couldn’t beat the boss that’s Asura’s teacher. I haven’t played the game in so long, so I forgot his name. I might replay it and try to beat it after I beat some other games. Usually the new gen games and stuff.
@@williedynamitetv6168augus is very funny battle
"Extend arm" is such a vague prompt which makes the reveal of him just straight up punching Chakravartin absolutely hilarious lmao
Y’all ever whack the Buddha so hard it turns into a wither skeleton with iron armor.
edit: aight i gotta clarify it’s a joke now. great.
hes not buddha my guy its just inspired
His design is actually Avalokiteshvara, not Buddha 😂
Close enough though
Bruh mans just makes a joke you don’t have to fact check him
@@MrAnsatsuken im tryna pronounce that and i cant
@@MrAnsatsuken chichivara?
I wish they did a sequel for this..imagine modern day Asura.
Oh right he would not fit in with the new tech and probably just get hunted by the government. Or his reincarnation (far weaker and a lot more used to it) will also get hunted but awaken his powers in the journey he takes to save the daughter’s daughter.
or perhaps they can make it so that another forces comes to destroy reincarnated universe and asura has to stop it
It would be boring.
Eh it has potential, so long as Asura gained even a sliver of his former power. At the same time Mantra is no longer a thing so... Unless he is able to use energy like Ryu or Akuma it may not work. Now a Prequel, set before the plans of Deus were set in motion...
They did show reincarnated Asura in modern day standing before a meteor.
Wow I didn't expect the final boss battle to be this cool. the game showing the perspective of both asura and chakravartin button smashing was an awesome way of showing that the final boss was the god that had his own will to fight by controlling his own character by smashing button for himself.
I love this game to death, and it still enrages me that Capcom thought it was a good idea to make the final episodes DLC.
The final episode was supposed to be a sequel but the game didn’t sell well enough so they made the dlc so that we could at least have the true ending
@@Bell-hj3zc wait is this not the true end?
@@jmp868 this is the true end but you had to pay for it. It was supposed to be a sequel
@@Bell-hj3zc i seeee, thanks for the info/responding 🙏🏽
This was when Capcom wanted to lock half the content behind a payroll in your own disc too.
This fight has to be one of my absolute favorites in all of fiction. Still get the same feels from it even after all these years.
I love how Chakravartin has his own quick-time events. Amazing fourth-wall break, implying he is so powerful the only way to represent his force is if it was correlated to an action in real life. He is so powerful that he is equal to the force you exert by PRESSING TNE BUTTONS IN REAL LIFE
can you say the timestamp. I've been trying to find it and I can't.
When Chakravartin is struggling against Asura, you can see buttons with a special symbol, what I think these are Chakravartin's own QTEs (CPU controlled)
@@BullyHemsworthhe meant the chakravartins buttons, its like having another player play against u
@@goban2816what if I train ai to defeat him every time press those buttons for me ?
What if when he was speaking i delete him / his file
What if I download/ make a mode where I don't have to press buttons
Liam should’ve won an award for his performance in this
Along with War.
@@lumberluc dr strange gaara etc
His poor voicebox
@@brothersofwrath4785 How did I not know he was in Dr Strange? O: Yes!
He also played Dr. Tenma from monster
One of the most epic boss fights in gaming history.
I agree with you i can give you a long list of reasons why but thats boring
Right there along with Augus' fight
I love how Asura and Kratos both say something that their cause for revenge is over and as a result of their respective rampages they essentially save the world around them as well wherein Kratos spreads out hope to the plagued Olympus and Asura spreads out Mantra for his world to use.
By killing the Olympian gods he destroyed all of sparta
@@user-mz9xo3hx1h but by stabbing himself with the Blade of Olympus he managed to spread hope through the entirety of Sparta/Greece
@@maolenvinpelaez2199 what good is hope if there is no one left to have hope even years later in god of war 4 sparta is still in ruins and filled with monsters
@@user-mz9xo3hx1h it still gives a sense of optimism to start over, perhaps in the upcoming GOW games Sparta is now back to normal
@@user-mz9xo3hx1h during the temple part, kratos found a vase with a mural of greece being rebuilt
This might be the most epic and best bosses fight ever in the history of video gaming
@@eryton1899 Yes
The first Goomba from the Mario bros game is more epic 😎
Chakravartin , Zeus , Mundus , Davoth , Lucifer are the best bosses in gaming history
Played this game 10 years back, felt a masterpiece back then. Still in love with Yasha’s soundtrack.
I remember not having played this game because I was too stupid reading silly reviews, only to discover it with your channel. I was so happy at that time. Thank you for recalling us !
The idea of a boss having the same quick time events as you, and then starting to fail them, is downright inspired
"There is always some fool who wants to rule the world." literally explaining dictatorship
This game was ahead of its time was a masterpiece
I pray for the boy who dates Asura's kid when they reincarnate
Oh god I can see it going down like this.
Daughter: PLEASE STOP *1 Tear Drops*
Will smith in that movie where the guy comes to pick up his niece
Bad boys?
@@Kai-nq6rq doesn't even matter. The kid could be the most polite boy in the universe and I still think that kid would be fearing for his life.
Yeah bro and that kid married the girl he dated and they had a baby in bad boys forever
I like to think that Asura didn’t die because of the mantra disappearing, he died because he made his daughter cry
I think personally that Asura sacrificed himself to transport Mithra back to Gaia.
Man Asura’s wrath content is blowing up run.
33:49 he hit him so hard it replayed not twice not thrice but FOUR WHOLE TIMES
It hit him so hard the original animators were knocked out and had to hire a temp indian bollywood animator resulting in the different angles of the same scenes.
His eyes were white because was blind by his rage, but he finally was able to see again, the last thing he saw was his daughter
The walkthrough of this game is the reason, I subscribed your channel back then. How nostalgic.
Imagine if Kratos ends up in this universe, and encounters Asura.
They will have a lot to discuss together, especially in the "what is the best way to punch gods" topic
kratos could teach asura about parenting
Asura is a god, Kratos hates gods, there would be no talking, only hands.
@@QuaestorLnah, he's cool with tyr, he'll be cool with asura
@@elidhanMCsomething they have in common is having a family and that will help so much
I love how the Seven Deities, despite the fact that they were killed by Asura, still chose to watch him depart towards his last battle. They didn’t watch in animosity or hatred, they watched the best warrior out of all of them fight the Creator of the Universe.
Killing the most powerful gods and monsters then dying all to make the universe a better place and for his daughter tk live a normal life thats what i call a father😭😭😭
i never played nor seen the game, BUT HOLY SHIET IT was an amazing 43 minutes of my life.
Then you and I are in the Same Boat.
I NEVER LAYED A FINGER on LITERALLY 1% of this Game, but from my Eyes have seen...
I want to Experience the Wrath of Asura, because I can NOT STRESS ENOUGH of how MUCH I can RELATE to ANGER! So Many Different Emotions can be Felt just from Watching this Big Game.
@@kingsmithy if you took on the wrath of ashura you would die before you knew it
Yep never never played the game so i'm seeing the ending and i got a knot in my throat like damn 🤣😭
Imagine playing it for the first time, epic
22:24 imagine making God so freaking mad he throws away his fancy stuff like staffs or something and lunges at you with his bare hands
That’s always the most satisfying part of the fight lmao.
Never played this game but was really interested in it when it came out. Never seen anything like it. Mind blowing imo
Chakravartin literally outscales everyone Kratos has ever fought, and Asura killed him just because he made his daughter cry.
Does he outscale people who represent universal concepts control time and the very concept of fate create universal structures and infinite 5D structures?
@@Michael-o9fKratos doesnt scale to characters who can manipulate 5D structures
@@yekkub9425 literally killed one who can while holding back ( atleast according to devs he held back)
@@Michael-o9f Literally, Kratos and Asura's death battle is summed up as "Feats vs Statements". And unfortunately they took more into account vague and often contradictory statements (since even in GoW novels/comics there are anti-feats, and also the devs themselves do not agree with all these scales) over actual feats
However, the biggest sin of Asura's Wrath is not having exaggerated statements, if it had them it would surely elevate Asura in some way to High Outerversal lmao
@@Michael-o9f He created those concepts, yes.
He became so powerful he destroyed something beyond the meaning of power, age or life. He's literally become the most powerful thing ever existed in every possible book, comic or movie.
He isn't
Chakravatin isn't something beyond life or power for he can feel emotions
@@aster2790 He is the meaning of everything, Asura had to go beyond that to kill him
@@aster2790 the embodiment of the wheel of life
Meh, I can still think of a couple entities that can beat them.
That isnt all that impressive tbh.
Well, that was absolutely insanely awesome. The artists and animators really whipped up something special here.
Chakravartin: "Whats 17 million more years. I can always make another demigod"
think chuck think
God damnit
Think asura think! And I also didn't expect an invincible reference.
Underrated comment!
The thumbnail really looks like a prime warframe.
And just to let you know, an Asura Warframe concept was submitted for the community created warframe, but they decided the "broken warframe" design instead...
Harrow prime
@@savathun3469 nothing against Xaku, but we need that Asura Frame
I need this as an anime made by studio trigger, would fit their style/story telling
nah MADHOUSE... You had to of seen Redline.
@@TheGililgi both, both are good, imagine a COLLAB
@@TheGililgi Redline also took 7 years to make.
Watch Gurren Lagann. It has similar themes and I’m pretty sure this game’s final fight took heavy inspiration. Heck, all I’ve seen of Asura’s Wrath is this video. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were Gurren references all over.
“Durga…I’ll be home soon…”
Me: *So anyways, I started weeping*
In this game I considered Asura a force of nature no one could stop him. Sure he could be beaten, slowed down and delayed but he always came back.
Woah, the graphics are crazy
manga style
I dont know if that was sarcasm or not but I literally read this comment at 2:11 lol
This is a xbox360 game to
@@raphh2494 it wasn't lol.
It was pretty cool to me on how the game looked.
Crazier to realize that this was way back in 2012
This is the most powerful/biggest boss fight in gaming history
-change my mind
@@thetopicvortex7157 love, death, robots???
@@prxjectSOS episode?
@@thetopicvortex7157 episode 4 I think but is that what ur talking about or is it something different?
Chakravartin is indeed pretty much the most powerful as well the biggest boss in video game history at least
And that's how he lived his life. Asura was always mad as hell but strong enough to save the earth from someone who wanted more control over everything.
Asura’s daughter gets a bf
Bf: makes daughter cry
Asura: comes back to existence from sheer anger
Asura isn’t just the strongest video game character/protagonist but he’s one of the strongest characters in all of entertainment history.
Not rlly
Steve from Minecraft
@@Shonda72Kirby laughing in the corner
@@AvarageGamingGamerAsura just fought the literal creator of the world and won.
What about kirby
@@hello98821not of the world the literal creator of the gods existence and the existence of mantra power itself
you might dont know but this is how most Asian legends & myths are, they always involved outterspace and moon
As an Asian, it’s a fact
And throwing hands..
Chakravartin: Now it's time for some witty back and forth banter! You go first!
A man of culture, I see!
Chakravartin: ok... now let's try that again but this time with some semblance of intelligence.
Who's here after the absolute powerscaling circus that was Kratos vs Asura? They did my man dirty
The speed calc stretch for a tie was so bad. Asura can dodge galaxy spanning lasers and fly across it but Kratos killed a wounded sun god he didn't even bother dodging so he ties.
What a clown show.
@@superbrainz2357 Don't get me started on the Yggdrasill mindjerking asspull or i'm gonna start malding
@@luckytia9076My favorite part was when they mentioned Asura beating energy absorbers and then say Kratos beats him through energy absorption despite the fact he canonically can produce more mantra by himself.
What a clown show that episode was.
They treated Asura with more respect than most other combatants, especially when compared to other "washed up" characters like Cole or Alex. Asura is the only combatant in Death Battle history to have an alternate ending. In the 10+ years this show has gone on, no other episode has given that leisure to a character. They say, in the episode proper, "Yo Capcom, give us another game please."
If you disagree with the power scaling or the result, that's completely fine. These are just opinions with a budget. But they treated Asura better than most Death Battle winners.
@ I was talking about powerscaling only, the alternative ending was nice
I hope they bring this masterpiece back somehow to current systems. Amazing game. Its more an experience than a game...Just awesome.
I love it when final bosses are 95% quick time events
makes me feel cool
This game really Display how powerfull Asura really is . Even the Gods that created all gods no one can stop Asura until he gets his mission done
@Abbas Alqattan Man, Wukong is a mid level nigh omnipotent being. In the end you can see, Asura was using Chakravartin as a ragdoll. Chakravartin is a low level nigh omnipotent being. So that means Asura surpassed him in the end. And I guess, Asura can do the same to Wukong coz he maybe powerful but not much more than Chakravartin. Besides, Asura gets stronger with anger, love and hope. Basically positive things. Since Wukong is basically a storehouse of many positive feelings, he can defeat wukong with high difficulty.
@abbasalqattan2759wukong get bodied by Buda
Wukong is nowhere as nigh omnipotent being. He got his ass destroyed by Buddha. Imagine if Asura finds out about Chakravartine is a semi final boss but the buddha himself is final boss then rip buddha lmao
To be honest, I didn't play the game, only the demo... But this final boss is awesome be kill and beat too.
we still need to know about "Other world" that being said by Chakravartin and why everything has choose to be his heir.. this game need more exploration..
It's the SF verse
Alot of things were left, capcom really needs to make this game a comeback. A sequel perhaps. Chakravartin is obviously a fake god, taking mantra to his own advantage, not the one who literally creates mantra, it got potential to have new sequel
@@youwantmyname9208No it doesn't need a sequel. A rerelease definitely but this game was already very conclusive.
Great final boss. In the next Capcom versus game, Chakravartin should be the final boss. I think he'd fit right in since he's a creator in charge of various worlds.
32:07 "There is always some fool who wants to rule the world!" well said. true, most of bad things in real world, is because of greedy. No matter the era. There is always someone who want to be godlike being.
I MOST ABSOLUTELY fraking enjoyed watching this INCREDIBLY AWESOME Boss Battle!!!!!
MOST DEFINITELY loved every minute of this one, my MOST DEFINITE favorite that I've watched SO fraking FAR.
The TRUE final Boss fight in this game is....
Ur very own controller
Rip O button
Love that part where golden Chakravartin is so big he makes the local galactic cluster look tiny
This game is bananas 😂
I love the way Chakravartin started to manipulate reality so that our inputs would allow him to attack
Reminds me of a certain person they call “the slayer”
The fact that Death Battle saw all of this and somehow came to the conclusion that Kratos beats Asura is wild.
Cause he does. Asura has single Universe lvl feats. Kratos has multiversal and above showcasings
@@TheKingoftheAesirchakravatin throw galaxy, planets and sun. I don't see Kratos doing that
@aleysibbs2461 Liking you're own comment is crazy + that's just ignorant on your behalf since he can legit damage Odin who one shot ymir who's blood threatened the world tree which is infinitely sized and forever transcends time and space itself
@@TheKingoftheAesir assumption is crazy because I didn't
I liked his comment too.
Rule 1. He will always get angry if anyone steals his little kid. Rule 2. He will always beat them. Rule 3. He always gets his little kid back.
15:59 Asura got the balls to say shut up to a god 🗿
wouldn't be the first time he said it
@@valentinekaguya2497 to the 13.8 billion year old creator of the freaking universe? Totally relatable
@@EaNasirSellsBadCopperNGL nah just everyone he hates
He is basically a god himself lmao
34:45 I always cry here no matter what. That line is just so beautiful. 😢
My man basically launched a full-scale onslaught on every single divine figure you could imagine. Just because his daughter was upset.
#1 Best Dad Ever
You may get angry, but you will never get "literally punching supergiant stars into oblivion while flying to the center of the universe to punch out God at superluminal speeds" angry
This game was so hard for me back when I was young 😭😭 I loved it tho ❤️
I really hope that this gets a remastering one day.
It really does deserve it.
I really love how in the final line isnt "And that is how my father died" or "That is the story of your grandfather", no Asuras story did not have a tragic ending, and he lived by he lived by his own morals shaping a better world for his child and its people, Hence
"And that is how my father 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘥"
Mithra should know mantra is just energy formed by words and aura vibrations given off by an individual. Gods are no exception to the rule as they are pure energy given a physical form to bind them to reality and not dissolve into another plane of existence that can hold them. Hence why Chakravartin used the form of the Golden spider and used Mithra as a vessel before shaping his body. So when Asura destroyed the malevolent energy, it went supernova and became regular energy flowing throughout the void of space. But due to her wish for her father to live again, and due to the belief of reincarnation, the mantra energy formed into life energy, souls, plants and animals, and everything else in the modern world. So the mantra wasn’t lost, it became life itself. So in the end Mithra’s wish has come true, and Asura is alive as a father once more
Since You finished the Game I have to Say, give your remote proper burial.
joystick lmao
Playing Asura's Wrath from beginning to end on the highest difficulty = a controller's Viking Funeral.
@@rogerSoySauce it's a controller. Joystick is just the analog stick