dream 00' vlive saving our deprived souls

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • a video about the highlights of dream 00's vlive!!! a little different from what I usually do, but I thought i'd try it out hehe. really tested my editing skills LOL

Комментарии • 137

  • @scribbles2877
    @scribbles2877 4 года назад +690

    Poor Mark doesn't even need to be there to get attacked

    • @n_.p
      @n_.p 2 года назад

      Dude 🤣🤣

  • @Vina_Aprilia543
    @Vina_Aprilia543 4 года назад +811

    I'm still curious about what Yuta gonna said about other members on Weekly Idol, and now I'm curious about what Mark said

    • @YenaBreau
      @YenaBreau 4 года назад +79

      ✨the unsolved mysteries✨

    • @JASMIN-oq2px
      @JASMIN-oq2px 4 года назад +60

      why do i feel like its about his toilet shenanigans 😆

    • @hanakhal6806
      @hanakhal6806 4 года назад +13

      @@JASMIN-oq2px shenanigans💀💀💀💀💀

    • @neda8421
      @neda8421 4 года назад +12

      the many mysteries in nct continue....
      summer fight, yuta secret time, yuta weekly idol, what did doyoung do that day etc. now this why they so secretive and for what?

    • @nanawarr
      @nanawarr 3 года назад +1

      Yuta disse que ele passou essas horas secretas chorando por causa de animes tristes

  • @sampadanaik8162
    @sampadanaik8162 4 года назад +448

    SM turns all the inside jokes into reality like the rooftop fight Imagine sm giving us haechan-daegal marriage content 😂😂😂😂

    • @강지연-r9z
      @강지연-r9z 4 года назад +4

      Ohmygod goosebumps😂😂😂

    • @lillisun1111
      @lillisun1111 4 года назад


    • @auri2773
      @auri2773 4 года назад +1

      They keep doing it like recently we got mark awards 😂😂

  • @akiaseymour1905
    @akiaseymour1905 4 года назад +270

    no one:
    literally no one:
    not even the guy from the chewing gum mv:
    jaemin: oooH~ sEgGsYyy

  • @husnafadzil9975
    @husnafadzil9975 4 года назад +340

    Jeno, out of sudden: it's gonna be warm in may
    Haechan: *sings ridin*
    Me: that's it dream comeback in may

    • @alyssarose2818
      @alyssarose2818 4 года назад +7

      That’s such a long time from now 💔😭

    • @husnafadzil9975
      @husnafadzil9975 4 года назад +28

      @@alyssarose2818 not to clown ourselves but at least it is happening or im gonna lose it and commit arson on sm building🤡🔥 being a dream stan means having patience we have been tested enough🥲💔

    • @alyssarose2818
      @alyssarose2818 4 года назад +12

      @@husnafadzil9975 ~ I hope it’s a full album this time... it’s been 4+ years and we still haven’t gotten one 🤡😭💔

    • @nthapa2640
      @nthapa2640 4 года назад +6

      @@husnafadzil9975 literally my patience will last till aug 25 then if still no comeback, swear going to burn sm. Dreamzens in korea should protest.

    • @caratblinkzen8345
      @caratblinkzen8345 4 года назад

      @@husnafadzil9975 wait my board exams are in May
      Why I'm so unlucky??

  • @HienPham-ow2fd
    @HienPham-ow2fd 4 года назад +245

    haechan really be dating both of chenle’s kids

    • @hyuckenthusiast9816
      @hyuckenthusiast9816  4 года назад +34


    • @dyok7639
      @dyok7639 4 года назад +9


    • @yuuriim5557
      @yuuriim5557 4 года назад +2

      who's the other one-

    • @tenebrisnyx91
      @tenebrisnyx91 4 года назад +19

      @@yuuriim5557 mark!! He is daegal's older brother.. So chenle's son!!

    • @yuuriim5557
      @yuuriim5557 4 года назад +6

      @@tenebrisnyx91 why did i think it was sungchan 😭😭

  • @minimasuo
    @minimasuo 4 года назад +77

    LMAO! - and why is Haechan looking so good these days - something happened to him while i was busy drooling over Yuta 🤒

  • @heart2h799
    @heart2h799 4 года назад +422

    Another example of Mark being gullible.
    🌱: Mark, the article for Dream's comeback is out already
    Mark: eiii, you guys are lying. Eh wait really?
    (proceeds to scroll thru comments) (questions reality)
    🌱: Comeback teaser is out already
    Mark: (knows teaser getting out already is impossible) eiii, so you guys were lying.
    You can't question that he was really starting to believe szennies 😂

  • @unicrack6526
    @unicrack6526 4 года назад +44

    jaemin is like a book of iconic one-liners

  • @aryabharath2516
    @aryabharath2516 4 года назад +55

    The family tree lmaoo I can't 🤣🤣
    Also jaemin saying "fleeexxxx" and "seeexxyyyy" is iconic😂
    Also not me thinking it said 'dreamoo' on the thumbnail instead of dream 00

  • @chanssecretmommy1722
    @chanssecretmommy1722 4 года назад +41

    Haechan is so pretty omg his hair his skin tone everything why you should be this beautiful bboy

  • @cinnamorolllover99
    @cinnamorolllover99 4 года назад +83

    _✨lmao the family orientation tho✨_
    You’re so creative appreciate your hardwork💚

  • @林欣
    @林欣 4 года назад +155

    Something is telling me that mark said something dirty, thats why everyone chOkEd

    • @squirrleylux3790
      @squirrleylux3790 4 года назад +11

      see that's what I am saying to it makes sense lol

    • @sarahkumar5772
      @sarahkumar5772 4 года назад +17

      I guess he said it looks like a d!

  • @wolfieaeya8015
    @wolfieaeya8015 4 года назад +23

    New word in jaemin 's dictionary : FLEXXXXX

  • @Fzza00
    @Fzza00 4 года назад +11

    Jeno looks so handsome btw

  • @alyashahrina6681
    @alyashahrina6681 4 года назад +8

    I love jaemin. He has like a total of 5 words in his vocab but is still so funny

  • @TildeTilded
    @TildeTilded 4 года назад +62

    7:39 I'm begging someone edits yuta sitting on jaemin's chin or someone climbing it like a mountain

    • @Cherr1Ann
      @Cherr1Ann 4 года назад +1

      I’m gonna do it

    • @TildeTilded
      @TildeTilded 4 года назад

      @@Cherr1Ann omg how will i ever find it

    • @Cherr1Ann
      @Cherr1Ann 4 года назад +1

      @@TildeTilded I’ll link it here when I’m done :)

    • @Cherr1Ann
      @Cherr1Ann 4 года назад +6

      I finished it! www.pinterest.com/pin/596586281889964603/

    • @TildeTilded
      @TildeTilded 4 года назад +1

      @@Cherr1Ann this is brilliant omg ty

  • @Jenny-ku3fs
    @Jenny-ku3fs 4 года назад +6

    I never get enough of Jeno esp blonde Jeno, hope the comeback will be soon because I can't bear another rob from SM like they did with his red hair, mullet blonde Jeno is a look.

  • @excusemethisisjinhitentert9053
    @excusemethisisjinhitentert9053 4 года назад +22

    that one nohyuck moment tho where jeno grabbed the thicc thighs 😳
    but haechan rejected him with both if his hands 😔

  • @destiny__cheng
    @destiny__cheng 4 года назад +15

    They literally make me proud to be 00 line.

  • @markleeinthehouseyo
    @markleeinthehouseyo 4 года назад +103

    *”are you guys curious? then keep being curious”* 😏 lee haechan i-
    i mean, what do we expect?
    WHAT IF ✨MOLO✨ because *they need mark’s and SM’s permission*

  • @noctem5116
    @noctem5116 4 года назад +10

    The way Jaemin said FLEXXXXX is weirdly sexy to me

  • @hooriyamahmood5414
    @hooriyamahmood5414 4 года назад +60

    Not a misfit early this time

  • @geeangeles6600
    @geeangeles6600 4 года назад +6

    no matter what happens they are going to be my kids forever.

  • @ForeverYouunq5910
    @ForeverYouunq5910 4 года назад +12

    So hear me out...✨haechan✨

  • @weyaimnida
    @weyaimnida 4 года назад +4

    the attack and serve i got from this vlive mygoodness.. noona is def not okay~~

  • @Helennn99
    @Helennn99 4 года назад +5

    That dislike is from Mark

  • @ichigogogracie3371
    @ichigogogracie3371 4 года назад +9

    I have no right to laugh at jaemin forgetting his name bc I legit forget my name sometimes-

  • @chocosunflowermarker
    @chocosunflowermarker 4 года назад +5

    Your videos always me laugh and happy. Keep the good work up and stay healthy and happy

  • @akankshapathak8094
    @akankshapathak8094 4 года назад +1


  • @muhammadibnurenjun705
    @muhammadibnurenjun705 4 года назад +1

    I cant take my eyes off jaemin. He is very handsome when smiling and black hair :( 😭💕

  • @sarahsabanora
    @sarahsabanora 4 года назад +2

    Im having high hopes for a comeback 😌 And I Hope Renjun keeps this hair

  • @crystalvulpix20
    @crystalvulpix20 4 года назад +6

    I was watching the vlive at 2am and 7:20 had me nearly crying trying to hold back my laughter fhshdsh

  • @thatsmfangirl1885
    @thatsmfangirl1885 4 года назад +4

    your video made my day thankyou

  • @hayuunna
    @hayuunna 4 года назад +20

    4:29 I think Mark said Lee So man 😂😂😂 because they said we need permission from SM and it’s Mark privacy 😂😂😂 tell me what u think

    • @nyangsteefies
      @nyangsteefies 4 года назад

      @if Renjun is not bread, why :] renjun is bread tho

    • @nyangsteefies
      @nyangsteefies 4 года назад

      hUH why would it be lee sooman

    • @hyuckkcuyh
      @hyuckkcuyh 4 года назад +1

      In the vlive someone literally asked if what he said was Lee Soo Man and they said it wasn't so who knows

  • @roshellgonzalez4546
    @roshellgonzalez4546 4 года назад +8

    I need i compilation of JaeMin saying SEXYYYY

  • @shrimpryo
    @shrimpryo 4 года назад

    Loved this video!💚💚 This new style is great, thanks for the effort and time you put into this💚

  • @noceurin._7579
    @noceurin._7579 4 года назад +3

    Dafuq how daheck jeno looks fine af my bias list is messed up

  • @TildeTilded
    @TildeTilded 4 года назад +19

    0:06 what is *_THAT_*

  • @aln4965
    @aln4965 4 года назад +3

    Why is no one talking about renjun’s hair??????? 😍

  • @amicusadaras5753
    @amicusadaras5753 4 года назад +3

    why does it feel like this::: 0:01
    dreamies: Why is this person here again? don't she have LOTS of homeworks to do rn instead of watching us? ಠ_ಠ
    also them:G O A N D D O Y O U R A S S I G N M E N T S R I G H T N O W!

  • @verzeeno
    @verzeeno 3 года назад

    my curiousity's killing me but I'd just let it go lsmsjs

  • @nandanarenjith8708
    @nandanarenjith8708 4 года назад +46

    ugh i really wanna know what mark said>_

  • @huangrenjunism
    @huangrenjunism 4 года назад +2

    renjun wavy hair omg

    • @huangrenjunism
      @huangrenjunism 4 года назад

      @chuuwu ayaka pfp and chuu username, even more taste

  • @Rozcela
    @Rozcela 4 года назад +33

    Is it just me or did everyone think that this is dream x mamamoo for the "dream00" thumbnail????

  • @sweetmimosa1186
    @sweetmimosa1186 3 года назад +1

    the other 3: 🙂💕☺🔥😊🕶😫
    jaemin: 🤡🤠🤓👽😝😁🙉

  • @FlowerFriend02
    @FlowerFriend02 4 года назад +3

    I love you ❤️ please rest well.

  • @sampadanaik8162
    @sampadanaik8162 4 года назад +11

    Y'all haechan getting married to daegal 😂😂😂

  • @milenti7748
    @milenti7748 4 года назад +4

    me as a jeno stan that doesnt have lysn because i am broke: 😭😭😭😭

  • @sunflowerforhaechan7124
    @sunflowerforhaechan7124 4 года назад +3

    Ohoh~ GongGong Team~

  • @heyyou6830
    @heyyou6830 4 года назад +1

    They were forced to do this, they were in a watchable n a-tell-it-all mode but they'll rather have it behind a food table. Those boys were hungry sm...cmon!

  • @s4nhakhwe
    @s4nhakhwe 4 года назад +15

    Yes im early

    • @startiny05
      @startiny05 4 года назад

      Oyy fasihah , never know I'll meet you here hshhsh 😂🥺
      xoxo your batchmate 💀

    • @s4nhakhwe
      @s4nhakhwe 4 года назад

      @@startiny05 ooh hello

  • @digitallykyrii
    @digitallykyrii 4 года назад +4

    i was playing roblox i didnt click fast enough 🤠

  • @eightiddies6997
    @eightiddies6997 4 года назад +1

    1:18 😳

  • @ketiraa
    @ketiraa 4 года назад

    not me reading the thumbnail as dreamoo🐄

  • @mel_c-v5c
    @mel_c-v5c 4 года назад +2

    oHoooOoOo seKzZyyyy

  • @jocelynpagalan1647
    @jocelynpagalan1647 4 года назад +1

    Poor Mark haha

  • @janevarahman9367
    @janevarahman9367 4 года назад +2

    omg hey im early :0

  • @urauntsmom
    @urauntsmom 4 года назад +4

    Can someone explain wut exactly is happening at 0:53 🙂 cos m dumb

    • @beenpurpled
      @beenpurpled 4 года назад +9

      haechan was checking if mark had their friendship ring. so then mark was kinda panicking, maybe he thought he lost it. then he found it in his pocket. all the dream members has their own ring and renjun said they use the ring to "check in" (jokingly), if they dont have the ring, they cant enter.

    • @urauntsmom
      @urauntsmom 4 года назад +3

      @@beenpurpled ahhh understood tysmb

  • @blissfulennaira21
    @blissfulennaira21 4 года назад +1

    Any guesses what Mark says in that beep?

  • @ifrankleerarelyspeak
    @ifrankleerarelyspeak 4 года назад +3

    Okay mark is in a relationship wbk

  • @winnie347
    @winnie347 4 года назад +3


  • @rhea2043
    @rhea2043 4 года назад +4


  • @xzzkat
    @xzzkat 4 года назад +2

    aw man you didn't include the iconic renhyuck moments :(

  • @yesyouknow5189
    @yesyouknow5189 4 года назад

    1:00 I didn't understand what happened here :'(

  • @nyangsteefies
    @nyangsteefies 4 года назад +1

    what did mark say tho

  • @kanieshaasokkumar5821
    @kanieshaasokkumar5821 4 года назад +2


  • @simmeringoo3507
    @simmeringoo3507 4 года назад

    good stuff

  • @Neo.nguyen
    @Neo.nguyen 4 года назад +5

    They are....weird 😂😂😂 what happened in 2000

  • @nonfields8323
    @nonfields8323 4 года назад +2

    Why did I think mark had a forehead surgery or sumn 🤣🤣

  • @ann-ro6ff
    @ann-ro6ff 3 года назад

    when was this live someone tell me

  • @em.8074
    @em.8074 4 года назад +1

    @0:44 am I the only one that’s confused?

  • @tastyramune4049
    @tastyramune4049 4 года назад

    yo, I don't get 1:00

  • @excusemethisisjinhitentert9053
    @excusemethisisjinhitentert9053 4 года назад +2

    pls i need to know what happened there

    • @minimasuo
      @minimasuo 4 года назад +3

      I think he was supposed to be wearing a ring, but it was in his pocket?

    • @excusemethisisjinhitentert9053
      @excusemethisisjinhitentert9053 4 года назад +1

      @@minimasuo yeah just saw that but thanks mate

    • @minimasuo
      @minimasuo 4 года назад

      @@excusemethisisjinhitentert9053 👍

  • @yepitsme8569
    @yepitsme8569 4 года назад +1

    this vlive was just nonsensical but nevertheless it was effing funny

  • @Alexa-dx2hp
    @Alexa-dx2hp 4 года назад

    Is jaemin misplace his friendship ring?????

    • @nthapa2640
      @nthapa2640 4 года назад +1

      He forgot to put on after showers. He mentioned that

  • @hellonline666
    @hellonline666 4 года назад

    please i didnt understand the check thing,,, i am ?!@#?2???¿?!

    • @hellonline666
      @hellonline666 4 года назад +1

      ooh ! it makes sense jsjs,,, ty !!

  • @sandrarvr1363
    @sandrarvr1363 4 года назад +6

    Haechan asking when it's the next 00's vlive
    *SM *cri cri cri* *
    Czeenies asking for a Dream CB with Full album for 4+ years
    *SM *cri cri cri* *
    Oooook then SM: In the meanwhile we will Join Jaemin eating air I guess 😑😑🙄