- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- In this DIY video I will show how to make this 6 simple inventions or awesome life hacks which are very creative ideas that can be very useful to build with things you can find at your house.
Music Credit🔻
Jim Yosef - Firefly [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: • Jim Yosef - Firefly | ...
Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/jyfirefly
Follow Jim Yosef
RUclips / jimboows
2- Lensko - Let's Go! [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: • Lensko - Let's Go! | H...
Free Download / Stream: ncs.io/letsgo
Thanks for watching, See you in the next 5 minutes crafts video.
Inventor 101
Waw bhai amazing and wonderful invention 😍😍😍
वाह क्या बात है 😊
mind blowing stuffs he made
this channel is like the better version of 5 Minute Crafts (no offense)
19 миллионов просмотров! В пустую потраченное время, этому выдумщику премию Оскар. Особенно с кулером это шедеврально,
а я третью самоделку не догнал... Изобретение только для создания шариков из припоя, что ли?)))
Хотя, там все самоделки для детей дошкольного возраста
A portabel Soldering machine??! .. Amazing !!
I suggest you to learn spellings a bit
@@seedsmontessorimansehra8459 lol.its true👍🏼
But no use 🙄
Why didn't they used the same soldering machine in next invention .,... Think about it!!
Is the soldering iron works ???
I like how it says Adventure 101 in the back it's really cool
This guy invented a lot of stuff without stopping to think whether he should
Heh..bullshittery got me to click too though..17M views of garbage that won't work as advertised. The computer case fan should've been the last one - past that, I knew the rest was chochleatic hand up asshattery.
He’s just making things that already exist and probably cost more to make them than to go buy them 🤣
Without patents
Dhami did di
Wow you're such a good inventor...keep creating more videos.. i support you
Amazing science stuff!
very good
INVENTOR 101 es un muy buen canal un muy buen video me sirvio de muchisimo me enseño ,uchas cosas como pegar metales siempre quise saberlo y este canal me lo a , mostrado gracias
It's amazing.......no no..... Really,
"Destroyed $10 thing to make a $2 thing".
Good work bro...keep it up!!
Which was the $10 thing??! Please!
And we cant do this things at all...
🎼 Probably the 9V battery@@J4Y84
This is the channel i grew up with❤
😎😎 es cool😎
Very nice video
I literally laughed for 4th one 😂😂🤣🤣
Bro no te entiendo ni verga
Que no te entiendo Bro
@@AlanNavarrete-no2gx bro... I really don't know in which language u typed that comment😅
@Jotaro Kujo i think you didn't got what was funny in that 😂😂.... Please go through that once again 😂
Eh why
My father is very ill, pray that he gets well soon ❤️🙏🙏🙏
Don't woory your father will get well soon 🙏🙏
I pray God will heal you father in Jesus name.
God bless
Amazing video brother 😮❤️❤️❤️
👍👍love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳 y
This guy would know how to survive a zombie apocalypse 👍👍👍
Le coup du crayon de papier c'est digne de Mac Gyver.
Bien joué.
Ca s'appelle un court-circuit et c'est extrêmement dangereux. Ouvrir une pile 9v est aussi risqué, surtout pour récupérer un enbout qui coute 20 centimes. Video debile.
@@arnaudbou7284 hij zei linksonder zei hij DEAD BATTERY
ohh the first one was amazing!!
This guy would know how to survive a mental
apocalypse 👍👍👍
Thank you for showing 3 part it was also usefull I can now really make homemade solder
Makes a soledering iron with one, makes a batterie out of batteries, makes a lightbulb out of a lightbulb... what a fucking genius this guy is
Language im 9
They're called inventions!
Couldn't have said it better myself 😂
Esse cara parece um cientista!👍👍👍👍
É mesmo
Vc é demais!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👍🏽
i gotta say... MacGyver approves this. 👍👍
It's all about hot glue and solder 🤣🤷🏻♂️
Just amazing, enjoyed the vid a lot! Thank U 🙏🏻
Wow, that was really cool! 👍
For the 4th invention I would rather buy a new battery 🤣
I love this video and channel 😍💘
Cool inventions😎😎
Where can i buy DC motor? please !!!
اختراعات جميله و افكارةمدهله .
It's NONSENSE and I watched it! 😆
The trouble with making a soldering implement out of the pencil is "YOU NEED A SOLDERING IRON TO MAKE IT"!!!!
Or maybe some very heated metal rod of some sort (granted you have solder paste for extra help)
Wow so great where do you get your idea from
Hi i come from somalia africa my peaple like you🥰🥰
I love how he's constantly with bare fingers near molten soldering, I can never even hold the plastic protection on the wire since it virtually instantly gets superhot while soldering.
I love how he cuts toward his fingers with very sharp blades.
Outstanding work God bless you
N n mlk m mm mm
.. .
Great ideas very creative
Wow,excellent video. ♥♥♥
Op thumbnail😂😂👌🤣
5:00 making a working lightbulb work! Omg this man is a genius!!!!! Teach me your ways!!
Who's watching this in 2025
Me. 😊
I’m now
Why didn't you use your soldering pencil to solder all the other inventions in the video? ANSWER ME!
Its Point👏👏👏
Yes why?
Good point.
I made the soldering iron with a pencil like what he did, and it was very hot, but it didn't melt the iron
@@ولاءاحمد-ط9ج really
Solding pencil is amazing 😘👍👍🙄
اختراعات مذهله تعطي الالهام في العلم وتجعلني احب علم اكثر ثم اكثر
Thanks a lot from the bottom of my heart for this knowledge and awareness Bhai ji
The CD with sandpaper looks like a nice thing to do but for someone that knows 1 or 2 things about PC cooling fans I believe it wont work.
That kind of motors don't have enough force to rotate under any kind pressure specially for sanding wood. Simply wont turn when we put the wood agaisn't it.
sorry, let me explain in russian, it would be easier for me.
Так вот, я поражаюсь не с того, что у компьютерного вентилятора не хватит мощности. И я даже не буду спрашивать откуда у DIY гениев с 5 миллионами просмотров тяга к обтачиванию миниатюрных никому не нужных деревяшек. Я лишь хочу, чтобы клей из соплей всегда оправдывал мои ожидания и диск с наждачной бумагой всегда отлетал в лицо этим гениям, которые показывают такой идиотизм на ютубе. Вас смотрят дети, которые могут повторять за вами, ублюдки. И если у таких идиотов как автор видео нет в голове мозгов пусть обратится к доктору. А людям, ставящим лайки и распостраняющим это дерьмо, я хочу посоветовать хорошенько подумать прежде и учить, сука, мат часть и смежные науки, развиваться в общем. Когда же кончится этот дебилизм блядь?
Also the 9w from the battery (which would also catch on fire due to a short circuit) can't melt metal that fast
I remember when this channel was good
It still is
@@myarmsrgone watch a video from 2 years ago
@@calvin_w за Зоя
Interesting ideas and good photography, but you need a new music producer, bro.
Good job
eu amo essa primeira musica 😍😍😍
Tenes razón.
View from the beginning of the African American Idol
Who watched in 2025🧐
I remember as a kid, wired a 4.5v motor to a power point. I don't need to tell you what happened when I switched it on. 🤣
5 min crafts be like: finally a worthy opponent
This looks like it's more of an endorsement of hot glue guns than anything else
Thumbnail of this channel is so Beautiful
Браво , напомня ми за мен преди 20 години когато нямаше RUclips и тези неща ги измислях сам
1inventors is i like thank you teach me how to make a fan.
I am happy😀😀😀
🎉 mind blowing love the soldering pencil a solution at last
it is just because we are in quarantine that we are watching
Totally awesome ,,do something with one of those clear globes that you touch that has electrical discharges in them.....
You and your inventions are awesome
nice at least better than 5 minute crafts
the car is good i give it a thumbs up 👍
I wish you thumbnails were real
Nice english..
@@ratnaghosh9097 Grammar nazi...
@@ratnaghosh9097 actually, if you were trying to make an ellipses (...) the correct formatting would have you put the ellipses after the period(.)(...) And as such the end result would look like this....
This video should be called:Six things that you can do in a warehouse
Bro super ideas🔥🔥🔥
Awesome 🆒👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿🆒👍🏿👍🏿🆒🆒👍🏿👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒
Awesome 🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿🆒👍🏿
give alike button if this guy is creative
I agree those are "simple". That music: 20 years of electric chair aren't enough.
Ive been watching this on mute. Now my ears hurt.
İ think the music is good
The question is what is the name of the first song that came on?
this music is so catchy :D
A couple years ago I turned a tabletop fan into a very capable light-duty sander/grinder. I like your use of a cheap pc fan!
It has so little power though...
Your work is great Congratulations
His best invention is clickbait.
That pencil solder are really blows my mind. Especially, it is portable.
So...you've never seen a rechargeable soldering iron? Or one that runs off of butane? They've been around for decades.
@@HangTimeDeluxe it’s still awesome, that’s actually something you could use in an apocalyptic situation or if you can’t afford a $10 one from Walmart
Que asombrosas cosas creas, el lápiz me sorprendió
I love watching these but my question is: why didn't you use your new 9volt battery soldering iron to solder any of these?
It would give you the freedom of soldering far away from an electricity source. I used to install cameras, and some locations, especially high up on a ladder, this invention would be useful.
I don’t care what everyone is saying about you. Your inventions are ok.
nays ❤😍😉Thanksgiving
Video says 'Invention'
Video SHOWS 'contraption'
Contraption requires multitude oftechnological devices that are expensive to get, dismantling expensive, hard to replace equipment for materials...to make something that costs a dollar at best....and includes the MASSIVE no-no of DISASSEMBLING A BATTERY on several occasions!
The songs - Let's Go! by Lensko and Firefly by Jim Yosef
Thanks 😊
Legends watching after 1 year
Naanum 1 year kku aprom thaan parkuren bro but NAA legend illa
Yee boi
So you consider yourself a legend? Indirectly samjh gaye hum sab.
2 years😏
The lightbulb and the soldering iron are the best ones
Technical ideas 💡 is the issue for another person Nice video topic uploading which impressed us.
Que buenas invenciones. Estas invenciones tendrán mucho éxito.
Good job, you ruined a 9v battery to make a 3v battery👏
Некоторые изобретения мне напоминают велосипед, который уже изобретён !
සුපරියක් තමයි 👌👍
Máš dobrý vynálezy
The only invention I saw was a new definition for the word invention.
Congratulations for the 300k subs bro
HaZeM Abdelhamid cheers👌👌
4:06 dont try this at home, this one is dangerous, the wood could be caught on fire since the tip will need to be at least 100˚C in order to melt the solder.
Its ok to use if you dont touch it
@@MisterScrap well if u use it long enough in a dry environment, it could cause a fire.
And the pencil can allways start burning thats 9 volts going trough some cheap wood
The battery is shorted it would catch on fire or explode
GOOD video ❤🎉
Amo esse canal.