Paula's Erotic Alicante Escapades

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Latina MILF continues her swinging adventures ...
8.3k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 08/31/2024
Created 08/20/2024
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Storyline: Latina MILF continues her swinging adventures with cuckold husband in Europe.

Keywords: Pole dance, group sex, sauna, older man, viagra,cuckold, Latina MILF.

Be warned that there are not that many pictures in this story like our other stories, due to the fact that the opportunity of taking pictures in a swing club is not allowed.

Also my apologies for the quality of some of the pictures which are stills taken from a clip.

Many thanks again to Todger65 for great editing.


Sun, sand, sea and... was what attracted us to Alicante. Fresh tasty Paella, spectacular salsa dancing every night, shopping sprees, luxurious hotels. The chance to get away from the moon-like atmosphere and the icy weather of Scandinavia made it an easy choice then. It was a chance to get away from our problems of everyday life and it was my birthday. An excuse to fly for my heroine...

The next day we had a hearty breakfast outside on the hotel roof. The view there was fantastic, an ancient old church stood right in front of us. I hoped my brave wife Paula wouldn't have cold feet, as the church bells marked the hour. It reminded me that we didn't have much time.

"We need to go now, Paula. The train leaves shortly and we need to find the station".

I rushed to get ready and Paula too, but at her pace. I waited in the reception and eventually she appeared.

With my phone in hand and Google Maps guiding us, I walked ahead of her. Climbing up a steep hill, we found the station eventually. Soon we were on the train to Benidorm and settled comfortably in our seats, enPaulaying the great sea view of the Spanish coastline. Things were quiet between us and I wasn't sure if Paula was hesitant about this day excursion we had agreed upon.

After an hour, the train pulled in. Dave had agreed to meet us outside the station. Surprisingly, he was not there yet. Paula took out her phone, taking advantage of the free Wi-Fi. Suddenly I recognized Dave circle in the roundabout, in the van he had described to me earlier. He turned up in a white seven-seater, got out and slid open the back door for us.

"Hi! Sorry, I am late. Traffic. It's due to the annual carnival."

Paula popped into the back, while I opted to sit up front by Dave. He looked out of breath. Dave looked much older than me, about my height but boasted a bigger body. I guessed, if it was due to the beer or the food here. Dave had exactly the same clothes he had on the last time we met online- blue short sleeved shirt and a light brown carkey shorts.

"Good trip?" he asked.

"Yes, thanks!"


Two weeks before our holiday, Paula and I were at home and sat together on our bed facing my PC. Dave rang on Skype at the set time agreed. His white face was large on the screen, an old pensionist smiled to us. I tried to gauge if this was a good idea or not. Before I reasoned with Paula that it would be better to meet this man than going to a swing club straight away. She said that it was important not to say her real name and to use an alias at our meeting...

"Hi Dave, nice to see you. Here is Maria!"

"Good to see you Maria".

"Thank you!" she said smiling at him. I left her with him and hid behind the laptop at the bottom of our bed.

There was an awkward silence and then Dave broke the ice.

"So you are going to have your holiday here then?"

'Maria' nodded.

I was off screen and egged Paula on. He was telling 'Paula' how beautiful she was and that he had not met a woman like her before.

"Show him something more," I whispered in the background.

Paula nodded and then she turned her screen down.

Dave just stopped talking and I heard him just breathing heavily. I mouthed to Paula silently, 'More!'

She then turned her back on him and the sight that greeted him, was guaranteed to take away his breath permanently!

"NICE. You are so beautiful Maria, Nice ass!"

I wanted to take it up one more level and mouthed to her 'Take out your tits and play with them!'

Paula nodded and proceeded to do just that.

Dave was breathing heavily now into his microphone. I couldn't see his screen and wondered what he was doing.

I asked Paula quietly, " Is he wanking?" Paula nodded.

"You have beautiful breasts Maria. I want to touch them when you both come."

Paula just nodded, I think she was getting excited.

Then Dave came up with a suggestion, "Can you lick your nipples?"

"YES MARIA! YES!" It was then I heard Dave ejaculating.


Paula stared at the screen which was hidden from me. Probably watching the result of her actions.

"Thank you Maria...thank you. I am looking forward to meeting you now. And we can celebrate your husband's birthday together!"

Paula replied "Thank you" and after some seconds, "You wanna speak more with husband?"

Then she left our bed and I returned to see him on screen. Dave had flipped his screen up and he looked flushed. Paula listened in on us in the background, as we swapped places.

"Can I ask you a favor, Dave?"

"Shoot away!"

"Could you buy me a birthday cake? There won't be time to buy one before seeing you".

"No problem!"

Dave and I got to know each other. He was a widower, his late wife died ten years ago. They moved to Alicante quite a while ago. Paula continued following our conversation from the doorway.

While listening to Dave, I looked up at her and asked silently mouthing my words to her, saying *Is he ok?" Paula put her thumbs up to agree and continued with some mundane chores. Maybe she went along with it after listening to what he had to say, I don't know. Or it was my birthday present to me...? Whatever, she put on a brave face and to go ahead.

Upon receiving the all clear, Dave and I talked about the practicalities of us meeting.


Dave tried to make contact with Paula looking into his rear view mirror.

"You know Maria, when I moved here ten years... I never knew that they would change the traffic system so much in the center. So many of the roads have become one-way. It's a maze here!"

He laughed. She didn't react and just looked straight ahead. I wondered what was wrong.

"Dave, can you speak a little more slowly?"

He nodded and smiled.

"Sorry. Must be difficult to understand an old Welsh man! I can show you both a great view of the town."

Dave drove us up some steep, winding roads up the tall mountain. It was spring and full orange trees lined the road, as we chugged up in his old, diesel van. Somehow, he found some space to park in a clearing.

"Here we are. You can check this out!"

Upon climbing out, he showed us the view of many high-rise buildings adorning the blue coastline. We were so high up, that they looked like cereal boxes. Paula ('Maria') took many smiling selfies of herself.

I suggested to Paula "Let me take a picture of you, love!"

She handed me her camera and I took one. Then I had an idea.

"One of you and Dave?"

Both of them posed smilingly at me and I wondered how this would develop.

Having done the touristy thing, we had gotten back into his van. Then Dave drove upwards, continuing the climb up this mountain road. As we twisted and turned, he tried to make polite conversation with me.

"I got your birthday cake. In fact, I bought two. One chocolate and one lemon. I didn't what you liked. Oh, and I got you candles."

I was thankful, "Thanks Dave. You are our hero! I am hungry now."

Then he suggested, "Well, if you are so hungry... we can stop off for a bite to eat at the local café in my caravan park."

I gladly accepted and we stopped off there for half an hour to enjoy a hearty plate of fish and chips. He wolfed down his, while Paula had difficulty finishing hers.

"I no eat all. Too much!"

Dave happily helped myself to her half empty plate, which she kindly offered him, as I had my full. Then he downed two pints of beer and one glass of water with some tablets.

The old man being the perfect host generously paid for both our meals. I looked around the caravan cafe and saw families and couples at their tables. All enjoying their holiday. I wondered if we looked out of place or suspicious in any way? I felt guilty in some way.

After dinner, we made our way to where he lived. The caravan park had many hundreds of mobile homes. They could well be houses, by their size and the inclusion of terraces and extensions. Dave drove us through this maze of a place, and pulled up in the midst of it. He was cheery and perhaps happy to receive some guests.

"This is me. My humble abode!"

Dave and I got out and he politely slid open the car door for Paula and she climbed out. His home looked very much like the other caravans. Unlocking the front door, we first went through his extension. This was his living room. Here, there were two sofas, a coffee table and some shelves lining the walls. It looked well lived in, the typical 'man cave'. This old bachelor had bits and bobs, here and there. On his sofa, lay his laptop, which I guessed that he had used a lot. Some framed pictures lined the top of his shelves, one of which was of his late wife, I guessed. She looked the antithesis of sexy Paula, but had a friendly face all the same. Would she have agreed to this erotic interlude?

Dave showed us the rest of his cramped caravan. There was little space and the furnishing looked outdated. Then Paula and I took a seat by his mini kitchen table. He, squirrel-like, disappeared into cupboards delving away inside them and banging them shut to find some hamstered plastic cups, paper serviettes and cutlery.

"Here you go. Oh! Your candles...and cake!"

Dave took out the cakes from a Seven-Eleven shop bag. I hadn't imagined this. Not in my wildest dreams. I stared at the two cylinder-like sponges placed before me, wrapped 'daintily' in cellophane.

"How thoughtful!" I said and took them up to examine the sponges more closely and saw that their 'Best by date' had expired a week before. Despite that I mustered up a smile.

"Thank you Dave, you really shouldn't have!"

Paula opened the cakes, and put them on serviettes. I think that Dave couldn't find the plates, for some reason. She carefully placed candles in a row on them. Smiling to me, she lit them and they both sang "Happy Birthday!"

I cut the cake and it didn't really smell freshly made. It had a thin coating of sugary crystals on the top and looked a typically shop-bought cake. Taking one spoon and tasting it, it was disappointingly dry. Afterwards I drank the cheap fuzzy pop that Dave poured into a polystyrene white cup.

I wondered now what we could do next and got the ball rolling.

"How about my present Paula?"

"Sim. I change clothes. You go out!"

Dave and I went out and we waited in his living room. He sat down by his lap top on one sofa and I picked a place some distance away from him in the far corner by the door on the other. We made small talk. He said that he had some action now and again, and talked about some escort girls he'd had and showed me their pictures.To be honest, Paula looked much better than them. It was then, 'Paula-Maria' stepped out dressed in her black negligee and matching black high heel shoes.

She looked like the perfect slut, one of those ladies one finds on the Net. Paula-Maria walked seductively up and down the room passing me, then to Dave and back to me. The whiff of her expensive duty-free perfume was intoxicating. She had put on her make-up to the tee, as if she was going out on to town. Though in reality, her date was in an old pensioner's caravan. Paula dolled herself up with well brushed hair, eye liner, mascara and painting her lips a luscious ruby red, then she made a request.

"Can you find some music,meu amor?"

I searched frantically in my Spotify list and found a striptease song. This was what I wanted Paula to do: to strip.

As the song started to play, she didn't start to take any clothes off, to my disappointment. Paula-Maria walked up and down the room like a model on a catwalk. Then she went back into the caravan and came out with a jar of coconut cream moisturizer. Opening it, she dipped her fingers in, taking a generous amount out to rub on her right leg. She raised her high heel to place it on Dave's coffee table,showing her tanned legs beautifully. The pensioner's eyes shone.

'Maria' then untied her black negligee for it to fall down to reveal her skimpy dark blue bikini. She turned her back on Dave, as he rose out of his sofa to stand behind Paula. She then handed him the tub.

"You wanna help cream me?"

"Yes, my dear. Of course I can!"

Taking the cream onto his old tubby fingers, he smoothed it first on her back and then became more bold with his digits.

"Mmmm I like. You having warm hands!"

"Why thank you, my dear! Can you turn around and I can do your front?"

As Paula swung round, his target was Paula's beauties. He pulled down the top, surprising Paula and myself. Her reaction was to smile at me and to give me one of her looks. Dave

groped her orbs, ogling them as he did so. She then closed her eyes, either enjoying the sensations he was giving or prefering not to see him, I don't know.

I guess her bikini top was restricting his movements, so Dave turned Paula around like a puppet. He proceeded to untie the knot at the back and he discarded with the flimsy top.

"We don't want any greasy cream on your bikini, do we?"

Paula didn't answer him and let him do as he pleased. He was mesmerised by her body.

"Why don't you take off everything?"

So she stepped out of her bikini bottom too, to my surprise. As it dropped to the floor, she kicked it to my direction for me to catch. Now her deliciously round naked bottom was on display! This was amazing.

Dave rolled his thumbs over her nipples repeatedly, amazed at the response of her treats as blood flowed to her nipples making them stand out stiff. I, too, became excited as he did this to no end, at least.

Imagine having a pretty young thing like Paula half his age at his disposal in his caravan? Again I noticed his late-wife's framed photo staring at them in the background, but this didn't hinder him from his groping Paula.

It was now some time, before Paula said anything. She was more horny now? Paula opened her eyes to look around. Seeing me she registered that I was taking pics of them on my phone. I wanted to cement this moment of depravity and desire for her body. I could see that she was afraid of being caught.

"Can we go inside?"

Dave broke his attention off her assets, he had a modest bulge in his pants as a result of all his groping Paula.

"Of course, we can, my dear! We can go into my bedroom!"

Dave led us in there and there was not much space for three, it being a caravan.

"I can wait out here in the kitchen!"

Paula didn't put out any protest and lay on his bed. Happily Dave quickly disrobed and lay there with her...groping her tits again. She surrendered herself to his paws, her hands on her head. Paula though had her legs crossed shut. I guessed that she would not be letting him in...His tool though was ready. It was a little bigger than mine and protruded out under his love handles.

I resigned myself to what was going to happen and shut the door.

There was silence.

I left them to it and I had no idea what would happen next. I decided to eat another slice of cake. I imagined the scene in his bedroom. Perhaps Paula was massaging him or was it the other way around? Eating my cake, I wondered if Paula would open her legs and would he be allowed to taste her cake? Maybe or maybe not? I had to give it some time she would?

I felt drowsy. It was stuffy and there was no air-conditioning. I decided to take a little nap and lay my head on the table. Just five minutes....

I woke up to Paula's voice. She usually was voiceferous to let me know what was going on,


I waited after some more groans from her. Then there was again quiet. So I crept up to the door to open it. Dave was lying down flat on the bed, as my wife was by his side...kneeling down...slurping, sucking and squeezing his popsicle. Meanwhile, he had the pleasure of milking her tits dangling down daintily. He was infatuated by her nipples, doing the exactly the same action he did with her as before.

Paula looked at his dick just like an ice cream on a hot summer day. It stood straight like a stiff candle still over his fat spongy stomach. She sensed I was there by the door, because of what she said next, making me jealous.

"Your so hard. BIG! TESAU....Mmmmm!" saying it and slurping away at his candle cock.

It got too much for Dave and he quickly ejaculated. She lifted her head off his stalk and replaced it with wrapping her hand round it to let his soft, runny, white cream run slowly down her fingers. He looked satisfied after his exertions with Paula. I looked at her, but could not gauge what she thought or felt. Maybe relieved that it was over?

Paula dried her hands with some toilet paper by her side, while Dave went out to the restroom.

She looked to me and asked, "We go now?"

I nodded.


Looking at my watch, I saw that I had slept for over an hour! It was best to get out quickly I guessed, but I was curious.

"What happened?" I asked as I Iaid beside her to grope her tits and play her nipples, just as Dave had done.

"He massage me and I him. And happy end I give. Then we sleep... and then we had sex again......I wake up to him sucking me...!....He suck me,,,I suck him..."

I couldn't work out if she wanted to do the last bit of what she described. It was not much of a description from Paula, which I kind of expected. She held the wet tissue balls to her nose.

"Nice smell! You wanna smell?"

Paula took the soggy clumps of paper and tried to rub them on me.

"Noooo Paula... Not on my face!"

Now I guessed that Paula was angry with me. Dave reappeared,which stopped any discussion between us.

Paula told both of us then," I change now ",