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There were lots of good updated visuals in this one, I feel they especially glaze Robin a lot in this remaster even for that short scene lol
Otohime's death scene still makes me cry
Sucks they didn't include luffy dozing off during the entire backstory but I get that this edited version is much more focused on the relevant plot points
I can understand the pain of the Fish-Men, especially the Neptune brothers (Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi, and Mamboshi), but as Otohime says, they are so close. You just gotta keep pushing, just like Luffy continues to push to become the next King of the Pirates. Neptune is going through it, trying to balance his emotions and Otohime’s wishes, and then there’s Vander Decken who has an obsession with Shirahoshi.
In comparison to the actual conversation between Jimbei and Nami, they cut out Sanji’s contributions which makes sense. This is an abridged version so they can’t have everything, and the key here is that Nami is happy with how her life is right now.
Hordy really thinks that he’s something, and that he can get away with capturing the friends of THE FUTURE FIFTH EMPEROR OF THE SEA! Speaking of, JIMBEI GET OUT OF LUFFY’S WAY! LUFFY IS GONNA RESCUE HIS FRIENDS AND KICK HORDY’S ASS, AND THERE’S NOTHING THAT CAN BE DONE TO CHANGE THAT!
Man I’m looking forward to more One Piece, LET’S GO!
I just wondered for the first time, did they ever explain how Otohime gives birth? Random question; does she lay eggs because I don’t think she could physically carry children who as newborns are bigger than her
That was a really good episode. Without all the bullshit filler, Fishman Island really is a loooooooooot better than I thought.
Hearing Marine, Fubuki and Watame sing the opening for this episode was a fucking treat but whoever mixed this track and the previous one is a fraud. The music is awful.
Otohime's death is such a heartbreaking moment even if you know from the start it happened due to the way it was carried out and its consequences. Everyone from the kingdom came out worse as a result and now with it being taken by Hody the resentment towards humans is on full display. I get why Jinbei will try to prevent Luffy from fighting him but in this case it's not about discrimination but rescuing his crew and kicking that parasite out, regardless of whether he's a fish man or not.
They skipped a couple of things like Luffy sleeping while Jinbei tells the story, or Sanji telling Jinbei to kill himself. Still was good episode, and a shame for queen Otohime's dead.
Spanish translation:
Se saltaron un par de cosas, como cuando Luffy se duerme mientras Jinbei cuenta la historia, o cuando Sanji le dice a Jinbei que se suicide. Aun así, fue un buen episodio y una pena que la reina Otohime haya muerto.
This episode was so much better than the previous one. New OP is better than the last one but it's still trash. What did Shirahoshi think she was going to be able to do? Also, Hody's motives aren't fleshed put very well here. I can understand Fisher Tiger, Arlong, and Jinbe's reasoning but Hody's motivation is just evil for evil sake in this version.
No way, exclusively Chopper & Nami's version of We Go. That was great. Much better than the last one.
Awww, Otohime finally got the support after so many years. And then.. as it happens.
I dont remember it correctly, but it mustve been revealed somewhere that Hody just grabbed and framed a random human for something that he did I'm pretty sure.
Rest in peace, Otohime. Even in death, you did not hate.
Almost justifies the clown behavior of some of her brothers.
It is so tragic the tale of Fishmen with the humans.
I loved Nami in this episode and in this arc in general. She has gotten so mature over the years. Its heartbreaking how Jinbe was ready to accept a punishment tho. And even Shirahoshi got the good vibes from our girl :)
Man, but Hody is such a hater.
Anyways, time for Luffy vs Jinbe O_O which I never remembered happening
Overall, a pretty dense episode. Didn't have weird cuts, and has good pacing! Except for the Robin part, which is so interesting, but it happened so fast and in between of such heavy stuff that I forgot it!