Good horror/disturbing anime
My personal ratings. If you wish to see something else here, message me.
Will be adding new entries gradually.
Will be adding new entries gradually.

TV, 2016,
25 eps
MC ability is kinda disturbing.

TV, 2013,
25 eps
I don't think it was that much of scary, but it's worth watching, definitely will leave some chills down the spine.

TV, 2012,
12 eps
This entry has romantic theme, but also pretty dark plot with few scary scenes. But nothing horrific.

TV, 2012,
12 eps
Ok this one's pretty dark, not crazy but definitely worth being labeled as horror. Plot is weird but I liked it.

TV, 2004,
13 eps
Classic, probably one of the most horrifying things I saw. There's nothing exactly insane, but it hits you with bunch of gore. Nice story though.

TV, 2021,
12 eps
Unique idea. No slaughter or anything, just jumpscares. I also read the manga, it was just as fine. You can go with it if it's preferred more.

TV, 2006,
26 eps
Dark plot, dark scenes. Yeah this one's definitely horror. There is a remake on this one, but I liked this version.

TV, 1998,
13 eps
Just spooky, I mean yeah sure it's dark and everything, but it didn't hit me with anything depressing. Maybe it's just me. Worth including nonetheless.

TV, 2019,
12 eps
Second season is hated, but I'm also neutral with first season too. It just felt empty I don't really know. I included it anyways since it may interest someone and the plot is pretty disturbing.

TV, 1995,
26 eps
Yeah... Another classic. Definitely dark. It hit me with emotional scenes. It forces to feel along the cast. But it's disturbing, not horror.

TV, 2015,
12 eps
Interesting plot supported by eerie atmosphere. Sometimes it is really creepy, but it's all about atmosphere, there is no hard gore or jumpscares.

TV, 2010,
22 eps
There is almost no prologue, story line begins almost immediately. By which I mean that you won't get surprised by anything... But after a few episodes it really gets this eerie feeling when you just have this urge to pause it and chill for a few seconds. Very dense horror. I think it is similar to "gakkougurashi!".

TV, 2016,
12 eps
Alright this one is not a horror, but it has this amazing atmosphere build up and once it hits the peak it really unleashes all of the potential and delivers unfolded plot packaged with disturbing suspense.

TV, 2022,
25 eps
I really do not want to spoil this one, but since it's already on this list... - Very well constructed plot, suited with beautiful animation. And because of it's quality it also has this natural atmosphere to it... very well deceives the viewer. The second half of the anime IS a bit weird, but I guess that can be said about the whole piece anyways.

TV, 2007,
26 eps
The ending is mediocre and the existence of certain characters is questionable, but the start of anime is very strong and you will still immers in the lore. As for the horror - thematic is definitely horror, but it's not something insane. It's gives chills for sure and has some gore plus the situations are horrifically unfair, sad and so on if to be described. Give it a shot.

TV, 2019,
12 eps
OK WAIT HEAR ME OUT ๐ญ๐. Sure the whole idea and plot and everything has pretty much nothing to do with horror... Or does it...? Doesn't the idea of having the tension that main character can go nuts and maul everyone just because that's how nature and society deems them of the most possible outcome being that gives a little bit of spooky spooks? And come on, the whole beast thematic doing allat beast stuff is pretty unsettling - one day you live the other you get eaten. There's also a teeeeeny bit scary frames which is my last point in bringing this thing onto this list. Prove me wrong otherwise?

TV, 2011,
24 eps
Can't really say anything otherwise it will all be spoilers, but well you should know by this time that it is about time travel, so the disturbance is in the fact that actions can change the timeline and many bad things could happen in the result. Also they put some kind of eerie music and stuff whenever anything spooky happens so yeah.

TV, 2014,
24 eps
Not quite the horror, so I might swap this entry with something else later. Well there is gore and stuff, and yeah I'd say that is sad and unfair anime, hence hated by many. But you might enjoy it. But be ready to accept the fact that you watched 24 episodes and gained absolutely nothing in the end ;).