Excelente qualidade e música/MANTRAS de grande profundidade e espíritualidade!São sons elevados que nos fazem refletir sobre a vida e nos levam à transcendência tão importante para cada um de nós neste Universo Infinito e neste planeta Terra 🌎 que precisa de muito mais Amor e Harmonia com Paz e Luz com respeito entre cada ser,cada religião,cada gênero e condições sociais sejam elas mais favorecidas financeiramente ou em menor proporção de renda pois somos todos iguais e eternos aprendizes e a igualdade entre as pessoas é de suma importância para o equilíbrio energético do Universo como um todo!
Im sitting here crying because the only man i ever loved is dying of cancer we were such great friends...I go my life as just his vocalist his songbird......and we had a connection so deep...I trusted so deeply.....my life has been so lonely without his conversations .....our bond was through music.........I listen to this and feel so blessed to have found your music....it helps me feel better about my feelings as they were never returned.....just as friend but on my end I fell hard.......this is so beautiful truly soul music......the ocean cleanses... PRAISE GOD.......
f you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷
To you stranger here listening to this now. I embrace you as my sister, my brother, my lover, my twin flame. Kindred souls we become like moths attracted to a light in the solitary alley ways of life brought here by these soulful harmonies.
"Wish you were Here" This song is where I go when I need to purge the Negative energy I've absorbed throughout the day in my daily journey in life. It takes me to a wonderful place of good pure energy.. I can listen to it daily and never tire of it. Amazing lyrics and music 🎶 Being Empathic. This is what I need at the end of every day to balance ⚖️ myself back to Zen. Namaste 💠💠💠
Yeah... hmmm I always going to the beach and watching sunset just to rejuvenate my battery and battling ambitions.. hmmm... I guess I am just a human after all.....😑
Hello dear friend Sangoi San! I am glad to meet you here!!! My prophile Facebook and Instagram was blocked. I wish you all the best! I hope that love and reason will win. I believe that there will be world peace. 🌹🌹🌹
I’m back in 2005 trekking through Northern Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Meeting beautiful people everywhere locals and fellow foreigners. Always in my heart and soul. If there’s a heaven that would be the place and this would be the song ❤
Bliss - Wish You Were Here Lyrics Like waves to the shore Part of the ocean The stars is high above Part of the sky Now I drift to you I dream of a river A water so blue Wish I could live there Wish you were here Like the air that I breathe You'll always be there The wings that I need When I wanna fly Now I drift to you I dream of a river A water so blue Wish I could live there Wish you were here
Poetry is originally the culture of the Arabs, borrowed by the Italians/Romans and the French natives whom are also italians and Gauls. Still the most beautiful love poetry are those from Arabia 🙌🙌🌹🌹
Encore toi ❤tu me transportes pourquoi ta. Voix à ce pouvoir jr ne me lasse pas de t écouter 😊je t aime voix homme ou voix femme 4:12 j ai besoin de vous entendre c est sensuel merci 😊
Love this song since the day I first heard it. I dedicated it to the man I fell in love with. and I only think of him. Bless you where ever you may be.
Like the air that I breathe................................................... You'll always be there The wings that I need When I wanna fly Now I drift to you I dream of a river A water so blue Wish I could live there Wish you were here....❤️
Ca niște valuri la țărm O parte din ocean Steaua este deasupra Parte din cer Acum ma duc la tine Visez un râu O apă atât de albastră Aș vrea să pot trăi acolo Aș vrea să fii aici Ca aerul pe care-l respir Vei fi mereu acolo Aripile de care am nevoie Când vreau să zbor Acum ma duc la tine Visez un râu O apă atât de albastră Aș vrea să pot trăi acolo Aș vrea să fii aici
“She gave me this look - she might have been watching from a lifeboat as the ship went down. Or maybe it was the other way around.” ― Haruki Murakami, Pinball, 1973 . Thank You Shik Larisa for posting this deeply heart stirring video, Will
Sublime song as the beauty of Mother Nature. Outstanding voices and great instrumental performance make this a spiritual life journey. I close my eyes and travel around the globe which is a masterpiece in the infinite universe. This song makes it yet more beautiful.
I miss you, now, always and forever. I dream of you. I yearn for to see your face. You are everywhere and yet nowhere. I hear echos of your voice the corridors of my memory. I sleep, willing that I am there with you. I wake up to nothingness. My heart beats empty. I long to be with you. And I love you, now, always and forever.
… Like waves to the shore Part of the ocean The stars high above Part of the sky Now I drift to you I dream of a river A water so blue Wish I could live there Wish you were here Wish you were here Like the air that I breathe You'll always be there The wings that I need When I wanna fly Now I drift to you I dream of a river A water so blue Wish I could live there Wish you were here Wish you were here Like waves to the shore Part of the ocean Like waves to the shore Part of the ocean The stars high above Part of the sky Now I drift to you I dream of a river A water so blue Wish I could live there Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here
I am sorry to hear that, my brother also like buddhas bar musics .. And he also passed away a lil over a year ago .. Only God knows how i miss him everyday and unable to move on at all .. And i dont think anyone can move on from this .. I just hope u stay strong in this life and your brother is in good place now
For those who embodied the projections of love in me and are no longer on this Earth. Thank you for the insights through our connection. Follow the light of grace until we meet again.🌬️🙏💚🍀🌱🕊️
Who ever is listening to this I wish you simply all the best in life may you always have health love harmony & piece in your life ....whatever you might be going through don't give up how hard might be stay always focus positive strong like a beautiful lion on top of the hill ....we all have issues but always think there is always somebody worse off than you and always pray to dear God above us ....he sees and hears everthing he is our saver.....enjoy your life and always love and respect yourself because nobody else will ....and there is nobody like you in this earth
Да, парень с девушкой живут в разных странах, они любят друг друга, но не могут быть вместе. Глядя на небо, на звезды они посылают друг другу свои слова о сильном чувстве любви.
@@Кира-ъ3о Я коротко описала вам смысл песни, о чем в ней поётся. А то что вы чувствуете во время её прослушивания, я не отрицаю, у каждого свой внутренний мир и своя душа.
My wish is to be sat on a mountain top in a remote beautifull place just listening to this beautifull song and reminiscing and thanking GOD ALMIGHTY FOR MY LIFE AMEN
What a great tune. It just helps you to calm down and relax after a long and busy day. It even helps you to forget about Corona, even for a short while. Well done. Buddha Bar.
Я эту песню услышал давно , но она не надоедает , она волшебная, она номер один как была таки остаётся для меня , она уносит туда где мы хотели бы быть
Five years ago, the love and the man on my life, we were in bed after made love, my taste on his lips his love in my soul...planning the rest of our life together , looking into his eyes, feeling the warm of his touch and his smile, life gave a break a deep love and happiness, there lying on his chest, embraced by his love , surrounded with this music, and the dark outside over the marshes the world looked somehow worthy...only to lost him a few months later, dying in the hospital bed, holding his hand until last minute...my life since then is emptiness and I wish like this song, he were here...with me, now he is floating on those celestial regions and here I am still lost in a world than never came back to made sense to me...
Валентина Александрова Спасибо большое. В песне поют влюбленные парень и девушка, которые живут в разных странах. Они не видят друг друга. Глядя на звёздное небо и океан они посылают друг другу свои чувства.
Like waves to the shore, part of the ocean The stars high above, part of the sky Now I drift to you, I dream of a river A water so blue, wish I could live there Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Like the air that I breathe, you'll always be there The wings that I need, when I wanna fly Now I drift to you, I dream of a river A water so blue, wish I could live there Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Like waves to the shore, part of the ocean The stars high above, part of the sky Now I drift to you, I dream of a river A water so blue, wish I could live there Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here Wish you were here…
Excelente qualidade e música/MANTRAS de grande profundidade e espíritualidade!São sons elevados que nos fazem refletir sobre a vida e nos levam à transcendência tão importante para cada um de nós neste Universo Infinito e neste planeta Terra 🌎 que precisa de muito mais Amor e Harmonia com Paz e Luz com respeito entre cada ser,cada religião,cada gênero e condições sociais sejam elas mais favorecidas financeiramente ou em menor proporção de renda pois somos todos iguais e eternos aprendizes e a igualdade entre as pessoas é de suma importância para o equilíbrio energético do Universo como um todo!
Thank you ! Peace and Love to all people in whole world!
Hello this is Bob this is the world I want to be this is why I want to go with I love you out there I love all of you who can come with me
I love you I love you all I want to be in your world
Im sitting here crying because the only man i ever loved is dying of cancer we were such great friends...I go my life as just his vocalist his songbird......and we had a connection so deep...I trusted so deeply.....my life has been so lonely without his conversations .....our bond was through music.........I listen to this and feel so blessed to have found your music....it helps me feel better about my feelings as they were never returned.....just as friend but on my end I fell hard.......this is so beautiful truly soul music......the ocean cleanses... PRAISE GOD.......
I know how that woman fells.i lost my younger brother.in 2004 .on his birthday.😢
@@veronicamonroy833 I just lost my mom too in October 3 days before my birthday
I wish you peace mate ❤
I hope you are well!
f you read this, doesn't matter where you are right now on this planet, I wish you a wonderful night and a happy peaceful life where all your dreams become true. 🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷❤️❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷🌷
❤️❤️❤️🌷🌷🌷 I accept this. Thank you!
Thank you. Wish you the same and best too
@@LiveAsLastDay thank you very much.
@@LarisaShik180165Fox thank you very much.
To you stranger here listening to this now. I embrace you as my sister, my brother, my lover, my twin flame. Kindred souls we become like moths attracted to a light in the solitary alley ways of life brought here by these soulful harmonies.
Thank you
Yes we are all connected and thx for ure beautiful words
Thank you for the kind words 😊
Thank you and beautiful ❤️
"Wish you were Here" This song is where I go when I need to purge the Negative energy I've absorbed throughout the day in my daily journey in life. It takes me to a wonderful place of good pure energy.. I can listen to it daily and never tire of it. Amazing lyrics and music 🎶 Being Empathic. This is what I need at the end of every day to balance ⚖️ myself back to Zen. Namaste 💠💠💠
Pece Bro
Yeah... hmmm I always going to the beach and watching sunset just to rejuvenate my battery and battling ambitions.. hmmm...
I guess I am just a human after all.....😑
perfectly said.
Absolutely right words..bro....beautiful music and words
I hope you are ok. ❤
Happiness comes at a time.. when you know how to appreciate the little things
The best comment I ever see in my entire live. 👍💞
I don't know how did I end up on this song, but your comment just made my day. I needed something like this. 🤍
It’ s the true !
@@the-child-28 I share your comment ! Bravo for these life’ s words ! 👏✌️👌👍!
Hello dear friend Sangoi San! I am glad to meet you here!!! My prophile Facebook and Instagram was blocked. I wish you all the best! I hope that love and reason will win. I believe that there will be world peace. 🌹🌹🌹
I forgot, I forgot there could be such beauty in the world.
Groove on ✌️ ❤
I’m back in 2005 trekking through Northern Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. Meeting beautiful people everywhere locals and fellow foreigners. Always in my heart and soul. If there’s a heaven that would be the place and this would be the song ❤
La migliore compilation BUDDHA BAR le ho tutte. Questa canzone è una dei primi album. Stupenda!!!
Why couldn't my life be THIS EASY like this tune? Love it
❤️it is
It you,that complicate it 😅😌
One day uncle....
What a song! It takes you to wherever you may want to go
Nail on the head
class dismiss
Harika gizemli bir parça çok güzel İzmir'den sevgiler.
Bliss - Wish You Were Here Lyrics
Like waves to the shore
Part of the ocean
The stars is high above
Part of the sky
Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there
Wish you were here
Like the air that I breathe
You'll always be there
The wings that I need
When I wanna fly
Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there
Wish you were here
The lyrics are so beautifull
Thanks dear.......
Thnx for wrote the lyric
Poetry is originally the culture of the Arabs, borrowed by the Italians/Romans and the French natives whom are also italians and Gauls. Still the most beautiful love poetry are those from Arabia 🙌🙌🌹🌹
Beautiful song. I sent it to my fiancé. He is in the Military. Serving in Syria. It made me cry. Very heartwrenching....
God bless you.
Good bles of US about in Pece
i wish he is ok!!! be proud!!!
Armé américain terroristes
This song is pure ecstasy. definitely one of the most beautiful pieces of music from the XXI Century
The eastern spirituality is really what the world is missing. Deep,wise and single conscious
Stay together people with nature universe ✨️ ❤ peace and kindness togetherness love can never be stopped history proves that ✨️ 💖
Encore toi ❤tu me transportes pourquoi ta. Voix à ce pouvoir jr ne me lasse pas de t écouter 😊je t aime voix homme ou voix femme 4:12 j ai besoin de vous entendre c est sensuel merci 😊
Прекрасная музыка и сказочное зрелище.Душа человека наполняется светой,лёгкостью и умиротворением.Просто великолепно.Спасибо большое!!
This track is just awesome, The vocalist has such a sweet soft voice ! Pure bliss on the ears . Thank you 🙏
What is his name (the arabic vloce)?
@@seliberisha1030 its not arabic, its from West African nation of Guinea-Bissau and the singer is call Tchando. I want traduction for years :(
@@nancybolduc5541 thank a lot for the information ;Happy that you are there
i love you buddha , you are such an inspiration for me
god bless
from morocco with love
Thank you, Amly! God's blessing from Russia!
Buddha Bar - Secret Love
Very true
Love this song since the day I first heard it. I dedicated it to the man I fell in love with. and I only think of him. Bless you where ever you may be.
You so kindly
Nothing is eternal, life , love nothing.. ..except the Lord/God,...Go find yourself!
I love you too
✍❤🙌🔥!!!god bless you too sweet girl!!!🎩!!!thanks from🇺🇾!!!💪!!!!!!
Like the air that I breathe...................................................
You'll always be there
The wings that I need
When I wanna fly
Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there
Wish you were here....❤️
mon amour ! quand je lis ces phrases , j ai envie de pleurer !
Beautiful words...
lvlercedeh nice
She who Will always be missed.. like waves to the shore. Wish you where here🕯
wish u were here: )
Ca niște valuri la țărm
O parte din ocean
Steaua este deasupra
Parte din cer
Acum ma duc la tine
Visez un râu
O apă atât de albastră
Aș vrea să pot trăi acolo
Aș vrea să fii aici
Ca aerul pe care-l respir
Vei fi mereu acolo
Aripile de care am nevoie
Când vreau să zbor
Acum ma duc la tine
Visez un râu
O apă atât de albastră
Aș vrea să pot trăi acolo
Aș vrea să fii aici
De unde știi?🙂
@@Fabian-hd1eu ce anume sa stiu?
@@MrBase91 ,am glumit😊cu privire la versuri,exceptionlă piesă!
Asai iti poarta gandurile departeeee
Frumoasă gândire. Felicitări.
Fantastic! Oamenii inteligenți creează lucruri frumoase. Cei f inteligenți sunt.....rai
Wonderful, good work, I like your channel, thanks for the friendship dear friend!
“She gave me this look - she might have been watching from a lifeboat as the ship went down. Or maybe it was the other way around.” ― Haruki Murakami, Pinball, 1973
Thank You Shik Larisa for posting this deeply heart stirring video, Will
بعد جلسة طاقية نداء ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
هههههه اني هم 💜
Buddha Bar - Bliss - Wish you were here
#buddhabar #bliss
Светлана Назаренко Cпасибо большое, Светлана!
Shik Larisa Отличного денёчка , Лариса !
Светлана Назаренко Cпасибо, Светлана! Я тоже желаю Вам хорошего дня.
Summer smells! :)
Sublime song as the beauty of Mother Nature. Outstanding voices and great instrumental performance make this a spiritual life journey. I close my eyes and travel around the globe which is a masterpiece in the infinite universe. This song makes it yet more beautiful.
it is hard to believe that there is such beautiful music out there
Ez egy varázslatos zene ami közelebb visz istenhez! Fantasztikus!♥️
The only song that takes all the "PAIN,AND TORTURE AWAY... 🔥🔥🔥
Questa è la musica che amo ...la trovo dolcissima , rasserenante con parole che possono raccogliere sentimenti profondi...
Francesca Testi e ti strappa l anima ogni volta che la ascolti
Per ricompilare in una indescrivibile pace
I miss you, now, always and forever. I dream of you. I yearn for to see your face. You are everywhere and yet nowhere. I hear echos of your voice the corridors of my memory. I sleep, willing that I am there with you. I wake up to nothingness. My heart beats empty. I long to be with you. And I love you, now, always and forever.
Buddha Bar forever!! ❤
The light, focus and composition of this video is stellar..AJO
… Like waves to the shore
Part of the ocean
The stars high above
Part of the sky
Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Like the air that I breathe
You'll always be there
The wings that I need
When I wanna fly
Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Like waves to the shore
Part of the ocean
Like waves to the shore
Part of the ocean
The stars high above
Part of the sky
Now I drift to you
I dream of a river
A water so blue
Wish I could live there
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Thank you!
My brother introduced me to Buddha Bar.
He has passed now.
I am sorry to hear that, my brother also like buddhas bar musics .. And he also passed away a lil over a year ago .. Only God knows how i miss him everyday and unable to move on at all .. And i dont think anyone can move on from this .. I just hope u stay strong in this life and your brother is in good place now
I wish you a beautiful life and a calm mind ❤
Very nice video and music dear friend
Außergewöhnliche gute Musik kraftvoll gesungen, wunderbares Video!
For those who embodied the projections of love in me and are no longer on this Earth. Thank you for the insights through our connection. Follow the light of grace until we meet again.🌬️🙏💚🍀🌱🕊️
Спасибо,Лариса!Побывала в Вашем, волшебном царстве!
+Елена Ляткина Спасибо, Елена! Да я уже забросила его к сожалению... Ничего не монтирую. Желаю счастливого Нового года!
Shik Larisa Хорошего дня,Лариса!С наступающим Новым годом!Счастья,здоровья и семейного благополучия!!!))))
Елена Ляткина aracılığıyla
Who ever is listening to this I wish you simply all the best in life may you always have health love harmony & piece in your life ....whatever you might be going through don't give up how hard might be stay always focus positive strong like a beautiful lion on top of the hill ....we all have issues but always think there is always somebody worse off than you and always pray to dear God above us ....he sees and hears everthing he is our saver.....enjoy your life and always love and respect yourself because nobody else will ....and there is nobody like you in this earth
This song always puts everything in perspective for me from a spirit of Love.
tres belle musique , reposante bonne anti depresseur , j aime + jolie images ...
Beautiful ambient music, so peaceful.
Quanti km percorsi su queste note...quante lacrime...perse...ma riascoltarla dopo tanti anni è sempre un tuffo al cuore.
Wow. So deep, so soulful. It touches the soul and it takes one far, far away
Pourquoi toi ton chant raisonne dans ma tête merci pour ce bonheur ❤ 5:22
Unbelievable beautiful, I listen to this daily.
Lovely music, thank you. my dear friend for sharing beauty.
Amo essa música! O vídeo também é lindo! Obrigada por nos proporcionar essa beleza!
I love this music. A friend has loaned me a few CDs of Buddah-bar. Just beautiful.
Yes! This music a wonderful!
one of the most soothing and beautifull songs ive ever heard
Sublime e cosmico.
Sublime Musique et chanson très Belle Voix Très Beau Clip
Восхитительно...Это как картинки из прошлых жизней... И это волнует душу и сердце, пробуждает память...
Да, парень с девушкой живут в разных странах, они любят друг друга, но не могут быть вместе. Глядя на небо, на звезды они посылают друг другу свои слова о сильном чувстве любви.
@@LarisaShik180165Fox Я не о разных странах, а о прошлых воплощениях.)
@@Кира-ъ3о Я коротко описала вам смысл песни, о чем в ней поётся. А то что вы чувствуете во время её прослушивания, я не отрицаю, у каждого свой внутренний мир и своя душа.
I know this song from 2011/2012. But in 2015 i lose it. Now found it again. Thanks.👍👂👂🎧
My wish is to be sat on a mountain top in a remote beautifull place just listening to this beautifull song and reminiscing and thanking GOD ALMIGHTY FOR MY LIFE AMEN
Eu realmente me transporto, ouvindo essa música. Ouço várias vezes no dia!!!! Que delícia!!! É como se eu lembrasse de algo mto distante.
What a beautiful sight. I am happy at77 my eyesight is good. Thank God for his grace.
~>. ... . ...... , .. , ... , ... , ,. ..~Ahaaa......wow.......what an awesome presentation my lord....
The Middle East is so mesmerizing especially with this song. thank you.
Великолепная работа! Восхищаюсь! Спасибо большое Лариса за красоту!!!! Браво!
Спасибо большое.
Με ηρεμή αυτή η μουσική σας μπράβο σας.
nie potrafię przestać tego słuchać... chciałbym byś tu była...
Belle ligne melodique, superbe video💙
Я просто ее слушаю когда мне хорошо и когда грустно, это лучшая песня и такая красота😍
like from Romania
I CAN'T stop listening this. ♥
same 👌
La mejor música entra en nuestra alma.Que bella es.
Es muy maravilloso ver este video, me gusta mucho Buddha Bar. Gracias Shik Larisa por compartir. Bendiciones y abundancia.
Thank you so much Shik Larisa for shareing this beautifule video..
know what is buddha then there is no more a cause of concern, no more a speck of dirt and beyond the sun line is a buddha of divine love and care.
mi música 🎵🎼🎵🎼 para conectarme conmigo mismo..estas maravillosas melodías llenan de energía mi VIDA 💓💗🙏🙏🙏...😔😔😔👏👏👏👍👍💗💓💗💓
Какая красота...Лариса! Умничка..всё нежно и красиво..песня замечательная... оформление бесподобное....короче! Встаю и апплодирую стоя!
Спасибо, Светлана
What a great tune. It just helps you to calm down and relax after a long and busy day. It even helps you to forget about Corona, even for a short while. Well done. Buddha Bar.
What beautiful images of the universe tahnks for this beautiful song and video magnifico
Я эту песню услышал давно , но она не надоедает , она волшебная, она номер один как была таки остаётся для меня , она уносит туда где мы хотели бы быть
Same bro.... spotify changed this song in differend version. This mix has the right flow. Stay blessed.
Five years ago, the love and the man on my life, we were in bed after made love, my taste on his lips his love in my soul...planning the rest of our life together , looking into his eyes, feeling the warm of his touch and his smile, life gave a break a deep love and happiness, there lying on his chest, embraced by his love , surrounded with this music, and the dark outside over the marshes the world looked somehow worthy...only to lost him a few months later, dying in the hospital bed, holding his hand until last minute...my life since then is emptiness and I wish like this song, he were here...with me, now he is floating on those celestial regions and here I am still lost in a world than never came back to made sense to me...
So sorry for your loss😪🙏🏼
Una sola parola....bellissima!!!!
Je te cherche et ce matin tu es là je t aime et tu m apaises merci pour ce moment heureux ❤
Merci pour votre commentaire ! Paix et amour à vous !
Wish you were here. Awesome song.
ЗАВОРАЖИВАЕТ.....ОБАЛДЕТЬ...НЕТ СЛОВ.МУРАШКИ ПО ТЕЛУ.Спасибо за красивый клип и композицию, я-бы сказала ,за релаксацию.
Валентина Александрова Спасибо большое. В песне поют влюбленные парень и девушка, которые живут в разных странах. Они не видят друг друга. Глядя на звёздное небо и океан они посылают друг другу свои чувства.
Superb videoclipul si sound-ul! Felicitari din ROMANIA!
Шикарная песня, красивая подача. Спасибо, дорогой друг
Хороших выходных 🕊
Spiritual It does not get better than this
Absolutely beautiful ❤
This is one of the most beautifulist song I have ever herd outstandingly awesome I wish I was sat on a beach looking at the sunset rise
Ever heard
Like waves to the shore, part of the ocean
The stars high above, part of the sky
Now I drift to you, I dream of a river
A water so blue, wish I could live there
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Like the air that I breathe, you'll always be there
The wings that I need, when I wanna fly
Now I drift to you, I dream of a river
A water so blue, wish I could live there
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Like waves to the shore, part of the ocean
The stars high above, part of the sky
Now I drift to you, I dream of a river
A water so blue, wish I could live there
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here
Wish you were here…
Невероятная красота звуков,песен,. Best v. ,
Природы!!! Благодарю!
This music locked me somewhere which can no one knows.. Feel too much, think too little
La misma sensación como cuando abrimos una carta de amor..Sublime! Gracias x este momento...💪💪
Que Dios te bendiga donde estés 😘.
FREEDOM for mind and body !
Yes, friend. True
Beautiful, thank you Miss Shik Larisa