Bathory - Necromansy

  • Опубликовано: 17 мар 2025
  • Bathory Official Channel
    Spotify: open.spotify.c... Provided to RUclips
    Necromansy · Bathory
    ℗ 1984 Black Mark Prod./B.Forsberg
    Released on: 1984-01-01
    Auto-generated by RUclips.

Комментарии • 319

  • @021InvsdI
    @021InvsdI 2 года назад +1324

    I think Quorton would be proud if he heard how his music sounds on the cellphone speaker

    • @daniel61004
      @daniel61004 2 года назад +21


    • @Trent_Moorman
      @Trent_Moorman 2 года назад +14


    • @putrescentvermin
      @putrescentvermin 2 года назад +98

      i think he'd be super proud once he finds about this "otherworldly" technology called the smartphone.

    • @021InvsdI
      @021InvsdI 2 года назад +7

      @Graverest UK 🍻🍻🍻

    • @KratomFlavoredAdidas
      @KratomFlavoredAdidas 2 года назад +33

      Quorthon would still be alive today if the smartphone was invented 10 years earlier.

  • @SavoxYT
    @SavoxYT Год назад +633

    This is necromancy, huh? Wow!

  • @liammassengale7053
    @liammassengale7053 Год назад +343

    Quorthon would be so proud knowing Gen Zs are discovering Bathory. Rock on forever, Quorthon! 🤘

    • @liammassengale7053
      @liammassengale7053 Год назад +45

      I wish I could’ve met him in person.

    • @lorga772
      @lorga772 6 месяцев назад +1

      He would not give a shit ig 😂

    • @EmirBuch._
      @EmirBuch._ 5 месяцев назад +10

      I'm gen alpha and headbanging to this

    • @Ahinoki
      @Ahinoki 4 месяца назад +1

      @@EmirBuch._ thats so based lmao

    • @wrcz
      @wrcz 3 месяца назад +1

      I'm fully expecting Bershka to start selling Bathory t shirts soon

  • @Human.Interaction.Simulator
    @Human.Interaction.Simulator Год назад +91

    I don't know what it is about it, but I only started listening when I started serious running. Something about grinding away for miles and miles with Satan at my back. Black metal is always a go to for running.

  • @yigit1898
    @yigit1898 Год назад +109

    One of the masterpieces that makes the guitar talk.

    • @Xantroxxon
      @Xantroxxon 2 дня назад

      Makes the guitar blasphemy, the moon the only light

  • @xriuan
    @xriuan 3 года назад +665

    Heil satanic majesty
    Tonight we sacrifice
    We drink our own blood
    And blasphemy while
    The moon is our only light
    We whisper our sorcery
    The acid takes us high
    We sing the songs of Mayhem
    Wingless angel
    In soundless flight
    Our bodies completes the circle
    With blood we draw the signs of Hell
    Chant the force of Pandemonium
    And recite the words of spell
    I gather up the force of darkness
    To bring damnation lust and war
    Demand all heaven's virgins
    To bend before our horny lord
    Tonight nothing is too sacred
    We desecrate and live in sin
    Inhaling the stench of rotten flesh
    And of burning winds
    Descend from blackened skies
    On soundless magic wings
    To spread the words of Satan
    And live in eternal sin

    • @vikernes9403
      @vikernes9403 3 года назад +18

      a saint

    • @linkskywalker5417
      @linkskywalker5417 2 года назад +46

      The combination of those lyrics and the groovy drum beat are what make this song the metal equivalent of dancing on people's graves.

    • @dsbm1407
      @dsbm1407 2 года назад +7


    • @xriuan
      @xriuan 2 года назад +7

      @@dsbm1407 aye nice pfp 😈

    • @arjyabirhazra1135
      @arjyabirhazra1135 2 года назад +15

      Doing the Devil's work, brother

  • @p0pscenes962
    @p0pscenes962 Год назад +154

    this is necromancy! huh! wow!

    • @stxrszx
      @stxrszx 10 месяцев назад +7

      this is war huh wow

    • @TheNJ93487
      @TheNJ93487 6 месяцев назад +4

      HELL YEAH. This is Necromancy now.

  • @666Otomo
    @666Otomo Год назад +73

    Amazing! I love Bathory! The guitar riffs from this song so remind me of War by Burzum.

    • @LyricalSteeler
      @LyricalSteeler Год назад +41

      Varg says his Burzum - War is a bit of an tribute to Bathory

    • @goatpunk
      @goatpunk 8 месяцев назад +7

      ​@@LyricalSteeler Or just stolen from Root

    • @RexMartin-jr7ec
      @RexMartin-jr7ec 5 месяцев назад


  • @thetitotvshow
    @thetitotvshow Год назад +18

    I dance with this song and also snap my fingers at the same time to follow the rythm of the beat!

  • @qriofficial1769
    @qriofficial1769 Год назад +19

    I love this it's like heavy and nerdy af at the same time

  • @nagenfolk2438
    @nagenfolk2438 2 года назад +79

    Love the riffs

  • @KingMetaloy
    @KingMetaloy 4 месяца назад +8

    Motorhead + Venom = 🔥🔥
    Then finally band Immortal exist in 90s

  • @thesultanofswing8706
    @thesultanofswing8706 2 месяца назад +5

    Quorthon was an absolute God at guitar. What a legend. See you on the other side, man.

  • @Kondziorek55
    @Kondziorek55 2 года назад +34

    Ngl the bass on this one is so dirty that i just had to take at least 5 showers after listening to the whole song.

  • @AliceBowie
    @AliceBowie Год назад +105

    This is, huh, necromansy

    • @Aristotle314
      @Aristotle314 Год назад +15

      This is, huh, necromancy, wow!

    • @scorpions1965
      @scorpions1965 8 месяцев назад +10

      You both got it wrong

    • @jettoscranda
      @jettoscranda 4 месяца назад +2

      this is necromansy, huh, wow!

  • @elbielos5609
    @elbielos5609 3 года назад +93

    Burzum based war on this Song. Two of my favorite song

  • @morbidlyobeserobocop3038
    @morbidlyobeserobocop3038 3 года назад +54

    Finally, a theme for my minotaur necromancer for D&D

  • @soulie2001
    @soulie2001 Год назад +8

    The authenticity of it sounding like its stored on a Cassette tape

  • @Justafoo_04
    @Justafoo_04 3 года назад +102

    One of my favorites \m/

  • @Koldworldblizz
    @Koldworldblizz 10 месяцев назад +18

    Bathory is King 👑

  • @ma44iaz
    @ma44iaz 2 года назад +23

    forever will love the shitty grimeyness of the sound

  • @kingpomidor
    @kingpomidor 2 года назад +192

    This is war! Huh, wow!
    I lie wounded, on wintery ground
    With hundreds of corpses, all around
    Many wounded, crawl helpless around
    On the blood, red snowy ground
    Cries of death (ha ha), suffering sound
    Cries for help, to all their dead moms
    Many hours, of music
    Many drops, of blood
    Many shiverings, and I am... DEAD!
    And still, we must never give up

    • @OneEyeMeme
      @OneEyeMeme 2 года назад +37

      necromansy better than

    • @nihilism7444
      @nihilism7444 2 года назад +7

      @@OneEyeMeme lyrics yes, rythm no

    • @cheersbro7347
      @cheersbro7347 2 года назад +41

      @@nihilism7444 Im a huge burzum fan but in this case the necromancy is just so much better inevery way.
      Heavier, better lyrics, crazy vocals

    • @thecthuloser876
      @thecthuloser876 2 года назад +3

      It's sort of amusing to be one of the best Burzum songs is pretty much a riff on a Bathory song.

    • @comfylain
      @comfylain 2 года назад +14

      @@thecthuloser876 It's literally one of his worst songs, doesn't even fit on the album it comes from and has basically no atmosphere.
      Even on that album alone, Spell of Destruction, My Journey to the Stars and The Crying Orc are better songs.

  • @totenkrieg7
    @totenkrieg7 Год назад +58

    What's with these homies, dissing my girl?
    Why do they gotta front?
    What did we ever do to these guys
    That made them so violent?
    But you know I'm yours
    And I know you're mine
    (And that's for all time)
    Ooh-wee-hoo, I look just like Buddy Holly
    Oh-oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore
    I don't care what they say about us anyway
    I don't care about that
    Don't you ever fear, I'm always near
    I know that you need help
    Your tongue is twisted, your eyes are slit
    You need a guardian
    And you know I'm yours
    And I know you're mine
    (And that's for all time)
    Ooh-wee-hoo, I look just like Buddy Holly
    Oh-oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore
    I don't care what they say about us anyway
    I don't care about that
    I don't care about that
    Bang, bang, a knock on the door
    Another big bang and you're down on the floor
    Oh no! What do we do?
    Don't look now, but I lost my shoe
    I can't run, and I can't kick
    What's the matter babe, are you feeling sick?
    What's the matter, what's the matter, what's the matter you?
    What's the matter babe, are you feeling blue?
    Ooh-wee-hoo, I look just like Buddy Holly
    Oh-oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore
    I don't care what they say about us anyway
    I don't care about that
    I don't care about that
    I don't care about that
    I don't care about that

  • @thetitotvshow
    @thetitotvshow 2 года назад +44

    This song makes me dance!

  • @desTroyeth999
    @desTroyeth999 2 года назад +14

    I think this may be the first Black Metal song.

  • @16thhaven7
    @16thhaven7 6 месяцев назад +9

    This was my grandpas favourite song🙏🏻

    • @localcrisis
      @localcrisis 5 месяцев назад +6

      awesome taste ur grandpa had

  • @koltinn
    @koltinn 3 года назад +21

    RIP Quorthon and Boss..

  • @AnduinRiverBandOfficial
    @AnduinRiverBandOfficial 2 года назад +16

    Bathory rules!

  • @RagnarTheRuthless-jo1bg
    @RagnarTheRuthless-jo1bg 10 месяцев назад +12


  • @ohmygoth7837
    @ohmygoth7837 3 месяца назад +3


  • @einherjerg.8029
    @einherjerg.8029 3 года назад +32

    Hail to Quorthon!!! Hail to the great Hall!🤘

  • @alex602-k8i
    @alex602-k8i 3 месяца назад +2

    Actually this sounds really dope in headphones lmaaao

  • @davidcalderon7896
    @davidcalderon7896 3 года назад +61

    Larga vida Quorthon!! lml

  • @Northern_Chaos
    @Northern_Chaos Год назад +6

    Hail Bathory!

  • @ezescorpiocerbero
    @ezescorpiocerbero 4 месяца назад +5

    Lo mejor de la primera ola de black es que realmente se enfocaban en la musica y no en cuestiones extramusicales. De hecho a Quorthon no le gustaba llamar la atencion en lo mas minimo.

    • @brub8
      @brub8 Месяц назад

      Por eso Bathory mi banda fav🙏

  • @DANlEl_Aguer02oo3
    @DANlEl_Aguer02oo3 Год назад +10

    De seguro que la Condesa Báthory escucharía esta banda 🔥

  • @3rdFloor666
    @3rdFloor666 2 года назад +35

    This song hits a lot different when you listen to some songs with good (like GOOD) headphones and crank up the volumne on the computer (and the headphones too if it has a volumne slider, most don't)

    • @LordBackuro
      @LordBackuro 2 года назад +3

      Lots of his songs sound so much better with better quality production
      Like sacrifice, the 1983 version is SO much better and heavier

  • @cordellivy3597
    @cordellivy3597 2 года назад +7

    Why is this my favorite .?
    I jam it all the time

  • @gabrielalopez5608
    @gabrielalopez5608 3 года назад +37

    🔥🤘 hail qourthon una de las mejores bandas del black metal siempre será recordado 🔥

  • @jalkor87
    @jalkor87 3 года назад +67

    When you play Diablo with a necromancer

    • @homuraakemi4559
      @homuraakemi4559 Год назад +3

      Someone mentioned this in a Podcast and were talking Diablo 4 for a minute. Had to come back to this song

  • @XxThatOneTherianxX
    @XxThatOneTherianxX 5 дней назад

    this is so fire i discovered this from listening to mayhem and darkthrone

  • @molly22-j3t
    @molly22-j3t 2 года назад +21

    still cant believe quorthon didnt even knew venom existed when he was working on this album

    • @asbjrn8822
      @asbjrn8822 2 года назад +17

      He probably didn't want to admit it

    • @pastaboy9371
      @pastaboy9371 2 года назад +10

      Yeah, he did

    • @calebh8944
      @calebh8944 2 года назад +28

      That was such a fat lie from Quorthon lol. It just wasn't cool to like Venom for a long time because they weren't kvlt and didn't take themselves seriously
      You can literally hear Venom riffs in the first couple Bathory albums

    • @exxie1
      @exxie1 Год назад +2

      Huge lie. No such thing as coincedence in art forms.

    • @ronpudding9598
      @ronpudding9598 Год назад +5

      He was a known liar in interviews. He definitely knew about Venom, his band mates have even confirmed it.

  • @lolarojas-g7n
    @lolarojas-g7n Год назад +5

    I fucking love this song

  • @yuryramitsan2662
    @yuryramitsan2662 3 месяца назад +5

    "Don't Burn the Witch"

    • @Xantroxxon
      @Xantroxxon 2 дня назад

      No song is like the other, born for burning is similar to don't burn the witch

  • @ManicMovesDrowsyDreams
    @ManicMovesDrowsyDreams Год назад +14

    Love this album because it's Black Thrash so to speak. Probably best track on the album.

  • @9TXONE
    @9TXONE 5 месяцев назад +2

    Still slaps! RIP to one of the all time greats!

  • @arjyabirhazra1135
    @arjyabirhazra1135 2 года назад +10

    Idk why but this song reminds me of "Don't burn the witch" sometimes

    • @Retf-d3p
      @Retf-d3p 2 года назад

      zi suggest seeing on RUclips at WHO REALLY INVENTED SATANIC METAL?

    • @psychd3licmethaddict
      @psychd3licmethaddict 2 месяца назад


  • @MrNiceguyofficial
    @MrNiceguyofficial Год назад +6

    This sounds better than the new upload

    • @TheJohnmarston72
      @TheJohnmarston72 9 месяцев назад


  • @ВлаДимир-щ8б4ф
    @ВлаДимир-щ8б4ф Год назад +7

    Reminded me old doom game OST)

  • @lunoirxx
    @lunoirxx Месяц назад

    The bass guitar tone on this album rocks

  • @midorifugufugu
    @midorifugufugu 2 года назад +6


  • @TheNJ93487
    @TheNJ93487 Год назад +6

    Hell yeah, Necromansy. The powers of satanic necromancer. 🤘🏾💀🤘🏾

  • @RedIndicator
    @RedIndicator 3 года назад +283

    This music sounds so good when your life is turning to shit

    • @linkskywalker5417
      @linkskywalker5417 2 года назад +24

      Not really. I can think of better metal songs for that. This song sounds more like a theme song for the ruthless dancing on the corpses of those they've killed. The song's drum beat even sounds groovy.

    • @wojakjames_9266
      @wojakjames_9266 2 года назад +5

      @@linkskywalker5417 what metal songs ARE for when your life's going to shit then? I could use them, haha :(

    • @linkskywalker5417
      @linkskywalker5417 2 года назад +4

      @@wojakjames_9266 One by Metallica, Floods by Pantera, and Replicas of Life by Kreator are the ones I can think of at the top of my head.

    • @highlordin_visible978
      @highlordin_visible978 2 года назад +10

      But it's even better in case you're happy

    • @Soundeagle3456
      @Soundeagle3456 2 года назад +4

      @@highlordin_visible978 get drunk to this tune.

  • @MrSernyak
    @MrSernyak 2 месяца назад +1

    No one sounded evil like this in 1984. Quorthon took this satanic atmosphere to the whole new level.

  • @ElreydelremixR14
    @ElreydelremixR14 2 года назад +8


  • @gavhinds8190
    @gavhinds8190 2 года назад +6

    R.i.p. quorthon ...

  • @cristianlacatus611
    @cristianlacatus611 3 месяца назад +2

    Exteme Hardcore-punk...❤❤
    No Hardcore-punk = no ThrashMetal
    No ThrashMetal = no BlackMetal...❤👊

    • @WrestleLuxury2.0
      @WrestleLuxury2.0 Месяц назад

      Realest comment

    • @WrestleLuxury2.0
      @WrestleLuxury2.0 Месяц назад

      hardcore punk originates from proto-punk which originated from garage rock which originated from rockabilly which originates from rock n roll which originates from blues

  • @Myers007
    @Myers007 2 года назад +8

    Quorthon 🤘🏻

  • @Riqu3armwrestling
    @Riqu3armwrestling 2 года назад +6


  • @blackmetalpotiguar1614
    @blackmetalpotiguar1614 2 года назад +22

    Heil satanic majesty
    Tonight we sacrifice
    We drink our own blood
    And blasphemy while
    The moon is our only light
    We whisper our sorcery
    The acid takes us high
    We sing the songs of mayhem
    Wingless angel
    In soundless flight
    Our bodies completes the circle
    With blood we draw the signs of hell
    Chant the force of pandemonium
    And recite the words of spell
    I gather up the force of darkness
    To bring damnation lust and war
    Demand all heaven's virgins
    To bend before our horny lord
    Tonight nothing is too sacred
    We desecrate and live in sin
    Inhaling the stench of rotten flesh
    And of burning winds
    Descend from blackened skies
    On soundless magic wings
    To spread the words of Satan
    And live in eternal sin

  • @beardoallin657
    @beardoallin657 2 года назад +29

    I got the goat head tattooed on my arm.

    • @localcrisis
      @localcrisis 6 месяцев назад


    • @KOBRA96-45
      @KOBRA96-45 2 месяца назад

      How eeeeeevilllll🤘🤘

  • @hermanosoares3860
    @hermanosoares3860 2 года назад +5

    I used to study lessening this…😁

  • @vernellblack7055
    @vernellblack7055 2 года назад +2

    Hail Batlord!

  • @localcrisis
    @localcrisis Год назад +39

    it's impossible to not dance to this

  • @exoconsul
    @exoconsul 2 года назад +6

    This music makes me dance 😆

  • @MassimilianoBoveri
    @MassimilianoBoveri Год назад

    Inhaling the stench of rotten flesh and burning winds!Ohhh,I can stil feel it!!!

  • @valeriugherciu3449
    @valeriugherciu3449 2 года назад +3

    I always find the goat on the cover weird. Usually those animals have their eyes looking in opposite directions, but here his right eye is pointed up and left one is crossed. This goat must have had a lobotomy, lol.

  • @fallenangelcrimson
    @fallenangelcrimson 11 месяцев назад +2

    this song is cool

  • @Vessenkestrel
    @Vessenkestrel 10 месяцев назад

    Playing this on repeat because my cat loves it

  • @shadowblack4750
    @shadowblack4750 2 года назад +9

    Duermo feliz escuchando esto :)

  • @antonioaguilar7108
    @antonioaguilar7108 11 месяцев назад +1

    Quorthon siempre un genio!

  • @xanselmox
    @xanselmox 2 года назад +11


  • @PrimitiveInTheExtreme
    @PrimitiveInTheExtreme 3 года назад +12


  • @user-of8gd2ix5i
    @user-of8gd2ix5i Год назад +3

    True kings

  • @nackskott
    @nackskott 2 года назад +4


  • @judaspriestfan
    @judaspriestfan Год назад

    Production level 100%. but in all seriousness this album is one of the greatest black metal albums ever even if the production is off. 🤘🤘🤘

  • @massimomarchini5835
    @massimomarchini5835 2 года назад +2


  • @nope_lord_foog_the_2st
    @nope_lord_foog_the_2st Год назад +5

    This is wa- no wait

  • @tkyusomuch
    @tkyusomuch 2 года назад +6

    burzum - war

  • @anothervvastedday
    @anothervvastedday 6 месяцев назад +2

    huh, wow

  • @no1EvilMinion
    @no1EvilMinion 3 месяца назад +3

    Its so obvious how this influenced doom games soundtrack

      @RAWRING4EVER 2 месяца назад +1

      I can't unhear it now

    • @WrestleLuxury2.0
      @WrestleLuxury2.0 Месяц назад

      Necromancy riff sounds a bit similar to Master of Puppets

    • @no1EvilMinion
      @no1EvilMinion Месяц назад

      @@WrestleLuxury2.0 true :D

    • @DANlEl_Aguer02oo3
      @DANlEl_Aguer02oo3 19 дней назад

      ​@@WrestleLuxury2.0 behind the crooked cross - slayer?

  • @ekwnfhwndgv561
    @ekwnfhwndgv561 Год назад +1


  • @patrickbateman4489
    @patrickbateman4489 2 года назад +15


  • @jhophr
    @jhophr 3 года назад +5

    Love it ❤️

  • @JohnFitzgibbons-jr6hj
    @JohnFitzgibbons-jr6hj 9 месяцев назад +1

    Heil satanic majesty
    tonight we sacrifice
    We drink our own blood
    and blasphemy while
    the moon is our only light
    We whisper our sorcery
    the acid takes us high
    We sing the songs of Mayhem
    Wingless angel
    in soundless flight
    Our bodies completes the circle
    with blood we draw the signs of hell
    Chant the force of Pandemonium
    and recite the words of spell
    I gather up the force of darkness
    to bring damnation lust and war
    Demand all heaven's virgins
    to bend before our horny lord
    Tonight nothing is too sacred
    we desecrate and live in sin
    Inhaling the stench of rotten flesh
    and of burning winds
    Descend from blackened skies
    on soundless magic wings
    To spread the words of Satan
    and live in eternal sin

  • @ScobnobulusNorumbo
    @ScobnobulusNorumbo Месяц назад +1

    This is war huh? wow!

  • @therealone1288
    @therealone1288 7 месяцев назад

    batlord is my favority band

  • @RytkösenJussi
    @RytkösenJussi 6 месяцев назад

    Hell yeah!!

    @ADKT2AUDIO 2 месяца назад

    Playing a Mono Black deck feels like this.

  • @mangomayhem609
    @mangomayhem609 8 месяцев назад +4

    200m necromancy

  • @TheAdventuresofTNT
    @TheAdventuresofTNT 11 месяцев назад


  • @Muffin-69
    @Muffin-69 Год назад +1

    Huh, wow!

  • @JoaoAngel24
    @JoaoAngel24 2 года назад +6


  • @2mbo4ka80
    @2mbo4ka80 3 года назад +20

    This is huh, wow

  • @Thalesdacostaol
    @Thalesdacostaol 2 месяца назад

    Maior solzão que os turistas pegaram hoje em copacabana 😂

  • @illie999
    @illie999 2 года назад +6


  • @tarekbaziz
    @tarekbaziz 8 месяцев назад +2

    Reminds me of original DooM

  • @Bryan-d1y
    @Bryan-d1y Год назад

    Once you master it~~~~~~Grace

  • @markruddock3112
    @markruddock3112 5 месяцев назад

    I Bought This Brand New in 1984

  • @CostelloPlays
    @CostelloPlays 2 года назад +1

    Good 🙂🔥