Political Strategy 101 Did McCain Blew it?



Republican voters aren't going to worry about the fact that she's an inexperienced unknown with a bullshit journalism degree. They're only gonna see that pretty face.


Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?
We still... after the convention, don't know the mechanics of his solutions...
free of oil in 10 years? but without nukes, natural gas, or home drilling? Not enough sun & wind we can harvest for that.

The experience issue is already being raised by the Dems... better watch it, since I'd imagine managing & negotiating life with 5 kids requires organization & diplomacy, not to mention her business experience (or so I've heard)...

Oh, & wasn't the last Dem president a former governor who came out of nowhere?

Question will be whether she draws any of the still disgruntled Hillary supporters, or if it wasn't a woman on top they were interested in. After all, at 72, a strong breeze could turn her into the President.

I'm wishing we could vote 'none of the above' & start over... at least the libertarian candidate says the right things... We can't get the Republicans to leave social life alone (a la abortion & same sex union) AND they won't keep government small... while Democrats can't accept that there are bad people who need to be dealt with, that it's not evil to succeed financially (unless you are a Dem), or that simply in a world where the majority rules, the majority does not mean a single parent concerned his kid is being twisted by saying God, so much as by his dad's using said child as a foil to force his minority views on us all...

Shrink the government, protect those who truly need protection, tax everyone at a fair level, & support those who take risks to improve the state of the country, whtehr by new technology or improved old technology, & we'd have a much brighter country, whoever was President.


John McCain's presidential

I believe John McCain's choice is excellent! She has a tremendous record and approval rating and has as much experience as a former governor from Arkansas. He became president.

Wrong as usually. Bill Clinton was in his fifth term as governor of Arkansas when he was elected president.

I would say that there is no way Palin will get most of the Hilary voters. Palin is against abortion for any reason, is a creationist and said she has not thought about Iraq. In other words, she was chosen to placate the nutty extreme right wing. The opposite political pole of Hilary stances.
Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?

I think the difference is that the McCain campaign has been hyping up Obama's lack of experience so much that they are now being a lot more hypocritical then the democrats when they choose somebody that has little experience and could be a heartbeat away from the presidency.


She has several other children, has been Mayor of a small town, and a kickass Governor of Alaska...that is way more experience governing than Obama.
She was Ms Alaska at one time, and grew up hunting moose and other food with her Dad.
What part of amazing person did anyone miss? She is a great VP pick, and with the insanity of this election at least there is some quality in a canditate.
Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?

No. It couldn't. Obama is a Columbia grad with a Law degree from Harvard. Served in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004 and has been a US Senator since 2004.

Palin has an undergrad in journalism from Idaho, a public university. And she's been Governor of Alaska for less than two years. Before that she was mayor of a town of only 6,400 people. That's all. Other than that she's a housewife.

Clearly, Obama is far and away the more qualified of the two.
I do not care much for american politics anyway and I do not know whether it will make any big difference who will win the election. But I am sure if I was in america and was voting I would vote for Obama. However I am glad that the person that McCain choose to run for Vice President with him is some one who is pro life and had a Down's Syndrome child.

I am definitley not a prude - I doubt any girl who hangs about here could be. But I hate the idea of someone aborting a child because it not 'perfect'. I am profoundly deaf from birth. I am sure there are people out there who think I should have been aborted because I am not a proper or perfect person.
I do not care much for american politics anyway and I do not know whether it will make any big difference who will win the election. But I am sure if I was in america and was voting I would vote for Obama. However I am glad that the person that McCain choose to run for Vice President with him is some one who is pro life and had a Down's Syndrome child.

I am definitley not a prude - I doubt any girl who hangs about here could be. But I hate the idea of someone aborting a child because it not 'perfect'. I am profoundly deaf from birth. I am sure there are people out there who think I should have been aborted because I am not a proper or perfect person.

I don't think pro-choice people believe that a fetus that is "imperfect" should be aborted. I think they just believe that a woman should have the right to make the decision for herself about whether or not she chooses to go through 9 months of pregnancy and then raise a child. Perfect or not.
Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?
We still... after the convention, don't know the mechanics of his solutions...
free of oil in 10 years? but without nukes, natural gas, or home drilling? Not enough sun & wind we can harvest for that.
Actually Obama did say develope safe use of nuclear in his speech,which I admit I was surprised to hear but was real glad he did mention it,as it is an essential ingrediant in our energy future IMO.

The experience issue is already being raised by the Dems... better watch it, since I'd imagine managing & negotiating life with 5 kids requires organization & diplomacy, not to mention her business experience (or so I've heard)...

Oh, & wasn't the last Dem president a former governor who came out of nowhere?

Experience has already proven to be pretty much a non issue as was demonstrated by the dem primary's ,this is going to be as the election in 92 was on ideas over expereience.Or as Obama said the slightly unknown is preferable to the unacceptable.If McCain thinks he can win being basically in tune with current administrations policys he should be in a difficult position

Question will be whether she draws any of the still disgruntled Hillary supporters, or if it wasn't a woman on top they were interested in. After all, at 72, a strong breeze could turn her into the President.

She won't be able to peel off any women that were true democrates/liberals that were supporting Hillary.Her fairly extreme position on abortion(she is even against it for rape and incest) and I hear she has been against equal pay for women laws will preclude that.She may get some women who were conservative but supported Hillary as the woman candidate anyway ,but I wouldn't think that is a huge group.But I think she will get a few and overall help the ticket.

I'm wishing we could vote 'none of the above' & start over... at least the libertarian candidate says the right things... We can't get the Republicans to leave social life alone (a la abortion & same sex union) AND they won't keep government small... while Democrats can't accept that there are bad people who need to be dealt with, that it's not evil to succeed financially (unless you are a Dem), or that simply in a world where the majority rules, the majority does not mean a single parent concerned his kid is being twisted by saying God, so much as by his dad's using said child as a foil to force his minority views on us all...

Shrink the government, protect those who truly need protection, tax everyone at a fair level, & support those who take risks to improve the state of the country, whtehr by new technology or improved old technology, & we'd have a much brighter country, whoever was President.


While I agree about the pubs need to get off the social issues and leave those to the individuals to decide, it aint happening.The conservative base would never allow it.And for sure they spend a lot of money, dems are called tax and spend party,pubs are defict and spend party, which is even worse with less accountability as people don't feel the debt and its cost in the present.
But I would strongly take issue with the idea that dems can't see the threats to our interests in the world.There are ways to respond to threats using your brain and clout which the US has lost a lot of under Bush.This is complex delicate stuff to deal with, GWB and company are just in way over their heads and have done a lot of damage with their cowboy mentality.We really have hurt ourselves badly with the rest of the world and need to repair that,doing that is not about sucking up to the world or being weak as some would portray, but about being smart again.And yes I will say it, our foreign policy was light years smarter under Clinton then it has been under Bush.Even McCain I bet if he wins will be much different then Bush who is like no one else I have seen.
On the issue of taxes and the rich and all that, I think what dems/progressives think is that the gap and the pendulum has just swung to far to the interests of the welathy few for last 30 years or so and that is bad for everyone including the rich.When we were a country that the majority of peoples incomes rose in, like the 50s and 60s that made for a better america for everyone.Since the early seventies the growth of wealth has disproportionatly been at the top with the majority of americans stagnant or actually losing ground (as they have under Bush).Some rich folks understand that and will tell you they would prefer to see more equity,and that explains why Obama is getting a lot of donations from them as well and has so much more money than McCain.Killing the middle class is like killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.Only short sighted well off can't see that. No one thinks everyone trying to succeed is evil,thats what everyone wants.What progressives want is again some equity and fairness in how the growth of wealth is spread around.Look at people like Walmart as an example of the pendulum being to far in the weathys interests.A company with some of the huggest profits in the world but pays poorly and only gives 1/2 their workers health care.They are now the biggest employer in the country where once that was GM,a shift from good jobs with good benefits and a union that works to get that for their members to a non-union, poor pay ,poor benefits world of Walmart.That is bad for america and all americans.We can and should demand Walmart do better by their workers in the interest of the country and stop being silly and get a union in there lol.
And tax policy and the huge cuts the wealthy have gotten have great effect as well.Actually the tax increases Obama is talking about for the wealthy are very modest.Raise the top rate from the 35% it is now to the 37% it was under Clinton again.And his plan is that for the majority of people (95%) would get a tax cut.Given how the wealth has exploded at the top that sounds more than fair.
You mentioned majority rule and that some resist that and try to force their minority view.While the country is majority rule things like the bill of rights were established to insure certain rights no matter what the majority wants(protect the minority from the majority).I would imagine you are talking about things like people who want under god removed from pledge of allegiance.While it may be a minority who wants that and I would be one, it is in the bill of rights and has been established that the govt is suppose to stay clear of endorsing god or not, they clearly are with under god and that discriminates against that minority.Was a time they allowed prayer in school which a majority would still probably favor,but it would be wrong to make jews, atheists ,muslims etc be forced to particiapate again in christian prayers as it again is clearly in violation of the 1st amendment.Hopefully a less right wing supreme court will see the under god is a violation someday and return the pledge to being neutral again like it was prior to the 50s when those words were added at the urging of the Knights of Columbus and it was also a way to say were good and with god as opposed to those commie atheist Russians lol.
And I'm for shrinking govt but maybe not the way you might support lol.The place I would start is the defense budget.We spend and waste an enormous amount on that.Could cut it in half and still would spend more than anyone else.And we should cut it a lot ,I don't really see what it gets in any cost-benefit way.Maybe smaller military would have prevented idiocy like invading Iraq.Keep some nukes as long as others still have them and a small conventional force is really all we need.Or do we expect to be attacked by Canada or Mexico lol.Another big conventional war is just not something I think we face or should be spending so much to be ready for.And military adventures on our own like Iraq is just not being smart.So I say mothball most of it.
My 4 cents.:2 cents::2 cents::)
I think McCain's pick is an attempt to sway votes based on perceptions, not qualifications. its pathetic.

and what's all this talk about what a great pick because she hunts, has a child with a disability, etc. . . what the fuck does that have to do with running the USA?!

I prefer Obama, but i do not think this country is ready for a black president. . . there are too many crazy good ol boys down south that seem geared up to make sure he doesn't, or if he does, that it doesn't last long. there have already been two instances in which arrests were made as people were plotting against Obama.
She has several other children, has been Mayor of a small town, and a kickass Governor of Alaska...that is way more experience governing than Obama.
She was Ms Alaska at one time, and grew up hunting moose and other food with her Dad.
What part of amazing person did anyone miss? She is a great VP pick, and with the insanity of this election at least there is some quality in a canditate.

Do you live in Alaska? You live in Texas. Small town politics are petty in the grand theme. Being Governor for one term in the least populated state is much different than dealing in Washington and the world. Ms. Alaska is a beauty contest. Hunting makes no qualification. Either does raising children.

What is amazing about her?


I think McCain's pick is an attempt to sway votes based on perceptions, not qualifications. its pathetic.

and what's all this talk about what a great pick because she hunts, has a child with a disability, etc. . . what the fuck does that have to do with running the USA?!

I prefer Obama, but i do not think this country is ready for a black president. . . there are too many crazy good ol boys down south that seem geared up to make sure he doesn't, or if he does, that it doesn't last long. there have already been two instances in which arrests were made as people were plotting against Obama.

No one on this thread said she was a great pick for VP 'cause she has a child with Downs Syndrome, or that she hunts and spends time in the outdoors. You made that up...
What has been said is that she isn't a cookie-cutter talking head...she didn't just sit and be a governor, she made several major changes in "business as usual", and is good at her job.
You live in one of the most racist parts of the country, along with most of the East and West coast (guess you never heard of Watts or Harlem); where did you get the tired cliche of most racists are "good ol' boys down South"?
I haven't noticed any racial Utopia anywhere in the USA, or anywhere else for that matter. Since when does the South control the economic and political direction of the US?
When the election is over, I think we will all appreciate the old but still true saying...we get the government we deserve.
No one on this thread said she was a great pick for VP 'cause she has a child with Downs Syndrome, or that she hunts and spends time in the outdoors. You made that up...
What has been said is that she isn't a cookie-cutter talking head...she didn't just sit and be a governor, she made several major changes in "business as usual", and is good at her job.
You live in one of the most racist parts of the country, along with most of the East and West coast (guess you never heard of Watts or Harlem); where did you get the tired cliche of most racists are "good ol' boys down South"?
I haven't noticed any racial Utopia anywhere in the USA, or anywhere else for that matter. Since when does the South control the economic and political direction of the US?
When the election is over, I think we will all appreciate the old but still true saying...we get the government we deserve.

I commend her for taking care of a child with downs syndrome, tough job ,does not make her worthy of the VP.

Hunting? :dunno: Means nothing in politics.

She has been in for less than one term. Cant get much done these days.

Why is living in Chicago the most racist area? I live 8 miles from Detroit. You dont dont live in either coast, either do I.

The South doesnt control politics but you would guess it these days with "W". Oil is rich right now.

The Deep South was given away by the Dems once the supported equal rights by all races. many years ago Texas, SC, GA, AL, MS, LA, and FL all have Republican Governship.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
She has no experience. Absolutely none.

Mayor of some little village doesnt count. He only met her ONCE before. Women who voted FOR Hillary absolutely wont vote for McCain because her beliefs are the exact opposite of Palin's. This will push away EVERY woman who votes middle-to-democrat side. Hell, some of the middle might just change their minds if they actually HAVE a mind capable of opinions.

In a country that put us thru 8 years of Bush, I dont think people ever see the big picture. They see one or two snippets, watch a show on the TeeVee (not even youtube, where bias can be minimal or incredible - your choice) and then base a decision only a few facets of what *someone else* told them. Fucking Americans, they shame me. They really do. I dont know how willing I'd be to go back to the military to defend the kind of people that wouldnt only do this to themselves, but to others. And what's worse is that they believe it can GET worse despite the huge holes they've often dug with republican presidents. Aye-yi-yi, I just dont know.

McCain, if elected.. will be the oldest president EVER. He's had a lion's share of sickness up til this point. Skin cancer, to call out a very serious theat to national wellbeing. How can someone truly believe McCain is the answer NOW? If he dies..which is a very real possibility.. do you want someone completely ignorant to the ways of big politics to deal with the world?

I mean.. damn. They get after Barack but he's at least dealt with adversity his whole life, and plenty of time in Washington politics. This girl from the middle of nowhere is just.. ill-equipped to deal with anything but wal-mart voters (I LIKE SHOOTIN', FISHIN' AND MAKIN' BABIES!) and maybe lead the congregation at her local parish.

And that's 100% unbiased truth. She has frighteningly low experience that cannot be swayed no matter how much bias or twist you put on it. Her choice as VP has to put some doubt into many voters about where McCain's mindset is. Why elect a figurehead.. a trophy wife/VP? There's no reason for any of it. ::shrug:: I'm confused and even more hardened in my democratic party for president.

What a kick in the face to all the other, well.. WELLLLLL qualified individuals out there who could've been picked as VP.
why are any republicans on this site? isn't porn evil to you guys?

Where you get your news from kid...Southpark? :1orglaugh

I prefer Obama, but i do not think this country is ready for a black president. . . there are too many crazy good ol boys down south that seem geared up to make sure he doesn't, or if he does, that it doesn't last long. there have already been two instances in which arrests were made as people were plotting against Obama.

It will never happen. Although, I can only imagine the reaction if it did happen. I read that riots would perhaps breakout rampant, and all hell would break loose. :D
To be fair she has some experience. Palin when from the mayor of a town of 9,000 to two years as governor of Alaska, a state that has fewer citizens than Cincinnati, Ohio and where the legislature is in session for 90 days a year. McCain thinks she is the best person in US to maybe become the president? She would be about 15000th on my list of people to be a heart beat away from the presidency.
To be fair she has some experience. Palin when from the mayor of a town of 9,000 to two years as governor of Alaska, a state that has fewer citizens than Cincinnati, Ohio and where the legislature is in session for 90 days a year. McCain thinks she is the best person in US to maybe become the president? She would be about 15000th on my list of people to be a heart beat away from the presidency.

McCain doesn't want the presidency. It's all a charade.