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why are any republicans on this site? isn't porn evil to you guys?
LOL, Republicans are the most freaks! Ask any hooker in D.C. and she will tell you.
why are any republicans on this site? isn't porn evil to you guys?
Republican voters aren't going to worry about the fact that she's an inexperienced unknown with a bullshit journalism degree. They're only gonna see that pretty face.
Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?
We still... after the convention, don't know the mechanics of his solutions...
free of oil in 10 years? but without nukes, natural gas, or home drilling? Not enough sun & wind we can harvest for that.
The experience issue is already being raised by the Dems... better watch it, since I'd imagine managing & negotiating life with 5 kids requires organization & diplomacy, not to mention her business experience (or so I've heard)...
Oh, & wasn't the last Dem president a former governor who came out of nowhere?
Question will be whether she draws any of the still disgruntled Hillary supporters, or if it wasn't a woman on top they were interested in. After all, at 72, a strong breeze could turn her into the President.
I'm wishing we could vote 'none of the above' & start over... at least the libertarian candidate says the right things... We can't get the Republicans to leave social life alone (a la abortion & same sex union) AND they won't keep government small... while Democrats can't accept that there are bad people who need to be dealt with, that it's not evil to succeed financially (unless you are a Dem), or that simply in a world where the majority rules, the majority does not mean a single parent concerned his kid is being twisted by saying God, so much as by his dad's using said child as a foil to force his minority views on us all...
Shrink the government, protect those who truly need protection, tax everyone at a fair level, & support those who take risks to improve the state of the country, whtehr by new technology or improved old technology, & we'd have a much brighter country, whoever was President.
John McCain's presidential
I believe John McCain's choice is excellent! She has a tremendous record and approval rating and has as much experience as a former governor from Arkansas. He became president.
John McCain's presidential
I believe John McCain's choice is excellent! She has a tremendous record and approval rating and has as much experience as a former governor from Arkansas. He became president.
Wrong as usually. Bill Clinton was in his fifth term as governor of Arkansas when he was elected president.
I would say that there is no way Palin will get most of the Hilary voters. Palin is against abortion for any reason, is a creationist and said she has not thought about Iraq. In other words, she was chosen to placate the nutty extreme right wing. The opposite political pole of Hilary stances.
Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?
Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?
I do not care much for american politics anyway and I do not know whether it will make any big difference who will win the election. But I am sure if I was in america and was voting I would vote for Obama. However I am glad that the person that McCain choose to run for Vice President with him is some one who is pro life and had a Down's Syndrome child.
I am definitley not a prude - I doubt any girl who hangs about here could be. But I hate the idea of someone aborting a child because it not 'perfect'. I am profoundly deaf from birth. I am sure there are people out there who think I should have been aborted because I am not a proper or perfect person.
Actually Obama did say develope safe use of nuclear in his speech,which I admit I was surprised to hear but was real glad he did mention it,as it is an essential ingrediant in our energy future IMO.Couldn't that be said for the Democratic Presidential candidate?
We still... after the convention, don't know the mechanics of his solutions...
free of oil in 10 years? but without nukes, natural gas, or home drilling? Not enough sun & wind we can harvest for that.
The experience issue is already being raised by the Dems... better watch it, since I'd imagine managing & negotiating life with 5 kids requires organization & diplomacy, not to mention her business experience (or so I've heard)...
Oh, & wasn't the last Dem president a former governor who came out of nowhere?
Question will be whether she draws any of the still disgruntled Hillary supporters, or if it wasn't a woman on top they were interested in. After all, at 72, a strong breeze could turn her into the President.
While I agree about the pubs need to get off the social issues and leave those to the individuals to decide, it aint happening.The conservative base would never allow it.And for sure they spend a lot of money, dems are called tax and spend party,pubs are defict and spend party, which is even worse with less accountability as people don't feel the debt and its cost in the present.I'm wishing we could vote 'none of the above' & start over... at least the libertarian candidate says the right things... We can't get the Republicans to leave social life alone (a la abortion & same sex union) AND they won't keep government small... while Democrats can't accept that there are bad people who need to be dealt with, that it's not evil to succeed financially (unless you are a Dem), or that simply in a world where the majority rules, the majority does not mean a single parent concerned his kid is being twisted by saying God, so much as by his dad's using said child as a foil to force his minority views on us all...
Shrink the government, protect those who truly need protection, tax everyone at a fair level, & support those who take risks to improve the state of the country, whtehr by new technology or improved old technology, & we'd have a much brighter country, whoever was President.
She has several other children, has been Mayor of a small town, and a kickass Governor of Alaska...that is way more experience governing than Obama.
She was Ms Alaska at one time, and grew up hunting moose and other food with her Dad.
What part of amazing person did anyone miss? She is a great VP pick, and with the insanity of this election at least there is some quality in a canditate.
I think McCain's pick is an attempt to sway votes based on perceptions, not qualifications. its pathetic.
and what's all this talk about what a great pick because she hunts, has a child with a disability, etc. . . what the fuck does that have to do with running the USA?!
I prefer Obama, but i do not think this country is ready for a black president. . . there are too many crazy good ol boys down south that seem geared up to make sure he doesn't, or if he does, that it doesn't last long. there have already been two instances in which arrests were made as people were plotting against Obama.
No one on this thread said she was a great pick for VP 'cause she has a child with Downs Syndrome, or that she hunts and spends time in the outdoors. You made that up...
What has been said is that she isn't a cookie-cutter talking head...she didn't just sit and be a governor, she made several major changes in "business as usual", and is good at her job.
You live in one of the most racist parts of the country, along with most of the East and West coast (guess you never heard of Watts or Harlem); where did you get the tired cliche of most racists are "good ol' boys down South"?
I haven't noticed any racial Utopia anywhere in the USA, or anywhere else for that matter. Since when does the South control the economic and political direction of the US?
When the election is over, I think we will all appreciate the old but still true saying...we get the government we deserve.
why are any republicans on this site? isn't porn evil to you guys?
I prefer Obama, but i do not think this country is ready for a black president. . . there are too many crazy good ol boys down south that seem geared up to make sure he doesn't, or if he does, that it doesn't last long. there have already been two instances in which arrests were made as people were plotting against Obama.
To be fair she has some experience. Palin when from the mayor of a town of 9,000 to two years as governor of Alaska, a state that has fewer citizens than Cincinnati, Ohio and where the legislature is in session for 90 days a year. McCain thinks she is the best person in US to maybe become the president? She would be about 15000th on my list of people to be a heart beat away from the presidency.