This is what ocean spielberge does
He is coocking lads
Bella vs summer would be WW3
Which is a drama very different from the process of Nika healing. That would be a tangent from main theme of the game, which is Nika learns to own and deal with his own shit. It would be far more in keeping (IF Summer returns) for Nika to resolve how he's eithe rmoving on or trying to go back. Cat fights will take the focus of Nika's response and blunt it. It'd almost be like a fight scene in a marvel film; sure it advances the plot, but it's low grade writing.
Not saying it won't happen, but not every idea should be put in a single story, and the jealousy catfights are already a big thing for Ocean to explore in WiaB (plus the Katie war). I think the jealous issues in SG are more going to be things that appear because NIka acts like an asshole, rather than things outside his control.
There will be more things about personal responsibility. Also, Summer returning... the first thing would be exploring why she was gone right? It's not going to be a 'season 3, let's introduce the new exchange student' kinda deal. Summer will have issues to work through if she appears, Elsa's reaction to Nika shows it was serious, it's not just something in Nika's head.
Memento plotline??
Nika was with summer when she disapeard/kidnapped and got saved by zanes
Nika is so traumatized he cant remember shit
Poor guy cant even get a boner .....
Who said the Zanes saved her? We know nothing about Summer being gone yet.
Nika does remember a lot, he supresses the memories, but he remembers Summer's parents, remebers the reasons for his fights, remembers everything but the one (or two?) traumas he supresses - the cabin incident (which he does remember because he starts hyperventilating when he starts to think about it, so it is there, he is just avoiding thinking of it to stay calm) and the violent incident (doesn't remember the hospital, but that might be because he was so badly injured he wasn't actually paying attention to the hospital at all, and might have been drugged on pain killers when released).
Because Nika can't get a boner, he's the only one who didn't get blueballed in season 1
Dont know if this was already discussed here, but....
I was playing the book club part again today and theres that part where Emilia says Kelly has the biggest potential to be a pornstar, then Kelly start to tease Sasha...then Adrianna warns Kelly that Sasha is a very talented martial artist and to not antagonize her, and previously Ayua told Nika that only if he married her, one of her sisters or cousins that he could learn the family's techniques...and when Jenna mentioned William doing Katie teammates back then both Adrianna and Sasha shared a awkward look, so theres a chance that Sasha is William's daughter and took her mother's surname? And there is her earring.
At least she can be one of Ayua's cousins....but the look they had me thinking shes linked to William, as for me Adrianna is one of Miru's daughters. And Sasha and Ayua seems to be close. Kelly even says: " As being said in Genesis 1:28, "be fruitful and mutiply", maybe this was a way of dev hinting that William multiplied a lot. hehe
There is certainly a chance. Elena was meant to be a LI in the old WiaB, we don't know where things stand now, or if she's the same character that she was
(previously she was a lawyer for the evil guys).
The important thing is who were the team mates of course, and where are they now?
While is by no means impossible that william had sired Sasha with Elena Petrova. Do you think that Miru wold have shared her family martial art with someone outside her family ?
Even if we assume that William is in did Sasha father, this does not make Sasha a kin of Miru. Sasha might be a talented martial artist, but this does not means that she knows Miru's fighting style.
But Miru is willing to teach Leia and Katie in WiaB, so this thought that she is a ninja clan princess with the inherited knowledge of the secret techniques is more to do with old WiaB (so far). If Willi marries Miru, then it's really easy for her to adopt Willi's wild oats. Also, consider that Ayua teaches and trains at the studio as a job. There is standard martial arts on offer, which is what she's going to train Nika in. We don't know what the family training is like, or even if that was drunk horny Ayua speak for Nika, 'marry me so I can teach you secret techniques of the oversexed ninjas!'. Sasha having training in MMA doesn't equal the private Miru techniques necessarily. I think it's too early to tell either way.
If by cousins Ayua meant the other females from her mother's part of the family then makes sense, but it was not specified yet....i dont even remember if Miru has a sister tbh.
I think the chances are still there and theres minor stuff like the earring pointing to it, and if shes William daughter maaaybe this would bring the families together, i cant see Miru rejecting William's offspring, even if it is from a women she doesnt like, but if this was the case Sasha and Ayua would not be close or friendly with each other, probably.
Old WiaB had things about Miru's past, since the rework it's unknown. But why would Leia use her earring to mark Willi's wild oats with someone else? The earring isn't a specific sign of the Zane's, but of Leia's patronage/interests. Nami redhead could be Dylan's wild oats for all we know, Leia has no redhead gene with what Ocean mentioned about changes to WiaB (look at the recent devlogs in that thread, it's alarge topic, maybe 3-4 devlogs ago). Katie does from her dad though, and maybe that's why Katie is interested in Nami?