Over Anet Mendelson

Anet Mendelson is een porn star from Serbia. She is listed on FreeOnes since September 16th 2011 and is currently ranked #33144. Our records show that Anet Mendelson is currently active which means she is still making movies, doing live shows and/or doing photo shoots.

Bio voltooid


15 jaar

in the business


Persoonlijke informatie


Schakel over naar Imperiaal (in, lbs enz.)

Extra informatie

Anet Mendelson finished music school and continue to play the violin and she managed to mix her music with eroticism in her "Violin show" performance. She is also known in Serbia as a TV star of erotic night program. Also she was selected by the legendary Adult Producer Pierre Woodman, on casting in Belgrade as the first real erotic-porn actress from the former Yugoslavia, and openly told the public that she is in the business. Before she entered the world of erotica she was go-go dancer.

Video on Demand-titels met Anet Mendelson

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